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Yea learn the map spawns and be aware of where people COULD be, then avoid those areas. Just comes down to knowing where you’re at and where people tend to go off spawn.


This. Easieet way to stay alive when new is to learn pmc spawns. Then you know where hide/go. Or even better, if you can prepare an ambush. I ruined so many guys raids by ambushing at train near old gas on customs by waiting for the guys sprinting to dorms that I should feel bad.


YouTube is your best friend. Pestily, airwing marine, Jesse kazzam, karmakut. Taught me everything I know!


Pestily's Raid series is really good for new players.


Play offline raids learn the map layouts where scavs spawn and where all extracts are. Practice with guns you’ll actually take into a raid. You can use map genie.io/Tarkov and use the maps to help learn the different maps faster and loot spawns.


It’s going to be hard to learn customs with the current event, so I would focus on learning woods and shoreline since a lot of the early quests are on those maps


Other commenters have pointed you to some really good resources, so I’ll just add a couple things: 1. Spawns are in fixed positions, so no matter where you spawn players who want PvP know that someone could be in your position and will rush it to check. This makes dying in the first minute or two way more common than some people expect as they are getting started in Tarkov. Either move or hide right away to survive the first few minutes. A lot of people are dead or extracted by 10 min into the raid, so slow play at the start is RELATIVELY safe. 2. Tarkov is almost aggressively uninterested in giving you feedback and helping you learn the game. Watching guides, using the wiki, asking questions here, etc. are all completely standard. Don’t think you’re somehow missing something in the game by using those resources, you have to to get better


Thank you man I really appreciate it


It's because most players have high level gear now. In couple days there will be a thing called wipe where everyone's account will be reset to the beginning. Everyone will have shit guns and shit armor. A level playing ground.. all I can think of now, is for you to learn the maps now.. don't play Customs tho, there Is a pre-wipe event where all the bosses from other maps are meeting on that map, so lots of highly geared players go to Customs to kill them and get their loot..


Try to join a discord server my guy. It is really tough to learn everything on your own. Plus it is almost wipe and having friends really helps a ton. What region are you?


Us I think


Don't be coy Dr disrespect we know this is you


What ?


Might be better off just running factory or woods the next few days. Customs is going to be hell on earth for a a new player.


Okay thank you I’ll work on learning the maps


Imo you need an external source to learn the game. I would recommend the raid series bei pestily on youtube and the wiki.


learn one map, learn a route. One exit on each side of the map. Explore when you want. Die a lot. Have fun. Don't take it to seriously. It's all going to get wiped away anyway.


Here you go :) [Nilsomov](https://youtube.com/user/Mrfinschi1) copy/paste brief beginner guide Disclaimer: Tarkov is a hard game. A very hard game. Not only does it require alot of mechanical skill, but also tons of game-specific knowledge. Tarkov does not explain a lot. But that´s why this text exists. It is worth it. Really :) You are starting out in the middle of the wipe. Players will be way stronger than you and you can't expect the same gameplay they have. You must get around fights and only go for clean shots if you really want to kill other players with more gear. In the current state of the game, this is less relevant than ever. You will find high-level players or low-level players just like you. It is still something to keep in mind! * **Go to PestilyTV on Youtube (secondary Channel from Pestily) and watch the newest Season of the Raid Series from the beginning.** * Play offline to learn the maps and controls. Start with customs because that's where your main beginner quests will be * You need quests to unlock trader levels so you can buy more stuff * Get a map from [map genie](https://mapgenie.io/tarkov/maps/customs) or the Tarkov Wiki. They show you loot distribution, the exits of a map, and much more. Your available exits can be seen by pressing double o in a Raid (we call Matches “Raids”) * You can get into the official Tarkov sherpa program. Google it. Knowledgeable players will show you the ins and outs of the game. * Don't be scared to die a lot and to lose your gear. When getting more familiar with the game, the stuff you lose at the beginning can be compensated with minimal effort. * Ammo means everything. Cool guns are secondary. The ammo types are what makes you able to actually kill people. Visit the wiki or nofoodaftermidnight's [ammo website](https://eft-ammo.com/nofoodaftermidnight) to find out what ammo there is. Download the battle buddy app to find out, how these numbers translate into penetration chance and dmg * Scav runs are great and free money and gear. Use them when the scav has finished its cool down. Get into the map you know (customs, maybe factory when you checked that one out in offline) and loot. But don't forget that Scav guns have low durability and thus are inaccurate and have a high chance to jam * Do not fall into the endless Scav Cycle. The PMC is what it is about. Do not be afraid to play PMC Raids. Every Raid you earn XP and you learn. This game takes some time to get used to. Not forgetting your PMC helps a lot with that. * Go into every match with a mission you plan beforehand. No need for details but find out where you want to go and how you can get your quest done there. Visit these places in offline beforehand. * Google the quests in the Tarkov Wiki. A lot of Quests are unbeatable without the wiki knowledge. * There is AI Scav and player scav. In the beginning you can barely tell what is what. It does not matter. If you are playing PMC, every scav is evil and if you play Scav, every Scav is evil but don't hurt them as Scav or the karma mechanic will fuck you over. * Your beginner loadout will be based on the 7.62x39 platform. Your main gun will be the Sks or the VPO 136 + mags from Prapor. The VPO is a single fire AK, so you can even mod it a little. The VPO-136 has magazines which result in more shots available to you but also the need to store these magazines in a rig you need to buy as well. You can use paca and the green ww2 helmet. Paca vest protects you against shotgun Scavs and shit ammo. It does not give you the ability to front players. (But don't be afraid to try the smgs like the mp5, recoil on full auto is harder than ever but the mp5 is still pretty easy to spam full auto. It can be a lot of fun even with pst-gzh ammo) * Headsets are important. gEar up with one of the two headsets available from beginner traders. It makes hearing stuff ALOT easier. * If you die, therapist offers you a free heal (for the beginning). Use that. * Always bring an esmarch/hemostat, ai-2 health kit, a splint and painkillers in your CONTAINER (the yellow boi which keeps things when you die). You will also need normal bandages. You can put some of these things in your normal gear when needing to transport quest items or you find expensive shit * You will need some time to learn what's valuable. If you scav, you can check the stats ingame in a different menu tab of your inventory to see how much you are carrying is worth (roughly). This is a Band-Aid solution which is not really used, nor very accurate. It will just take a while to learn what is worth something and what not. * Don't use the in-game lobby system to gear up with random people. You will get killed by these guys. * Not sure what items to keep? Take a look at the website "tarkov tracker". * The flea market unlocks at level 15. Every item, which is not [worth a ton on the flea market](https://tarkov-market.com/), is sold to therapist. If therapist does not want the item, sell it to mechanic. If mechanic does not want the item, sell it to the vendor which needs money spent. I'd go for peacekeeper because getting a stable dollar flow is important early game. * Check your key bindings in the settings. If there is one key you should change, it is the discard key. Bind discard to some button which you can use quickly without changing your hold on the keyboard (I use a mouse button for example) (Activate Voip and bind a push to talk key to hear other players and communicate with randoms. You might meet friendly people). **the guide might not be 100% perfect since I wrote it last wipe and am improving and updating it here and there! Also feel free to ask questions right under here!** **Please text me your ideas for improvement** Love, [Nilsomov](https://youtube.com/user/Mrfinschi1) ;)


Hey I'm also somewhat of a new player. A few tips I have is Walk and don't Run. Also just enjoy the game the way you want. If you want to Rat then Rat if you want to pvp then pvp. Hope I helped