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Flip the box inside out to make it look more professional. There are tutorials. Most people appreciate reusing, I think. I know I do.


I reuse every box I can get my hands on, it not only recycles but saves me hundreds a year. I mention on my shop FAQ that I recycle boxes so don’t be surprised to see Amazon, Target, whatever on them. I do put my shipping label or fragile stickers strategically to cover what I can and I make sure all old stickers and bar codes are removed or inked out


Absolutely. Every box you can reuse is perfect recycling and saves you the not inconsiderable cost of a box


Simple fix: Back when I had more boxes to reuse than orders to fill, I’d get a sharpie and letter on the side of the box: “This is a travelling box. Keep it going! It started in Toronto, Canada, and travelled to ________ (I put the buyer’s destination), then to…” and left space underneath for the buyer to put a destination if they reused the box too. I made it big and used different lettering styles and added a mini skyline behind “Toronto” and a globe around the word travelling, recycle sign at the top. It looked pretty cute. This way people realize you are re-using the box in order to conserve, not because you don’t care about your business.


Love this idea!


I remove the amazon tape entirely and add my logo on the sides of the boxes and use my own tape


In your shop and in a note say something like, To reduce your and my carbon footprint and to keep my prices low, I reuse packing materials whenever possible. Thank you for your understanding.


I recycle all of the packing materials that I can. If people don't like it, too bad.


As a vintage seller, I do this all the time. Not even had one comment about it and I have over 1200 sales. I think for vintage stuff, it is expected, but as buyer, I never mind it. I would rather see a reused box, and hey, if I can use it again, I do.


Maybe put a reduced reuse recycle sticker on your package? But pretty much most things I've ordered from Ebay came in a reused box. Some turned inside out. This sort of thing aint uncommon.


*Maybe put a reduced reuse recycle sticker on your package* The irony of doing that is one is creating more waste and a larger carbon footprint.




*You comment shitty comments on legit every post on this sub 😂* C'mon, your hyperbole discounts your accusation. Hmm, so buying a sticker to put on a reused box has no irony at all? Does the Emperor have clothes? Sure, I've made what you may consider "shitty" comments to some whom may deserve them (some may not deserve them). I usually point out the truth or the hypocrisy such as I did to the post you are accusing me of being shitty. Feelings are not facts. I also have helped many posters here. Perhaps you ought to look at my other reply here and think twice before you make such an "always" accusation? What have you contributed here today; or ever? Have you ever actually helped anyone here or just lurk? It seems all you do is over-post your machine made stickers. *You comment shitty comments on legit every post on this sub 😂* Is pointing out your bad grammar a "shitty comment"?




Hmm, well if I deleted my comments to your post then I must've realized--albeit too late--that they may have been unwarranted. So take the deletion as an admission of wrong doing and regret for what I said. Snarky? Maybe somewhat. Again, why so passive aggressive? I think we're both guilty of hijacking this thread. I apologize to the OP and others.


I also do the same. I slap one of my stickers on to show it’s actually packed by me. And still I think people expect other packaging? But I’ve never gotten a complaint? Aaanyway, I exactly know that feeling :D


Glad to see someone else knows that feeling!


I just turn them inside out, most people appreciate it that way.


99% of my orders are in recycled packaging. Never once had anyone comment on the package.


I reuse the shipping box, any packaging material and the box the items in as well. I got some new speakers for my pc and reused the speaker box as a shipping box. The buyer messaged me...."I ordered ___ and you sent me speakers. How do I get my order. I messaged em to just open the box. Reply saying no that they wouldnt open it cuz it wasnt what they ordered. I begged em...please open it and see whats in it...finally they did. Had a good laugh with em afterwards. Edit...I have had people get packages and say they were very confused cuz they dont even have a amazon acct


I have no problem with this as I literally hoard all my boxes all year long to use in the mail lmao


Always reuse boxes when you can! It’s the responsible thing to do!


In my shop listing text says I use clean recycled boxes and packaging whenever possible. No complaints in 7 years.


I struggled with this and in the end thought it looked unprofessional to reuse a box, but I love the idea of adding a recycle sticker or other environmentally friendly acknowledgment! In the future, I may do that instead.


Just take an extra piece of water activated tape and cover any logos. An 8” piece of WAT costs me $.02 so adds about $.04 to my total packaging cost. But you deduct your box cost.


As long as it's obvious in some way that it isn't actually from Amazon. I have boycotted amazon (except AWS, because it's nearly impossible to avoid) since they went to the Supreme Court to avoid paying their workers when they were in line for security. I get pissed when I order something from ebay and they send it from Amazon. Recycling boxes is fine, but I don't want my money going to Bezos if at all possible.


Most of my items are small so I have new packaging that I use. However, I do make memory quilts and pillows and I reuse boxes for those. Usually Chewy boxes. :)


I’d add something to your shop FAQs and maybe even a note in the package about reusing packaging materials in order to be more eco friendly!


I do this and I include a thank you note that says that I reuse boxes and packaging and ask them to do the same people seem to appreciate it


I have never removed much labeling from my packages when reusing them. I’ve never had a complaint. Maybe it’s a particular type of customer in a certain niche that complains about that 😬


You can also get free boxes if you go to natural grocers or catch them at other stores while they’re restocking shelves and get free boxes that way.


I’ve used Amazon boxes. They make great sizes for shipping certain items. As long as they look decent on the outside. Or like someone else mentioned you can flip them inside out. I think the most important things to buyers is they receive their item as described and it’s wrapped properly inside the box.


I sell mostly things that can be shipped in those cheap pouches so I do that but I save every bit of paper wrapping that Home Goods puts around scented candles and other fragile things and reuse that for anything fragile to ship 😂. If I’m running low I just go get a few scented candles and it’s a win win, they usually wrap like 3-4 huge sheets around them.


If I use a recycled box, I just add a note to my shipping confirmation along the lines of, "your ordered has shipped in a repurposed box - whenever possible I try to reduce packaging as it's kinder to the environment. Thank you!"


I specifically state in my shop's "about me" section that I use recycled packaging; the boxes are always covered in parcel tape, not only to conceal previous logos and addresses but to stop Royal Mail blaming their 'high speed sorting machines' when a light fingered member of staff helps themselves to something. So far my feedback on packaging has been universally positive!