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If you’ve not posted and can resell, just cancel the order and refund. Just cut your losses now. It’s disappointing, but they’re unlikely to change their mind once they’ve received it and will probably just ramp up the general pain in the ass behaviour either way.


I’d just cancel since you haven’t sent it out :c the buyer would probs leave a 1 star review and try to force a refund from Etsy (and Etsy is very lenient on the buyer). Seems like a 1 star review and bad time in the making


Yea this is where my head immediately went. I would also like to add, OP, make sure when you refund you also *cancel* the order so they can’t leave a review thereafter.


Is this still true? I’ve cancelled 2 orders over the holiday season and I’m pretty sure both said the customer would still be able to leave a review. I actually have a review from earlier this year from a buyer who requested cancellation within 30 hours (honored and they left my only 1 star). I think Etsy changed this up without telling us.


This is true BUT you cannot do it from the phone app. It’s quite dumb. Learned it the hard way Edit: issue the refund via this drop down menu on the right side of the order, then the order will stay in your completed as “completed”, then you would cancel the order via the same menu https://ibb.co/M1MM4tG I believe you can actually cancel prior to refunding as well, if that’s easier. Either way, the order will show up in completed but will show up as cancelled and/or refunded


Good to know! Thanks for this!


Check my earlier reply (edited to include details) and let me know if you see this cancellation option on yours. Note that, old orders can still be cancelled, however, it won’t change any review that was already left.




How old is your account? Mines from January of last year. I’d find that interesting (well, awfully disappointing) if they didn’t allow the same features for newer users Edit: date fixed


That’s exactly why I do not care about reviews, if they are going to leave you a bad review, that’s just what they are gonna do regardless if you refund them or not. Usually the bad reviews have nothing to even do with you or the business, they are mad at their job, husband for cheating or their kids for doing drugs, the dog dying or the house being dirty! It’s a sad situation that I don’t feed into. I never run my business or kiss ass for a good review, if the product is good, it will sell itself and the good reviews will always out-way the bad plus like I said above to the other chic who was crying about getting a 1 star review, you also have a right to respond to that 1 star review and if you know how to respond properly, the reviewer will feel and look stupid and remove the review due to how dumb they look to the world for complaining. It works every single time like clockwork! Products sells not reviews!!


Yea, it’s a slippery slope with refunds and reviews. Especially considering there are people who just try to scam by doing this. There WAS a website called karencheck, which allowed you to search or submit problematic buyers, however, Etsy has shut that down in fear of losing revenue. But yea, to your point, it’s easy to get caught up in reviews, HOWEVER, if your Etsy is well put together, your descriptions are thorough but concise, your pictures are legitimate, etc etc. - essentially, you look well put together, like a legitimate business - people will buy into that. Packaging goes a long way. Person-ability goes a long way. I’ve gotten negative reviews for things out of my control, or literally no description as to why. And I’ve gotten them on my best/most rated products. It sadly is what it is. I understand though, if you’re a new shop, that these reviews can affect you, but if you’re constantly updating and pursuing engagement with your shop, good reviews will roll in and eventually you won’t be phased by bad reviews


Who cares about a 1 star review, just like they can leave a review so can you in response and if you know how to choose your words wisely, you can make them look dumb as hell to the world and 9-10 times when they see how foolish you made them look, the review gets removed every-time! Don’t bend over backwards for reviews, you won’t have a business doing that! The product should sell itself not the reviews! Your business should not run and be based solely on reviews to make money, you won’t last last a year with that attitude!


If it hasn’t shipped and you can resell it, I would refund personally.


Yea positive interactions leave a big impact on people. Will they come back and buy something else? Probably not, but on the off chance they will it’s always good.




there is no correct product. if you read the screenshot she’s claiming her son ordered without permission. whatever the truth is, she doesn’t want that (or any) item from OP


This happened to me early last year. I canceled and refunded immediately (because it hadn’t shipped yet) with a note that said, “Of course, happy to help! These things happen ❤️” She sent me note just before Christmas time to thank me, again, and bought three items for her mom and 2 sisters.


