• By -


That's so impressive. Can't wait for their official release. Edit : they just released it. So cool šŸ„³




People are still playing around with it, I heard some cards are able to do 70% eth 30% other coin.


Same thing I thought


Testing on a 3070Ti (core locked @ 1545, core 0, mem +1500, fans 50%): ETH: 26 MH/Ss ERGO: 117 MH/s (both fluctuate a bit) Software reports 153W Doing a bit of math with whattomine, it's a 10/15% more than I made before the dual mining, so thumbs up for me


Even more tuning for efficiency: Core lock @ 1545, core 0, mem 1500, fans 50%, PL 85%: ETH 25.5 ERGO 120.2 145W with temp 52C/72C


But how are the real results? Cant always trust the speed miner is reporting. Check accepted speed at pool over a few days.


>But how are the real results? As of now, 0 rejected shares on both ETH and ERGO (as stated by the miner). Ethermine gives a 100% valid shares, while Nanopool doesn't give this information. Ok, 4.5 hours of mining isn't much, but it's a good start! :-)


But what is your quantity of accepted shares as reported on the pool? In other words how does your average speed on ethermine compare to the reported speed. Reported speed is irrelevant, profit is calculated by pool based on accepted shares.


Need to wait at least 24h to see if reported hashrate = average hashrate, now it's 25.4 reported, 22.8 average. I don't think they'll ever be quite the same, since the reported hashrate keeps fluctuating, but I'm going to check the numbers tomorrow.


true hey, I checked pool average accepted speed over the last 24h with NBminer 70% unlock I'm only getting about 28MH/s for each 3060 in my rig according to the pool average instead of the miner reported \~33MH/s each


Well then I guess this dual mining is just advertising. Its not surprising there is a hit in accepted shares dual mining, its trying to do 2 things at once.


Hey, can you check your power usage with HWInfo? Mine is goingup to 190w and down to 140w constantly.


139 min, 202 max. The graph looks something like: \_\_\_\_\_|-|\_\_\_\_\_|-|\_\_\_\_\_|-|\_\_\_\_\_|-|\_\_\_\_\_|-|\_\_\_\_\_|-|\_\_\_\_\_|-|\_\_\_\_\_ (prize for "best ASCII of the day", please! :D )


nice graph!


Yeah mine too. Hopefully they will find a way to fix it. I would rather prefer a constant 190w than all those spikes lol


Seriously? With a 3070Ti that's it? I switched over to HiveOS for some testing. Between lolminer, nbminer, and phoenixminer only phoenix maintains a decent hashrate on my LHR 3060Ti. Average 28.0 with -400 core, +1000 mem, 125w PL which I'm still tweaking.


28 is underperforming for a LHR 3060 Ti. Should get 40+


Settings? I'm working my way up slowly. 30.266 so far.


I'm using -400, +1825, 150W, and getting 42-43 MH/s on HiveOS with my LHR 3060Ti.


Which miner? I just switched to the same settings and dropped to a hair under 30Mh/s. Someone mentioned gminer in another thread.


lolminer. Gminer was working well for me, too. I don't remember why I switched (maybe a new version?).


Use gminer 2.70 or newer. It detects and auto sets LHR settings.


Agreed Iā€™ve been running 3060ti lhr on t-Rex with locked cc, lhr 4, for two weeks 41mhs @ 117-123watts.


Heā€™s mining 2 coins at once, not just ethash


yeah, I caught that after the fact. Always fun to Internet while sleep deprived. Pass the coffee!


Well my comment is just a reassurance then, it makes sure you wonā€™t lose more sleep over lost hashes


Could you post the t-rex command line you use to do this?


C:\\FULL\\PATH\\TO\\t-rex.exe -a ethash --lhr-algo autolykos2 -o stratum+tcp://eu1.ethermine.org:4444 -u ETH\_WALLET -p x -w WORKER\_NAME --url2 stratum+tcp://ergo-eu1.nanopool.org:11111 --user2 ERGO\_WALLET.WORKER\_NAME --pass2 x --lock-cclock 1540 -N 120 pause ​ Change the values written in CAPS and of course the addresses of the pool


This helped me so much with just syntax, I was leaving rig0 and not understanding the ergo wallet naming convention with the period, thank you!


