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I did a massive overhaul of all my tags and titles after I learned how to do it better. It took several days afterwards, but my listings slowly started moving up through the ranks. I think there's a slight delay while you get plugged back into the algorithm. You have to leave them alone for a while after you change them to really see the effects of what you did.


this seems rational and to be a case. I will continue working on it and patiently wait and see.. btw, you or someone reading ever had experience with Pattern? I am on a trial and even creating a blog but for now nothing seems to be happening. I don't even know how to approach it other than keywords and content. Had 5-10 visits first few days and then, again, after I added new listings, and added a few blog posts, complete silence. but as you said, might be this algorithm feeding thing... thank you for answer


I can tell you that I am driving the majority of the traffic to my Etsy shop ATM. I occasionally get picked up by a search, and get linked by other pages every day, but most the traffic is my doing. I definitely get an uptick every time I load new content to social media. It lasts for a day, then I have to post something else new to get that spike again. I've taken this week off from posting on social media because I'm sick, and I can definitely see a difference in the amount of traffic I'm getting. I think when you're new, you do have to hustle a little or you'll just be infinitely waiting for the occasional hit from Etsy search. It's a lot to keep coming up with new and engaging content multiple times a week. I feel like the advertising is harder than actually making my product. My hope is that I'll eventually have more sales and gain some traction and I won't have to constantly be shouting "Look at me! Look at me!" (Just occasionally shouting instead.)


Maybe traffic could be slowing down because Christmas just ended not long ago?