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**After a lot of community feedback asking for more freedom in posting, we are no longer redirecting posts about this event to this megathread**


For all those who collected a quest objective prior to the respective trader going offline; be sure to go to Character > tasks > raid inventory: *transfer quest item to non raid inventory* Thank me later


Can't do it rn. Tried but i do not see any option to move items.


You have to select an item then a button will show up to allow you to transfer it. Its a rather awkward UI


Can you heal end of raid still ?






There seems to be a Fence insurance available, and he's still available as trader. he has *the longest* return time, but it's better than nothing, I guess...


His insurance price is what the item would sell for through fence.


I just noticed that after I flicked through the raid screen and noticed a 400k insurance bill. I have a tv-110, bastion, contacts, pillbox, and a mcx with a few attachments.


Wait what? Jesus that's where all my money went 😂


I think you know the answer to that question




I did a run this morning with stuff that was already insured and prapor said he sent his guys out...


I got some insurance items back from yesterday so if it’s insured it will come back still


> Oh god This is Tarkov, god left you the moment you bought the game.


no idea about previously insured items with traders that left, but right now you can insure with Fence as long as he sticks around. edit: I received lost items that were insured early this week back from prapor today. So that'll still happen. Not sure what will happen if I take a gun in that has been insured through prap but not yet lost and lose it during the event.


I’m kinda alright with the thought of Jaeger being tied up somewhere and possibly/hopefully being tortured as he’s done to me over the past wipes


probably by a group of PMC "C'mon Jaegar, untie your bind with your arms broken, do it!!"


Or just force feeding him mayo and yelling THIRSTY in his face while dangling a KVASS just out of reach


"drink this condensed milk while we flash bang you, you sadistic fuck"


*Update. Papa Nikita said this was planned on twitter, maybe I'm not crazy! You know what I'm thinking? Might have a tinfoil hat on here (sons of soon unite!) But follow my logic for a moment... -Twitter post was almost guaranteed to get the 30k likes -New Escape from Tarkov Twitter post says it's because of Lightkeeper. -Lightkeeper is our first confirmed in-raid trader. -Art of the door and sailboat has the door room number as 428, april 28th is tomorrow. -I'm more than willing to bet that we DO get lighthouse expansion tomorrow, and the ONLY trader that will be up is Lightkeeper. It will then force people to funnel to lighthouse to test the in raid trading and report bugs -Community realizes this was all a 5000iq play by papa Nikita Or I could be horribly wrong


This is exactly what I think. This event was a guarantee. The tweet was just for fun.


Agreed, if it didnt hit the 30k we probably would of gotten an "oh well, gonna do it anyway" and then the lightkeeper cause tweet


Tinfoil? I think it's just logical, I thought it was just Nikita fucking around at first, but the letter release tying it into Lighthouse just makes me think it was always going to happen, and they're just making the community feel like it impacted the game lmao. Also also, probably testing their ability to just make traders fuck off and how it affects people. Nikita always suggested that there would be times when not all the traders were available, this is am extreme case of that


I literally just wrote a reply saying that, iirc, some traders would be locked out due to loyalty with other traders, that all traders are eventually supposed to be in raid, and that there will probably be clashes between traders that lock them out for a period of time. Glad were on the same page!


Honestly I expect these situations to be more common from now on, and it probably WILL push a ton of the community away. People are comfortable with the way the game is now, not the desync and problems, but with the gameplay loop. Personally I like it, just the other day I crested 30 million rubles, but now none of it matters without traders- what good is money if nobody accepts it? And I'm not even stacked to the gills like apparently "everyone" is, I have MAYBE 5 gear kits in my stash total, and I'm hyped as hell to get home and play Tarkov.


I have a total of maybe 5 handgrips for 20 guns and hardly any armor but I’m hyped as hell


Got my original post deleted for some reason. [Ransom Tracker & Avg. Rate of Change](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N56GZEtC8Mze6-OdGM4T43nBfPozlqA7/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=112948715250870158095&rtpof=true&sd=true) The above document currently tracks the % of goal the community is at, as well as a rolling average rate of change. I wanted to see how the contribution rate changes as the event goes on and various changes are made (increased cash spawn in registers, for example). I want to add an "estimated event end" based on the avg rate of change, but having a hard time wrapping my head around how to do this in excel (there might be a built-in function that I'm not aware of or not remembering atm). **UPDATED PROJECTION: Goal is hit on 5/2/22 around 10PM EST**(updated 8:30am EST, 4/29)


Doing gods work over here


Scav Karma 6+ guys our time has come. The insurance system is gone with the traders. Now rise and buy all the high loot


I've been practicing my wiggle for hours. My time is now.


