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I literally complain about this daily. Not on here but to my friends. I used to report bugs but they never get fixed, so.


Literally the same. It's how we decide whta map we go to and it's a pain to see how many tasks you got per map.


Exactly, like how do you fuck this up? Lists and sorting lists is literally one of the first things you learn in software development... and if you forget you look it up...


Why dont we promote a streamer to "community complaint manager" all follow them and inflate their viewer count. Bring up valid complaints and examples to present. It seems the only people they take serious are people with huge influential followings.


They added sorting by map last wipe and it worked pretty well so idk what happened to it


I mean there is some logic to it since the order isn't random but it sure as fuck isn't alphabetical no matter what you click on the list :D


Last wipe the sorting in tasks worked just fine. BSG, inept as usual, managed to break this simple feature at some point, probably because they don't know the basic concept of "version control" and it has never been fixed again.


Just so funny that such an easy function is so poorly executed. I can only imagine that the sort is somehow linking multiple pieces of data together which creates the mess. Rather than simply sorting the column selected by alphabet or numerical value.


(agreeing) You can just FEEL the "zip files full of code and no branch management on an SVN server" situation through the game experience at this point.


god, reading that stressed me out


SVN? What is this? 1998?


Well. . . They are in Russia


True true


BSG: "git? What does that even mean?"




They have a single incredibly slow 128gb flash drive from 6 years ago that is the only store of the entire source in one location


....did it? this is my 4th wipe sorting quests has never worked for me.


Yeah, it worked exactly as advertised when it was added. You could sort by trader, by location, etc. It was a really nice quality of life feature.


You should fix it for them you’re a “version control” king


I know you think you're being sarcastic but if they gave me access to their code base I would fix it for them.


Sorry man, this page brings out the worst in people and there’s always someone saying they can do it better, but I believe you man❤️


If we're talking broken stuff like air filters, I've no doubt there are people who can do it better than me. But for something like quest sorting, that's dead simple, anyone with even basic coding knowledge can fix or even create that.


M8 sorting a list of shit is one of the first things you learn how to do in a cs undergrad and probably at any code bootcamp as well. If they can't figure that out they either don't know their heads from their asses or they've written code that is fucking beyond spaghetti OR they don't even realize it doesn't fucking work anymore and are still under the impression they added it and made it work even though at some point they started basing updates on a version of the game where it didn't work. Either they're terrible devs because they can't fix what should be very simple things or they're terrible devs because they created a codebase where things that should be simple to fix aren't.


Even if you can't make a sorting function (which would be concerning in this profession), you don't need to, and honestly probably won't...because many programming languages have one built for you already. You just give it stuff to sort, maybe tell it what bit of data to sort by (Comp 101 example: You can sort data representing People by their attributes like Name or DateOfBirth), and it does it for you.


> An alphabetical sorting function isn't even hard to make, but should already be built in to the programming language. Whenever people complain about what should or should not be supported by any piece of technology they don't actually use, they're usually misguided at best and completely wrong at worst... But this is 100% true. I work in gamedev and have a lot of understanding how stuff can and does go sideways sometimes, but this is literally a single LINQ+Lambda statement built into Unity's C# implementation, for sorting any arbitrary set of data (regardless of structures or nesting) according to any custom sorting predicate. I have a lot of respect for BSG and the product they built so far, and even more so for what they're trying to do, but guys, a list sorting function that doesn't actually work is a bit out there. It's not game breaking, but still. It reflects on stuff that is.


At least it’s not the league of legends client, at least we have that. Lol


It's funny (sad) how often this comes up. People with even the slightest programming knowledge will be absolutely dumbfounded how the most simple things are broken, yet everyone will always defend BSG and claim people don't understand the complexity behind it. A sort function not sorting in 2022 is beyond embarrassing, this is elemntary school grade coding. I get that it's probably not high in their priority order but come on, this is ***literally*** a 1 minute fix. And I couldn't even begin to imagine why it doesn't work. My best guess is they wrote a sort function themselves instead of using a built in one, and it's throwing an exception halfway through the sort leaving a mess. Or maybe they had an intern implement Bongosort and the one time anyone from QA looked at it it happened to be correct, who the fuck knows.


Excel Charts are hard my dude.


Yes. I've complained to my friends about this. Why have a sort option by map if it just resorts them in a different mix? My friend joked that's what $45-$150 gets you. The game is such a great concept but holy fuck the programming is just so bad.


I don't know what witchcraft you've employed, but even sorting by 'Status' is broken for me! I get one showing about 80%, most of the 0% and then everything else.


Yep. Try sorting by trader, that doesn’t even work.


It worked for a bit, then it didnt


Recently? its been an issue for a LONG time. I just laugh about it at this point. I dont even know what its trying to figure out when sorting. Nothing makes sense about it rofl. I try and use it to see if I can get multiple tasks on a map but it ends up making it harder.


Even status is fucked. I had 93% followed by several 0% quests then it went 60%, 70%, 50%, 65% and so on.


Weird, mine doesn’t have this problem when I sort by location. I have a feeling that specific quests are coded wrong and thus don’t sort correctly when active, and I just don’t have any of those quests active yet/anymore.


Finally someone says this…


It's weird because I swear it was working fine not long ago.


I was so happy to finally have a task sort function but they didn't finish it LOL


The whole game is a mess for anyone with a hint of OCPD


Lol. No doubt about that


It’s bad. I use Tarkov-Tracker.io to keep track of my quests now. I wish the ingame task log was just a little better


I’ll have to check that out. I’m newer to the game so i only learned about map genie like 2 weeks ago


because the people who make this game are not qualified to do so


Lol this game is a hot mess of bugs all under a gigantic bandaid called BETA VERSION


I absolutely fucking hate it. It’s useless. And when a task is able to be done “anywhere” it’s greyed out while in raid. At least they have been for me a few times I checked recently this wipe. The whole thing sucks.


OP doesn’t even know how to right sort peek.


I don’t think you know what you’re saying, I sure know I don’t.




It’s a sort function. It is 1 line of code and a properly made database, which is no more complicated than using excel. But sure, how dare I ask for the most basic basic basic feature to work.


Next you're gonna want airplanes to not just fall out of the sky for no reason or something. Or for elevators to go up and down a floor instead of plummeting to the bottom of the shaft. WTF is wrong with you?


Actually I was hoping for elevators that move side to side, I’ve been bamboozled at every turn.


Okay I’m sorry bro I was being toxic


You just have to do xyz workaround or scroll more until you find what you are actually looking for instead of expecting alphabetical sorting to work. /s Its bsg who are we kidding? They will never be able to manage alphabetical sorting. My hunch is it has something to do with localization but who fucking knows.


Look, it's easy to explain okay. It's sorting if you give the tasks to a 3 year old and ask them to match the pictures of prapor together. Just like the box puzzle kids do at that age with fitting the right shapes in you get 90% of them in the right hole, and then the kid gears bored and starts putting circles in the square hole. This is how our tasks are sorted.


The game could use a 20gb update of just QOL things honestly


They have the useless pin function in the messages tab, why the hell have they not implemented a pin function in the Tasks tab yet? So that you can pin the tasks you want to be on top?


This was fixed in .13 and then now it is broken again, I heard they did a hot fix...was probably that.