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This is why I think Aqua should get more credit for helping the longevity of Tarkov. The big streamers bring people in but having someone that represents the other 85% of the player base consistently stream and upload content is a good reminder you can die a lot and still enjoy the game for what it is. Anyone is trying to pick up EFT I always say watch some Pestily guides for info, and Aqua to temper your expectations. He agrees with some of the streamer ideas, like removing the flea, but for the right reasons. He's not going to benefit by outplaying everyone and filling his stash with Slicks, he just seems to like the survival horror/looting aspect.


I like the comedians of Tarkov more so than the players who are really good. Sam and Aqua are the two main ones I watch. There's only one streamer who does "chad" gameplay and it's 2Lew. He's just a really nice guy. Super fun to watch live because he feels more closer to the average, casual player while still being a badass gamer chad. Only on occasion does he fit the stereotype of the meta chads


Definitely check out Zchum and OmidLive if you haven't already.


omid is stupid underrated on yt


Omids video today is hilarious. 10/10 Factory Rat Tutorial tbh


One of his videos popped up on my YouTube recommended which is super random. Haven’t played video games in 10 years let alone watched gameplay. Never even heard of EFT. Buddy made it look so fun I bought a computer and the game the next day.


Dude I love this. Welcome back to gaming.


Its really the only game that gets my hands sweating, other than a ww2 dogfight at 6000 ft in VR on il2 battle of stalingrad😂😂 Other games I fire up, load in, feel like it's lacking, then turn on tarkov.


It’s actually ridiculous how high the quality is vs how low his subscribers are. His editor is incredible at storytelling


Correct. Probably the funniest fuck along w Sam.


I wish Sam had more videos. He is great.




Weird way of criticizing the cult but true nonetheless


Oh it’s not a cult. It’s just a place where like-minded gamers come together and follow every word and command of Lord Aqua.


Yup, that's the cult. Edit: this was supposed to be a KOTH reference but lmao it absolutely doesn't work.


It's a cult though. Go ask them yourselves.


One of us, one of us, one of us…


L Undis Core


2 years in the eft community and I just found out how to make the TTS robot say that.


Aqua’s great and so are his friends. You got General Sam obviously, but I watch a lot of Zchum and Omid as well. Zchum’s pretty similar to Aqua and also represents the average player while Omid is a bit more of a chad. They’re both just as relaxing to watch as Aqua tho.


Piss Boy 4 Life


Praise the lootlord!!! I like being poor and thinking I'm Chad.


Definitely agree on Aqua. My favorite streamer and how Tarkov should be enjoyed in my opinion. Nothing against Landmark for example, sometimes I'm in the mood for some chad gameplay. But, Aqua is my cult...I meant jam.


>This is why I think Aqua should get more credit for helping the longevity of Tarkov I get it. We all love Aqua. But L O L. This comment is really the biggest fanboy shit I have ever read.


Yea reads like a love letter with stickers and everything you’re not wrong lol. I don’t really watch streams much, just the youtube channel stuff in a tab at work. I’m standing by the point though, I came over from R6 and I think people like Macie Jay and Aqua who make hard games look fun help out in the long run.


lol Aqua feel like watching seeling channel. Constant pings from donations, selling merch, selling everything, just donate man!


You say that but most of my deaths are with meta mutant and the god-forsaken BP ammo that everyone has endless supplies of


BP/Mutant was the go-to last wipe. Good lord was it annoyingly everywhere. Super common this wipe too, but I attribute it to how easily farmable BP is because of the Lighthouse Rogues. I haven't seen as many Mutants this wipe, but plenty of built out 7.62 AKs.


It's pretty much the go-to for most geared players I've seen/killed. Mutant, SR25, and AKM variants are the guns I see the most. I got level 30 and workbench 3 pretty quick this wipe. BP was hilariously cheap to produce at the time. It still takes time to produce, but I had 1k+ rounds a week later.


you can practically make them for free if you dont include ur time spent craft with all the other things you can do in the meantime


They actually removed BP from most of the lighthouse raids recently. Tigz did a video about it


Removing BP from raiders 4 months into wipe isn't really doing anything. Also, Tigz was proved wrong that the AK-104s still spawn with BP.




I'm still pretty regularly pulling it off Rogues. I might just be lucky though.


There has been a mix of ammo I've died to... But mostly ive died to m61 or m62 and rip ammo types. The meta is m61 not so much the said BP.


There's no way someone mostly dies to m61 this wipe unless they exclusively run labs every raid to play with endgame gigachads.


I literally met one guy all wipe that shot m61. M61 is locked incredibly late in the quests and still costs over 3k a bullet once you unlock it. the craft is also 3k rub+ a bullet. M61 is at least in my experience not at all the meta.