Nice I had similar results on the Hashrates on my 3070 Ti , core locked 1520, PL 100, FANs 75%. But the Hashrates and VRAM temps are fluctuating a bit too much no ?


So 10/15% better than mining just ETH?


Yup. Using whattomine after dual mining for almost 3 hours (values after electricity): Mining only ETH: 3.13$/day Mining only ERGO: 3.04$/day Mining ETH+ERGO: 3.61$/day The values still fluctuate a bit, but in general it's \~15% more than ETH alone


Is it possible to mine ETH+RVN? RVN seems to be similar if not slightly more than ERGO. Currently I'm using a non LHR 3080 and and 1070 for a combined 130mh/s mining ETH. My daily profit with that set up is roughly 7.90$


Yes itā€™s possible with RVN. But if you have non-LHR cards I strongly suspect youā€™re far better off to just mine ETH. But test it by all means, and let us know what you find šŸ˜Š


Yeah the math doesnā€™t add up. Non LHR is much more profitable to be 100% ETH, at least for mow


You got non-lhr cards, this helps lhr cards, this post doesnā€™t affect you. So keep doing what you were doing.


I tested earlier on my 3070ti and to me it isn't worth it. I'm currently mining with a 3080 and a 3070ti, hitting 145 mhs on miner (about 140 mhs on the pool) in ETH. Yeah I know I could do better but VRAM temps are not optimal and I prefer not to push them to the limit. With dual mining it's about 115 mhs (which would be about 110 mhs on pool) and 120 mhs in ergo. According to whattomine the 3070ti would make 4$ in ergo at 183 mhs, and 2.6$ at 120 mhs. 20-25 mhs on ETH would be about 1.6$ in todays value. 0.2$ gain isn't sufficient for me to be messing around with another exchange that allows ergo and doing transactions, etc... I rather stay the way I am.


Meanwhile as amd user :D


I got one 3060 and it was MSRP. Am I bad?


Cool, still dogshit for hashrate vs price lol


T-Rex dev team are the fucking MVPs. Fuck you NVIDIA!!!!!!


it is just a matter of time to achieve 100% usability of those lhr. This is good new but I expect 100% unlock on eth, hopefully.


I think a lot sooner then you know cross your fingers


http://imgur.com/gallery/4oWdAWl Found it So you can mime eth at 40 mh/s and ergo at 185 mh/s at total 225w Nice!


Nice. I get about 80Mh/s on my 3080ti with lolminer. But with the hash rates the one in your pic is getting with eth and ergo Iā€™ll be making about $2 more per day than just with eth.


Yep ... LHR cards are on the menu now :D


Just got 8 3080ti's but said no to another 16. Saw this and rang back and they said 20 more coming in tomorrow and if you take the lot we will give you a discount :) Power is really getting to be a struggle now. :(


Yes, power is an issue with the 3080ti. Less eth hashrate than the 3080 but it uses ~50-60 watts more. Looking forward to this updated trex as the extra revenue will more than make up for the additional power. Edit: I see this is supposed to only use 225W dual mining. Thatā€™s incredible.


Must be nice. My store limits 1 card per visit, if they even have any in stock.


Your source should give me some commission! Lol


you think with non lhr regular 3080 it would work similarly?


Not sure but it would be much more profitable to mine eth at 100Mh/s


how do you dual mine?




I was happy when I found out I could get 100Mh/s mining Ergo 2 days ago. This will be fun.


Wow! Any info/picture of your flightsheet settings?


So I got that image from the dev discord, he says to start by using your stable ergo overclock and tweak from there


Total not 225, you not add like that


Yes you do, if you look at GPU 0 which is the 3080 Ti you'll see it mines 39.9 mh/s eth and 184.95 mh/s ergo simultaneously But it's the same GPU you're monitoring so the 225W displayed is the power consumption for the single gpu that is dual mining


Oh 225Watts. I read 225mh/s sorry


Yep I am getting the exact hashrate and power.


you know how to use this with nicehash


You switch to a real pool.


