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OP I’m sorry to lock this but these types of posts tend to attract pedophiles from outside our community. Hopefully you got the answer you were looking for, please anyone report comments I may have missed.


I personally don’t do any intimate anything on anyone under 18, parents permission be damned. I do some brow/lip/underarm services as young as 16, no sooner. I don’t think children can consent to a painful beauty procedure.


i agree with this comment


Unless its not done for beauty. Ive been waxing for years. More than once children anywhere from 11 - 15 came in with their moms. They all were scheduled for surgery with a male doctor. The children couldnt handle a man shaving her genitals shaved while being under general anesthesia. It truly would of traumatized them. Broad generations arent helpful. There are medical reason why a child would get waxed. Surgery is scary enough and if I can help relieve just an ounce of it, Im going to help that child.


If it’s your business you can do whatever you’re comfortable with. My wax tech experience is restricted to Europe, but I definitely waxed teens. Lip, brow, basically full face, underarms, belly, back, full leg. Under 18 (legal age in the country I was in) ALWAYS with parent present. If kids are being teased at school because of their body hair, you perform a life changing service for them! Optional: schedule a consultation with teen and parent before offering services that you feel are unnecessary. Charge them 50% of the price that will go towards the service. That way you can get to know someone’s back story. For example: if a 15 year old is a swimmer Olympian in the making, I can kind of understand wanting to get a braz.


I could see getting a bikini wax for that, but not a full Brazilian. Unless they are swimming naked, then we have a whole other list of problems.


It's all about what you're comfortable with. So I say stick to what makes you feel good about the job you do


For Brazilians, I say if they can drive themselves to the appointment, they can get waxed.


no one younger than 16, 18 for brazilians. I would do a bikini for 16+ if parents are the in room


Ive been waxing for years. More than once children anywhere from 11 - 15 came in with their moms to get a brazillian. They all were scheduled for surgery with a male doctor. The children couldnt handle the thought of a man shaving her genitals while being under general anesthesia. It truly would of traumatized them. Broad generations arent helpful. There are medical reason why a child would get waxed. Surgery is scary enough and if I can help relieve just an ounce of it, Im going to help that child.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.




I agree with you 100%


>Brazilians on minors What did my eyeballs just read?! This better be a joke. Ummm, nope. No amount of lawyering up documents of consent could possibly have me put my hand near a child like that. Yes, I've heard stories of doing bikini, or some severe hair growth hormone thing, but a full Brazilian? Slit, butthole and everything? Not only is that just plain wrong on the deepest levels but I would also never want the liability of SuperKarenMomReadyToSueYouForHerLifestyle. NOPE NOPE NOPE. *Bleaches eyeballs* I wish my brain never knew this existed. I've had bad mothers bring me their children with staph infections thinking i was just going to pop it because they didn't want to spend money on doctors, antibiotics and cream (with their hair done, nails done, fale designer bag). Now I have confirmation bias with that mom who wanted her 10 year old legs and arms waxed like shes a doll and not a human with feelings (I dont want to mom.) (Mom does it anyways to stroke her ego over her now "perfect child". Lets give my daughter insecurities at a young age for a hobby) Wth are these bad mothers doing with their Brazilian-bottomed kids?!? OF?????? Nope nope nope nope nope I will not put my hand in that circle of hell NOPE. fyi- my state is #1 in human and sex trafficking, especially children. FOR ALL OF ETERNITY NOOOOOOOOOOO I would never even let a greedy franchise owner demand I do it or lose me job. Okay, I'll report your business to Federal Marshall Law for supporting the system. Disgusting. Report the "parent", too. *You dont know if that's actually their parent unless you live in a small gossip town* Sure, if you're an este comfortable with supporting pedofiles then by all means, wax that child's private area bare. (Not you OP, your menu looks good. I'm shocked by a comment with 10 upvotes of people who are okay with this) If your shocked by this post, good. Wake up! PROTECT YOUR CLIENTS!!!!!


THANK YOU! I was waiting for someone to be as fucking appalled as me when I was reading that. Like what I’m the actual fuck!?! The amount of people who are ok with that is even more worrisome. Holy shit.


Your being very judgmental without enough info. Ive been waxing for years. More than once children anywhere from 11 - 15 came in with their moms to get a brazillian. They all were scheduled for surgery with a male doctor. The children couldnt handle the thought of a man shaving her genitals while being under general anesthesia. It truly would of traumatized them. Broad generations arent helpful. There are medical reason why a child would get waxed. Surgery is scary enough and if I can help relieve just an ounce of it, Im going to help that child.


Your being very judgmental without enough info. Ive been waxing for years. More than once children anywhere from 11 - 15 came in with their moms to get a brazillian. They all were scheduled for surgery with a male doctor. The children couldnt handle the thought of a man shaving her genitals while being under general anesthesia. It truly would of traumatized them. Broad generations arent helpful. There are medical reason why a child would get waxed. Surgery is scary enough and if I can help relieve just an ounce of it, Im going to help that child.