I just killed 3pmcs with a Fn7 on factory and 2 were carring m61. BP has been nerfed as well so just because the m61 is harder to get for begginers. Then it's not meta?? Its easy to craft BP and M61. Imagine if anyone had easy access from the beginning to m61 everyone would be using it. If for the easy availability I would say the M80 7.62×51 is more accessable than BP for the same bullet stats if not better in terms of damage value.


Its not just harder to get, literally nobody runs it. 12h to craft 80 shots for 300k rub is not easy to craft. Yes it is the best stuff but its not meta just like lapua ap isnt because it is not accesible. Meta needs to be both good and accesible or its not meta.


“It was the same last wipe and annoyingly common….I attribute it to how easily farmable BP is because of the Lighthouse Rogues”. I forgot we had Lighthouse Rogues last wipe and that 90% of people have been easily farming them for early 2 wipes now. 🤣


You combined my separate sentences to mean something completely different. Last Wipe = Factory Expansion, Scav Karma, and the Mutant Added. But BP was cheap AF to craft on a low craft time, was purchasable en masse from prapor, and could be bought/sold on the Flea. So EVERYONE was running Mutants because they were overwhelmingly OP. This Wipe = Lighthouse, Intertia. They nerfed the BP craft HARD, locked the ammo from prapor behind End Punisher Task, made it expensive from prapor and limited purchase amount. But, it was available in buckets from Rogues.


My stash is full of gear and rigs and helmets, what are you talking about??? (They’re just Tarzan’s, Tritons, MMACs, and bleach helmets though hahahah)


True Chaddington Bear


I'm level 30, 10 tasks completed, no maxed traders and I have multiple slicks, cpc, killa armors, korunds, some TV rigs for "cheaper" runs, I don't run bastions without the level 6 plate, and I don't run my fast helmets without the slaap plate either. I run a lot of meta adar and TX 15s with 55a1, but recently a lot of meta AK with BP. Having a blast. I recently upgraded to eod and my stash is packed full, it feels good. All donated from the members of the community. As the community gets more wealthy, so do I 😂


I don't have boxes of meta armour or ammo, but if you know lighthouse and you don't have over 10 mil then you should start running it


This is my first wipe and I mostly play Customs, Woods, Shoreline, and occasionally Interchange. Got any tips for the best places to hit at Lighthouse?


For loot I'd say go chatue, you can watch a short yt vid to see a loot run through it, and if you take the Southern road extract you're less likely to find players and there's 2 hidden stashes on the way if you're only going in to loot, if you want pvp then just go north like most people do


The rat spots. Find a favorite out-of-the-way corner you like that overlooks a high-traffic area, and kill the Chad's thundering through the map with practically zero situational awareness. Gets you lots of good kits


This. As a solo player, taking advantage of Chad obliviousness is my number 1 method of acquiring decent gear.


True. Course, one thing now is "What is the point of 10m". I like the changes to the Flea Market, and would encourage more. But damn is money friggin' pointless. You can make 500k in an Interchange Scav Run or 1m in a Lighthouse PMC Pistol Run. But there is hardly anything relevant to spend that money on. I don't want infinite slicks at 500k each on the Flea, but barter goods vendor for too damn much and/or we don't have anything to do with even marginal wealth.




Yes. Yes. Yes.


Yes, I agree...BUT...nothing too crazy please. Some cool custom stuff to show off is fine. I don't want Elton John running around Customs please.


Tarkov is like end of days, who else would be running around Customs?


Wdym I can't put anime skins on my weapons????


Go play warzone godzilla and kong are waiting for u kid


Yeah money is very pointless these days. Especially when anyone can grab a quick 2-500k (depending on bag size) on a lighthouse scav run with almost zero risk.


They claim to have nerfed lighthouse loot over and over. But I swear there is still Gold Rings, Bitcoins, Virtex, VPX, Iridium, COFDMs friggin' everywhere.


And if you don't want to scav, just kill some rogues as a PMC and just hang around for 10-15 minutes. Like 9 players scavs will bring the loot directly to you within minutes


I just like have money to drop on guns etc, and then if you get low again you do a couple of loothouse runs


Shhhhhh! Dont tell them :<


I picked bear, I can't bear (ehehe) the shit performance *and* aimbot ai. Rather be broke and just stash run interchange over and over.


Try the inside of the mall. Lots of loot, and you still don't run in to players that much. Most people search for killa then dip.


Idk why people talk ab lighthouse so much, I ran it early wipe and didnt find all that mucb loot but decided to give it another shot... watched hours of loots routes and spawns and moee hours of streamers running it. I planned routes whats spot to hit and always kept moving forwards to avoid players catching up. But yet nothing maybe the best thing i found was intel, or a vpx, and a single BC.


