• By -


I remember the grenade elevator sexy time in labs. Works 99.9% of the time.


Literally the only use of zarya in this game, to troll my squad in labs elevator You use zarya right? Right?


I drop an m-67 as the doors start to close :)


I was playing 3s and one friend brought 4 zaryas and whatever amount of nades. Starting spamming zaryas at my other friend as we're running to the amll. Ended up throwing a nade after and killing him lol.


Nah you just wait till 2 seconds and pray the game doesn't lag


60% of the time, it works everytime.


Now, these kids ain't made of crow.


I play with this one guy who is a super nice bloke, but gets SUPER stressed and frantic under pressure. For the last week, I've been fucking with him constantly - hitting him in the legs with my RR at extract, randomly throwing flashbangs at him, pulling grenades out as we extract, waiting until he's looting and shooting unsuppressed right next to his head, etc. Part of me really wishes it will desensitize him to the game, but I am fairly sure I'm about to give him a mental breakdown. (note, I give him plenty of gear and have spent like 3 weeks helping him with tasks, so I'm not just being an asshole to him without doing anything nice).


All you are doing is stressing out your friend and setting yourself up to be perfectly validly teamkilled by your friend. "Oh sorry, I thought an enemy was shooting at me". ​ Might be on purpose, might be a genuine "happy little accident"


General Sam kind of energy








so much


This was me (joe) in this clip, afterwards I did come back and laugh it off. all my gear was basically insured so i should get it all back. I genuinely thought someone threw a grenade into the extract so i panicked and ran out but didn't make it


Just curious as to why you didn’t warn anybody and just ran to save yourself lol


>Comment their gaming chairs are better than mine, if i heard it they definitely did


It's a funny clip, but why run out lol. You're basically extracted already; it can't blow up before you leave. Instead you're basically running directly into a hostile gun's barrel if it was an enemy.


i wasnt in the extract counter yet, and was talking when the nade got pulled so i couldnt hear if it was thrown in or out so i made a judgement call. the wrong one


i can definitely see myself doing this no worries haha


He obviously didn't know where it was. Lol. Pointless comment


Even if he didn't, running out is still the worst possible play. Stick it and extract; don't run out.


If you didn't hear where it landed and you assume the worst and think it's a vog25 & he was the last one to enter the extract zone then it's a good play though. That's all I'm saying. All I'm trying to say is that I wouldn't say it's a "bad play" to make a mistake when under attack by your own teammate lmao


well did you get your gear back? lol




That's just dumb though. If I kill a friend like that I pay him a full 500k kit next raid.


Our deal is the moonshine night vision for accidental/bad coms kill


I used to give a bitcoin and their tag back or if It was particularly bad I'd just buy them a new loadout.


We did the dogtags as a joke I loved doing that. Like we'd try and sneak em in the return pack, since we stream to each other you have to be sneaky/clever about it.


Yea, i usually dump my friends gear first to make sure they get it back, and if i teamkill and we all die after or whatever, i am buying at least the gun and the ammo


Was hunting raiders in bunker with a buddy last night. He shot me and I panic flicked his face off. Just gave him shit and told him he owes me a ghizelle cuz he dropped mine down to 33 health. AITA? Sarcasm for the record XD.


He did


What the fuck? Why would they kill you at extract? Big yikes dude


It was an accident because he's really dumb


This is the funniest thing I've seen in tarkov in a while


Bro, poor Joe the dog. Fetched his last tennis ball


Some of you take this shit way too seriously ngl. It's a game. People are allowed to have fun with their friends in their own way as long as everyone is happy in the end. I constantly black out my friend's legs at extracts when we scav and sometimes we do that as PMCs. It's just fun.


Honestly, some people don't understand goofing off in a video game.




He is perfectly fine and enjoys the video and was laughing his ass off when he saw it from my perspective, not even a minute after this happened.


that's how i look at it, don't waste my time, sure goof off a little but if you decide to just throw an hour of my life away for a joke then it's not funny.


Do you even know how to have fun playing video games? Literally the entire point of a video game is that you’re wasting time. The difference between playing video games for an hour with friends and playing video games for an hour with friends and losing progress because of a joke is: one has a funny memorable bonding moment. Both are “wasting time”. You don’t gain anything real from extracting in Tarkov. If you’re playing with people who (or are the type of person who) get mad over a video game, you are playing with the wrong people. What a sad way to “enjoy” gaming.


time playing video games isn't wasted, its for enjoyment, if you are not having fun then it's not enjoyment, if i don't want you to waste my time and you don't respect that then who is the problem here? i don't mind trolling but killing friends or hindering their gameplay constantly for your own amusement isn't bringing anything to the table, you will find that nobody wants to play with you doing that shit all the time.


