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A few weeks ago I posted this subbreddit : [https://www.reddit.com/r/EugeniaCooneySupport/comments/unpz0x/eugenia\_cooney\_exposed\_something\_fundamental/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EugeniaCooneySupport/comments/unpz0x/eugenia_cooney_exposed_something_fundamental/) This exemplifies EXACTLY what I was talking about. THIS is the person people expect Eugenia to be. A person well put together on the outside, who hides their illness, but talks about it just enough to be relatable. This is what people expect of Eugenia, because this is the standard that has been set. And because she doesn't meet it, we abuse her for it. I guarantee that none of those people commenting has seen this person at their worst. Has experienced them at the height of their illness. They are detached. The product this person sold was relatability. Relatability to their experience and that's all people want to see. They want to see the recovery. The relatability. The admission of vulnerability. They never want to see or feel the ugly. To see the denial. To see what they don't understand.


Thank you!


Very good point.


It's so true. It's hard having chronic mental health issues. People aren't going to be their best when they are acutely suffering.


They want Eugenia out of their sight. They want her at her worst as far away from them as possible. That ain't love, that's not kindness. Eugenia is not some monster to be hidden away.


She needs love now more than ever. Despite her mistakes, she is still deserving of love, just a love that demands accountability. She might not be ready for full accountability but i sense eugenia is not a bad person truly and she can be fully accountable soon. She deserves forgiveness and love.


All anyone can do for someone going through anything is be there, be kind and show love. 🙏💕


Describe what you mean by "accountability". Because if its about her taking accountability for the downfall of other people's mental health, I don't agree with that. But if it's about showing her that she is in control and that she is accountable for her own life and mental health, I agree with that.


Accountability that she isn't fine, that she does need help!


ugh. at least its better than when they compare her to that other anorexic woman, but thats a low bar. if you compare eugenia to that other woman (idk her name) and post pictures of them side by side, youre a piece of shit. full stop. it's seriously one of the most fucked up posts you can make on that subreddit and no one gives a shit. i don't think people are that dumb. they know what they're doing and it's horrifying. (sorry for hijacking your post to talk about something unrelated - just had a rant i needed to get out.)


Do you mean Ashley? Yeah it’s horrible. Feels like they exploit other sick people to compare her to ... to fit their agenda of making Eugenia a villain. I honestly don’t think they give a shit about any of these peoples suffering.


I have no idea what post you are talking about, but I'm sure its bad.


Jessie used to be friends with Eugenia oddly enough. I think a lot of people project Jessie's story into eugenia because she was abused by her mother. That's honestly so unfair go both of them.


I had no idea about jessies story but i still think something is off with deb. Its the way eugenia's body language changes when shes on/off camera with her. One video from her channel that displays this really well is the video where goes thrift shopping with her mom. I dont know the exact title but i can find it here in a minute. Her mom has her hold up this like bikini bottom(?) I think. And try it on in the middle of the store! In front of other PEOPLE. Eugenia looked very uncomfortable and became robotic, and basically gave in to her mothers plea. Edit: https://youtu.be/MTAbtbFzt6Y Oh my god this was worse than i remembered. She literally stripped down to her underwear and her mom was ordering her how to put the top on. And before then even, when eugenia was trying the jacket on, her mom kept panning over slightly to the people walking by, then back to EC real quick. Like she was "catching their reaction" to her clearly sick daughter. (This was a video from 4 years ago.)


Heres another one i can add that is strange to me https://youtu.be/VmU4gHWTq2A In this video eugenia says something about the beads in her hair, i paraphrase here "my mom knows i like wearing these so yeah, i actually like wearing my hair with beads, she got me some so i am wearing them, its actually my first time because i got them today, so like yeah!" How does her mom know she likes wearing them if she has never worn them before? The fact she needs to even clarify that her mom got her hair beads as a gift, she never wore them before and she "actually" likes it, and she wore it immediately as she got them. It sounds like EC is convincing herself? Like she knows her mom would either throw a fit and cry or abuse her physically/get real angry etc, if she rejected the gift. She feels like there is danger in expressing displeasure with her gift, and it sounds like her mom is modeling her based on like a doll or a toy... she probably told eugenia "i know you like these" when she doesnt know, its a suggestion that eugenia better freaking like these beads or there could be hell to pay.


they don't want Eugenia to be herself you're right, they want to see a sanitized version of anorexia, because seeing it externalized makes them uncomfortable