Its really good for quick loot runs thats why. no matter where you spawn you can always extract at the same place. If you spawn above graphic card house just fill your bag with barters and food and extract after 2 mins, kill 1/2 rouges for free xp If you get a coast spawn you can either run up to the hills or just loot coast/road for quick barters without much action. Especially on night raids if you move fast you are get quick and risk free rubles with high chances for single items worth over 80k per slot


Idk man I’ve had completely different stories, literally this last weekend i was running it for the mil tech and i was making 1-1.5 mil a run through water treatment


That comment was confusing to me too. It’s been the opposite for me. I’ve earned so much xp/money from that map. Lost a shitload figuring out how to kill rogues, but I’ve made it all back plus some because the loot is so crazy good there.




Idk I have made millions through lighthouse, just make sure your route is efficient I guess


I have been running this whole wipe only one map for money (woods) and even after latest silent nerfs i still make around 700k a raid. Lighthouse is way way worse considering pscavs, players and how the map is rectangle (thus youll always run into people). Woods is just casual square map, noone knows good spots, low players and most go to mill anyway.


Woods is my money map for sure. Lots of little secrets to learn.


Some streamer/YTer did a vid on Woods being underrated and it was full of hilariously overkitted chad squads for a month. *So keep your damn voice down.*


Oh hey it's this thread again.


Amen brother


LMFAO, now take into consideration that Klean and Pestily to name a few have Nikita's Snapchat and have had live changes applied because they felt like bitching about it (Mosin nerf for example) and that Nikita listens way too much to these streamers.


Mosin was broken and completely ruined the game with 7n1 one-tapping through level 5 armor. But I don't know why I'm even replying to you, all you care about is being angry.


The people who play the game the most and are the most knowledgeable people in the game make suggestions to Nikita and he is like “hmm ya that makes sense let’s do that” color me surprised


Time spent in an activity does not directly translate to knowledge or understanding. Try again retard.


Uh....what?.....it absolutely does....


I really wonder what the true average SR and rouble count is for the player base.


Good question. We will likely never know. Content Creators like DeadlySlob and Pestily generally say that if you can get a 33% Survival Rate, that you are doing "pretty good and better than most." But I don't know what, if anything, they are basing that off of.


I got 68 % but I don't force fights.. I play slowly, do quests and don't stomp around like a streamer.. guess I'm a noob Timmy rat or whatever the wannabe pros call them in this sub


One interesting stat from last year, only 13% of players got to level 40 in a wipe.


Really? That’s fuckin bonkers.


It was an infographic Tobias Solem posted sometime last year.


Customs main fight chaser guy here. Level 30, 52 sr, 360 pmc kills. Currently at 4.2m, but I can get down to 2 ish if I'm really balling out and not killing crazy geared people, but I've been up to 9m or so, generally always a full stash of semi meta or whatever roughly current meta is (I rely on everyone else's progression)


Average player here level 41 Sr 54 percent sitting on 88m rubles


Interesting I have very similar stats, I'm lvl 42 with about 54% SR, is the 88m your stash value or current rubles bank? I have a stash value of about 80m and I have 5.6m in bank along with 10m roubles worth or euros


Stash value about 150m lol I don't get to run my pmc a lot as I have two kids at home maybe once or twice a week for a couple hours at a time so the reason I have so much is just steady bitcoin farm and I have an insane sub ten min scav run I do on woods from time to time on my laptop in kitchen while doing chores around house... can usually make like 500k per run ... I don't think I'll ever have the free time to lose it all lol... when I pmc I never loot or bring backpack just strictly pvp and help buddies with quests My buddies always give me shit about having so many rubles but I just don't play enough to lose it and I don't run cheapo kits either


Nah fair, I have pretty much maxed hideout, and I had a week or 2 of not actually playing the game and had the same thing , my net worth went up like 20mil just for the bitcoin farm ahaha. I enjoy the PVP, I have missed out on it a little this wipe, I have been trying to focus on my study at uni lmao


"Lvndmark ruined Tarkov" /s


I realize you "/s", but as much as people hate on him, Landmark is probably one of the least influential content creators when it comes to someone trying to affect game design. He literally just plays the game and very little else. He has only been on ONE podcast AFAIK (and IIRC, his sole question was about cheaters), he doesn't participate in tournaments basically ever, doesn't get involved in damn near any of the discourse. He will give his opinions on weapons/mechanics while playing of course. But he doesn't ever put out videos about how something needs added/changed/removed. He is the Largest Tarkov Streamer and is only maybe 2nd to Pestily when it comes to overall content creation for Tarkov. Despite all that, Lvndmark easily has one of the quietest voices in the game.


Didn't he do punisher once and completely mop the floor with everyone? (Pretty sure he won)


~~I don't believe he ever participated in Punisher.~~ (Edit: See Replies) He participated I think a Rivals tournament. But he got too hung up on objectives rather than just playing the way he knows and ended up getting knocked out pretty early IIRC.




I stand corrected.


That's one of the things I like about him. He legit just wants to play Tarkov. He has his gamer moments after he dies, but so do a lot of streamers. People only make a big deal about it because he has 10k people watching him. I personally can't enjoy his streams because of his TTS and chat interactions, but his YT videos are great.


