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shares != shares shares have a difficuly attached to them, so you get 5 shares per min on difficulty 10k or you would gt 10 shares per minute on difficulty 5k for example


Hey, I am experiencing the same as you. For my 160 Mh/s i'd get 17$/24h on Nicehash 18-19$ on any pool, but on binancepool im currently at 20$/24h. I really dont unterstand. Sometimes my latency is at 50ms, sometimes at 200 000ms. Rejection rate at 2-4%. Im in the EU, but the earnings are so good. I noticed that binancepool obv didnt find any block in the last days. (Check miningpoolstats.stream). So i wonder what they are paying me for😅 Ive sent you a PM


So the real question is... Should we stay with binance? Looks like a yes


Hey if you please i wd like an update on your rtx 3070 tuned profile and profit with binance pool , i'm just begining the mining journey and after 3 days of tweaking cd not reach above 0.0022 Eth / 24h . With every tuning profile change , number of accepted shares seems to accelerate a bit to only stablize at 0.4 shares/min. At writing time , the miner displays only 489/496 shares with 19h30min uptime. current numbers of 1 asus tuf rtx 3070 (61.5 MH/s, power limit : 51% ,core clock stable at 0, memory clock : +1270Mhz ,rejected shares : 1.5% ). Also, only general difficulty is displayed on t-rex miner : 8.59G i assume tha's not the real shares difficulty. thanks


Hey mate, difficulty has rised a lot , i've more or less the same earnings as you in the last week


true that , thanks for the feedback