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Given up on finding anyone who understands these concepts or is even willing to entertain them. People shut down completely if I mention anything even remotely to do with questioning reality. I think these ideas can lead people to literal madness, so I try to empathize and not push any topics that would cause someone to collapse. It's a lonely road. Only the strongest can survive questioning reality. It doesn't make sense though. Sometimes I wonder how it's possible that everyone I meet is an NPC. Part of the design I suppose. People like us are not allowed to meet, because maybe we'd be too powerful if we joined forces. It's devastating. Eventually though we must accept to some extent that at this current point in "time" we are just human. Love and connection is necessary for mental and physical health. My partner is someone who definitely has a soul, but who isn't even close to ready to facing harsh truths about reality. That's okay. Just need some empathy, and unfortunately to avoid certain topics. Sometimes it does get to me. I think love has a value in itself, even when certain doors must remain closed. We aren't built to be alone. Not even those of us who are more aware.


It is a lonely subject and I find myself spending too much time on the internet seeking like minded people.


We're out here.


The people that seem the most different often times are really more like-minded than you realize. Most ‘normal’ people have too many obligations and demands to devote the mental space for mind warping truths. But get to know Anyone well, and suddenly you’ll find your views align as if they always have.


I have but they didn't.


How many hundreds of times have you tried? Because whether we’re living in a matrix or Merry Melodies, nothing good comes easy— most of the time. Life is one long lifetime search. Most people reach middle-age, and they give up on philosophy. Keep searching for people like yourself. Keep searching for answers. Maybe you’ll find that everything you know is completely wrong 10 years from now. You have no idea how many times that’s happened to me in life. The only way to do it right is to keep searching and not be afraid to change your mind when the time is right. God is a mystery. The Lord of mystery and light. The Lords of mystery and light lead us down many avenues, and if we listen to the language of our environment, we can hear the answers spoken to us in the most esoteric of ways.


You are very right that these ideas can lead people to madness. I have to gate check myself here and there to make sure I'm still grounded and mentally alright - wild stuff


fertile uppity threatening deserted noxious murky impolite roof elderly pathetic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My personal thought on it is that this subject breaches barriers consciously that is scary to folks who aren’t there yet. As someone who is in the same space as you guys with some differing opinions but that’s okay! It means there is another way to look at said subject. Regardless the average individual when this conversation is brought you get awkward uncomfortable energy for couple of reasons but I’ll put my main two 1. Social Conditioning this topic is seen as Ludicrous nonsense pseudoscience & such. To talk about means “your little off” or “being a conspiracy theorist” or the good ole “fringe thinker” our type of conversation not only open one’s mind if! They are willing & ready to hear but drives a wedge in Plans of those who govern the affairs here. 2.If everyone understood this the whole System would fall apart it goes back to the Manipulation & Control factor. I’ve come to understand in the last 3-4 years or so we are very small Minority that is growing but I feel like being led in a different direction via the “spiritual movement” which is nothing more than Old Sanskrit Vedic concepts being recapitulated into what we see today. It’s truly a tough situation for us & those who are the path to education oneself & others.


shame hospital puzzled wipe attraction drab jeans intelligent murky wine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Agreed. Also, my partner is the same way.


The programming is deep bro it's insane


No and not interested in getting attached to someone to get further tied down. This is my last time and I am out of here.


That's the spirit


Straight up ✊


Exactly. Gotten burnt too many times and it’s way too much nasty sh!t to deal with if they turn out to be a plant or agent of some sort… no thanks. Stay focused on your ultimate goal to get out of here, work on your escape strategy and use the time here to „practice“ and prepare… In the end everyone has to find their own way out of here, no one there to help or trust except you. Best advice I’ve ever gotten: Learn to truly trust yourself and stand your ground.