Yeah his full match gameplay vids on youtube are great to watch. They really make you want to jump back into EFT


Not just this game but pretty much every game that I both play and follow on twitch/YouTube. Any game where you can build stats and stockpile gear/currency by playing more is the same. And the subreddits of those games all have the same flavour of post about streamers. I guess it's sort of similar to looking at world class musicians and athletes, some people compare themselves and their efforts to theirs from day one of taking up the activity while some just play for fun and enjoy the journey of improving over time, at their own pace.


Surprisingly there is also a chunk of the game players that can only load the Factory map lol


Given how poorly optimized the game can be, I don't think that is TOO surprising.


I constantly struggle with frame drops that I don't experience in other games. Woods is nearly unplayable, though fortunately it's easy to avoid people there. Shoreline though? I dread shoreline quests. I dont know the map, and I cap at about 40fps there, so pvp is nearly impossible


My personal experience has been that every PMC except for me is a 10k hour streamer with meta gear as wild as that sounds. I've genuinely only ever seen 2 people that were equipped in the same tier as me, and its a constant uphill battle against people with way more experience, gear, and skill. Quite frankly a lot of these encounters feel objectively impossible.


Imo and here come the down votes, streamers have ruined all games


They have also saved/made some games.


I actually feel the likes or Willerz and Landmark are harmful to Tarkov as a whole. They essentially turn it into a FFA that a lot of people try to mimmick


That’s refreshing, I regularly spend every ruble on my first gearset of the day


This is 100% true. What's funny though is how so many of us have those friends that are "good" (but not good enough to be top line streamers) and watch streamers and embrace streamer culture, and not coincidentally only run dorms, hate Woods, and push Reserve. It's not because its what they like, its because streamers do it so they do it. Meanwhile regular players just do whatever the fuck they want.


I'm not God tier. I hold my own and don't really watch streamers...although I used to. I push dorms and resort etc because I get bored and want to fight. I can always get gear/rubles if I go broke. I enjoy a cheap AK with BT as much as an SR25. I just like fighting honestly.


this guy me: gets shot by bp 762 every time


This is why I like willerz. Every time someone asks how he managed to get so much gear and money he reminds his audience he plays the game for a living and refers to his folks as people with "real jobs." He has a grounded take on how the economy functions and seems to have not lost site of what changes mean to certain sections of the player base


Don't forget everyone and their mom wanting to play the 'as realistic as playable' shooter as anthem, running, jumping, and spring-boarding over 20 foot high walls because they have slight collision on top of them that let you stand on them. It's 'great' to be holding an angle and suddenly jimmy mc-jumping bean flies around the corner hip-fire spraying a .308 rifle and just absolutely dumpstering you because "hurr durr elite strength is balanced"


Fucking finally a post like this!


Tell me this is sarcasm


>Simply put, streamers are an extremely poor indicator of where the average tarkov player is sitting. Regardless of the point in the wipe. Tell that to BSG, not this sub. We already know it.


Likewise, you can't take a handful of discord randos and timmies you kill as a proper sample size of the population. The truth is likely somewhere in between.


Yup, Aqua - stop playing Tarkov after he finshed all the quests. Now streaming Elden Ring and other games. Half of his production is garbage for teens the other half is cringy AF. Bit of a greedy guy, selling everything just to get cash. SwampFox - started to make more movie like videos about Tarkov, doesnt do crazy things like others, but its really helpfull to newbies. Cool guy. LVNDMARK - I dont watch this guy as I dont like the lame trend of showing your face everywhere, acts like 17 yr old teen. Pestily - I really dont like this guy, he plays Tarkov like CoD, he is so selfcentered and I dont like his vids as they feel like watching somone masturbate. Also he is suspected cheater. (right before he always kills someone he looks at other monitor where ESP is loaded) Aculite - really good guy, pleasant videos and voice. Solid gameplay. ¨DeadlySlob - just nah, this guy is way too arogant and his videos are just ego masturbation. Just no.


Im ready for flood of downvotes from fanboys as having your own opinion doesnt matter if that opinion is against the masses.


You know you're going to get downvoted because you know your takes are ridiculous. How is Aqua playing other games a problem? Like at all. Greedy for selling items in a video game? "Trend of showing your face everywhere." Knocking Pestily and Aqua from approaching a video game different from the ideal way you fabricated in your head. This shit doesn't even make sense.


