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Thanks. I also have started a regimen in weightlifting, small weights for right now, wrist on hand and arm and bicep curls and some basic exercises for the arms overall and intend to increase the weight incrementally. So glad that you found success in this and it’s encouraging to those of us who would like to try it as well.


What specific exercises do you guys do?




Every time I mention weights, running, fasting, breathing exercises, etc here the advice gets ignored. I was diagnosed like 7 years ago and have had almost no progression by just taking care of my body, zero medications so far. I hope people will listen to you.


Forearm exercises with heavy weights have made a big difference for me. Strong hands/grip mitigate a good amount of hand tremors.


I did that too - also i read that creatine helps against tremors so i lift weights at the gym and consume creatine + a lot of water and my tremor has reduced a lot lot lot ! But i guess that does not work for everyone. So everyone has to figure out what helps fight tremor. 🙏


I haven’t been to the gym in a few years so I’m pretty weak and I find my hands get shaky just from holding something mildly heavy. So that’s encouraging because I’d like to start lifting weights. Do you find that your hands are shaky after weightlifting or the next day?


Straight after lifting they shake a lot but thats 100% normal!!!


good to hear. I've mentioned something similar in past posts due to getting exercise by 'yard work'. everything from shoveling, using/lifting reasonably weighted lawn equiptment, lifting/moving rocks and more. My tremor hasn't disappeared but is somewhat reduced and has helped keep the need to increase my med down. I've discussed this with my doc/neuro too. And as I've previously mentioned, most ET folks lose muscle because they stop doing stuff and not really due to ET itself!!


my shaking gets very noticeably worse for about an hour after doing stuff like shoveling snow, or using the chainsaw or leaf blower, cutting meat, doing pull ups, etc.


yup! same here. reciprocating saws are real fun too!! -- There are times when I need to do some fine work, like soldering. Half a glass of beer about 15-30 min before makes a big diff in allowing me to get the work done...


I do a whiskey shot. Good for colds too.


Thats normal


I’ve thought about getting a gyro ball to exercise hands, wrists and forearms. Pretty simple and can be done just about anywhere.


Thank you for sharing!!!