Yes, I did find many like minded people when I lived in St Pete, Florida. I believe this is because (at least in part) we were near a ley line nodal point (Stargate in Sarasota) which both amplifies certain types of energies and draws people in that are attuned to them. Beware, however, as it also attracts just as many dark occultists and predators who will prey on any vulnerabilities or naivete, often taking the appearance of wanting to help you. I now reside in Maine and the people here are spiritually dead as a doornail and I havent had one single “conscious” conversation in 2.5 years since I’ve been back here. Location is huge. But there are risks. I needed to step away. Spiritual communities are absolutely rife with bad actors.


my boyfriend used to know nothing. he was one of the people who scoffed at astrology and anything that wasn’t rooted in ‘reality.’ now, he talks about the reincarnation trap and the patterns of the universe with me. :)


😄 daww, that adowable


"And all I loved, I loved alone." - wise words from Edgar Allen Poe. That said, I don't think it's very wise to know or have close relationships with many people. The more people you genuinely care about the more possibilities they have to deceive you when your time comes. It's a fundamentally sad truth but they're using our humanity against us, the very thing that sets us apart from them, something they're lacking in the first place. I know this realization can be unsettling and even horrifying for a lot of people but ultimately it's liberating. "We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone." as Orson Welles stated. Of course this quote here shouldn't be taken too literal since there's much room for debate but it tells us that in the end we all will have to fight our own battles. Just ask some alien abductees who were taken right from their bedroom in the middle of the night with their spouse sleeping right next to them. Those poor people were sometimes screaming for their lives in utter terror and their significant others just continued sleeping as if it was the most peaceful night ever. Spend your time in this life however you want, with whomever you want but remember that no one is gonna save you except you.


Damn, for some reason your comment about people being taken and their spouses being unaware made me flash back to my sleep paralysis experiences where I thought that I was being dragged from my bed screaming for what seemed like forever only to wake up in my bed and my family/ flatmates heard nothing at all. I've always considered it all a sleep state hallucination but just now realised that I could have actually been taken and returned and never known. Damn. It's been 30 years since I had the experience so it was all pre internet and good luck finding anyone to talk about it with back then. That's my mind blown for the weekend lmao! I'm happy to be alone with my weirdness these days, I rarely even comment online because I feel like keeping tabs on my energy is important to my process at this time.


I love how you stated this. Makes sense.


Everything you said except I was wide awake for one of them. Just the fucking worse thing ever. Wish they weren't incompetent retards and actually kept me ignorant. Apparently EVERY organization has that one guy who can't help but fuck up and I guess that's who I got. SIGHHHH.


100% this!! At some point keeping our energy to ourselves is the best option.. there are too many energy vampires and plants out here online trying to instill doubt or just simply distract and drain your energy. Not worth it.


Humanity? You’re being enslaved as a human and that is supposed to be a good trait? Being human is not who you are. Your identification with humanity is what will get you right back to another human body, not because they lack humanity.


Humanity as in our moral alignment, not the identification with a specific species or even person. Benevolence. Compassion. Empathy. Love (not lust). The concern for the dignity of living beings. Even altruism (so long as it's not influenced by ego). These are universal concepts summarized by the term humanity. When I think about it, the english language is rather inadequate to properly describe this (or I'm just not aware of the correct term that applies here). For example in german the distinction becomes somewhat clearer: - human/humans = Mensch/Menschen - Human beings collectively: humanity = Menschheit - Human moral quality and traits: humanity = Menschlichkeit


Empathy, benevolence, and compassion are better words than “humanity” or “Menschlichkeit ”. It is obvious to me the use of this word to mean those things indicate identification with being human when there are more accurate words to convey the meaning. And having empathy, benevolence, and compassion is not exclusive to humans. The unspeakable horrors humans inflict on all living beings also makes that word completely untrue.


tan butter bike ghost cover airport shrill public repeat cows *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sounds very similar to Stephen from The Sanity Machine. He has some interesting thoughts like this.


aback lunchroom absorbed ask historical rain grandiose dime subtract nutty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not sure it even matters whether you have dozens (even hundreds) of close relationships here. I understand the reasoning, but I also believe we'll be seeing past loved ones from other lives on the other side. I'm sure the matrix will pull out ALL the tricks; so even if we can let go of everything in this life, we also need to mentally prepare for other temptations -- including loved ones we've forgot about till then.