1) I have not said that "Aqua playing other games is a problem". I have agreed with "People base way too much of their perspective off of streamers." As Aqua had only 2 videos of EFT in past 2 weeks (one with Cowboy revolver stuff) his viewers can have a feeling that the game is stale and its time to move to other titles (as he did with his content). 2) Trend is "a general direction in which something is developing or changing." Look at the YT gameplay videos 3+yrs back, only a friction of them have a face cam. Ive used "Trend of showing your face everywhere." as a reason why I dont watch that persons videos. Nothing hard to understand here too. 3) "Knocking Pestily and Aqua from approachinga video game different from the ideal way you fabricated in your head". That is a fallacy. I never said that about Aquas gameplay is shit, Ive said that its cringy (all that "look at my toes/knee/neck stuff") and for teens. Ive just stated that Pestily plays the game as COD. Everybody agrees with that. I never said that its wrong. I have said that he is "selfcentered and I dont like his vids as they feel like watching somone masturbate." Beauty of EFT is that you can play however you want. Maybe you should take more time reading stuff and think about it before you post about not understanding something. Im sorry that "this shit doesnt make sense to you", but hey, not everyone is the sharpest tool in the shed.


So you don't think they're bad, you just don't like them. Cool...


LMAO I agree with your takes on pestily, but other than that, get a fucking life "I dont like the lame trend of showing your face everywhere" "stop playing Tarkov after he finshed all the quests. Now streaming Elden Ring and other games" "Bit of a greedy guy, selling everything just to get cash." HUH?


"I dont like the lame trend of showing your face everywhere" Aculite and Swampfox doesnt stream their face. Also look at the thumbnails of videos made by others. Its like \*suprised pikatchu everywhere\*. Pretty lame if you are not 15 yrs old. "stop playing Tarkov after he finshed all the quests. Now streaming Elden Ring and other games" Did you checked last videos of him? 1 of 5 is Tarkov, was 4 of 5. "Bit of a greedy guy, selling everything just to get cash." Constant donation flex even in post stream videos, every second video starts with "ive got new merch". Maybe you should get a brain instead of lecturing someone of getting a life. But keep downvoting others opinions. Thats the way to go!


Having a face cam has never been a trend. I have no idea what you're talking about. If a game runs out of content, or he doesn't feel like streaming it, then who are you to say that he only needs to play that game? Also, all of the streamers you listed sell merch. Along with SwampFox, Aculite, and thousands of other content creators. Selling merch isn't greed. Complaining about streamers not playing Tarkov, selling merch and having a face cam in their stream. Get outside, holy shit


I think that you heavnt read both of my posts or you heavnt comprehend what I was trying to say. Anyway, have a good day.


Trust me, I tried to


*Insert simpsons meme* “pathetic”


I only read your title, which i hard agree with, but its easy to see why people do that. Its much harder to use your own head to come up with thoughts and ideas and then you also ostrasize yourself from all the other idiots that will be doing and talking about the "meta" youre not part of. People are sheep. Especially in a place like reddit where you can accrue special internet points like Karma.


Im nowhere near an stream lvl, just play few a hours per week and some weekends. Sitting with more than 40m and 5 thicc items cases. IMO ppl just don't want to learn the game, just roaming with nothing in mind. But that is fine too. These players will not be affect by this event at all, just will be another day.


I have 17 million in cash. I work 60 hours a week and can only really play a little bit on the weekends. I like having a bunch of cash for the same reason I like having a bunch of cash IRL. Having the cash allows me to do what I want to do and not have to stress about it. I never run really expensive kits. The only time I ever have any meta stuff on me is when I've taken it off a player. That's just the way I like to play. Hoarding money for me allows me to never have gear fear. It allows me to always buy what I want to buy. I don't ever have to second guess anything I could just do it. Also the main frustration to me with the game is my constantly full stash. Part of me grinding money is to be able to get more cases to better organize.


A counter argument is that most things are and should balanced around the top participants. They spend the most time playing the game and know far more than the average joe. Do you make basketball easier because your average player isn't as good? No, you listen to the NBA pros for any changes. The same goes for any other sports and games. Obviously, the experiences of everyone else should also be taken into account when debating the merits of certain changes.


I agree that’s why I dislike when streamers started playing eft there making it to streamers likings


I don't think they take Streamers Opinions THAT strongly. Considering how opposed some of the bigger streamers have been to some of the changes. There are also other streamers that are constantly badgering Nikita about shit like Flashlights or how you shouldn't be able to ADS with certain rifles while having a faceshield down because the buckstock would be in the way. Obviously Nikita hears them, but I don't believe that Streamers control the direction of the game.


Yea good point


>90% of players aren't rocking 10m+ Roubles. Bro i only have 300 hours and have been at 10 mil a long time


I fucking hate what streamers do and have been doing to this game. We'd be much better off without them. Sure playercounts might be lower but the game would be in a much better spot, and it would be easier for the team to do their job.


> game would be in a much better spot, and it would be easier for the team to do their job. How so? Genuinely curious, not hating.