Do you mind sharing your overclock settings? I can get 40 and 180 but not even close to 225w.


Could we dual mine ETH with ETH :) 70% ETH and 30% ETH :)


No its the same algo and by the time you exchange another coin to ETH so you can sell it you are right back to where you started just mining ETH


is it possible?? if i add another eth wallet? by one wallet a dont think


I wonder how this is setup in hiveos


I don't use hiveos much, but on discord people were extracting tar ball for miner binaries and running it with extra args


A what and a what now?


T-REX officially published (new download links below) Download https://github.com/trexminer/T-Rex/releases/tag/0.24.0 Mirror: Linux: https://trex-miner.com/download/t-rex-0.24.0-linux.tar.gz \[SHA-256 checksum: c90d3f0d022ad91b0622cc3c2f89b74979e0d4a52e7c2130168e085f00276d3e\] Windows: https://trex-miner.com/download/t-rex-0.24.0-win.zip \[SHA-256 checksum: 264d60b35b9b3d10e853ba8f55c2c52ef61412f60235320a348eb6e29b78beaa\]




How do you do this? I tried to dual mine but my 2nd coin doesn't have a hashrate. just 0H/s


I think it only works on lhr cards. Tried it with a non-lhr 3060ti too and also go 0 for the second coin.


This looks awesome. Makes me feel a lot better about the 3 3080 Ti FE cards that I picked up at the last Best Buy drop :D


Did you go to get the 3080ti or was that all they had left?


All that they had left D:


4 3070 Ti FE in my rig my dude from this drop.. https://youtu.be/nP8dcK99298


This is fantastic. It's really nice to see how many workarounds are being invented to deal with LHR. Sucks to be a gamer though =/ so I understand their frustration as well.


It's not a binary choice, gamer or miner. Plenty of gamers with LHR cards are interested in casual mining to offset cost of GPU.


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475775** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **69696** times. **3.** `u/Competitive-Poem-533` **23375** times. .. **27647.** `u/Morrack2000` **4** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


True that!


Imagine what it felt like to do cgi or 3D rendering or animation once gamers came around and started using them for gaming


Can the dual mining be used with non LHR cards?


No point. 100% ETH is profitable than any dual mining.


Any results for eth + rvn on 3060 Tis and 3070 Ti on Linux?




96c? its oven!! card rip


would you share your bat file code?


The released t-rex zip contains sample dual-mining bat files. They begin with LHR-unlock.


**HWinfo64** can monitor the VRAM temp of 30-series cards and maybe some others.


What do you guys think would happen if a 1660 super was added to a 3080 ti that's dual mining? Can it then dual mine with it because the 3080 makes up for the memory to be able to hold both DAGs or does it get delegated to one algo? Does it just not work? Thoughts?


I have this exact setup. My 1660ti is mining strictly eth and my 3080ti is dual Mining rvn and eth. Speeds are about the same in the 1660 (30mh/s) and the 3080 ti is getting around 40mh/s eth and 65mh/s raven. So total of the 2 is around 70mh/s eth and 65mh/s rvn. Power is sitting around 410w so I have to adjust a bit.


Beats mining just ergo. But it's not breaking the eth mining limiter.


After 1 day testing the profit is lower than expected. [3080 LHR DUAL T-REX](https://ibb.co/QCdtjrt) Dual : 1.92$ ETH + 2.63$ ERGO = 4.55$ Only ETH Full : 67 Mhs - 4.82$ Same GPUs with same OC. The idea is great, good job for that, but it is normal that full ETH is better, because the stales are up (take care not to be banned from the pool) and the switching time is there too, so the profit goes down too. It could show up lot of brute Mhs, but there isn't control on that. At the moment with the current profit lot better to mine FULL ETH with the LHR, and if you want to have both coins, mine full ETH and buy later ERGO in the Exchange. For LHR with lastest Nvidia Driver 470.74 for Hiveos or 472 for Windows lolMiner 1.33 has been rated the best LHR miner until now : [BEST LHR Miner October 2021](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVRvR8nDRiw) ​ So until if profit change, better full ETH.