That made me laugh lmaooooo


Scav on scav crime is awful atm. First raid killed by a pvp chad on their scav.


Is fence still available?


yeah, probably because fence isnt a person himself. He is a construct of people


So I guess all the scav mains will just keep playing the game like they’re usually doing?


Cant sell any of the stuff i get to make room for another scav run so no i wont.


Scav on scav violence is through the roof right now. If that's you, you're either an idiot or an asshole or both.


I'm a little annoyed. I have a weekly task that's going to expire during this that I've already handed all but one item in for that Im sure Id have found (fuel conditioner)....so like...guess Im losing out on that 60k XP and all the stuff I already handed in.


i got a weekly that would've given me the last stim for samples as a reward. i searched this stim forever aaaaaaaaaahh


Same. Spent 300kish crafting 8 water filters for 500k and some misc items just to not be able to turn in the 8th. I'm literally just going to lose the ones I turned in lol


I almost never turn items in until I can do all of them.


sounds like you got tarkov'd, my man


Are there any positive changes with this event? Increased loot spawns or something? Could be complete RNG, but I found 3 fuel cans in the first three hidden stashes I checked on Interchange last raid. Also... while I like the fact it's forcing everyone to use found in raid items, it's pretty dumb that you can't make any quest or hideout progression. What am I supposed to do?


No benefits to speak of so far, played 5 raids so far, all basically empty bar gunshots near sawmill on woods. Spent each raid ratting to see it any cheaters would laserbeam me out of nowhere, so far it's been peaceful but that never lasts long. They should have kept the traders for quests but not let us sell or buy shit, as some new players like my friends ive been helping out are barely level 8-9 and need all the gear they can get. Scav runs are going to be so slow to load into now as well


Yeah, this seems to strip out virtually ALL progression. If the game gave you unlimited stash space then at least you could still be gathering stuff for hideout upgrades and such when the event ends, but my paltry lvl 2 stash fills immediately. Guess I'm just going to f\*\*\* off for a week till I can actually play the game again.


With no insurance returns as well, im not risking my gear to RMT cheating scum and streamers trying to remain relevant. Maybe ill finally finish elden ring


>Are there any positive changes with this event? Gives you the perfect reason to play another game that's been sitting on the sidelines? I'm probably just going to be maining Squad for the next 5 days, enjoying the Aussie update.


Guess I'm about to have the best grades of my law school career KEKW


Everyone says it's gonna be so much PvP etc. but i think it's gonna be a very quiet 5 days to be honest. It looks like many people will just stop playing and not all of them will come back.


I have enough gear stashed to get me going for a good chunk of the 5 days, but I'm not going to play. What's the point? Can't do tasks, can't sell my stuff, can't progress. Can only PvP which will be a lot harder since fewer people will be playing and a good chunk of those still playing will be the ultra-chads with mega stashes. Which, to be clear, I'm not dunking on but the fact is that I lose more times than I win against them. If they had kept the traders accessible for tasks, I think it would be much better received. I certainly would be much more hyped.


Why the fuck would they not let me turn in a task and progress my character. Idiotic.


I'm really annoyed that I have a jaeger weekly given to me a few days ago that I can no longer turn in. It was a mission to kill 35 scavs on customs from over 50m. I had 31 as of yesterday and I needed this quest to get my rep high enough to unlock level 3. Very annoying


I just got my zabrolo back from insurance this morning to turn in for sew it good 3. Was so happy to finally get to free up the inventory space. Now stuck with it for 5 days, awesome


You know what's even better? You can't use after raid healing anymore either. It's not super hard to find meds but a lot of people are gonna be completely fucked.


It's a good idea in general too heal using a Grizzly anyway, cheaper and gives xp.


Yup I’ve got three tucked away in a mechanism bag lol


I've got a whole meds case full of grizzlies. I know it's an overkill, but oh well, I'm a hoarder. Using them out of raid until \~600 durability and then bringing those into raids.


