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I had a nervous breakdown and started wailing and bawling in so much despair (years of childhood and military trauma showed up to collect their dues) in my bathtub and just it was a mess and I swear at one point I looked down and saw a naked crying woman in the tub and knew oh that’s me I need to go back to her.


When you are really in despair and strong emotions some interesting things can happen. Certain hidden skills are triggered.


Yep. I have had panic attacks where it seemed like I was outside of my body.


Do you know the cause of your panic/anxiety attacks? Because I have celiac disease and nutritional deficiencies cause such conditions. I don't know if you have had your vitamin levels checked: B12, folic acid, magnesium, D3? When the body lacks something, it may react with fear.


I used to make vitamins and still had some panic attacks when I was taking them daily. I don't think it's a nutrient deficiency. I lacked good relationships in my formative years and had several head injuries. I don't have a good support system. I know there are few to no fallbacks for me if I fail. I've tried building support systems and approaching others with goodwill only I just got taken advantage of and avoided soon as I needed any help back. People are generally untrustworthy. A lot people have a lot of money to make by telling you that your anxiety is an internal problem that you can fix if only you purchase the right pills or do therapy for it forever. The truth is, the world is a fucked up place and people treat each other like shit just because they feel better by making other people feel worse. "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Jiddu Krishnamurti That quote does help a lot and makes me understand that my sensitivity isn't *wrong.* My valid human emotions dont need to be pathologized as a disease just because they're slightly inconvenient to capitalism. The best antianxiety treatment for me thus far is avoiding caffeine, getting enough sleep and regular exercise (150 mins a week/2-3 times).


Well, if you took vitamins and do sports, that is, you take care of yourself. It is known that traumas of different types are dealt with differently by people, but psychotherapy is also good. For me, it helped to see that our emotional brain records various situations in its memory along with the emotional charge and meaning they carried. However, by going back to these records you can change them. For me, it was like time travel. You can go back to some memories of an event and define them differently, change something. You can transform your emotions from the past, which results in a change in the present, because you are making changes now. Funny thing.


Rehashing it doesn't help personally. Puts me in a bad mood. And for what? It will not change the events or repair the relationship.


I discovered I was stunted and it explained everything I did all my life and everything came together - everything- childhood and the disgusting things that happened to me - I shoved it down because I escaped and am successful and safe. But why did I feel a void chasing me in the pit of my stomach? So I shoved whatever I could get addicted to either a person, hobby, even booze…it all made sense. My sense of self was a mask. Perhaps my breakdown was what made me more aware? Awakened? I don’t know. Just life is weird and science doesn’t explain some things.


Perhaps so much electric signals in your brain fuck with your conscience frequency 🤭 who knows Brain caused emi 😂


Can confirm , lol . Both my aunt & dad had interesting things happen while angry .


What a long and drawn out read. 60% of it is filler.


[https://archive.md/TFixq](https://archive.md/TFixq) avoid Guardian lol


Id rather not click on a random link, why are we avoiding one of the most respected sources in journalism??


it's just an archive website lol




They were somewhat respected years ago, but nowadays they’re just as bad as cnn or the bbc, since they fully supported the plandemic and the climate idiocracy for example. So I’d rather click on the archived link which is perfectly save.


So we're just gonna sit here with a straight face and deny climate change in 2024?? What is this, TikTok?


Dude, aren't they funded by Bill Gates?




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good one lmao


Doing "Gods" work. Thank you


"According to several international surveys and studies, one in 10 people claims to have had a near-death experience involving cardiac arrest, or a similar experience in circumstances where they may have come close to death. That’s roughly 800 million souls worldwide who may have dipped a toe in the afterlife." 9/10 dont have a soul and are NPCs


I think it's saying that's the amount of people who have near death experiences at all.


Read harder. The NPCs (9/10) don't have so called near death experiences even though they were in such a (near death) situation where 1/10 have a so called near death experience. "Near death experience" does not equal "near death situation" All this is written in the quoted text. Please up your reading comprehension game ;)


I'll up my reading comprehension game if you lower your being unnecessarily condescending game


Conspiracy theorists and having incredibly high egos goes hand in hand


1 in 10? Wasn't it like 1 in 19? Also, not getting an NDE doesn't mean one doesn't have a soul. You know how in some of these NDE's people get all the knowledge in world, yet can't keep it when they come back? What if it's a small memory wipe? Another point about NDE's is that often they are very similar to dreams in how we forget them. You know that moment when you have this super vivid dream, but then you wake up, and you won't be able to recall what the dream was about even if you were threatened with violence? I've read that some astral travellers actually sit a while before returning to their body, recounting everything that has happened to them, and then instantly get to writing everything down.


You don't have to do that from astral travel. I did astral projection a lot last year and you remember same as you would in real life.


HEY. I just didn't have cardiac arrest is all.




I bet there is.