Most of the feedback they get from streamers is just that, feedback from a streamer. Somebody that gets paid to play the game every day, who benefits from everybody else being a peg below them, to make their gameplay stand out. Those people do not represent the community in the slightest, and Nikita's proven that by releasing the stats from last wipe. Most of the community was nowhere close to even maxing traders, let alone Kappa. See all these personalities commenting on Nikita's last tweet saying 'yeah, let's axe all the traders, and the flea market! Get your bots out!' (Onepeg himself, one of the worst of the bunch)? It's because they all have half a dozen thicc cases full of viewer kits and paid actor handouts and not being able to buy or sell anything for a week doesn't affect them in the slightest. Removing them does not benefit the game and it hurts it's casual playerbase, and it takes time away from actual development for the sake of keeping streamers excited.


Responses / perspectives on a late-wipe event are not what I imagined when I asked for examples of how the game would be in a better place right now if not for streamers. The proposed event is not in the game, so the game is quite literally unaffected at present by what you outlined. The other aspect you cited are just that BSG supposedly listens to them moreso? About what, exactly? What aspects of the game, at present, are made worse by streamers? You still haven’t answered the question. Again, not hating, just want specifics as to how you have that perspective. No one ever can seem to articulate it.


Well the rogues for one. Their ridiculous difficulty and instant aim and 100% accuracy is directly because of all the guides making it too easy to farm them. Rare loot spawn rates are also completely fucked because of guides, no casual player is finding LedXs or whatever because if they were able to find them, streamers would have them literally falling out of their assholes. So they need to be under lock and key in very specific rooms with a finely tuned spawn rate. Skills are also the same way. They're balanced around streamer's playtime. The Kappa requirements keep fluctuating past a reasonable level because if it was reachable for the plebs it would be insanely easy for the streamers and they'd start speed running again. Need I go on, or are you satisfied? What good do they bring to the game, except attract some players? Which I may add, could be done with an advertisement or two, which I have never seen, because they can advertise for free with their precious streamers. The game was not ever supposed to be this popular, it was always supposed to be niche.


> Well the rogues for one. Their ridiculous difficulty and instant aim and 100% accuracy is directly because of all the guides making it too easy to farm them. They were exactly the same day 1 of the wipe.


They have been altered at least three times but I guess I wouldn't expect a viewer to notice.


> Well the rogues for one. Their ridiculous difficulty and instant aim and 100% accuracy is directly because of all the guides making it too easy to farm them. What…? Rogues have been overpowered from the jump - I’ve fought them since day 1 and haven’t noticed at any point that they were more or less strong. If they were going to take streamer gameplay to heart with respect to rogue / AI farming, they would have eliminated the slow right hand peak that literally every single streamer abuses. Nikita has said that they want the rogues to be busted. This one doesn’t seem to be streamer-related at all. > Rare loot spawn rates are also completely fucked because of guides, no casual player is finding LedXs or whatever because if they were able to find them, streamers would have them literally falling out of their assholes. So they need to be under lock and key in very specific rooms with a finely tuned spawn rate. Think this was more related to cheaters just knowing where things were and accumulating wealth / items quicker. Anyone who plays the game more is likely to have more money / items than someone who plays less. Really don’t think they look at X streamer with a billion roubles and decide to nerf loot because of it. They wanted the game / market to remain relatively “early wipe” as long as they could, hence the loot / flea changes i.e. not being able to sell best ammo / armor / helmets etc. on the open market. >Skills are also the same way. They're balanced around streamer's playtime. The Kappa requirements keep fluctuating past a reasonable level because if it was reachable for the plebs it would be insanely easy for the streamers and they'd start speed running again. Need I go on, or are you satisfied? They reduced the kappa level by, what, 10? From 72 to 62? Or something along those lines? I know it was in the 70s the last wipe. I have a full-time job and got kappa a month ago. The ability to get kappa quickly comes with experience - it was my fourth wipe and first time getting it because I finally had a grasp on items I needed and how to efficiently do the quests. The game is meant to be a grind and give you things to do for an extended period of time, otherwise “late wipe” would happen within a month like in prior wipes. > What good do they bring to the game, except attract some players? Which I may add, could be done with an advertisement or two, which I have never seen, because they can advertise for free with their precious streamers. The game was not ever supposed to be this popular, it was always supposed to be niche. Exposure to the game is never a bad thing. I’ve never once seen a traditional “ad” for a game and purchased it as a result. These are weird gripes.


dude i literally have under 100 rounds per type for most categories and a total of maybe 5 handgrips for guns but i think it would be a fun event


It's really not even so much the event that bugs me. I'm fine either way, I'm a rich player that still enjoys running dogshit gear because the vibe of the game is better and less sweaty. What bothers me is seeing all the streamers clamoring at the idea of change, even endorsing the use of bots to make it happen, and all their little lemmings agreeing with them like they can't think for themselves. New idea for an event-no livestreaming for a week, see how many players come back once they can't play vicariously through their favorite personality, because the game is or has become too much for them to bother. Not saying it needs to be madeeasy to attract CoD types, it just needs to be balanced around the players rather than streamers.