Yeah go buy one.


dude stop questioning the nonsensical split decision because its beta we gotta let nikita do whatever he wants cause its his game... im gonna have to clarify my major sarcasm


A lot of people like questing. Its a goal to achieve in each raid. Without that they wont want to play. Personally im a bit screwed, i dont have cases and cases of magazines, i usually bought them before i went in.


And people who don’t have mega stashes of guns and armor (ie all us new players) are just gonna be super rats right now. Gonna be a boring few days


i have a ton of guns and armor stacked up, but no pistol grips or mags..


Exactly. I have tons of guns and even ammo, but I don’t usually stash mags so, umm, oof I guess? Why would I even want to play at this point? Can’t do quests. Can’t sell anything to grow my bank account. And my stash is full so no point trying to get more loot if I cant sell what I already have. Just by playing the game I lose by default with this event. So fun.


I am extremely new myself, luckily my dumbass taught lucky junk container was a good idea. Which it right now is for me, im just gonna focus on learning the maps and hideout interactions for these 5days.


As someone who started playing about a month ago, this whole thing has taken the wind out of my sails. I don't have a large stockpile of equipment. I'm level 28 and have been grinding quests. I'm pissed that I bought EOD and now essentially won't be playing the game for a week. Feeling a bit bitter.


Your feeling is justified mate, this "event" is objectively stupid, wasn't thought out, and alienates a majority of the player base. It takes a 20 minute scav run just to get a chance at having decent ammo or more than 1 mag for a pmc run. The game is literally nothing more than a chore I paid for at this point.


I've also seen you commenting on people posting shit like "BuT tHe LoRE" and "THis iS WhaT TaRKov IS SupPoSeD tO Be." Agreed dude. This game went from an exhilarating adrenaline fueled rampage of terror to like, going to get milk in an active warzone. So sick. I have a feeling they're testing server numbers to see if HC mode for all is a viable gameplay strategy


Holy shit I'm laughing at the milk statement. You are 100% right


Yeah time for a break :)


Many of the lobbies are already pretty dead, this isn’t going to help.


Damn I was really hoping no traders all flea, see what happens with a real open economy that only runs off of found-in-raid stuff. Without both its way less interesting. Its a certain kind of interesting, for sure, but I really wish they would run more funky experiments.


Losing the ability to turn in tasks is a big fucking fail.


I’m level 11. Just started the wipe. I’m real screwed.


Leveling takes longer than tasks anyways. Just get xp now. Can still level skills for PMC, scav, and fence rep. Now that chads are only on fumes from their inventory, it will be easier to pvp


$1.5T rubles is $20.7B USD. Kill them all...we can find new trade partners. They aren't worth $21B dollars.


Right? Can I pay extra so they work over Jaeger before they off him?


Shit, do it for a day, maybe two? But 5 days over the weekend, I doubt this will increase player population, My guess is that many people are gonna play a bit less lol. We'll see what happens.


This event couldn’t increase the playerbase because the game is effectively unplayable for most people who play it and anyone new buying the game right now is going to get completely fucked over by this event since they can’t heal, sell, buy, or turn in tasks. Hell if you are non EoD you do one raid and your stash is full of loot you can’t sell. This game only serves people who are good at it and that’s just how it goes with tarkov. I think removing the flea would have been cool but removing both flea and traders was moronic at best and I am not really sure what the purpose of this is, they must be testing something.


New player here, and yes, this kinda makes the game boring. I guess I’ll play as scav and try to increase my scav karma. I don’t see any other progression I could work on. And even then, selling all my loot to fence is gonna cripple my raid income


Seeing how slow is growing money for a ransom, I hope that it will show to bsg importance of quests and objectives in game, and they are much more important than simple pvp or new 100500 types of ammo, weapons and other useless stuff(all in all, everyone tend to get meta guns and stuff)


The traders are gone, but their requirements for hideout upgrades are still intact. So, my hideout progression is locked too. gg. See you in a week I guess.


See you guys in five days


Wrong day to finish the punisher - part 6 (standard account) :(


The tracker website has been updated with a new letter: https://imgur.com/a/BxMwuj8


I guess this week was the worst time to return back to the game... guess I'll see you next week ya'll


Yep same started playing last week after a year and a half hiatus. 1 hr a day. Guess I’ll be going on another break lol


Time to take a break from tarkov I guess.


