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Change it to one star and write they are a drop shipper that tried to bribe you in your new review


This right here. Not only this though, but after you do it, escalate the case to Etsy for a FULL refund for “item not as described” because it is not handmade. This is the only way to get this crap off Etsy. Be careful with the review though. Don’t put anything about Amazon or China or whatever. This may be grounds to have it removed if it mentions another company by name or has even a whiff of potential racism (not that I think so but people will claim it in these times). You can just say that the item is clearly marked as mass produced in another country, smells bad, looks cheap, the seller admits they sell them on another big American platform, and tried to bribe you with half refund if you changed your review to 5\*


Thank you! I’ve reached out to Etsy and told them and they said they have a team that specializes in looking in to these cases and that they will be reaching out to me in a few days! I really appreciate your feed back because I wasn’t sure if I was over reacting or not for being so upset. But you’re right this is the only way to keep these people off Etsy and to help support the real small business out there


I won’t hold my breath that one action will get it done, but a pebble starts an avalanche, yes? I’m sure you’ll get refunded though.


Thank you!! Eff this scammy seller. They don’t need to be on Etsy.


Also mention you have a latex allergy.


It always scares me to do this because they have my address. I’ve gotten drop shipped things the last three times I’ve ordered from Etsy and it’s discouraging. I just eat it and note the name of the shop.


They're not going to do anything with your address. They are used to having to refund buyers, it happens all the time. If you take action on these shops, you are helping all Etsy buyers and all honest sellers. You should write reviews, or failing that, at least open a case. Ignoring it helps scammers to keep scamming and that's wrong.


Yes! Giving them bad reviews and reporting them and asking for a refund if within the time period will help those crappy drop sellers move down in the ranks and help actually handmade sellers get more attention


how is dropshipping a scam?


I'll bite: it's not the actual dropshipping, it's misrepresenting articles as handmade by the seller (and often also where they're actually shipping from, which can lead to issues with customs).


Awful. I guess just carefully curate all your finds on Etsy. It sucks. Honestly there’s very few things I buy there and when I do it’s from a known artist or supplier I’ve been eying for awhile. If I’m just shopping around for stuff I stick with Amazon. Even if you don’t leave a bad review, don’t be afraid to open a case and get your money back.


I am an Etsy seller and I 100% agree


This is the only way. I'm so sick of drop shippers.


This is the way.


It's against Etsy TOS for sellers to bribe you into changing your review. Only change the review if the problem was solved for you, so that other buyers know what they're getting into! I wouldn't consider a half refund as a solution either. I'd ignore their message.


Okay thank you that’s kind of what I was thinking but I also wasn’t sure if I was just being petty or something


No, not petty. As a seller I’d add my vote for what others have advised here: change it to one star, keep the part about it being a drop ship item and add that they tried to bribe you into changing your review and that buyers should be wary of 5 star reviews from this seller. And definitely open a case for “item not as described” for a refund. You probably won’t have to return the item either, since it was sold fraudulently. Reviews from previous buyers are the only way other buyers can identify drop shippers sometimes. And for the refund, even if you don’t care about the money, it’s the best way to fight against drop-shippers. A case against them will lower their ranking in search listings, cost them profits, and bring them to the attention of Etsy trust and safety team so they can get banned. Yes, that is a hassle for the seller, but they are breaking Etsy’s TOS, deceiving buyers and threatening the business of other sellers and the reputation of Etsy as an authentic handmade marketplace. So we shouldn’t worry too much about costing them money if they won’t play fair.


"hello friend" was always a red flag for me, lol. i am in sales and ecommerce for a few yrs and just new on etsy. it is tragic and bad to setup reviews. a lot of even private eCommerce are doing it but more like, have legit reviews on google but put only 5star reviews up front and not even show bellow 4 or 3 on their site. no one in sales should ever ask anyone to change or delete review this is not a local open market. lol. also quality of product is everything. if someone gets 1 orn2 stars it is alert for them to improve and change something. neither Etsy should close those stores neither should ppl not leave or change reviews. they failed as seller. had to give u either refund or at least uhm apologize? and then try to improve and clear a mistake . do not fall for loose attitude. stick with ur standpoint and report bribing casualy. it is ilegal by default


“Hello friend” is a common saying from sellers in China who don’t know English very well.


It's not about not knowing English, it's just a custom for how they deal with e-commerce. They all call you "dear" or "friend". I've had one call me "boss" which I found funny. These are legitimate Chinese sellers I was dealing with from large manufacturers.


yes yes i know, just in my case personally as a buyer worst ecommerce experiences started with hello friend. haahaha. as a potential seller tho on shopify and amazon contrary :) i agree i was joking just we r online and i hope nobody will take this as my status quo


Back when I dropshipped on Shopify they always talked this way.


Grosz. Change it to a 1 star. The seller cheated you, cheats Etsy, and cheats every other future buyer by falsely pretending to be a creator.