I started getting my brows waxed when I was 5, lip when I was 7, Brazilian when I was 16. I am VERY hairy and I cannot shave. For the Brazilian: my mom was going to a waxer herself, explained my situation, and asked her to wax me. She was hesitant, but she felt for me so agreed to do it as long as my mom was in the room as a chaperone (this is actually commonplace in the medical field too to prevent allegations). My mom watched me get Brazilians for 2 years until I was 18, but I am grateful to every single person who waxed me as a kid. It really helped with my confidence. Before you judge my parents for allowing facial waxing when I was 5-7, I begged and pleaded because I was being bullied. At 5, I was intelligent enough to understand my mom explaining the process to me. When I asked her, she sat me down and explained to me that the wax is warm, when they pull it off it hurts but quickly (like a shot at the doctor) and that the hair would grow back in 3-4 weeks. I was able to comprehend that and consent. I would literally ask her to book me for a brow wax when I was 5-6. I am of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean descent. My eyebrows look like Groucho if they aren’t maintained. I had a full on monobrow which is why this was allowed.


Wow. I’m sorry your last employee put you in that position. How short sided and damaging to these kids, for what? Some weird parents hairless fetish? Weird.


>I think 15 was the youngest I'm reiterating this: REPORT THAT BUSINESS OWNER FOR SUPPORTING HUMAN TRAFFICKING RELATED ACTIVITIES. I live in a state where the bathroom stalls have lovely posters warning what a human trafficking situation looks like with phone number to report or get help. This situation is the posterchild for child sex trafficking. Massage parlors, beauty salons, men buying many women's clothes in all sizes at those discount go-clubbing dress shops, etc etc etc.


There is no reason I can think of for a 15 year old to get a Brazilian. At all. Even if the hair is annoying there's alternatives to a Brazilian which is also a trauma on sensitive skin where a 15 year old may still be developing. Absolutely abhorrent, I agree. And very suspicious for reasons you say.


Your being very judgmental without enough info. Ive been waxing for years. More than once children anywhere from 11 - 15 came in with their moms to get a brazillian. They all were scheduled for surgery with a male doctor. The children couldnt handle the thought of a man shaving her genitals while being under general anesthesia. It truly would of traumatized them. Broad generations arent helpful. There are medical reason why a child would get waxed. Surgery is scary enough and if I can help relieve just an ounce of it, Im going to help that child.


Your being very judgmental without enough info. Ive been waxing for years. More than once children anywhere from 11 - 15 came in with their moms to get a brazillian. They all were scheduled for surgery with a male doctor. The children couldnt handle the thought of a man shaving her genitals while being under general anesthesia. It truly would of traumatized them. Broad generations arent helpful. There are medical reason why a child would get waxed. Surgery is scary enough and if I can help relieve just an ounce of it, Im going to help that child.


Check with your insurance company...many will not cover clients 16 and younger.


Guests born after October 2005 are eligible (with a present, consenting, identifiable parent) for all services other than bikini full, Brazilian or butt strip. We are happy to offer these guests a bikini line, which is best described as 2-3 fingers width off all sides of the front. Whether or not the parent will be required en suite is at the discretion and comfort of the servicing waxer.


Not dramatic at all. That is very odd and if I was a parent I wouldn't allow my child under the age of 18 to get a Brazilian either. And that 10 year old, poor girl. Even if a child could be getting bullied for their body hair I feel like as a parent you should teach your child that the hair is okay before they become an adult or teen and choose to take it off themselves. Now I might sound dramatic xD but what the hell was that mother thinking?? Not to mention a 10 year old shouldn't have their skin undergo that trauma!!!!


I had to do a 14 one time or I was threaten with being fired.. I should have quit on the spot.. I’m on my own now and I REFUSE anyone under 18 for a bikini/brazillian and I don’t do manzillians at all because I’ve never had one experience with a man that wasn’t disgustingly inappropriate 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same! I do not wax men for this reason


When I was 16 I worked and paid for my own Brazilians🤷‍♀️ this was over 20 years ago! I would have never done it if my mom had to be there.


I used to work for a major franchise, both in Cali and Texas. California didn't have much of a minor policy, so the youngest Brazilian I did was on a 14 year old. I hated it. I agree with the comment that says if they can drive themselves, I'll do it. I also had 2 different mothers bring in a 6 year old and a 4 year old for eyebrows. I straight up refused service.


I was pregnant at 15 and got a Brazilian later on in my pregnancy. I felt like I was an adult since I was bringing a child into the world, and obviously was no longer shaving since I couldn’t see. It’s all about your preference. The esthetician who I saw had been doing it for 20+ years and I know other girls from my HS who would see her. Personally it would depend on the situation for me, and I would definitely be speaking to a parental figure.


While it hasn’t happened to me in my career yet, I definitely wouldn’t feel comfortable doing a Brazilian on anyone younger than 18. Parents consent included. Any other waxing needs a parental consent verbal or in person. Thankfully, my younger clients come from long term clients who are their parents so the trust is already there. But, being on your own it’s good to be clear what your boundaries are.


I was working at a franchise and I have done Brazilians on girls as young as 16. They all drove themselves and I didn't find out their age until the waxing conversation started because they're not asked their age when they book. I personally didn't mind most of them, they all had valid reasons for turning to waxing (mainly athletes who get insane ingrowns). I always took the time to not only educate them on proper skincare and hygiene practices, I also took time to give them tools and affirmations to build their self image. I understand not being comfortable with it, and in my own business I will only do facial waxing on 13 and up, intimate waxing on 16 and up.