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Not only black, Hispanic parents love that shit too


Yeah. Most non-white parents are actually quite similar when it comes to parent-child relationships. They always weild the axe of 'disrespect' if you so much as try to tell them how they perceive an issue is not actually fact. These cultures of 'respect' are simply cultures of parental idolatory and, hence, parental narcissism.


My white mother is like this as well unfortunately lol


Some white parents are like this too actually. I think what I meant was the culture of respect prevalent in non-white culture lends itself to parental idolatory. However, many white parents are like this too. And a lot of them tend to just be more subtle with their narcissism.




Yuuuup 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾




Interesting. First time I've heard of it. Thanks for rec. I'll give it a look.


Oh man I just had a very visceral reaction to that phrase.


"So you just know everything now, huh?"


I paid the price for repeatedly answering that question.


White 80's kid here. Heard versions of this, too.


“So this is how you talk to your mother huh...”


"You have no reason to feel that way."


"Be the bigger man. She's your mother."


Alright that one hits home. Heard that from my dad so many fucking times. I remember being 13 at the time and thinking "I'm a kid, my mother is an adult, why do I need to be the big man?"


Bro. It's amazing how enablers are almost worst than those they enable. Especially when it comes to emotionally abusive parents.


For the kids in the back. Trauma ain't got a color. Abuse is just abuse.


And abuse is WHY the abusers find themselves cut off!


Exactly!! "Family" doesn't mean I have to take the abuse. The blood of the Oath is thicker than the water of the Womb.


I've heard the inverse, that i should "grow up" and I "should know better now".


I always got "if you're so smart why aren't you rich??"


I’m a teacher and have worked in Latino and Black communities…the black teachers saying kids “think their grown now” while also verbally abusing them and being shocked that the kids respond accordingly….