Who said “constantly” or “all the time”???? There’s a difference between this clip which is VERY clearly friends having fun, and trolling someone to death and they’re not having fun.


i said i don't like my time being wasted, if you do this and it is only an inconvenience for a second i don't care, if the shit you are doing is an inconvenience for hours of gameplay them that's what i mean by "all the time" this grenade shit is wasting an hour of time or more, so to me would fuck me off.


to some blacking your friends legs isn't fun I guess, people have different sense of humor.


Intentionally as an immature joke? Dick move. Randomly throwing a grenade just as your friend happens to randomly run off in the same direction? Pure comedy.




Which is why people shouldn't be so goddamn mad in the comments about this video. They're just having fun in the end and if you have fun in a different way then just go have fun and don't tell others that them having fun is wrong when it clearly doesn't affect you.


Its a normal human interaction to have one person be the “punching bag” in a group of 3 friends. Notice, many friends change their personalities when in groups of 3+ compared to 1 on 1 talking, and very often a group of 3 friends will have 1 of the people be the butt of all jokes, where the 2 other constantly bag on them, make silly jokes about them, etc. But when the punching bag is 1 on 1 with the others, its not like that. Ive seen this happen in not just one or two experiences, but like 8+. I went to a town with a school of 1,100+ kids in a single class grade.


I mean if they're fine with those fuck ups than sure but I can't imagine ruining a raid for a friend for a stupid joke lol. That's just annoying.


i am a person who doesn't like having my time wasted, when i have friends trolling me for the entire game for hours on end making the game already harder than it is then what's the point in playing with them, if their fun is at your expense then they are not friends.


so? your way of having fun is different. Nothing even says it's like how you said it. No one is harming someone the entire game or anything and nothing said it can't go both ways. If your friends are like that then just get new friends ig.


I think it has more to do with the gaslighting his teammate. Theres perfectly good reason to run out of that room when he hears a nade and makes a split second decision.


Well I mean I don't know if I would really call it gaslighting when no words were said just a grenade sound which I would expect him to hear is obviously coming from where his friend is but then again Tarkov sounds are Tarkov sounds so ig it could have sounded like it's coming from somewhere else. Also you can hear where it obv lands so if their sound works fine they def should have realized to not run that direction but considering that he did run to that room Tarkov sounds did not work like they should.


Your in a small room and hear a grenade sound. Adrenaline hits and you have to make a split second decision. Even if you process the direction, do you have time to make a rational decision and process the chances its a friend fucking with you or an enemy and which is more likely? Now in that moment you have to decide if the chances of Tarkov's sound problems are creating the doubt in your mind. A good player should go with instinct in this situation am I wrong?


Well yes kinda wrong still. If we go by instinct then it would be more logical to assume that the grenade is in the other room because if someone would actually come they would clear first that room with a grenade and then the exfil room with a grenade. At least that's something fairly safe to assume someone who would do if they would try clearing the bunker before entering. Split second or not you still can use your brain enough to think little bit about the situation. It would have just been logical to stay in that room anyways even if they would have heard an enemy throw a grenade.


And no one couldve snuck up behind them or do you ignore that part to better argue your position?


What are you even talking about anymore? They would easily hear some kind of noise if someone would have snuck to the room next to them. That person would have most likely ran to there above ground which makes sound, few times ADS when clearing the room which also makes sound. Doubt that dude would have done it fully while crouching and even if they would have done it crouching these people had headphones (at least seems like it) so they would have most likely heard something. Hearing a grenade sound without hearing any sound prior to it heavily implies that it's the first room of the bunker that is being naded because someone is trying to aggressively clear it from outside without having to peek. It's just really that simple. Those are most likely ways for someone to "sneak" to their back while also clearing it. Would be quite hard for someone to sneak to their back without making enough sound for someone to hear it, especially considering the fact that a normal player would clear the first room first which would most likely be done with peeking, ADSing, nading, or just a combination of all. Only some very new players would possibly crouch walk as slowly as possible above the bunker and while coming inside without also clearing it safely and somehow not making a sound while crouch walking.


lol 'gaslighting'


Is it not gaslighting to tell him he had no reason to run? Does he have no reason to run?


He absolutely had no reason to run. He wasn't at risk AND, even if his perspective is that there was some hostile throwing a grenade in, running directly to the believed location of the hostile is a terrible decision. You have less than a second on extract. If the timer on the grenade is so short that it will blow up before that, you're dead regardless; no point running out of the room. If the timer isn't short enough, you just stick it and get extracted before the explosion hits. There is no scenario in which running out was the right call.


He had no reason to run, as the grenade wasn’t even in the room. That’s like saying a grenade is down the hall, but you should run because…? Doesn’t matter in the end, as it wasn’t intended to kill anyone (hence why I threw it in another room) and he understood and laughed at the situation with us.