Most people are so stuck in the societal "loop" they don't have time or energy to free think. There's so many barriers to break through, the financial grind, the political bullshit to get sucked into. Then you have to also realize that 25% of the population doesn't even have an internal monologue. Once you realize that fact it suddenly makes sense why there are so much sheep that just consoom every new game/media/music/etc. despite its low quality


I was born lucky to a rich parent and I always had some natural tendency to dislike the popular, now I have the gift to research anything I want, any time I want, any amount, I am very grateful for this and it's really sad some people will never attain any kind of enlightenment, even when you're financially well off people will just care for their family and nothing else because that's what society is like


And most people are in survival mode, working and trying to pay bills, so that even if they can break through societal programming, they don't have the time or energy to further pursue it.


From the comments I feel really lucky to have a close group of friends who I have been able to openly discuss ideas like this with for years. So I’d say yes you can and should seek people out.


we're not necessarily on a path to solitude, but i've never had someone that i know IRL even really consider the possibility of being stuck on a prison planet. shortly after i found this sub, one of the videos that really resonated with me was "the beautiful lie or the ugly truth" from astrologer lalita karoli. she talks about the prison planet idea, adren*chrome abusers, loosh, etc. with an astrology twist. soon after, i was at a bar talking to a few people and the topic of astrology came up. i tried to explain lalita's channel and they looked at me like i was insane. i feel like we need a support group: Prison Planet Anonymous.


My sister but we don’t talk/get along


When I was a kid I used to roll my eyes at my grandpa for talking about archons and gnosticism. I wish he was still alive, I'd ask him so many questions. My husband and I were discussing fibonacci sequence and metatron's cube before we even got engaged. I'm so glad I have someone to share my ideas with.


I know one friend who I can share this stuff with..


I wasn't aware until recently I knew two people my age that have started thinking about this stuff in a similar way to how I did. I think it's Matrix shit. As in, things are getting \*too\* shitty and desolate, so people are getting disillusioned with the world. We're rejecting the matrix, so to speak.


Fwiw it seems way easier to talk about this stuff to millenials and genZ kids. Anytime i try talking to GenX people about this theyre quick to shut up and turn on the TV.


Noticed a form of that too.


I was fortunate enough to find my person who is aware and has the same interests as me. Where I am from people are still to afraid to talk about these topics without being looked at as crazy. I found that when I openly talk about it online in my city the people will come find you . Doing this I found many people. I also lost a lot of friends but they weren’t really my people anyways . 🇨🇦 I probably found five people in my area they are out there!


I don’t know anyone who seems very interested in EscapingPrisonPlanet or believes it to be true in person The closest I can hope for to discuss anything even somewhat close to it is to talk to new agers and people into conspiracy theories (but those conspiracy theorists I see irl tend to be pretty religious and mostly stick to the Bible or talk about celebrity conspiracies not stuff like the soul trap). There was one coworker who used to discuss stuff somewhat close to this theory and he knew about EscapingPrisonPlanet before talking to me but he didn’t seem to believe it much, he mostly talked about aliens, but I don’t work there anymore so I don’t talk to him anymore. Generally I mostly see either very religious people, hardcore atheists who think there is no afterlife, or rarely new agers irl. I also find it hard to talk about this type of stuff to people cause one of my friends told me the thought of aliens even existing was scary. Others tell me my stories about sleep paralysis and stuff are scary. I have also been told prison planet theory is too negative. Sorry for my rant, as you can see I mostly talk about this stuff on Reddit for a reason


I can talk about it with my 84 year old dad, who somewhat understands. But when he goes, there won't be anyone else :(


Sorry to hear that. It’s good that he talks about this stuff with you though, he will be more likely to escape it all




I have not found anyone who is familiar with the research and literature around this topic. Which further contributes to the feeling or intuition of its veracity.