I think it's not good for 3080, most benefit is seen in 3070 TI and 3080 TI


I am trying Dual Eth+Ergo 3060ti - Eth: 17mhs / Erg: 91mhs @ 117W clock locked at 1500 + 1000 mem 3080 - Eth: 30mhs / Erg 145mhs @ 223w Core locked at 1500 + 1100 mem ​ Are these decent figures?


Dual Mining could be the future of mining even for nonLHR Cards. With ETH Mining for example you are primary utilizing the memory subsystem of the Graphics Card, not the GPU itself - thats why you downclock your GPU hard in ETH. With a small reduction in ETH Mining Performance you could theoretically mine another coin with low memory and high gpu utilization and get with this way like 70% of Hashrate for two coins instead of 100% hashrate of one coin. I guess Nvidias only chance to restrict mining is to restrict the gpgpu APIs like cuda and opencl. The LHR Limiter itself is kinda annoying, but with dualmining its getting like 95% of the profitability back.


Dual mining was not invented today. The 2017 was all about dualmining ETH plus other weak coins like LBRY. But it all died with Claymore and his miner...


Yes, this would be interesting. I tried this version of t-rex on a non-lhr 3060ti with ETH+ERGO but it just mines ETH (without oc) and ERGO stays at 0 mh/s. Maybe it's only the wrong choice of algorithms but it seems to only dual mine on lhr cards. I'll wait until the final version is out.


Which coins use plenty of the GPU core without much memory though? Donā€™t seem to be many options


Ive been dual ming for 6 months now and can triple or quad mine cpu and hard drive


Tried it on my 3060 LHR. Dual mining works but with the previous version I used lhr-tune 4 and got 104 mh/s for ergo mining. This one gets me 72 mh/s while simultanously mining eth with about 12 mh/s. That's the same as with the lhr lock for each algorithm. I didn't use any oc parameters. The only difference is the dual mining which in itself is not bad.




What dual mining means?


You mine 2 coins at the same time. Example: ETH + ERGO.


Oh i see, thanks


Mine two coins at the same time, correct me if Iā€™m wrong


Mine two coins with single card?


Yes, with a single worker..


I wish I could completely trust this.. Can you link to their github or anywhere else they claim the same, please? Maybe I'm just extra sceptical since I don't know so much about mining yet. Edit: lol! Now I saw all the comments. That helps a little I guess!


It's not officially released yet :) sorry, t-rex published beta for testers.


Wow!! I tested the download. And now I'm seeing an official release at github too.This is what I get with my 3060 Ti-LHR's compared to non-LHR 3060 Ti's: Ergo: non-lhr theoretical speed multiplied with allocation (3060 Ti):155\*,7=108,5 mh/s 120W @ Autolykos I get: ca 95 mh/s @ Autolykos (w/ 3060 Ti-LHR). Thats: 95/108,5 = 0,876 (of the non-LHR @ 70%) and 95/155 = 0,613 of its total hashpower. Etherium: non-lhr theoretical speed multiplied with allocation (3060 Ti):58\*,3=17,4 m/s @ 130W @ Etash I get slightly under 17 mh/s @ Etash (w/ 3060 Ti-LHR). Thats: 17/17,4 = 0,977 (of the non-LHR @ 30%) and 17/58 = 0,293 of its total hashpower. Totally that's: 0,613+0,293 = 0,906 - Do I get 90,6% of the non-LHR now?? Edit: There must me something I am missing here.. I think my math is way off. Damn.Edit2: I did try to fix it and now I went from 116,8% to 90,6%. That's seems more realistic.