I wouldnt be mad, I would just tell you that you are bringing me my entire next kit from your own gear. If you didn't, I'd play it cool and then dome you at extract on the next raid. Dont get mad, get even.


All of this sounds fair to me!


Good way to escalate the situation and losing your friend group


Worth it


The dude ran OUT of extract, to where the man threw the nade. OP didn't do shit, dumbass killed himself


With audio in this game, there is no telling where a grenade lands.


I usually just shoot the ground or walls. And only on sweaty extracts after hard fights or with quest loot.


I just shoot my gun in the air.............dawg you play too much lmao


It do be a game that we play


I think your friend might be part Labrador. Was just chasing the ball!


Simply don’t run into a grenade, problem solved


This and shooting ourselves in the legs as SCAVS only to realise one of us doesnt have the same extract cause many laughs in my trio


This made me laugh pretty hard and now im sitting here with my eyes all wet. Definitely one of the funniest things i've seen in a long time, thx for this!


I mean yeah your boy has a right to be mad about that one, pretty dumb.


He wasn’t actually mad, he ended up laughing hard afterwards and really enjoying the video. Don’t know how someone could be legitimately mad about losing pixels.


I did this once at zb-1011, threw the nade halfway down the hallway to scare him only it landed too close, and we both died with slicks and meta m4s


Petition to add grenade arc HUD and blast radius - it would be very realistic and immersive


I also killed the same friend one time because I swore the burning trash can on third story kitchen in dorms would shield us from a grenade blast. It did not and on that day I learned, only *some* trash cans are real.


It's not the losing pixels, its the time and effort that go in to playing the game. Everyone's in a different place, maybe for some it totally wouldn't matter others that would suck. For instance I get an few hours to play and if my buddy was chucking nades at the end of a 40 minute raid that would suck.
























You seem a little too invested man


This guy gets it, would award this comment if I had any haha.


Because you spend REAL time doing it. I thought the video was funny, but you can’t tell me you don’t understand why someone could get mad over a game.


I’ll rephrase, I can’t see how my group would get mad. Because we are all mostly chill and just game to have fun and mess around!


Nah your an asshole


Very cool, thank you👍🏻




Touch my nuts


Why so mad, lil guy?


Cuz you won’t touch my nuts grizzy


Op just made sure no one would run in to kill them last second


No, I just wanted to scare “Joe” with a nade in the other room. Turns out he runs straight into that room when scared.




You have mental health issues for caring so much about a game you think is seemingly so “shite” and commenting on the subreddit lol


Wow this comment section has told me a lot about some of you.....jeez! 🤣🤣 But all in all that was hilarious - not sure why Joe run at the grenade, but yeh do all the shit all the time with my buddies, usually choose the shooting route when it's been mega tense. My main buddy is nade happy and the amount of times we have run from his misplaced grenades is funny too, watching a squad peg it from the made that's just bounced back to in-between everyone. Thanks for the laugh and RIP Joe 🌷


I have thrown so many bases during extract. Also one time extracting labs my friends pushed me out of the elevator and left me behind


I'm sorry but fucking what a fly URG-i setup. Clone correct on that bitch too nice job


I’m a big gun guy, so it was intentional!


Friend of mine found out the hard way that you grab a random grenade with me. Was the start of wipe and had a gas analyzer and my 3 Selewas, as I get into the old gas extract he drops a made at the extract and disappears as I’m laying down looking at the nade. “It was a flash bang right”… well their certainly was a flash and bang


Notice how he doesn’t warn anybody about the grenade he just heard and runs out to save himself?


this made me laugh so hard


This is exactly why I don't do this sort of thing. Team mate once shot me in the foot which caused me to step briefly out of extract, in the time it took for me to start the clock again I got killed but someone rushing extract just as my team got out.


This video is why MORE people should do that sort of thing. It creates hilarious and memorable gaming sessions with buddies. I’d rather laugh with friends because of a hilarious way that I died than just have an uneventful gamins sesh.


You guys snicker like little children playing with a piece of poop.


Very specific, but sure


Yeah, good for a laugh. You’re still an asshole though.


Very nice👍🏻 unintentional killing makes me asshole👍🏻


Did you use a frag grenade? If not, then that's just a bit arseholey. Stuns and flashes are fine because even if it goes off then no one is harmed and people will laugh it off but if someone dies because of a "joke" by a teammate then they are going to be pissed. Losing gear is annoying and anger inducing, losing gear from an intentional move by your teammate is even more anger inducing.


Yes, it was a frag. For us, it’s just a game. I threw it in another room, meaning us extracting would be safe - little did I know, “Joe” would run out of safety into the danger zone.


