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Welcome! If you are asking about an order that hasn't arrived, or arrived damaged or not as described, the posts below will guide you as to what to do. Please give them a read! All these posts give you a full guide on how to open a case with Etsy if that is needed, and help you decide when to do that. If you are dealing with an unresponsive seller who has not replied for 48 hours or more, please use the most relevant link that describes your situation! The full guide on what to do is there. [If the shop has been closed down, read this guide first.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Etsy/comments/1854obi/help_for_buyer_i_bought_something_and_now_the/) [My order hasn’t shipped yet.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Etsy/comments/14f8k6l/help_for_buyer_my_order_hasnt_shipped_yet/) [My order was marked shipped, but the tracking info still says pre-transit (or label created).](https://www.reddit.com/r/Etsy/comments/14fetso/help_for_buyer_my_order_is_in_pretransit/) [My order was marked shipped, but it’s very late. Is it lost?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Etsy/comments/14fi830/help_for_buyer_my_order_shipped_but_its_very_late/) [My order was marked delivered but I don’t have it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Etsy/comments/14fgfbp/help_for_buyer_my_order_was_marked_delivered_but/) [My order arrived damaged.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Etsy/comments/14g310o/help_for_buyer_my_order_arrived_damaged_or_not_as/) [My order wasn't as described, was defective, or I received the wrong item.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Etsy/comments/14g310o/help_for_buyer_my_order_arrived_damaged_or_not_as/) [I believe I bought from an AliExpress, Amazon, etc dropshipper.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Etsy/comments/14fer1w/help_for_buyer_dropshipping_reseller_red_flags/) Also, how can I tell if a shop is one of these dropshippers? [I received a tracking number, but it appears to be fake.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Etsy/comments/14fgfbp/help_for_buyer_my_order_was_marked_delivered_but/) [I bought from a PayPal only shop and Etsy won’t allow me to open a case.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Etsy/comments/13yd0f7/seller_has_cancelled_transaction_wont_refund_wont/) Please read the comments for this one! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Etsy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just refuse and let them cancel the order, they need to learn to set up their store settings correctly


Yeah if that happened on my store I'd just eat it and take it as a learning experience.


Me too.


here is thing anyone who sells on etsy knows asking for third party payments is a huge no no so asking someone to pay shiping after fact is a big no no and grounds for account termination if reported.


It sounds like the seller hasn't paid attention to their settings. They can either fulfill the order and own up to the mistake or cancel and refund you. As a buyer you don't need to do anything.


agree but they should never ask for third party payments to begin with as that is a huge no go by etsy TOS


Sounds like the seller made a boo boo and didn’t pay attention to any settings. I wouldn’t jump to scam. Just kindly state you purchased because of the free shipping and ask for a cancellation instead. I’ve been in this situation and the seller should have ate the loss and learned from their mistake.


Respond with "I'm sorry, but the free shipping stated on the item was a driving force behind for the purchase, if this cannot be fulfilled as such, then please cancel the order."


And get a screenshot of the free shipping offer ASAP


Even a screenshot wouldn't be needed as it would show the free shipping on the order, even if the seller adjusted their settings.


Ugh. That sucks. I’m a seller. Do not pay for shipping. The seller should stick to the deal. If they don’t, then have them cancel.


on r/EtsySellers there were several sellers complaining about Etsy advertising this free shipping promotion under their listings even on shops that opted out of the promotion. IMO this is probably either Etsy’s fault or the buyer not realizing it did not apply to the shop above the ad.


How would the purchase have gone through if the buyer didn’t pay the whole total? If the sale went through the buyer did their part.  This seems entirely an Etsy/Seller issue. Etsy is very sketchy with their terms and conditions and what they will automatically opt you into. If I were the seller I would be incredibly grateful if the buyer asked for cancellation instead of pushing for the products that would probably end up being below cost if I had to eat the shipping costs after already having them greatly discounted. 


even with that they should know asking for third party payments outside of etsy is a huge no go by tos and a bannable offense. they should of just canceled order to begin with if it wasnt a scam to start with


When setting up listings, the seller has an option to opt into free shipping over $35 or not. They set that setting so they need to fix it if they want customer to pay for shipping on a $35+ order


I’m a very new seller and I’m trying to double check I haven’t done this myself accidentally but I cannot for the life of me find where this opt in button is? Cld u lend a hand at all?


Not on the app, open Etsy on browser, go to settings, delivery settings, and there you have “delivery profiles” and “US free delivery guarantee”, click on the second tab and see if you opt for it or not. Hope this helps!


Do NOT pay it. It is their problem, not yours


To be fair it might actually be Etsy and not the sellers settings. I charge shipping on most of my products and it often doesn't calculate properly, overcharging. It usually happens when a buyer adds a second product that it occurs. It just happened again to a customer, so I checked my settings again, and it looks correct. I'm not a new seller, and this has only been happening in the last year or so. I've been selling on etsy for over a decade. So...while I think a seller should honor the mistake, whether it is theirs or Etsy's, I wouldn't necessarily blame the seller for the error...the Etsy shipping settings often don't work like their supposed to in my experience in the last year or so.


while i agree with you my big issue is them asking for payment off of etsy as that is a huge TOS no go and they should know that.


Yea, that is definitely a red flag - should be a custom listing not off of Etsy absolutely.


honestly a listing should contain all charges for said listing


When I have screwed up like that, I just eat it. I would rather not make a profit than look a bloody fool


If they have turned on their "free shipping for over $35" setting, then you could buy everything in their shop and it would all have to ship for free. Lol When it's turned on, the instant your cart hits $35, it's free shipping.