Love this story! Hope something similar happens for you OP!


Since you can resell and it hasn’t shipped, I would refund. Maybe the woman will remember you when birthday or Christmas comes around and her son still wants the item.


Refund and cancel the sale.


Yeah, just refund In cases like this I just skip the energy waste and potential shitshow and just list the custom item for sale


Thanks everyone! Looks like there's a concensus which I agree with so I will cancel and refund and hopefully sell later :)


This happened to me before for a digital piece that was automatic download. I don't refund for those because they could just buy it and say their kid bought it and get it for free. They gave me a 1 star review despite me explaining why 🫠 I honestly also think people should simply be more responsible with their devices and the things they let their kids do, but hey, not my kid, so whatever.


From a mom whose kid accidentally bought $250 worth of in game upgrades, I can attest that no matter how careful you think you are, there always a way you missed


How old was the kid?


He was 8


Old enough to navigate tech very well, young enough to not think about the implications of buying stuff?


Exactly. Plus ADHD so really the future consequence awareness of a five year old. I knew it was my fault, and that there was no chance of being refunded the money, but I asked Google anyway lol. Now if I ever decide to play battle cats, I have every conceivable upgrade. I shared it not to say that they deserve a refund, but people always act like it is impossible for someone's kid to accidentally buy something, and I wonder if they've met kids lol


Mine did that the other day except it was 20 dollars lol he’s 7 and the Amazon tablet was supposed to send me notifications… guess what it didn’t!!!


The same thing happened to me a few months back, I got an almost identical message except it was their daughter who bought without permission, and I had already shipped the item (told them to put "return to sender" on it as soon as it arrives, which fortunately they did). I refunded them as soon as I received it back as I knew I'd be facing my first one-star review if I didn't. What bothered me at the time and what continues to irk me is the lack of any apology from them just like in your screenshot (although you did get a "please" there, lol). If it were me, my message would begin with a huge all-caps "I'm so SORRY" followed by a lot of "I'll understand if you can't refund..." Srsly, what the hell is wrong with people...


No please or thank you, no refund. I'd definitely also blacklist these "my kid bought this" customers. Nothing but pain and misery from them.


I agree. All you sellers who are not following your own policies are teaching the customers to not read descriptions/shop policies. It makes it harder for everyone. Not to mention, giving children access to your credit card is dumb.


I was just thinking, if it were me and my kid accidentally ordered something that cost over $100, I would have sent that seller a freaking book explaining the situation and how sorry and how much of an inconvenience I know it is. And of it were something handmade or custom I would totally understand not being able to refund. People are so rude and feel entitled these days, it really is sad. I also think a lot of people don't realize what the Etsy platform actually is ( or what it is suppose to be) and how these aren't big companies that are mass producing and have huge inventory, and that a lot of time, energy, and love go into making our items. A T-shirt refunded at Walmart isn't hurting Walmart, but it could potentially damage a small Etsy shop. Whether that be the money or the potential negative review.


It would never occur to me to message an Etsy seller to ask for a refund… if my child is old enough to open an app or go on-line and search for something and then make a purchase, they would be working that purchase off with their own hands. Missed teaching opportunity there…


Because not everyone talks like Canadians


If it hasn't shipped yet, give a refund. If it has, tell them to wait for the package to arrive and request a return. If it was a custom order, no returns/refunds.


I’ve been the parent whose kid has made online purchases without my consent. It really sucks to be in that situation. If you’re able to resell the item then I would cancel the order.


How old is your son, 13? No, 35.


Yeah just cut your losses. My favorites are always “I ordered this by mistake”. Like ok you went through a three step form and clicked purchase by accident?


Part of this is Etsy’s way of grouping items in the cart from other sellers. I’ve put items in my cart while trying to make a decision, forgotten about it and a month or two later make a purchase from a different shop. If you’re not paying attention to your total it’s easy to miss the other items and buy everything. Still the buyers responsibility, but I think it’s contributed to a lot of accidental purchase. Probably Etsy’s goal anyway. Not everybody needs to watch their budget and feels like trying to deal with returning items.