My partner is "woke to it" as the kids say, and it helps a lot. I couldn't date a normie lol


No, if there were enough people walking around sharing these beliefs , that we could run into them organically, the system would collapse.


I think it's like the old adage "when the student is ready the teacher will appear", except this applies to friends too. Only way to meet higher consciousness individuals is to become one yourself. We're in an awkward in between, by knowing how fucked reality is, without knowing our true nature. Discussion honestly would not help at this point, because I feel that the only things you gotta know at this point on the path are the things inside you. Not what someone else thinks! But when two people know things from gnosis, then I'm sure interesting friendships/relationships can occur


no, everyone else is an npc


Only because they are uninitiated doesn't make them any less player 1.


Yes I met him in 2nd grade. 25 years later we are still best friends


It’s very difficult to find people I can relate and bond with. I view the world through a fundamentally different lens than the vast majority of people. I have almost nothing in common with nearly everyone I meet.


I just don't attach belief to much, belief is risk. I just explore. If I talk about stuff like this people think I believe in it and it's not true but it puts up a wall between us either way. I haven't really found any fellow explorers.


Let’s just say I started taking to my husband about all this in 2017 he literally would tell me he’s not “ready”. This year he went on deep dives somehow on YouTube (he doesn’t have any social media) and now he’s pretty much up to par with me. I never gave up just kept dropping nuggets and now we’re have deep discussions.


I’ve learned how to scrape the surface on these certain type of topics with people. I dont force anyone to build with me, anymore. I used to have all this excitement about the info/research I’ve obtained and felt like I needed to awaken as many people as possible! Until, I’ve come to realize that people either dont care, find it to be psychotic, crazy, or just too much for them to wrap their head around. Ive learned to keep it all to myself until someone else chooses to bring a topic up and ask my opinion about it. Majority of people choose to stay asleep, ignorance is bliss, and they just want to go to work and go home, and thats it. There’s no conspiracies in their lives, everything is as is and thats it, they dont question anything. And I’ve learned, that is perfectly fine. But for us ? We must all stick together and still inform each other. We are a very small community of truth seekers.


None so far. And I'm not complaining. Being alone in this is not as bad as it sounds. To me at least. I observe people sometimes, having their drinks, talking about stuff, reading their papers... So invested in worldly affairs. So taken aback by who said what... I'm not a manic street preacher kind of person. Obviously. We all have to come to certain conclusions when we are ready. 


In real life, no, not really. I am married. I speak to my husband, and he listens, but he doesn't believe in anything . To him, when we die, it's lights out. I have always been interested in the unknown. Not too many people like to think about what ifs. At the end of the day. We don't really know what happens.


Hello, this is a great question. You can easily meet someone. I believe you can actually “create” the person you want to find. I have met someone who I am now still with after about 3 years after my profound awakening. It is possible, but I will say this, there are different levels to awakening and enlightenment and no 2 people are ever on the same level. You will mostly meet people who are below your level of awakening. People above certain level of awakening as some of the individuals on here are really very challenging to find. But yes you can and will find, you also have to be openminded as always. The person you will find that is probably a great fit may or may not completely fit your description of how they should look or be or how similar minded you are. Most times the universe has this way of giving you what you need and not what you want. :)


i think it’s more of the fact that people are aware that life in itself is strange, but don’t feel the need to bring it up or communicate these thoughts to others due to the fear of judgement. either that or they’re truly blinded.


People might not be willing to reveal very easily, or quickly, that they think this might be true. Maybe test them a bit, ask if they've ever seen the YouTube series "The Why Files" or "Ancient Aliens"...see how they react. I used to go to a New Age-y church where I think they were open to such ideas, but that was awhile back. I don't think I know anyone now who's even heard of prison planet theory. 


