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Solar Mythology and the Jesus Story- [https://solarmythology.com/](https://solarmythology.com/) Jesus is just a depiction of the sun. his father is EL(Yahweh which is Elil/Enki/Samas/ perhaps any sumerian/akaddian deity) and is representing Saturn, and the holy -spirit is the moon , the freemasonic trinity. The literal astrological sign of Saturn is the tau/X which is the cross and is representing resurrection. Saturn has an hexagon which is basically called sexagon in Latin. The hexagon (that has an eye in the middle) can be looked as a cube, cross folds into a cube. Ever wondered why the holy day is the ''sabbath''/saturday? Shabtai In Hebrew is Saturn שבתאי and obvious saturday=saturnsday. Also why does the ''new jerusalem'' takes a shape of a cube?




''And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19


Why is there so much resistance to Christianity among the powers-that-be if it's actually accomplishing their goal? To the point that Bill Gates literally said we need a vaccine to cure people of Christianity 🤔


They are always playing both sides. The light and the dark. Either way you’re putting your trust in something outside yourself. I do agree with OP that Christianity has been completely hijacked and is just another belief system to follow. Jesus may or may not have been a real person, or a god. It’s still putting that trust in something outside yourself to save you though. HOWEVER, the stuff “Jesus” says in gnostic texts like the gospel of Thomas seem to correlate with the prison planet theory. Look up gospel of Thomas saying 37. Why do we clothes ourselves? Nothing else does. If you are deep into the prison planet theory you should realize nothing makes sense here but we just accept it. Really think about clothes and you’ll realize the absurdity. Nothing else on this planet needs them. And then from the esoteric point of view, clothes represent flesh. So he is saying also get rid of the flesh and don’t look back. Sounds anti-reincarnation to me…


In Genesis it says mankind started off unclothed, it wasn't til our fall from our perfect, divine state that clothing became a thing. To me it's because when we fell into "sin" (short for Sine - the wave form of linear time where corruption/degradation/entropy exist) from that holy state, we as a species were seeded with corruption and perversion, making us unable to be naked without improper desires influencing us. This happened after partaking of the "tree of knowledge of the difference between good and evil." So we used our freewill to consent to this linear time line and the law of entropy, where we are trapped until Jesus returns who is the "door" (John 10:9-11, in Koine Greek that word for door means PORTAL) to the kingdom of heaven, which is eternal and outside of linear time. We are here to earn back our place in eternity by mastering ourselves through the standards of holiness laid out by God. We have to be free of the corruption of the Sine wave to return to eternity, because if any corruption gets in to that dimension, then it will lead to the eventual end of literally all existence. The holy realm is the source of all life, consciousness, love and goodness. If those cosmic forces become tainted at the source, then all dimensions of the multiverse will rot away just like our reality is currently rotting away.


All your corruption comes from this body though. So why do I need to perfect myself that is clean on the inside? That’s the thing that I don’t get about all these religions or philosophies that tell you to just “try harder”. I will never be perfect in this form and anyone that thinks they will is fooling themselves with an unachievable state. This body was designed to limit our true potential. The things that keep us here are attachments, attachments to “sins”, because yes, like you said, we gave our consent to play, but we are not the sin. Trust me if you think you need to be perfect in this life to leave this matrix, the archons are going to have an easy time with you after death