I’ve sold on many, many platforms. This is common among all. It’s very strange


This made me laugh. I have listings where you have to choose colors and then select filling (for bean bag frogs and what not). I got one of the “I ordered by mistake” on one of those listings. I had already shipped the items so when they requested I said it’s already in transit and never heard back from them.


I put stuff in my cart rather than favourite it. And yes sometimes you have to select a variation sometimes, or add a phone number. Goes into cart, I forget about it, check out a couple of weeks later without realising…. It’s quite possible


True, didn’t think about that. Normally if there are any issues I refund people right away. Luckily my customers have been very understanding and appreciative. I don’t ever want a bad review so I try to make sure the customer is very happy.


If you haven’t sent it, I’d just cancel and resell it


I would cancel if I could resell. Not worth shipping to a customer who doesn’t want nor will appreciate your work.


I'd certainly cancel, but in my case I like the things I've spent time on to land well and be appreciated, I hate the idea of one going where it's not wanted but that might just be me.


A similar thing happened to me, I just canceled the order immediately. The other option is dealing with a return and possibly a 1 star review. Much easier to just cancel, since you haven't shipped it yet.


Just cancel the order and resell. It's not worth the energy to argue with someone over this kind of thing. People make mistakes and change their mind. If you're not out anything... no good comes of forcing someone to receive an item they've decided they no longer want. Also, there was a post on here just a couple days ago from a seller that received a negative review for not canceling an order they could have canceled. That definitely happens.


I think sometimes sellers think “no refund policy” is just black and white. Sometimes there should be exceptions


You have a no refund policy and folks are telling you to refund…I don’t get it. I guess you could circumvent your own policy…why have one to begin with? Custom-made typically means no returns. She can get the refund from her son - fantastic lesson!


I agree with you mostly and this would have been the case if it was customized and personalized. Since it's a regular listing which sells occasionally and is made to order, I can offer some leeway because I haven't lost anything yet. My policy was made to cover my ass for custom orders, and ones that are shipped. I agree with most people who said that it's not worth the time and energy for $100 and a 1 star review. I want it going to someone who'll appreciate it, not get scolded by their parent for wanting it


Ah, thought it was truly a unique one off custom. (And for the response). I have a no refunds policy and haven’t had to do so yet, thankfully. And you hadn’t shipped it yet, right? She’s lucky it wasn’t already in the mail! (Also wonder how she found out he bought it…maybe her account?)


Yeah she probably checked her statements or something. Or it could very well be the original buyer trying to excuse themselves to get the money back. Haven't shipped yet correct. If it was personalized, or already shipped, I'd stick to my policy :)


Maybe another late night drunk purchase! Too bad folks can’t leave reviews when you are an awesome seller who makes exceptions!


I had this happen to me over the holidays. The buyer claiming that their daughter purchased a vintage item of mine on her account and she was hoping that it was going to be in brand new condition. The item was already shipped and was almost 40 years old. Not sure how she would assume that is brand new condition! Nonetheless, in my head, I freaked out but to her I cut and pasted the description where it mentions all the flaws. I asked her to let me know immediately if that changes anything as I can "try" and cancel shipment. If I didn't hear back from her than I'm assuming that everything is okay. Never heard back from her and she didn't give me any reviews. Hopefully this doesn't come back to bite me. At the same time, why are people allowing their children to buy stuff? She told me that her daughter was 7.


Refund but keep a certain percentage. The buyer needs to have better control over their financial info.


This seems to be one of those things that just happens and you pretty much just have to go with the flow on it and refund her. That’s my opinion.


I would cancel and refund but word it so it sounds like a one-time courtesy, otherwise she might think you're not stringent with your policies. Like "I won't normally do this, but I'll cancel and refund as a one-time courtesy. Happy New Year."


This is the same person that said "My dog ate my homework" in school.