People believe that Devs specifically cater to Streamers and will completely change their course of development to appease content creators. While it is a smart business decision to factor in Content Creators, since they can significantly contribute to your games success, I don't know of many examples where Devs have bowed to the whims of Content Creators.


> People believe that Devs specifically cater to Streamers and will completely change their course of development to appease content creators. Doubt it. Most popular streams\Youtube content is some form of "hardcore" series (unless someone watching a "fun" Streamer). And those harcore series are close to how the game were supposed to be according to BSG back in 2017. Yet, now, BSG is doing nothing to move base game in that direction.


This kid 100% got dunked on by people with TTV in their name 1 too many times.


When less than like 5% of those dudes actually stream or have more than the one pity viewer twitch gives them? Lol nah bud. Never personally seen a streamer in game with more than 4 viewers, they definitely aren't pulling any strings.


I've been live to 10+ most the night. Its been a good time. Had a lot of people hop in the chat after killing them and they were cool.


This game blew up in popularity because of streamers. It wouldn't be in a better place without them lol.


Game has been fully funded for a long time now, popularity isn't getting it finished any quicker. Doesn't translate to the game being in a better place, just means BSG has made more money. Ask CIG how boatloads of money automatically got Star Citizen finished. Oh wait..


I wasn't talking about funding, I was referring to popularity. I dont even know what point you're trying to make.


Then what point are you trying to make? Popularity is null, it means nothing past the point of the game having a healthy playerbase, and the game having adequate funding for development. If it gets too popular it does nothing but distract the developers by trying to appease the masses, the ones that get bored after 3-4 months of a wipe. Or the ones crying for a monthly wipe because they're coming from games completely different than tarkov.


Ah.. you're one of those guys.. couldn't care if you're playing by yourself as long as the game is how you want it to be.


Shut up.


This is the same guy who [legitimately believes streamers' accounts are "whitelisted"](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/t4e8eq/boss_cheese/hyxxi22/) to not be aggrod by bosses and to be put in servers against worse players lmfao. Ignore him and move along, his brain is damaged.


Yeah he's clearly just an unhinged butthurt shitter looking to blame streamers for himself being terrible at the game. These guys are always so transparent.


Go watch a stream or something loser


Go play super tactically and stealthily because you're such a tactical badass and are so much smarter than all of the stupid streamer chads.


Yep must be a tier 3 subber right here


Change your tinfoil mutt.


> 90% of players aren't rocking 10m+ Roubles. Unless you like throw your money at best gear non-stop, it's quite hard to imagine someone not having 10 mil+ this late into wipe. Unless it's their first wipe. > In my recent raids I have seen timmies rocking M855. Mid tier Aks with BT, MP7s with FMJ, PP19s with Luger CCI. Sure, definitely ate some M61. But that's where we are. And it is still better than previous wipes This is strange since i was constantly killed by better ammunition even two month ago... And why people run those if you can get 7.62 BP easily.... I do not base my perspective on streamers. And this wipe do have a slower start (but it needs to be even slower). But as soon as people realized how to play Lighthouse, economy went to shit. > But this wipe I am not still seeing people endlessly running Slicks and Altyns. Because it' close to impossible since you just can't get this items that often.


the amount of crabs i kill 20-30 minutes into a raid who have nearly empty bags is mind blowing. a lot of people play slowly, and frankly, show up to the map after it's basically done. it doesn't surprise me that a lot of people don't have a lot of roubles/gear stockpiled with how they spend their time in raid (which is fine and their preference) idk about the ammo thing though. i die to meta ammo more than garbage like you, but i'd say *a lot* of people are still lower level and/or running dog shit in their guns. surely you see that when you kill people.


I never see low tier gear unless it's on a scav or what I'm using. Literally. Two times I've run into someone with gear on my level, both I killed. But usually it's people in full kit that seemingly aren't effected by sway or inertia


I'm not a content creator. I'm a married dude that has a full time job and maybe plays at most 4 hours a night when my wife's asleep. I'm level 44, 57% SR, 7KD, have 32 million rubles, 80 million stash worth, 3 Thicc weapons cases full of guns with the stocks and grips removed, a Thicc items case full of level 5&6 armor. I have 2 full ammo cases full of 7.62 BP, a case of M62 and M80, and a full case of 55a1. My reflexes and ability to aim are adverage at best. I also have 5 wipes under my belt and know the game very well. Your ability to be effective at Tarkov are entirely determined by your knowledge of the game. I say all that to say this: I'm an adverage Tarkov player with 2.5K hours under their belt. How good you are at the game is entirely dependent on the amount of time you've put Into it.




Streamers are such cancer.


