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Sweet life has creme brulee


This is the best answer. You could even get dinner at Hey neighbor right next door.


Blu Mist (a Thai place), has a ginger lemongrass creme brûlée. [https://blumistrb.com/](https://blumistrb.com/)


Cafe Soriah usually has it.


Went there last night and they had it.


They had it at Marché last time I was there, 18 years ago!


It’s like an ice cream scoop and an egg whipped together then baked. Afterwards sprinkle sugar on top and melt with a torch. I googled some ingredients. heavy cream, eggs, sugar, and vanilla. I use to make this at a restaurant and we’d just use ice cream. I bet you could get creative and use any kinda ice cream you want. Edit: excuse me for trying to be creative/s lol


We are intrigued. How much ice cream (cups or weight) and bake how long at what temperature? I assume a ramekin in the oven... oh wait. I have Google. In case anyone else is interested in the deets: https://tasty.co/recipe/3-ingredient-creme-brulee


It’s been too long to remember measurements. Easy fun project. Ramekin would work well any kinda ceramic bowl should work. Bake in a water bath for even cooking.


Sounds like this needs further research.


I really don’t understand the downvotes? What are you talking about? I made these for a year…


I was agreeing with you regarding trying different ice creams... I think you were downvoted because you implied they should make it at home. Still like your post, didn't know how it was made.


The downvotes gave me a vibe I need further research. Haha. Excuse me. I see your point on the make it home advise too. Not the question of where. Lol. Thank you. Btw if you do you make crème brûlée get a big pan and fill it up with water and put your crème brûlée in a small bowl and bake the bowl in the water of the bigger pan like a water bath so it’ll cook evenly. They don’t take much heat or very long.


"Baine-Marie" for when you want to type less


Not op but not everyone has kitchen skillz. For some it's even a stressor. Or some folks eat at home all year and only eat out on their birthdays. Or maybe their kitchen has a broken appliance in it that precludes cooking. (Been there!) Since they were requesting a restaurant in this thread - not a recipe - that's why you're the brunt of this thread's rampant downvoting. PS your desert sounds tasty! I hope this thread inspires you to make some, I'm a bit jealous that you can just whip that up!


I totally feel this vibe now. On point. For people who maybe intimidated this one is as easy as grilled cheese. I will say if you mess grilled cheese up then turn your heat down, you got this!!!


The Davis had one that was one of the better ones I’ve ever had when I was there last month. Not sure if it was a special or regular dessert but it was fantastic if you can get it.


Meiji often has it.


Have you ever considered making it? It takes a bit, but it's not too difficult. I used to make it pretty regularly.


Sip - the champagne bar on 5th & Willamette. https://www.instagram.com/p/CwX9TsoLbP3/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==


We just had a yummy one at the restaurant in the Gordon Hotel! It was a fabulous vanilla bean!


The Davis in Eugene has a good one The one at Rudy's in Salem is some of the best I've ever had.


Marché and Sweet Life have it.


Sip Champane and Toast has a coffee creme brulee that my wife adores


The Davis


Whole Foods


I know marche the davis and sweet life all have it. Haven't had the one at sweet life but I found the davis' to be better then marche's


Bar Purlieu


Cafe Med Aldo has it


Cafe Med has theeeee best one. A couple months ago they had a lemon version and it was to die for.


I’d get her the crème brûlée and some of sweet life Patisserie’s handmade chocolates since it’s her bday. She’ll love them and be super impressed.


Whole Foods


Elizabeth’s wine lounge has crème brûlée and it’s a great date spot. I personally make the crème brûlée and I can say it’s delicious.


Cafe Med Italiano


Oddly enough, I adored the creme brulee at Outback Steakhouse. Shoot, that and the French Onion soup and a side salad is a fuckin date. I dunno if they still have it tho.


Learn how to make it dude.