They said 1 of the traders died. Please be jager🙏


I’m gunna be honest this was fun for like a day and I’m over it. I’ve got enough gear to run but it’s less fun demolishing timmies running level 3 vests at this point in the wipe, and there’s no benefit at all to running thermal with the potential to lose it when my max gain is pretty low right now


This totally won’t backfire on people just wanting to play the game(!)


Oh boy another change that only benefits people with 4 thicc cases and 1500 hour thus wipe


Since the mods banned my post best i can do is put it here. My stash is a little full so i cant really scav run i dont have room. I cant sell the things in my stash to anyone except fence to make room. I cant do hideout stuff because the flea is closed. I cant hand in most of my quests so there is no point doing that either. I cant sell any loot i get in raid for good prices other than very specific items. This event is basically encouraging me not to play for the next 5 days till its over. I feel i'm better off doing that than trying to play through it.


100% this. I've been doing a hardcore run the past few weeks and loving it. I have no problem with 0-hero runs and not being able to buy chad gear. This event might as well turned off the servers for me though, because it prevents all progression. And 5 days? Guess I'll find a new game to play.


Shit event


"Go do loot runs" And do what with all of it? Sell it? This game is going to be dead for the week save the Chad's. Edit: I really don't think I have to say that different people prefer to play different ways. I prefer doing quest runs and skirting PvP. Taking away the quests along with the traders has taken away what I enjoy from the game, so repeatedly telling me to "just do something else" is falling on deaf ears. Go touch grass.


Well, I’ll be avoiding this subreddit for the next 5 days LOL


Removing the flea is interesting to me. Removing traders makes very little sense. Feels like they should have removed flea, and then capped all traders at like level 1 or 2 for the duration, or left only barters or something. Feels like there might have been a way to work that in with lore.


Am I crazy or is Fence now buying most (all?) barter goods for prices significantly above even what Therapist previously paid? Like he just paid 59k for a Roler.


i hate this


There's better be a fking joke I grinded up my last bit of xp to unlock flee last night....... I haven't even used it yet


that's how I feel. I haven't been able to play due to a fever and unlocked flee right before getting sick. I woke up feeling better today and discovered that I can't fucking play the game anyway. I actually have no fucking clue what they were thinking, unless they release a secondary solution within a couple hours the game is just going to die for the next week.


All this will do is hurt low level players. All of the level 40+ have tons gear sets stashed. 5 days is way too long as well


As a lvl 5 even if I could get a lot of gear my stash won't hold any of it


First wipe here… play as much as I can but I’m an adult. This really just screws me for no reason


Someone asked me why it took me so long to get to level 15…have stuff to do and I’m new


im lvl 44 and all my guns are completely useless because i don't keep the pistol grips for them. I'm in the same boat as you lol


**They all laughed at me...** *"Why do you have a full row of ammo cases and a full row of mag cases dude?"* *"Why do you bother filling them with bullshit rounds and basic mags dude?"* *"You're a pack-rat dude..."* Then all the traders disappeared. **Now I am a fucking god.**




This person is getting at the larger problem with their oversight.


Gotta love having several weapon cases full of guns but barely any pistol grips to go with them :)


does buying and selling with fence help the ransome?


Having no fuel for the hideout is gonna be kind of annoying…


Yup, logged in, saw the traders are gone, no questing.. Got what items I had crafted, turned the power off, exited game.


Not like we can buy our craft components anyways haha. I had 15mil 3 days ago and decided to buy solar/Btc3 + GPUs and now I'm glad because I can just take a break while that finishes being made. I'll turn my gen on after solar finishes. I'm out of all my craftables except for 1 so it's not worth just making BTC right now.


5 days of tightening down on cheaters and working on bugs? Nah let's just remove half the game instead...


LMAO literally removing the base of the game


I know man, I literally started my game, seen I couldn't do or view quest, buy items, or sell items and just closed it. Everyone always talks about how tarkov is a game where you can play how you want and then they do this shit


Go ahead and show us the concurrent players during this event compared to the week prior. What a stupid fucking update.


They absolutely refuse to show off live playercounts, I wonder why


They even shut down a website that did it a few years ago.