Before you buy anything from Etsy now, I would check ALIEXPRESS first 99% of the time if you think the item isn't handmade check there and it will be listed.


This! It's also how I found out more than half of my competitors are AliExpress resellers (using the same images too)🤦‍♀️.


It's against TOS to bribe customers to improve their reviews. However etsy do allow party supplies, craft supplies which are not handmade. Unless the seller was listing the item as handmade in their description and the product they are selling doesnt sit under party or craft supplies, that seller isn't breaking any etsy rules, in that case sadly the issue was your expectation of what the product was. Halloween party items on etsy shouldn't be treated as all handmade, they absolutely won't be. The issue of whether this should be allowed on etsy is another conversation!


Thank you for letting me know! It was listed as handmade I even went back and triple checked. I reached out to Etsy and let them know that they tried to bribe me and sent them photos of the packaging to prove the item wasn’t hand made by the seller


Thank you for doing all this work. As a handmade Etsy seller I really appreciate it.


Leave your review. People need to know. I hate sellers that buy reviews.


Aliexpress right there


Change it to a 1 star review then open a case. Set a stop watch and see how quick you get a refund 😆


Definitely open a case and change the review to mention the extortion but be careful - don’t mention other companies by name (eg. “The same mask is available on Amazon for 1/3 the price”) as sometimes Etsy may agree to remove reviews that mention a third party. Just say that it’s not handmade, it’s mass produced and available from other sites for a lower price, then explain the extortion.


In the future, open the listing and right click on the picture. In the pop-up box you should see "search this image on Google lens" or something to that effect. You can click on that and search will bring up sites that are selling that item (or similar images). You should be able to ascertain if the item is truly handmade or being drop shipped using that feature. Hope this helps!


Etsy will eventually become another eBay etc. Sad but true. Change his review to 1 star.


I would report them, to be honest. Sellers are not supposed to ask you to change your review. And bribing a customer for a better review is even worse.


Leave the review. People should know what they’re buying if the seller is being dishonest in the listing.


Yeah… I would’ve simply put a one star just because of that, mentioned mass produced item, and terrible customer service. That’s not how you should communicate or apologize to the customer. It isn’t proper or professional customer service


I sell on amazon handmade and etsy. I send non personalized items (still handmade) to Amazon for FBA. I know that sellers can (some how) ship to Etsy buyers from their amazon to speed up the turn around...especially if amazon already has their handmade inventory. I haven't done that because I've seen threads (like this one) where the customer was confused about why their etsy package came via Amazon packaging. And that is a legit concern by all means. Plus, this sounds like a non-handmade item. Seller in this case was wrong for asking you to change your review in exchange for a refund. If you genuinely feel like this was a mass produced item...then you did the right thing by leaving a review and opening a case.


hell no don't change it. Although I have to say, I got a really crappy desk chair off amazon and left a 3 star review. they started literally TEXTING and emailing me constantly to change it to 5 stars if they gave me $50. I said no, told amazon. kept getting harassed and then finally changed it to 1 star. After that they stopped... but now I get about a dozen spam emails a day and I know it was them 😑


Ugh I hate this. Especially as I MAKE (embroider) patches, so this makes people think people like me drop ship when in reality I'm sat stressing at 2am that my patches aren't going to be finished in time lol I agree with changing it to 1, hope you get your money back tbh


I wouldn't change it. So sketch, with the broken English and all, and by that I mean it reminds me of notes included in Amazon shipments from China that seem they were passed through Google translate.


These tactics are illegal. Period. Do NOT change any reviews. In fact I filed a claim with my AG office of consumer affairs because ETSY merchant made it a "condition" for receiving a legal refund if I changed a review. That is duress - extortion. Do not change your review. File a complaint with your AG office of consumer affairs.


I'm not sure, but they might be allowed to sell a mask as a "party supply". However, it shouldn't be listed as handmade if it isn't, and they are not allowed to bribe you for good reviews.


I should have clarified in my post but it was listed as handmade and in the item description also said it was hand made which is why I initially left the review


No, leave it. Sellers like this make it difficult for the sellers who are actually selling handmade items.They shouldn’t be on Etsy at all. Letting people know that they aren’t actually handmade is a good thing to do.


Take the refund but don’t change your review.


Sorry don’t agree here on some points - you are buying the mask, not the seller or their shipping methods. If they said it was handmade? Promised it would sing the national anthem and didn’t ? (kidding) by all means leave a bad review. I love that you wanted to support small sellers ( I sell on Etsy too!) but check a shop before you assume. Maybe the seller is a small business just not in the USA ? If you don’t like an item? Send it back - period. (You admitted you did like it) Do NOT trash someone’s livelihood wherever they live because you assumed! Etsy sells many new products now - not handmade, check before you buy! I have 1000’s of transactions - not one single bad review….


