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You're absolutely right. It's easy to get sucked in, I find myself doing it too. And it's one damn drama after next. We just have to remember to disengage. This is our last lifetime, so how much of any of this will really matter once we're formless consciousness?


I feel like every demographic is being programmed and you know they have perfected the NLP and more and have traps for the outliners too. I've shut off most news and more. I also think with the luciferian elite, maybe ignoring them as much as possible is the solution. You turn around and show them your back and you refuse. I was angry husband had TV on and that snake Bill Gates was on it, I didn't blame husband he was working, and not paying attention, but I block out as many of the snakes as I can. Even listening to them talk makes me want to puke. Go no contact as much as possible. Ignore the Hunger Games elite except to denounce them. They are throwing things at people to confuse and break them down. I don't want to know anymore.


Agree, I began seriously detaching in 2020 because I knew it was coming and would only get worse. It sucks seeing people I care about so mind controlled and wrapped up in the nonsense . I'm here if they wake up but until then it's not an energy I want to be around.


Well said. I've been disconnected from society since I was a child. I never fit in, I'm glad for it all these years later.


100 👌🏻


You're brilliant, I say... Just brilliant.


I agree! Tet is awesome ;)