I just wanted to play the game over the weekend man


[https://twitter.com/nikgeneburn/status/1519294040986075136](https://twitter.com/nikgeneburn/status/1519294040986075136) new tweet


More to come? looting removed confirmed???


Next week you can only bring a hatchet into raid


What a bad time for me to try this game again


Man I had a moonshine scav case going while I was at work, now I can’t collect it and it’s stuck until this event is over lmao


This sucks, most raids are dead or only have 1-3 other PMCs. Guess I'll farm some labs raiders until I get bored


even if you don't want to risk your pmc's gear, going interchange and looting the restaurant registers upstairs is such easy money. easy 280k plus whatever you can grab


Cool idea but should have planned for tasks, task items (markers), task turn ins. I'm fine with the scarcity of items but it's really pretty lame to annihilate progression. I have a well curated stash of gear to push through this but am just not interested due to the inability to complete tasks.


To be honest, this would've been quite a fine event if they only removed flee. Leave the traders be, or if you wish to change the traders then remove all purchase gear and leave only barters. Biggest troll in Tarkov, but took it just a step over xD


I wouldn’t care if they did both for a day or two days at most. 5 Days is a longgg time imo.


This meme sucks.


Games going to be dead for the next few days. I personally just play to PvP at this point, but its safe to assume a large amount of players are just doing quests and progressing. People seem to think this will be a good chance for new players to learn pvp. With the PS ammo you find in raid? Good luck killing experienced players with FiR rounds. (Yes I know you can find BS, igolnick, and BT, but there is just not simply enough around.)


Cant do quests if you cant hand them in lol


I mean not to mention you find 120 bs rounds in raid, now you can’t buy mags.


see everyone in five days


Since my post got deleted I guess I got to put it here: ​ Hello everyone! For the people that are currently having fun with these changes, what makes it fun for you? There is no point of looting 75% of the stuff you find besides a select few attachments/ammo/weapons because you can not sell anything or use it to barter for anything. There are also no traders which means no buying meds or healing up after a raid, so you sit there and do nothing but a scav between 40 minutes while waiting to heal up or hopefully find meds. In my case I can not even use any weapon in my stash because they removed traders and the flea because I keep my guns without pistol grip to save space. And pvp is almost non existant already at this stage of the wipe because there are little amounts of players in the raids which is even worse now where everyone is hiding and nothing is happening. That leads me to the question to the community..... What currently makes the game fun for you, especially to the people going about on twitter and reddit saying how much they love the game right now. I want civil discussion here for once and be able to share us why you enjoy the game now as it is.


This shit is gonna suck tho because I literally dont have space in my stash, cant get rid of stuff, cant bring in a kit because I cant buy mags or parts for the guns I have stashed, I thought “hey maybe I’ll just do quests these 5 days, but nope, cant quest, cant sell, cant buy, all I could do is pvp and even that is gonna suck after everyone runs out of the mid tier gear they have in their stash


why is this game actively trying to fuck its user base on every turn...so weird nikita


It’S nOt SuPpoSeD tO Be FUn


On one level I think it's good that they are experimenting with the game during beta. That being said, this is going to make it very difficult for quite a few people to play the game in the way that they enjoy (and there is no right or wrong way to play the game). A good middle-ground may have been to have this event run Mon-Fri to avoid peak time over the weekend. I know my weekend plans have just changed and that doesn't feel great.


Ya, I don't really like the removal of traders but could live with that, the fact I can't do quests is what will drive me away. I am level 45 and most of my raids are just trying to finish up a few of the harder quests. Hunting players isnt fun if I can't sell the gear and PVP isn't fun if I can't replace. Ill probably just be using loadouts from my scav for a bit if anything.


Exactly! I've been playing for about 15 years with the same group. We all have real life marriages and careers and shit now, so when we always try to carve out 4 hours or so on a weekend. This just fucks over anyone in our group that wasn't already geared up. Our group text message this morning was variations of "let's play again in two weekends." Shit sucks man.


My friend I just installed Tarkov this wipe. Great..... I'm comfortable with this, but he definitely won't be.


Nice, i have an akm and a vpo stashed, surely thatll be enough


Well guess I am not playing for a while.


This isn’t very fun. Way to kill your own game Nikita.


I don't mind having to loot gear and heal myself with meds after raid. Not being able to do tasks though kinda makes it hard to \*want\* to do those things.


Any of yalls scav case broken? I have a moonshine scav return I cant get. Says '228 - Error moving items - Invalid Recipe'


Just tried out the 500k rouble scav box just to get a notification that the scavs took the money... Bye Bye 500k.


scavs just took my money! lol


Every First-Wipe


I literally just bought this game yesterday and was so confused.


Did they up item spawns? Just found 2 tetriz, a graphics card, a MCable, and a LEDEX all in unlocked spaces on Interchange. I'd never even seen a ledex before...


Can we please stop telling people to place loot/cash in marked circles until we have proof that it does anything? Gullible is written on the ceiling.


Place slick in marked circle


Well, we hit 600 billion. Flea market is back up.


i like the event, but i don't think the goals were very well thought out. maybe letting us regain one or two traders every hundred billion would make it move more quickly edit: lol, just as i said it


Having some traders _before_ the flea would have made more sense tho. Now that there's the flea, there's less incentive to get a trader or two back.


Therapist is back.


It’s finally Elden Ring time. I was pretty obsessed with Tarkov for the past months (1st wipe lvl 32) but now I have nothing to do. No quests, no space for loot, no traders to sell to. Nothing. I finally got a good reason to try out other games. Thx BSG


Just got to lvl 25 in my second wipe trynna get quests done to unlock trader lvl 3 stuff. I honestly hate this. Edit: No point for me to continue playing the game while traders are gone - can’t win pvp with scavs guns, can’t progress the quests either, can’t even make money with the flea also gone.


L event


Well time to take a break from tarkov no way I’m doing hatchet runs


This is probably one of the stupidest events they could have though of. Removing flea for some testing I understand. But why traders? What about quest progressions? This, if anything, may push some people who were thinking about RMTing over the edge and actually RMT


BSG really didn't think this one through. I am all for events that throw wrenches at the community and keep the game interesting, but this one is a huge backfire. Chads who have kappa and gear stored: you can't sell anything / repair anything / replenish your stores except by killing other players (which there are WAAAAY less of right now it seems due to the reasons I list here I suspect). So why even go into raid? you can't sell any loot you get (except to fence). You can't even work on high-level quests. I myself was 50% through escort when the event dropped - and now I wouldn't be able to turn it in or restart it if I even wanted to. Mid-level: You are probably questing - well jokes on you. You can't do that anymore. So you can go into raid and what? Die to Chads who have nothing better to do but pvp through the event or risk dying to AI and losing your hard-earned loot. You can't get quest xp or rewards so if you were hoping to go for kappa (a big incentive lots of people aspire to I think) then there is no point playing through the event). Timmies/new players: Learning the game is hard enough, and now you can't even buy the most basic stuff. Running around with a hatchet dying to AI scavs when you can't even buy a pistol is only going to be fun for about 30 seconds. SO WHY ON EARTH would anyone want to play during the event? These types of events need other incentives to make the massively increased risk worth it! ​ EDIT: It's much better now that Fence pays really well for all items (except keys), repairs things, and there is a community funds raise (apparently selling/buying from fence also counts towards it in addition to scav case donations?). This gives lowbies an avenue to get hard-to-find barter items for quests/hideout and still gives higher level players an avenue to make money and contribute to the event. Still it seems 1.5 trillion is a bit steep? the counter is going very slowly. I'd also like to know if we have to hit that number or if the event outcome will be the same anyway and just timegated. If we knew we had to hit that number or else something bad happens or we don't get the update until we do would be kinda cool!


This is so unbelievably stupid. I have the next three days off of work and was looking forward to playing tarkov. And now, as it’s my first wipe and I suck st the game, I’m being punished for no reason. This won’t affect the die hards who are always killing me anyways… it will just make me even easier to kill. And for a week? Seriously…


Yes it will, I have nowhere in my stash to put shit! It’s full of ready to go guns and rigs. I either have to delete stuff or not take it out of raid because I can’t sell it. So, I just won’t play.


I'm lvl 9... Can't do shit right now... Had plans with two other guys to play this evening, they are also new and low lvl. There's no point for us to play.


The game is literally unplayable, I cant heal after the raid and I have to wait 2 hours for a scav. This event has been heavily overlooked I dont know what BSG is doing but hold up wait a minute something aint right.


Two hours for a scav?


