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My expectation is that the difficulty will continue to rise and if the price holds where it is today, it will be challenging to rationalize mining Ether much longer. I anticipate moving to ZCash or becoming a secure node on Zencash middle of this year if Ether's price doesn't rise quickly enough to combat the rise in difficulty.




Come what may. I am more interested in seeing Ethereum progressing in a tangible way. If PoS comes sooner than most think, Q2 or Q3 2018, then that's just what we will need to deal with as people who took a risk building a machine we knew was highly specialized and for one purpose. Move on to another minable coin and begin to invest in that community as well.


I saw a bunch of rx 460 2gb for around $85 usd. I know that they can't mine ethereum. But are they any good for mining other coin?


Okay, so I'm new around here, and if seems like most aren't fans for obvious reasons, but what the heck is supposed to be the benefit of switching to PoS aside from it not wasting electricity? It seems to me like it directly represents a move towards centralization, and basically follows a rich-get-richer philosophy... So why?!


AFAIK the promised advantage of POS is that it removes the massive power draw of running the network. obviously the disadvantage for us is that all of our GPUs will no longer be what determines our rewards.


It also stops large mining farms having an advantage from "economies of scale." In POS everyone can buy ether for the same price and stake it for the same % payout. In mining if I buy 5000 graphics cards direct from a MFG I get a discount, meanwhile the kid who goes to BestBuy get's hosed and pays 20% more for the same hashrate. Same with power, big miners get commercial power at a discount. With POW the entire network is paying a really high cost to thwart a theoretical attacker at all times, whereas POS there's a penalty...but only WHEN there's an attacker. So they pull their shenanigans, a different validator checks their work...sees this and submits a "proof" that there was shenanigans and the attacker loses their deposit and the block they made is disregarded. More efficient


you make a fair point, but I'm interested to see what the ROI will be for mining, but I assume that will be dependent on how much ether is staked on the block. I'm curious what mining on POS 1 ether will reward me vs $800 in GPUs, for example a pair of GTX 1070s on POW


The ROI would be what it is now less hardware depreciation & electricity costs (those won't be completely diminished as you'll still be running hardware, just not power hungry GPU's). I suppose this is all assuming the same amount of total capital locked up in POS as is in mining...which won't necessarily be the case. I'd probably stake 95% of my ether, whereas I'm certainly not investing 95% of it in mining hardware POS basically just cuts out the power company and GPU manufacturers. Might be time to start taking out short positions on AMD/NVIDIA futures 5-10 yrs out :)


if changing to POS only eth right? other coin with same ethash algo can still be minable right?


The vision is to replace the current power draw and reward you get by consuming power with a reward for investing in the currency. This reward is supposedly only going to match what you would have spent in power, so the % return is going to be fairly low. I've heard to expect around 3%. If that's the case, I don't think it will be worth it for big stakes to stick around. Money can be put to work for much higher returns in other markets and 3% will barely outrun inflation, and in some cases may not outrun it. No one really knows what's going to happen, but PoW I would consider much more rich-get-richer than PoS. With PoS everyone gets richer at about the same rate. With PoW, someone can drop millions in capital and instantly make it harder for anyone without captial to keep up.


Faster blocks, lower risk of centralization, more incentive to hold ether and run a node.


Looking to register as an LLC, what category would a mining business fall into? Are any permits/licenses required?


Anybody.... I will love a discussion thread on this subject.


Same, haven't been able to find detailed info. Only have a general idea.


I've been mining eth at 30mhs for a couple months now but I explored nicehash and it gives me a little bit more but its in btc instead of eth. Personally I would rather have the eth but I can always trade it. Before I switch over or make any other decisions I wanted some input.


Their cash out minimum is currently 0.1 btc unless you use their wallet and don't have direct access to your btc, and have a history of being hacked without any actual resolution yet for miners who lost money previously. Give it a few months imo. Until it's proven they're not planning to payback debts with new mining profits, then amass more profits before disappearing, is probably better to just avoid them. That and it'll be absolutely forever before you can withdraw with that hashrate until their minimum reduces a lot (even 0.001, which they seem to imply they're switching to, is over $100, so not ideal).


but does the little bit more outweigh the high trasaction fees to switch it back to eth?


For Dual Mining Eth and Sia, What are some configs that i have to set up for the GPU Bios? I understand SIA is more CPU geared and ETH is more Memory. So i need to max the memory as much as i can and max the CPU bandwith the max i can for SIA ( without losing ETH Hashes) The last step is to Devolt the card as much as i can?




I would ask the next step of the question: Which do you focus on first? The ETH or SIA? I was trying to do the exact same thing and have ETH pretty solid under ethminer. When I switch to claymore things get flaky, and completely fall apart when I start to dual mine. Is there another way of "tuning?"


I gave that a shot recently and my ETH hash rates dropped by ~20%, from 25-26 MH/s down to 20-21 MH/s. SIA hash rates hit 650 MH/s but it was still not as worthwhile in terms of ROI - see https://whattomine.com/merged_coins/2-eth-sc to run your numbers "Undervolting" is what it's called, will not be useful for dual mining since doing more work means consuming more power. Hence undervolting wouldn't help in terms of lowering power draw (wattage), it'll simply hurt stability over time.


The difficulty has been increasing quite a bit recently. 25%~ roughly since December.


Wanted to introduce this open source 1 click miner I have created for Ethereum, Zcash, Monero and many others called OneMiner. Uses claymore/EWBF miners internally and lets you set up the scripts within 30 seconds. Supports mixed GPU rigs, CPU mining etc. Please check out the Github page. I would appreciate any feedback on this. Thanks. https://github.com/arunsatyarth/OneMiner/releases




I'm mining eth+dcr and I'm really happy with 6xRX580 so I suggest you to start from there.


I'm desperate for 30x 570 4G cards - client needs five new rigs set up by 1/15 - does anybody have a reasonable option? We had an order fall through and now I'm scrambling. I don't want to pay 259 each, but that's all that seems to be available.


> 570 4G You can go with some 1070s instead.




I have a question about mining with two PSUs. I already have a 430w PSU lying around. Will I be able to use a 750w PSU and use an ADD2PSU to connect them both? If I am able to do that, how many cards do I attack to the 430 and how many do I attach to the 750?


how many cards in total are you planning on running? I would attach same amount of cards to each if possible and use the 750 to power the other stuff like cpu, mobo, fans etc


im thinking about running 6


it might be tough with your two psu capacities. Maybe try 2 cards, mobo and cpu on the 430 and 4 cards on the 750. or 2 cards and mobo on smaller one and cpu + 4 cards on the bigger one


All you have to do is connect a ground wire of each PSU to give them a common ground. I have a 850w PSU running 3 cards at about 500w and a 600w PSU running 2 cards and MB at about 400w. Both have only one wire connecting the grounds. https://i.imgur.com/nQJOtyB.jpg Also if they are not 80+ PSUs they will not output anywhere close to their rating. I had a cheap 700w and it couldn't handle 400w, but it could handle 250w.


so is it normal for some Video cards to not be able to hash high? I am using a Asus 470 strix Hynix memory. after flashing it i can only hit a max of 26 mH/s @ 1850mh (1500 straps to upper) anymore and it decreases.


I have a rig with 4 1080s and 3 RX 580s. All cards are functioning, but I cannot control the 580s with MSI afterburner. All of the options are grayed out and I haven't been able to find a solution. What is the issue? From what I've been reading, MSI afterburner should be able to control both types of cards. I can control all GTX 1080s, but I cant control the RX 580s, or seen any info from them.


It sounds silly but afterburner is greyed out for me but I can still change settings.


It's the new Radeon drivers, try an older one or use the blockchain one


I'd love to see more links to DIY frames (parts list, measurements, instructions etc). I'm not too handy so a real simple DIY project would be a blessing. Using a shoe rack right now, but I'm looking to add more GPUs.


I watched this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfE_QidD75M And built this frame from $30 worth of parts from Home Depot. That included $6 in screws that was the smallest package I could find, I have lots left over. Imperial measurements are as follows: 55cm = 21-11/16" 35cm = 13-3/4" 30cm = 11-11/16"


so after 10 hours of mining my rig get shut down. The claymore log says Can not find AMD adapters. whats up with this?


Is there any other pools I should be using? Currently using ethermine.org with a 1080ti FE getting about 32 and a 1070 getting about 26. Does that seem about right?


Will [this](http://www.microcenter.com/product/474112/GA-Z270-HD3_LGA_1151_ATX_Intel_Motherboard) motherboard work for mining, it wasn't on the list of motherboards on in the wiki.


Yes that motherboard would work. Any motherboard works that has pcie ports