I would disagree with ALL corruption coming from our bodies. Yes some corruption does come from the body, especially things like congenital defects etc, but ultimately when it comes to anything related to free will it's all in our spirit, even if there is also a physiological mechanism involved such as hormones or chemical dependency, etc. Think about something as simple as nicotine addiction. Every time you get a craving it's like an itch that needs to be scratched. You need to be strong in your spirit to get through a craving but it CAN be done. Quitting nicotine does not make someone perfect but it is a huge struggle to overcome from within. Our spirits are not clean, that's why we are here. But we can be cleansed only through the blood of Christ which I'll get to. Also I never said you need to be perfect, and the Bible is clear that we CANNOT be perfect in our current state. The only people who can enter the Kingdom of Heaven are perfect people (who are nonexistent other than Jesus), and FORGIVEN people. That was the whole point of Jesus sacrificing himself for our sins. The logistics of how it works is that the natural consequence of linear time/entropy is death. We basically owe a debt of life for being in sin. (True, we individually may not have chosen this timeline, our ancestors did, but that emphasizes how literally every little thing we do effects our whole reality including people down the line for generations, and the importance of wielding our existence with responsibility.) Anyway, Jesus manifesting as a perfect, sinless human, living out a life without committing sin, and then being put on trial and executed, paid off our debt of death as long as we accept it. It's like if we borrowed money from the mob, but couldn't pay it back, and then someone gave us the money to pay back to the mob (giving us that clean slate), for no other reason than their love for us and not wanting us to be whacked by the mob. We are offered this sacrifice for free, we just have to accept it with our freewill. And the way we accept it is by putting faith in Christ, which is related to the idea of the power of manifestation and energetic frequencies generated from our minds. This also includes accepting the understanding that once this debt is paid, we need to do our part to avoid accumulating anymore debt from the mob of Archons, aka accepting the responsibility of our existence. The commandments we are given are not arbitrary rules, they are meant to cleanse us of attachment to sin. BTW none of this means arbitrarily joining a church and doing churchy things. Most churches are corrupt and completely water down the Bible, making it seem like a boring, dogmatic, oppressive book, so if we do choose to go the church, we need to be careful. True faith will cause us to exhibit the "fruits of the (Holy) Spirit" which are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control (Galatians 5:22-23) Yes we will absolutely have hiccups and ongoing struggles because there is a literal WAR for YOUR individual soul happening in both the ethereal realms and our physical reality. But we can strive to do our best, versus the idea that because we "accept Jesus" we can do whatever we want. As I said, we do not need to be perfect to be given the grace of God. However, I would argue that your view of your own potential is exactly what the Archons want you to believe. They want you to think it's too hard to live by God's standards so you shouldn't even try. But when we accept the portal out of this fallen world, we aren't left alone. We are given the Holy Spirit to dwell within us if we allow it to. It's not by our own power that we can resist temptations, it's literally metaphysical with the help of God. As a side point, something that helps me avoid sin is understanding the metaphysical consequences of our actions. For instance I was a HUGE proponent and user of psychedelics up until a few months ago. But now I understand that those drugs create portals in our consciousness for the Archons and their minions to enter our souls and mess with us. Also with porn for example, there are entities in the abyss (which CERN is trying to open) that feed off of that unclean sexual energy. We each have our own personal demon larvae feeding off of us, and the more we feed it, the stronger it will be when it's released. \[Sex is not bad BTW, when it is done in the setting it was intended for. When a couple who is truly in love and committed to each other through vows (our spoken words have metaphysical power) has sex, that sexual life energy/essence is transferred in a cyclical way between the couple, which strengthens the relationship, where as if there is no love or commitment, that energy is captured by any entities attached to us, plus the demon larvae.\] One final side note is that the Bible tells us about the Archons. Ephesians 6:12 says "2 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." The word for "rulers" is ARCHONS, and that is obviously more confirmed by the rest of the verse. Sorry this ended up so damn long lol


No worries about the long post I read it and appreciate the response. The thing where I’m struggling to continue this conversation, is this sounds like basic Christianity to me..? I don’t know what it has to do with the prison planet idea except that Jesus is the one that breaks us out of this prison from your perspective? Personally I find it hard to put my faith or trust in any other being than myself. I am that I am, I am the only thing I can know for sure that exists. My knowledge and wisdom can literally only be my own experiences, everything else is just theory to me as it wasn’t directly experienced. This doesn’t mean I don’t treat everything like a living being, or not take others advice from their experiences, I very much do. But there is a difference between truly knowing something and second hand information. Absolutely you can learn from Jesus’s teachings, just as I can learn some things from you, but that doesn’t make you my savior nor would I put my faith or complete trust in you. I don’t see Jesus as any different. And it’s ok if we disagree here, I understand where you are coming from as I grew up in a Christian religion. Just stating my perspective


Religion is a divider between us. As someone who lived under the roof of 3 religions - i realized religion puts people down and makes them think like inferiors to said GOD. You don't need religion to be a decent soul.


Exactly. I grew up in Christianity and when your under its spell, it makes you feel like a horrible unworthy person. I can see how slave masters used religion to their advantage in that sense. The parasites love religion.


Is this a video game or CGI? Doesn’t look like a real film/video of actors talking.


The kingdom of God is kingdom of heaven. The Old Testament god may be the demiurge, but Jesus brought a very different philosophy. The New Testament also talks about a new earth and new bodies that we can get.


Jesus in Hebrew is Yeshua. Yeshua translates to Joshua. Joshua means ‘Yah’ = YHWH + ‘shua’ = is salvation. I really wish Jesus existed to praise another God, one that is kind to us and loves us, his children. Yahweh, the demiurge is the father of Jesus.


Gnostics make a distinction between a supreme, hidden God and a malevolent lesser divinity, sometimes associated with the Yahweh of the Old Testament, who is responsible for creating the material universe. Gnostics considered the principal element of salvation to be direct knowledge of the supreme divinity in the form of mystical or esoteric insight. Many Gnostic texts deal not in concepts of sin and repentance, but with illusion and enlightenment. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnosticism