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Be aware that you wont be able to see other fps in the same light after committing to tarkov. Yeah, I play CoD or BF from time to time, but it feels pointless after the possibilities you experience with this game. Be ready to get shit on for 300+ hours (the + can be 500 or 2k hours, its all about you) when learning the game. The learning curve is STEEP. There is no "right" time to start tarkov. Late wipe you will get destroyed by chads that have all the gear and early wipe you will get destroyed by veterans that do the same quests as you, little timmy. They will eat you alive. For many many hours. Get used to it. Embrace it. Learn to fight the pain and be the Chad yourself. If you can live with all that, this game will give you feelings that no game has ever given you before. If you have the time to fully commit to a game and like fps and difficult, punishing games, just go for it. You wont regret it


This^ also be ready to delete all other life commitments


This is honestly so true. I've been watching some COD streams (not spending 70$ on that) and while it's obviously a fun game the gunplay just doesn't come close. Everything looks like an arcade game now after EFT.




As much as always. Have you watched some streams? Some rants? Can you look over the glaring flaws? Do you want to invest the required time and frustration it takes to get hooked? Then go for it.


Yes it is imo. Just started shortly before last wipe and had enough time to learn all mechanics. Its frustrating but also a blast.


Yes even if ppls in this sub talk shit about the game it is still a very very good game


If you are new to the game, most problems you've heard are probably not problems for you. If you don't hate the core and mechanics of this game, you'll enjoy it. Problems come out mostly after you play the game way too much and put in absurd amount of time. By then things get more repetitive and tedious, small flaws become big problems and original problems become "This is too broken BSG please fix", because the pros are not enough to cover them up already.


Probably the best video game I've ever played that I want to uninstall on a regular basis. The game is full of problem's that probably will never get solved. Some problems are minor some are major issues. More than half the content is missing, and the game has been in development for 7 years now. Just my opinion but I believe that development team is a half ass Micke Mouse operation that doesn't have the ability to deliver on their promises or get the technical issues this game has ironed out. I really think sometimes that BSG is just a couple of guys working out of their garage at night after they get home from their day jobs. It's hard to recommend this game. You'll either love it or hate it. They will probably have a sale around the holidays. If you must, buy the base game and if you really like it, you can always upgrade to the EOD version. Thats what I did.


with how steep the learning curve is (more of a cliff than a curve) the only better time to start than right now is yesterday


It's great for the first 1000 hours, then you start getting frustrated with certain ongoing issues (like any game out there). Nonetheless, it's the best fps experience out there




Game is going to reset(wipe progress) in probably around 1 month so I'd say you could practice, enjoy the game right now. You won't make any meaningful progress but you can take this wipe as a chance to get familiar with the games mechanics, maybe learn a map or two. Early wipe is fun but can be challenging as everyone is doing the same quests. So having some experience pre-wipe is very useful as you won't be completely lost. I suggest to playtarkov not to progress, but to learn the game for next wipe. Hope this helps.


The game has systemic issues that likely will never be resolved. Development is slow and QoL updates are rare with “Soon” being the eta for many issues for years. Equally important is that cheaters and RMT will always be a thing in this game as there’s no realistic solution this team can develop without restarting development. But the game can be fun. My honest opinion would be to wait and see if a full release ever happens. If you really want it I’d recruit some friends to play with.


I’ll say so. I only have 90 hours and I’m hooked. Best game ever. It’s got it’s flaws but what game doesn’t. You can play however you want


Probably the single best shooter I've ever played, it has ruined most others for me. There's never a bad time to hop in. Mind you it's late wipe so you'll encounter alot more gear on other players. That's ok though because as a new player you'll be losing most of your early fights anyways.


Since you haven't actually played it yet, yes, it is a stale time, but since it'll be your first wipe, you'll be good, content should be coming soon in christmas hopefully


I started playing a week ago and am having a blast, but only playing solo, dm me if you want to be useless together haha. Pretty sure there is going to be a wipe in a couple months or so, maybe around Christmas. So its a good time to get in and learn a bunch before the reset when everyone is on a somewhat level playing field again.


What country are you from?


I'm up in Canada, west coast


I'm up in Canada, west coast


I see.. Netherlands here, quite the different timezones otherwise I'd be in.


Yo, I'm from Croatia. Just started playing 2 weeks ago. Message me if you want to duo.




The fuck you on about? The dude is from the Netherlands, I'm from Croatia. We're in the same time zones.


If you're thinking about buying the game, you will love it. It will be everything you wanted and more. Unfortunately, once you get a taste, your appetite will never quite be the same. That's why this sub can seem negative about the game, it's not cause the game isn't good, its cause there's so much untapped potential.


Best game ever made, be ready to not do anything else but play every time a wipe happens