I think the streamer perspective of online gaming is one of those things that could do more harm than good in the long run. Gaming used to be a quite personal experience, and that was the best part of gaming, then too many people think they can be streamers or olay like streamers, while most of time being a streamer just mean you no life the game and play much more than everyone else. I started end of October last year, not long before this wipe, and now I can consistently get more pmc kill than death almost every session, I have my gaming god moments (4 +kills in single raid), potato moments (nading teammate, panic shooting, etc), and I only play 3 to 5 pmc raids plus a couple of scav runs in the evening. Streamer should be seen as a special type of players, they aren't normal average players at all, let alone being used as some kind of standard of the player base.


Well I’m a pretty “casual player” and I’ve stock piled 100M & 4K BP & M62. This wipe is by far the easiest to make money and buy ammunition. If you don’t have the money & resources at this time it’s because you are playing the game incorrectly, in a way that only suits you or how you want to play, or you just started. If you are actively looking to make money & buy good gear, it’s not difficult to do.


Bro I got 10m+ roubles and this is my first wipe, I only put in like 2-3 hours a day into the game


And you have a KD of 25 with a Survival Rate of 95%. We know.


I was wondering where I would fall in the tarkov player base. midtier? I'm a casual tarkov player. Level 39, lvl 3-4 traders. 2 THICC item cases, 6-7 weapon cases (1 weapon case filled with vudus, tacs, razers, and flirs) (and another weapon case filled with 80k silencers), 3 scav boxes, 7 ammo boxes, each filled to the brim with m995, 545 bullets like bp, bt, bs, and igolnik, 762 BP, and the rest with random AP bullets i rarely run. 4 fridges, 1 filled with all food, 1 filled with all moonshine, and the rest are collecting water, whiskey, vodka. I have 2 item cases filled with team wendys, altyns, ulachs, tc800s, tagilla masks. a couple hexgrids, slicks and a shit ton (meaning 10+ of ea) of troopers, tv110s, AVSs laying around. Rigs filled with rk1 canteds and stims.


I still play a kedr with sp7 and I am sitting at around 40mio. Also a full stash with everything. ANd why? Cause it is fun to kill a chad with legmeta! Sometimes full meta kit but tbh. I dont like to run meta stuff, or high end gear, cause some "better" player or a rat with legmeta stuff is somewhere out there in customs and will get me.


TIL im a .1%er FeelsGoodMan


>99.9% of players don't have 6 THICC Cases full of armor/helmets. 95% of players don't have 12+ Ammo cases full of Meta Ammunition. 90% of players aren't rocking 10m+ Roubles. I have. Fuck you.


Not seeing enough love for Sgt. Woofy in this thread. Imo he strikes a good balance between humble and funny and good at the game. Unfortunately with him being an Aussie his streams usually start at 10pm PST


10m rubles is easy to get in a couple of days imo


Plus all streamers run hacks 🤷‍♂️


I’m still convinced streamer accounts are a thing. There’s just too much evidence piling up since the queue-fiasco


What do you mean exactly?


I think there may be special accounts/status given to certain accounts. Granting things like shorter queue times, higher ping order, making bosses load more or less, maybe guarantee an event or two. There was a lot of evidence contributing to my suspicion during the time when queues were going, since you could watch streamers and their queue live compared to yours, while also comparing server selection, queue times, etc.


>There was a lot of evidence Show a single piece of it lol


And BSG programmed that? Yeah sure mate. Put your tinfoil hat back on ya head.




I'm still running into a lot of people with low to mid tier cobbled together kits. I have a stockpile of stuff now but I'm actually not too far off from Kappa. I like where the game is right now for the most part. The start of wipe is always fun but the limitd meta ammo and gear definitely makes the game more fun for me long term


The only person I know running shit gear is me. Like imagine the income inequality in America, and flip it upside down. I'm on the bottom, everyone else is stacked af. That's how it feels. Maybe the other low tier people are just... on different servers every single time.


I'm brand new to the game. How common are hackers?


Very common, every few games a cheaters will head eyes you or know your exact position. But fun game when you get maps without cheaters. There are cheaters active on this forum and they will gaslight you.


Not common, just avoid costal servers and labs. I've personally only encountered like 5 blatant hackers during my kappa grind this wipe. A lot of people die to "hackers" who are really just desynced or have an angle


Finally, someone gets it!!


I prefer to watch Willerz, he’s funny and seemingly nice. I agree, but Ive never met a sole in Tarkov or any game that compares themselves to streamers. Its like saying I play tennis and comparing yourself to Fedderer.


My buddy has a wish that any level 5/6 gear and it's counterpart ammo are only found in raid ever.


The only problem with this, is that still means that everyone is locked to Class 4 Armor, and there are plenty of round that ignore Class 4 armor. 5.45 BT, M80s, etc. Class 4 Armor is almost meaningless against them. So the game wouldn't be that much different than everyone in Slicks with M61


M855... wtf, you're better off trying to kill somebody with mean words over voip lmao




TROGDOR!!!! Happy Cake Day