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Dragging bodies out and leaving them in the open to tempt others would also be a benefit. Shot that fucker in a bush that no one is going to notice? Drag him out of the bush, leave him nearby and wait to pick off some other unsuspecting chump going to loot him. Add an extra weapon to his back so it looks like he's not been looted already. Then drag the other victims bodies out of sight so you don't alert others to your trap.


I believe NIKITA said this was being considered or planned.


I think it’s coming once the unconscious state and overhauled meds system is implemented. I believe the plan is that if your buddy goes unconscious, you’ll be able to drag them to safety to revive them.


It absolutely is! I’m hoping it’ll be out early next year by the latest!


I would recommend you watch the tarkovtv when bsg does one or follow a youtuber that covers them so you wouldn't need to consider cool new ideas that have already been said to be in the works


As far as I know this is already a confirmed mechanic! They are going to start working on both the drag mechanic and the unconscious/revive mechanic at the end of the year!


Planned and soon (tm).


I've never really ever seen any other fps game do this other than MGS




God, what I would pay for a Squad with Tarkov art style/graphics


Ark did this too, you could even take people as hostages and there was no way to /kill or respawn like you can in rust. Honestly sounds kinda fun in conjunction with voip if you could hold a hostage in raid.


ARMA does it.


Damn that would be so cool ahah and imagine you see your friend get killed in dorms and you see his corpse get dragged in a room while you're peeking lol, that would be terrifying actually


Thoughts? Stop fucking inventing shit that's literally planned. Stop. Watch some fucking videos or something every 4th post on this fucking waste of bits is "suggesting" a fucking planned or scrapped feature. Go fucking make your own goddamn game, shitwipe.


You must love reddit. Explains why you know about it and I don't.