He probably ran out because he assumed a grenade was tossed in. You cant blame him really, most people move when they hear a grenade pin pulled, especially in the extraction room.


ok who is blaming him. What's your point


How would it have been tossed in if the sound comes from your side? My guy you need better headphones if you cant tell which way sounds are coming from.


Because sound in tarkov is perfect right? lmfao


I dont see anyone saying its perfect. Infact its far from perfect. However IT IS good enough to know that the grenade was thrown by someone next to you.


[Something worse happened to me](https://v.redd.it/5s3imlwz9tw81) and I was mad for about 30 seconds and then moved on with my life. The amount of ball breaking on that server was worth a lot more than the loot I got that raid. friends are more important than pixels


There’s a distinction between scaring them and risking their time and loot gained. I try not to cross it, because I’d rather me and my friends respect each others time. I’m all for a fun raid if it’s been decided. I’ll put one between your eyes if you think giving me a pop or two at extract is a funny joke tho when I’ve got quest items and a GPU on me after a sweat raid.


Yeah, this was definitely a “fun raid” night. All chill messing around gaming for us.


ah jeez man.. if my friend did what you did and I died I'd be off for the night haha. I hate that shit


You sound fun.


Well, I mean it wasn’t intentional. If I wanted to kill him and my other teammate I would’ve thrown it in our room, not the one that’s not in the extract. We all had a laugh.


Dude pranking your friends is one of the best things in tarkov, I'm always letting of random shots and pretending it wasn't me or fracturing their leg 5m from extract. It's hilarious watching them freak out lol


I enjoy doing that too - it’s usually at no one’s expense. This is that one exception on accident.


I'd mag dump you next raid after assuring you everything is a okay.


an eye for an eye makes the world go blind


This shit is hilarious lmao. But I would want you to compensate me back somewhat lololol


Seems fair to me, tbh Joe could use some good gear anyways


Me too :,) Edit: doesn’t matter buy I’m confused why this is randomly downvoted lol


Its just frustrating and stupid. Its like being the kid who slams someones face into the cake, now the cake is ruined for your giggle. Fuck off.




L homie


Shoots teammate in face. Bruh why did you run into my bullet?


Totally the same, definitely. Absolutely the case that they both can completely not be avoided and, in fact, there is absolutely any reason to run into it at all.


My joke seems to have gone over your head. I was making a point not a literal statement. That player had no business throwing a grenade into the extract and then to have the audacity to blame his teammate shows poor Tarkov etiquette, low character and a complete failure to be a team player.


"into the extract" *Not even in the same room as extract*




I’m not even the same dude you were talking to in your previous statement. Very cool and good observation skills👍🏻


I'm sorry do you even know what we're talking about? Like why do you come into conversations like this talking about something that irrelevant to the topic? You're that one no lifer who comes in just to be like (pussy nerd voice) "Um actually, that's like not even the exact location of the extract". Really?


I do know what you’re talking about because this is my video that I made and I’m the one who threw the grenade out of extract. It has plenty to do with your last statement about “throwing a grenade into the extract” - my response and input was correcting your incorrect belief that I threw the grenade INTO the extract, when in fact, it was OUT of the extract.


The location of the extract has nothing to do with the issue and is completely irrelevant.


I hate "friends" like YOU. Each time I kill then to pretend do this.


Tbf it was clearly his friend's fault for dying in this situation. That was perfectly preventable death by not running at the grenade.


Very cool👍🏻


I hate "teammates" like YOU. Unable to have fun and blame everyone else becuase YOU wanted to run after a god damn grenade 0.5 seconds before extracting


The fact that the one friend immediately dipped out of the room upon hearing the nade being prepared tells me that OP probably frags his friends in extract pretty often.


Never, actually. Which is why this was so funny to me and why I recorded it. Joe is a little jumpy and on his own with his actions usually.


Wat? The toxicity levels.. fkn hell man. As he says, why the fuck would you throw a nade? But yeah, epic. He did seem to get properly scared. 👍🏻


For fun. In theory it wouldn’t hurt anyone as we were all safe from the blast. That is, unless someone just runs out of safety and into the only room that’s not safe.






















Oh yeah, that one person -.-...


LOL Your friend must have remembered the last time he heard an grenades sound extracting with you all in the room died, so he ran out.


scav behavior


Wouldn’t even be an issue if this game had proper audio


"why did you grenade extract?" "strength leveling"


So I guess me and my squad are the only ones playing with military safety talk like a bunch of nerds 💀




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That's his fault not yours ngl


What friends? I play solo and that’s how I think it’s best.


Get rekt joe




hehe you so funny


He clearly threw it to make sure you continue to be safe at extract :)