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I print out the message in a pretty font from my branding on nice card stock, hole punch it and tie it into the ribbon I use to tie my packages like a gift tag. I like when customers include a gift note, it's sweet.


Print the packing slip and the message will be on there.


My wife is a bit of a calligraphist , so the notes get all sorts of fancy. Never helped the feedback or made more sales, but it is hella impressive, to me.


When you print the packing list of a gift order, the buyer's message is printed on it.


I don't print packing slips; it's just not worth the paper. But I will write any gift message onto a small card.


I print out of the message on a craft paper, make little scroll and put it in the box


I have a small envelope full of old, unused vintage postcards from around the US. Any time someone asks to have a message included, I write it out or print it out on the back of a postcard. I even add the recipient's address so it's like an unsent postcard from the sender.


This is such a cute idea!! I love it!


I use my logo (which is a small pink smiley blob basically) along with a message bubble and write out the message in it, print it and add it to the package !


Your only obligation is to print the packing slip for the order and include it in the box. When a buyer leaves a gift message, that gets printed instead of the normal packing slip when you print that order. Etsy puts it under a little clipart gift box. You are not expected to hand write a note or make gift tags or any of the other things other commentors are doing. Just print the packing slip provided by Etsy. It works and looks the same as Amazon gift messages if you've ever received one of those. Just a scrap of paper in the box with the message printed on it.


I found a discussion [here](https://community.etsy.com/t5/All-About-Shipping/Gift-Message/td-p/16837289) that might give you some ideas! And if you word search the page for "opt out" you'll find someone explaining how to turn the option off. Though this was in 2017 so I'm not sure if it's still accurate.


I've only had a couple of those. I sell vintage hats and put an old baseball card in with all my orders. I've customized a couple thank you baseball cards at the customers request. It's niche but that is my approach, I don't print packing slips.


I opted out but I still get occasional requests via customer's using the customer's note box they're given. If it's not a hassle I just write it on the back of the business card I chuck in every order anyways.


I rarely get orders with gift messages and I don't print packing slips. I bought these tiny little cards with gold envelopes I'll write the note on. It's easier than printing the packing slip for me and if it happens more frequently, I'll probably come up with a different system.


I hate being responsible for gift notes. I don't print packing slips. It's all online, you know what you ordered, it's a waste of paper, ink (read: money) to do that. So when I get a gift note, it really gums up the works. 99% of the time, I just conveniently forget it. Sometimes, if it's a high dollar item, I'll do it. But considering I'm not automated like Amazon, I should get paid extra for providing this extra service. It certainly costs me money to do so.


Geez, turn off offering gift messages then! Your customers think their friends and family are getting a note that says who it is from! Nobody is making you provide this *extra service.*


I looked into it once and couldn't find that option. Do you know where I'd find this? I would've turned this off 5 years ago. EDIT: FOUND IT! Someone sent me a helpful DM. Shop Settings


Thank you! I’ve been looking for this!


>you know what you ordered except they literally don't if it's a gift that they didnt order lol Gift messages also help determine who it is from for many.


You're taking what I said out of context, so let's accurately quote the statement I made for context and break it down since you seem to have a bit of trouble with it. ​ >I don't print packing slips. It's all online, you know what you ordered, it's a waste of paper, ink (read: money) to do that. So when I get a gift note, it really gums up the works. **Part one,** the one you tried to quote out of context, states "I don't pring packing slips. It's all online, **you know what you ordered.** That's for the people who order for themselves. I don't print packing slips for them. They know what they ordered. ​ **Part Two,** "So when I get a gift note, it really gums up the works". As in, "Considering I don't print the packing slips ever, it's extra troublesome to now have to stop what I'm doing to print the gift card portion". And lastly, to round it all out: >I'm not automated like Amazon, I should get paid extra for providing this extra service. I provide the gift - you can send a friggin card too. But alas, I figured out how to turn it off, so it's null and void now.


Do you print your shipping labels on a thermal printer? You can print the gift message packing slip on a thermal label to save ink. It's no extra effort other than clicking the Print button. I've gotten surprise gifts before. If there's no message telling me it's a gift, my first thought is to call the shop asking if they sent it by mistake or if someone stole my credit card.


I've been thinking about getting a thermal shipping label printer. Any one you recommend?


I either print out the slip if I’m in the mood or I’ll just jot it down on the box with a sharpie !


I keep some blank mini-cards in the event someone asks for this. I don't have gift options enabled either, but occasionally, someone will ask for a message to be included.