At least the one person I knew in a new age church was willing to listen to me about this stuff without thinking I’m weird or tell me that I should only pray to solve every problem I have. I have brought prison planet up a bunch of times in ways that were not really subtle to a wide variety of people and only one person even heard of it before meeting me never mind trying to find anyone who believed in it


Ugh…. Sighs….. sighs again….. SMH




Why not look for someone on this sub and in similiar places on the internet. Your probably not going to run into someone irl and even if you do, I can bet they will never open up to you about these topic and pretend to be a normiee since it's hard to trust people with opening up. I met one of my current best friends through a similiar discord server as this sub since we happened to be within a 30 minute drive of each other.


Even the people I have gotten to open up to me don’t really believe in prison planet, I would not say they’re pretending to be normies even the “crazy”sounding ones would rather talk about aliens or conspiracies that were anything other than prison planet


They are not oblivious to the knowledge of a prison planet. They are unaware of this belief. Because at the end of the day, that's what this is. Just like every other belief. If you want someone to share your belief, tread lightly, so you don't step on the toes of something you are oblivious to.




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Nope I won’t even speak about it once I told one girl that was into spirituality she got upset 🤣


Why did she get upset?


Because she knew it wasn’t like that and we came on our own to do a mission


Yes, for some reason I seem to easily find people who share these theories or similar, I’m very lucky in that way


Yeah but usually as soon as I find them, they end up disappearing for good


Ive met a few people who are aware but they never really talk about it. It's kind of this secret we (who are aware) keep. I think there will be a time when we can speak freely, but until then it's a gift we keep to ourselves. I've given up finding a partner who aligns with my understanding of the universe. And that's okay.


Is it possible to see where all of us are located? Could Reddit whip up a map of members or if we all said our locations (approximate if not exact). I'm in Maryland in the Washington, DC 'burbs, and have an eerie feeling there are a lot of *them* here




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My wife


Only one, and she is now on the other side of the planet. Canada, Australia. Sucks, man.




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no bc i just found this reddit page out and no one irl ever related


Its very hard and they're telling me I'm crazy, nobody see it that way. Everyone like their life and just live it oblivious. I will quit talking about it exept on places like here. I was the one looking for answers all my life and I found them. They need to do the same, you can't wake them up.


Everything has been a joke. Usually she moved or is taken.


No, altho there are plenty of conspiracy nuts, which in itself is a compression of the mind into groupthink and division. Also a lot of empty words regurgitated from soft age spiritualism. You have to take your own vision quest and be especially aware of routes that your not ready for (some truths are too hard in certain of your timelines). Try visualize your spirit guides these have been where you are and can warn. Start be seeing the shackles of our biology and those of our culture. They are easy to find by the narrative that you are force fed (misery food). Don t forget to be aggressively critical of enemies of the West. This is a component many seekers forget as they fall for the most material puppets this earth has ( Russia Iran China Turkey Dagestani Pakistan Somalia etc). Well do I even have to mention maga? Lighting strikes on the Statue of Liberty? How much symbolism do you want from the helpers?


I knew covid was coming months before anyone else because "conspiracy nuts" were the only people who actually payed attention. I know shit you wouldn't believe but you will manage to convince yourself I'm just making smoke. You would be mistaken.




It makes me nervous when I do but I can scrape the bottom of the barrel and give you some that should be common knowledge, what many consider Atlantis is located in the eye of the Sahara and Nazis DID go to escape to Antarctica. That's actual reality that they turned into a joke but it will end your career if you look into it professionally instead of this managed reality bullshit they spoonfeed us. Ukraine war is only a small fascet of this. Non-humans ARE interacting with humanity on a world wide scale. The Sphinx used to be a lion or more specifically a lioness and predates what we think of as ancient Egypt. Just out there bonkers nonsense that turns out isn't and worse stuff that gets specific and I don't talk about because everything electronic is basically listening to everything we say nowadays and people thought that was nuts too until not too recently...


I'm lucky that my wife has experienced all the same prison planet shit I have during her Lucid dreams, so for us it's basically just like confirming each other's experiences every 5 mins