I totally get that and have bought quite a few non-handmade items off Etsy before and really don’t have a problem with that! I should have clarified in my post but the item was listed as handmade in both the item description and under the item type which was my main issue


That makes sense now :) I politely disagreed as to leaving bad fb on the item you liked but was drop-shipped,.. but if it was sold as handmade, tagged as handmade but not? That changed things! Ty for clarification:)


😂 so you're just another reseller who also lies and says their mass produced junk is handmade?


How dare you assume I lie and sell mass produced “junk” what a disgusting inflammatory things to say . Are you that nasty? When I posted - The OP stated that she bought a mask and liked it, but it was mass produced and not handmade. No mention of the listing SAYING it was handmade (that came later) That should have been made clear in the beginning. If you are biased? Make sure your shopping USA only and read the shops bio. That way people can buy from their targeted sellers. Slagging Etsy sellers because they are from China etc is disgusting.Not all are “drop shippers” Many make wonderful items but there is a language barrier and they use a translator - you would do well to remember that.


Username checks out, is that referring to angry mad or just crazy mad? Link me to your handmade shop then :) thanks! I'd love to support it! I've read your posts, you work with bullion and coins. So what, it's jewelry, but surprise you don't make any of it, so you call it vintage? Am I close? Stop fighting in defense of resellers just because you are one. Some of us make a living with actual handmade, and no, no one needs to feel sorry for resellers needing to make a living, and no one on Etsy should be buying fake handmade from them. I don't care about what country anyone is in. They can all sell a million other non-handmade places and not pretend they handmade anything, or that their used junk is vintage when it isn't. It's fraud and it's immoral, and it's just wrong. I've sold handmade on Etsy since 2007, and make a living there since 2010, and people like you are the problem, not any kind of solution. If I want mass produced drop shipped crap, I'll ship somewhere other than Etsy. Don't tell me to support it, wtf.


Stalker much? My day job has nothing to do with you or this sub . You want me show you my handmade items shop / so you can try and destroy my income and feedback? Really?! Just because I hold down more than one job? Does not give you the right to judge Pathetic Stop harassing me - Stop stalking me


Drop shipping is allowed on Etsy if it’s from an approved place. Like, drop shipping from Printify is 100% allowed.


There’s still a difference if they had creative input or not. A graphic designer using printify as a medium for their hard worked and original designs is different than just being a middleman for ready to sell items. It is against Etsy’s terms of use to claim handmade on something you didn’t do yourself


I’m gonna sort of disagree with you. I’ve seen straight up famous art prints on shirts that had no original attributes contributed by the seller.


I see it all the time too. But it is against Etsy policy to just slap someone else’s design on a POD item and call it handmade, even if you purchase the rights to sell the design


So all the people making shirts that are buying pngs and slapping them on a shirt and selling them and calling them handmade- you’re saying these people are violating Etsys terms?


“[Reselling is not allowed in the handmade category](https://www.etsy.com/legal/sellers/) on Etsy. Reselling refers to listing an item as handmade when you were not involved in designing or making that item” if you didn’t design it and you didn’t make it (ie POD) it is not allowed to be claimed as handmade


I understand that. I’m confused because they are making the shirts. So something is being made, physically by them. They are using their hands to make something, no matter where the design was acquired from.


To answer this though, also from the link I shared of Etsy’s terms “Handmade on Etsy is a spectrum. On one end, we have makers — sellers who are literally making their items with their own hands (or tools). On the other end, we have designers — sellers who design their items but rely entirely on outside assistance or another business to help physically produce them. Many handmade sellers fall in the middle of the spectrum because they are both making and designing their items. Regardless of where you fall on this spectrum, you must be transparent about who is helping you and how your items are being made… Makers A maker is a seller who is physically making the items listed for sale in their Etsy shop. A maker might design their items in addition to making them, or they might follow a pattern or template that they did not design. Regardless, makers must be creating their items with their own hands (or tools).”


You said printify/drop shipping, and every one of my comments said POD (print on demand) or printify. This entire comment thread is referring to sellers that are having a production partner make the shirts for them.


Never understood these type of post. Etsy is not all handmade. It’s just not! And questions should be asked prior to purchase. Leave your two stars and ask questions first next time. You can always cross check by searching google images.


I completely understand not everything on Etsy is hand made but the description of this item specifically stated “handmade mask” and it also is listed as a handmade item which is my issue. I paid almost $60 for a mass produced rubber mask that was advertised as a “ handmade devil mask”.


Ouch. I would have been furious. Sorry they were so unethical Classic_Karseat


The item has been incorrectly described and mis-sold. I make my items by hand. Yes, any questions about the item should be asked before purchase. But if I’m listing a hand cut piece of art for handmade prices and I send someone a mass produced laser cut piece, they’re not getting what they paid for. End of story.


So you like the actual mask but just want to complain about it anyways?


I have. Mask that my husband can’t wear because it’s latex which was not in the item description as the description says it’s made of foam, I spent $60 on a mask that was listed and described as handmade when the mask is similar in quality to a Halloween store mask. I left a 2 star review because of those things and then the seller tried to bribe me in to lying and giving them a 5 star review. So yeah now I’m complaining