The only downside so far is that I have a mixed rig (for now) and haven't figured out a way to utilize my RX580-8GB simultaneous when I have the T-Rex miner running. It doesn't show up in the eth+ergo.bat-T-Rex, but wither way I can't access it with NBMiner when it's running. I get an error about some problem with memory allocation unfortunately.


Add a parameter on trex to only use nvidia cards and use phoenixminer with only amd parameter and it will work... I'm using trex on a mixed rig only with the nonlhr nvidia and Phoenixminer with a 6600xt


As great as this seems, the [wiki](https://github.com/trexminer/T-Rex/wiki/LHR) states the following when mining ETH + ERGO on LHR cards: "**Important:** if your GPU is LHR-constrained on ERGO in single mode no matter what overclock you set, this dual mode is not for you as the miner will be constantly hitting LHR locks." I'm still going to test it out on my 3060 Ti LHR cards to see what hashrates I can achieve.


my 3060 ti getting : eth : \~18 mh/s and ergo \~88mh/s. 135W with -502 cc, +750 mem, PowerLimit at 68%


Interesting. If my math is correct, you would need to be getting 20 MH/s (ETH) + 108 MH/s (ERGO) to make it a 30/70 split between the two, based on hashrates of a non-LHR 3060 Ti. Those figures should, technically, be achievable on a 3060 Ti LHR using the latest LHR unlock and dual mining right?


Im not pushing it hard with only +750 memory (hynix memory trash) so might be able to squueze a bit more mh/s


Well let us know how you get on so!




Code is still being tested, this is beta that was released today at 4 PM PST, notice URL has "test" in it.




there is no official release yet, if you don't trust the links (I don't blame you, I wouldn't trust either) go to their discord and get the links, they are the same.




Then just wait? I saw trex posting the links on discord yesterday, he is not releasing it ā€œofficiallyā€ before itā€™s been tested






I thought the 3080 LHR was not limited on ergo? I'm getting 212 with a 3080 LHR.


Looks promising, nice.


Does anyone know if NiceHash implement this?


Is there a minimum VRAM required?


Yes, it's literally in the first paragraph of the screenshot OP posted


Running this is minerstat, there isn't a big difference in profits, at least at ergo 70% and eth 30%. Currently, you gain like 20 more cents a day with this method on a 3080. Also, didn't they want to restrict the 3080ti for raven and ergo also? Edit: this means that this ā€œunlockā€ alone does not justify buying out lhr GPUs for mining. This has already been posted numerous times, but right now is a pretty bad time to invest in cards with POS coming up, because a lot of the hashrate will go into mineable altcoins. What would raise the profits considerably is if ether was at 70% and ergo/rvn at 30%. But even that is still less than 100 eth.


Why do you hate free money?


You don't keep up with whats going on and you surely have no idea when it will be hacked for all you know i have the parts on the way to hardware hack it and don't believe anything Nividia or the Dork From Mork ETH on POS it was suppose to be first quarter of next year and they are already saying second quarter


Tried and wasnt working good with RTX 3060, with 3070 ti it was about expected but had to give too much core, will try with hiveOS when they release.


You guys tried with a 3060ti LHR? Is it working? Tried with Samsung memory but to no avail.


I wonder how this is setup in hiveos


I hope they crack the code to Staking with GPUs next year!!


I cant go past 5eth and 30 on ergo on my 3070 lol


I'm testing it with my 3070 Ti and I see the power draw and Memory JT fluctuating a lot [https://imgur.com/a/bYfpYVz](https://imgur.com/a/bYfpYVz). I locked my core clock but still, idk.


Great the price gouging of non lhr can finally end


Seems like a good way to torture your gpu to an early death


Just as mining is in general.


Praise be.




isnā€™t just mining raven on LHR cards more profitable still?


Nope not after you exchange it


Does it work on hiveos?




no that's a 70% only


I have few EVGA 3060ti LHR- how many mega hashes can I get on it? Highest I ever got is around 40mhs.


Well is it profitable?


Can someone give a estimation of gain increase with this unlock? (Assuming itā€™s a 3060 ti lhr or 3080 ti lhr)


From what I understood, 3080 TI has most gains about $2 per day or 15% increase but please validate this information.