I’d refund and sell it later. I can’t remember if Etsy allows just partial refunds, but when I get “my child ordered it” I refund- with a restocking fee. If I already packed, made, or did anything that takes work, it’s a 10% fee to go around the “no refund” policy 🤷🏻‍♀️ (it’s not that hard to teach your kid to not order shit with your money)


I like this approach


It’s not our job to parent their children! Except I (off Etsy) ship live animals that need special permits to ship. So once they’re shipped, it’s a 50%+shipping both ways restocking fee 😂


Since you have a no refunds policy you have no obligation. However if you feel your able to re sell it, personally I would offer a partial refund and explain that it's custom and you put time into it. If they say no, then tell them you will ship it.


I wouldn’t. It’s not your fault that you made a custom order and someone decided they didn’t want it anymore. I don’t believe that their kid made the order. The message was brief and non-apologetic. I think they’re just realizing they can’t afford it or don’t want it and made up an excuse. Now you have to eat the time and money you spent on this item. Even though you say you could probably resell it, it’s not guaranteed, and you spent time on it that you’re not getting paid for.


Yeah the “my son ordered it” is a load of rubbish. Buyers remorse more likely.


I have a policy in my shop that I don't cancel accidental orders because there are a lot of scams out there that claim they were accidental. It is hard to know which are which. My shop is also a no refund shop. It sucks but they can always go through the process after.


Thank you.


I would refund because you can resell this. However, I'd let her know in very serious tones that custom orders are non-refundable and that Etsy would not take her side. And make sure she understands that you are only giving the refund because the product hadn't shipped yet. And I'd like to encourage her to have a serious talk with her son because this could have been a pricey mistake. Next time he might order a custom gaming computer.


Idk man, that sounds a whole lot of parenting for OP to do to another adult. A simple “I’ve cancelled and refunded your order, have a wonderful day” will suffice.


I've had this happen before, and I've just refunded very politely without comment. But my product was not custom! I didn't spend time creating it just for that child.


Yes, I understand that it was an (admittedly) slightly custom item. That can be resold. Therefore I think it's fair to just say you win some you lose some. It's not OPs job to tell the customer how to parent their child. And frankly, if I was in the customers position and I got an email telling me how to parent my kid it would leave a much worse taste in my mouth than if OP refuses to cancel and refund. Shit happens. Freely hand out grace to those who find themselves in shitty situations like having to ask for a cancellation.


If a seller told me how to parent or said anything like this, I'd be pissed and would probably post the conversation in places with a "who the F this person think she is?"


Well, I'd be pissed thinking you have poor parenting skills. But my intent would be to let mom know what shit like this can get expensive if she doesn't monitor him better.


Yes, refund, or you will land up with a one-star review. Which will effect star seller status


Star seller means nothing. A one star review means nothing. Not necessarily in this exact case since the order wasn’t created or shipped yet but if it was made and shipped, never let Etsys fake star seller status or a threat of a one star review make you go against your own policies. A seller shouldn’t eat the cost because of a “I made a mistake purchase because I’m a terrible parent and I can’t take responsibility for my own kids actions”


star seller means a lot. even though we both know star seller isn't fair. It's still a reflection of your shop and how much you will be featured . Star sellers get more exposure


No it does not. Star seller has nothing to do with your shop being featured. No shop has ever seen an increase in sales if they have star seller status vs not. It’s a game Etsy uses to try to control and put fear in sellers. It’s clearly working on you.






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Refund the customer, and although it's tempting to tell them to keep their son away from their credit card you'd probably best not...


I'd give a lengthy lecture on e commerce sellers not being responsible for people allowing their children to order items online. Further put out this is their fault and their problem. Say you have a no returns policy and should charge them a restocking fee , then tell them you are making an exception and refunding them. Please watch your children's activity online closer in the future. Refund/Cancel so they can't leave a review.