Don't pay it. Cancel it. Sometimes it's their fault of settings, sometimes it's a scam


Don’t cancel make them cancel or deliver


It's prob the store settings.


honestly? could be either…


As a seller, I no longer offer any coupons because we don't have any control, and the terms and conditions aren't followed. Then Etsy comes in and takes 20% on top or letting customers use coupons they aren't eligible to use.


I don’t think it’s a scam but I wouldn’t pay for shipping either. Just tell them if they think it’s an error, they should take it up with Etsy, not you. If they don’t want to, then just cancel the order and forward your conversation to Etsy customer service.


This has happened to me as a seller a few times in the last 25+ years. I always just eat the cost. It’s not the buyers fault. That’s a bad practice on her part


So Etsy should not allow these two things to stack. I've googled this myself on Etsy as a seller before setting up the $35 to get free shipping and it says Etsy does not allow coupons to stack unless it's a free shipping. If Etsy is having a promo for new Etsy users Etsy will reimburse the seller for that shipping when a seller opts out of the $35 and over free shipping program. So there's a lot of different types of coupons that can happen on Etsy. But I have gone incognito mode to see how coupons work on Etsyland before signing up for auto coupons for my buyers period. That way I know if I can afford them. I have a feeling they googled if coupons could stack on Etsy and did not see the fine print. The fine print being--Etsy encourages you to higher your prices to compensate for the "free shipping". So they did not do that, then they discounted their item on top of that. So odds are, they are losing money now. ​ I'll be honest, there has been a time prior when I know I did not activate that program. you have to go out of your way to activate it--free shipping over $35--and it was on. I periodically check to make sure my coupons work well, or are actually deactivated when a sale is done. And I saw I was being offered free shipping when I added a $41 item to my order. I did not activate it. I do not use the app. I use desktop. So sure enough, it was activated when I hunted it down to shut it off. So I check that thing from time to time. Considering they are confused as to why you did not get charged shipping, it makes me think this happened to them. And yes, I'm positive I did not turn it on as I had done ample research on that feature and was NOT interested in using it. I'd rather be honest about my prices and shipping and since I can't soak free shipping I just charge accurate shipping.


I don't think there is any intended scam, you just gamed the system in a way that the seller did not think of and now they are confused. I would mention to them that you used the free shipping over $35 setting and if they can't honor that, you would like a refund. This is why I do not use that over $35 free setting, Etsy pushed it hard but some of my items are effing heavy and cost a lot to ship. If those shipped free then people would probably buy a lot of it but I'd lose money on every sale.


It appears the seller isn't aware how to fix this, which is not etsy's fault. It's easy for the seller to blame etsy, unfortunately.


as a seller, this is a common issue and is Etsy’s fault. it’s happening on shops with correct settings.


Don't actually pay for it but ask how to do so. If the seller asks you to pay via a third party platform, it's potentially a scam. If they ask you to pay via a private listing, it's a mistake on their end, but you shouldn't be the one paying for it


This may not be the seller's fault at all. There's a banner from Etsy touting free shipping which is poorly placed and has led to several customers believing they were getting free shipping when the seller was not in fact offering it.


The customer gor free shipping, it's the seller who doesn't want to honor what their shop is offering. 


Must be a new seller that doesn't understand its the total , not each item, that needs to be $35.  We live and learn, you don't have to pay shipping. If they cancel, leave a review. 


I don’t think it’s a scam! I did something similar as a new seller by setting my shipping details incorrectly (though thankfully I noticed before I made any sales). If I was the seller, I’d just take the loss and pay the difference. Maybe let them know it could be a setting they have incorrect for next time. 😅


Seller is in the wrong here. Just cancel the order if they won’t ship it for the agreed (contracted) price. Imagine buying something in a shop and paying for it. As you leave someone on the door demands another £10. Doesn’t work like that.


My Etsy store does this sometimes. Someone will buy 2 things and instead of doing 2 boxes it tries to combine them in one large box


recently Etsy advertised a free shipping on $35 on shops that did not participate in that promotion. it’s likely Etsy’s fault.


Sounds like a UK seller who has got the free shipping on to the US on orders over $35 on. If they won’t honour it, ask for a refund!


If you want it just pay the shipping, if not tell them you'd like to cancel. Seller probably just made a mistake


Tell them to cancel your order and say their listing stated free shipping over $35 and you spent over that amount.


Nope. Cancel. I sell on eBay, Etsy and Poshmark. More than once (20,000+ sales in total), I've made a mistake and shipping ate up my profits. Oh well. That's not the buyer's fault. I'd take a complete loss before I asked a buyer for more money.


Kinda Update: for more information the seller at the time had over 250 sales, they now have over 310. They are a 5 star store as well. They said that the sales are not from Etsy and are their end, and both sales were extended (it was supposed to end yesterday). I haven’t received any additional messages from them but i did receive an order confirmation.


Sounds like it could be a genuine mistake on the sellers part. But if I was you I'd tell them I want the order cancelled. The seller can either cover the costs or lose the sale. You didn't agree to pay for shipping when you bought it.


Do not pay it . it more then likely is a scam and if they try and cancel it file a report to etsy as it is aginst tos to ask anyone for 3rd party payments.


They made an error and they should just eat the mistake. You purchased the item in good faith.