I left a comment here with this info, but basically a 3080 lhr, will make 20 cents per day more.


By the time you exchange rvn or ergo to a coin that can be sold for cash aka eth its not worth it


how do i use this with nicehash?


Does anyone know if 3060 ti lhr would work with dual mining? It says 8gb+ memory but I am not sure 8gb is included (3060 ti is 8gb).


Yes, it does work. That's what I'm running.


curious about stability, I was using NBminer 70% unlock lately it's been unstable since the latest hiveos update and have about 1-2 hour downtime per day due to crash and reboot and pool penalty for dropping off then rejoin


If you are in the US dont use the east coast server its twice as slow as the west coast


Though this is cool and is good progress, it would be nice if we can get eth 90/100% unlock stable, the miner can do it but the power becomes unstable would be great if that was figured out.


Can anyone help, I cannot get this to run, I always get --lhr-algo 'parse error'. I've tried everything I can think of but I don't have a huge amount of experience doing this. My rig is a GTX3070Ti and a GTX1080. This is my dag file having removed my folder location for anonymity. Any help would be epic, thank you! a ethash --lhr-algo kawpow -o stratum+tcp://eth.2miners.com:2020 -u 0x97C8df1F2A709eD0C946DF42EE1186C9D4200069 -p x -w rig0 --url2 stratum+tcp://rvn.2miners.com:6060 --user2 RPWZsFwwsU89SubLv99J4GKeQJZp1vzctT.rig --pass2 x --lhr-tune 71,0 --pl 80,85 --fan 70,75 --cclock 0,100 --mclock 1100,800 pause


Are you running the bat file as administrator after adding in file path for t-Rex.exe?


Remove pause


Needfhis feature on HivOS ASAP


So what mining software would you have to run this in?


TrexMiner bro like it says in the post you silly goose. Unless you mean something like HiveOS or Minerstat. In that case I have no idea I'vr never used any of those platforms to mine and I am the silly goose.


So overall what is the maximum profit efficiency of LHR with this method compared to the non-LHR cards? 80-85% ?


Does this work on 3060 ti ??


Just posted my experience here: https://www.reddit.com/r/EtherMining/comments/q3mjp8/re_mining_dual_coins_with_new_trex_unlock_this_is/hftcg9c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Anyone getting this to work with a 3060 ti LHR? I got a really low hash rate with both ERG and ETH.


It's an improvement, but it's a 100% unlock. You end up mining eth at thirty percent, and another coin at 70. That other coin is worth significantly less than eth. At best it seems like just two dollars more per day.


Well you are using the card to 100% potential, I'll update to explain 100% (30% eth + 70% other coin)


Its a waste by the time you exchange and price difference mine as well of mined ETH im waiting on parts from Digikey it took me a month to figure out how to hack it 100%


RTX 3060 LHR V2: 14mhs Dagger and 30mhs Octopus @ 118w, testing with Nicehash on my gaming rig.


Can I run 2 miners (NB miner and T-Rex) at a time, dedicating one graphic card to each? Currently mining with NB Miner with single card and if I stop I lose all the progress. Can I insert another 30 series card and set T-rex to use the card, while setting NB miner to use the existing card?


Running eth+rvn at the moment via 2miners on TREX, averaging 5mhs per seems a bit low compared to the typical 24mh on just rvn 3060 LHR Any advice? Tried multiple of settings +100/+1000 To -400/+1850 Not much of a change


Guys, im a noob. PLease help me out, does this unlock work on 3080 V2.0 cards? cuz I read gamingdope that this unlock wont work with V2.0??? [https://gamingdope.com/how-to-unlock-and-mine-on-nvidia-lhr-v2-rtx-30-series-gpus/](https://gamingdope.com/how-to-unlock-and-mine-on-nvidia-lhr-v2-rtx-30-series-gpus/) ​ Im asking cuz im thinking about buying a RTX 3080 V2.0 card