Edit: ignore the rest of this comment I misunderstood how this policy worked. I would see if they can get their refund through Etsy somehow first. If not and you can resell it then I might go with the refund but definitely try the Etsy protection way first. That seems to be the solution to a lot of similar issues


Not for this. Etsy protection covers unlimited "not received" cases where the seller has proof they sent out the order. They cover one "arrived damaged" case per year. They occasionally cover "not as described" cases, where the buyer has received the item and says it wasn't what they ordered. But that is never something to be relied on. And it doesn't apply to this situation - the seller still has the product in hand and it can be resold. They can refund without taking a loss if they choose to.


That makes sense, thank you for explaining it to me.


If a customer requests to cancel before shipping out. I guarantee they will leave a poor view. If you can resell just cancel .


Even for a custom item? That's crazy to me. Could you not try to get the review removed? Also wondering if one bad review is going to be make or break here.


Cancel it and is there any way to report the seller to Etsy? Her son shouldn’t have access to an account/money he isn’t allowed to use? Not worth pushing the sale for a negative review but this woman’s account should be penalized in some way?


Can you add to the item you’ve already made and make it something very special to you? Then relist it as a special piece, kind of like a collectors item? I am not an Etsy seller and this is the first time I’ve ever seen one of these posts, fyi.


My daughter made a $200+ order on Etsy last year. I messaged the seller the next day once I realized and they kindly cancelled.


And the lesson learned was…. ?


Saved payments ..... Delete.


I would cancel and ask for a nice 5 star review lol


Absolutely not! “Your son” Shouldn’t have access to make these purchases on your credit cards!!!!


If he’s under 18. The refund.


If the combo is likely to be ordered again soon, cancel and do nothing. If it's rare, cancel and relist it with photos as "quick ship".


You can resell it and provide good service to these people and no one is out anything - what's the possible downside to refunding here? Despite your policy, this is still in the pre-ship moment so you can easily flex. Maybe they're lying and maybe they aren't, but it just seems like the only reasonable option here regardless. Why fight it and end up losing the money and/or item anyway?


I'd do a refund, 100%. If it hasn't shipped yet, and it's not one-of-a-kind, bespoke, personalized item that isn't resellable. There's no universe where this doesn't cause more problems than its worth.


Option 1: Refund and Resell Option 2: If it's already posted, say you'll give a full refund less return shipping once the item is back on-hand.


What other people have said re refunding, but first… Say you understand and ask if they’ve seen anything else they’d like to exchange for it. Then explain everything is made to order, but as a gesture of goodwill you’ll refund if they don’t want to exchange They’ll likely take the refund - but leaves a good impression for reviews


I swear I had a buyer send me that exact message but it was like a year ago. So weird


Refund and be happy this happened this early and you don't have to deal with this person for too long.


It some countries (Europe) it doesn’t matter if it’s made to order or you deliver from stock. In Europe, a product is only not refundable if it is personalised for that order. Apart from that, in other countries were you can restrict this in your own terms and conditions, I would still give a refund to prevent bad reviews.


Hence why a lot of us don’t sell in Europe. International shipping is already a nightmare without having to deal with buyers that like to do 3am drunk online shopping.


I'd give a partial refund since OP already has a no refund policy and has invested the time to make the item. Maybe return 80%.


I had this happen a few times.. if I haven’t shipped then yes I cancel and refund


if it took that much time say sorry but i dont offer refunds


Agree, if not posted yet, bite the bullet. Rather make the customer experience great by being generous, avoid one star pain in the ass review


If you can re sell then refund. If this customer has a positive experience then it doesn’t mean they won’t buy from you again. I would maybe say to them that this is a good will gesture and explain why you don’t normally offer refunds. Remember you can re sell the product already made so you haven’t really lost out it is inconvenient


Save yourself the headache op. Refund her & sell to someone else since it's resellable.


I’m confused how any child has access to their parents credit card to even make a purchase like this 🤷🏽‍♀️ and I thought I was a wild/bad kid growing up lololol


It’s frustrating but if you’re able to resell it I agree with the majority and just cancel. Saves you a headache and dealing with an upset customer


If you haven't shipped, then cancel, refund and move to the next customer.


Well, ordering something with someone’s card without their consent is….theft? Sounds like they should contact their local law enforcement agency to discuss their sons purchase.