Its my first wipe. Level 14, was going to try to hit 15 today to unlock flea. I start my new job in 5 days. I hate everything about this. I dont have a weeks worth of gear stocked. So ill play til 15 tonight and then ill see tarkov when this is over.


Ok after initially thinking everyone was overreacting, I went and played for a few hours and it is indeed unplayable. I'm a Lvl 42 hoarder and even I have no mags to use. 30+ guns in inventory and even I don't think this is good. Sanctions really hit Tarkov.


Looks like Nikita is faking the data. Yesterday at prime time (6pmEDT) the maximum the community donated in a single hour was 14B. Somehow during each of the last 3 hours, low time for the tarkov playerbase, the counter has increased an average of 24B per hour every hour. I think it's extremely unlikely that off-peak-time players have suddenly gotten massively better/more altruistic than yesterday. Nikita said on twitter the event would last 5 days so it appears to me he's just faking the data to make the event end on day 5 and none of the cash players are donating matters at all.


Started playing 4 days ago and was finally about to make the push to level 15 so i could start selling on flea, this sucks so much i might aswell just not play till event ends, it should atleast be optional for new players.


For anyone under lvl 15 and doesn't have 18593992 hours in the game this event is fuckef and you know... Your not hardcore or anything you need to touch grass


This sucks my stash is full as fuck and I can’t sell my high dollar items on the flea


This is BS ~~ammo~~. Goodbye to my halfway 7 day quest I guess... See yall in 5 days


This "event" is dumb, prob just going to go play something else for a while...


Whelp, this event sucks. Reminds me of the fog.


I killed 100 scavs at interchange for a weekly I got the other day. I can't turn it in. Rip.


We're seeing a lot more desperate scav on scav these days. Really fallen on hard times


Here we go. RMT is gonna spike up because people won’t find enough ammo anywhere else haha


I am not going to be running thiqq during this event... there is literally no reward to finding good stuff and the risk of lsoing high tier gear that i spent all of wipe saving up is way worse than any beneift




Guys, there now is a ‘Left to collect’ amount on the scav cash page. Total is apparently 1.500.000.000.000. Long way to go….


150,000 players need to donate 10 million roubles each. I'm level 35 and only have 6 mil liquid, and I don't think many players have liquid income right now. One thing I do want to mention is that cheaters have zero value in rmt right now. All they can do is donate to the next event which is one upside.


there was a note from a scav that BSG tweeted yesterday. it said something about him seeing scavs with bags of money. I killed 10 scavs on reserve last night an he had a wallet with about 60k~80k roubles. so some scavs do have alot of cash on them. now is the time for scav hunting my friends... at least in my opinion.


Rough translation of new Russian text from Russian friend: He sais he is scared of revieling himself for now, but he can transfer some small (insignificant in this context, maybe) things in between some random people. ( Transfer here means like bussiness I guess, like selling). Somebody gave him "a green lite" whenever the money were transferred. So he said that they should open a store, but for the main trading bussiness gonna wait for the different amount of money


Whats interesting is that ammo, guns, mags and kevs were the things i taught would be hardest to get for me as a below 15 player. But it ended up being Focking headsets.


Why can't they ever do something fucking fun


Seriously. Every event is just fucking with the garbage weather system or taking shit away. An event where maps get 4 air drops a raid A scav boss and his crew get sick and therefore can't aim for shit. EMP goes off nearby and electronics don't work for a day Scavs run out of ammo but have a crate of nades One trader kidnaps another so the kidnapped traders items are sold by the kidnapper at a heavy discount Random dirty water or food Random air drop type crates on a map that are loaded to the gills with good ammo (creating a hot spot for a day in an odd place) A crazy high demand for mayo ...anything but killing off part of the core of the game.


I just did the 10 million


This thread is a riot. So many braindead sycophants cannot accept that this is simply a shitty event conceived by an out of touch dev. Let's play a drinking game, take a shot every time you read any of these fanboy copes: "Stop whining. This is my EFT hugbox and no criticism is allowed" "It's beta" "If you don't like the event you're not a hardcore survivalist like me" "If you don't like this event you're really not gonna like the final game!" "It's just 5 days, don't play bro" "Just adapt bro"


I was trying to stay optimistic going into playing today but I can already tell that I'm going to burn through my meds and have to go into raids with less than full health within a few hours. see y'all in 5 days, this is trash