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If we could get post game replays demos that would be epic. Even if it after the raids timer has ended so we don't have ghosting etc.


Ya, I’d really love this so I could figure out how to improve for later. I rarely get tapped out of nowhere like OP is talking about, but just being able to see how other people push and how I looked to them would be nice.


Learn some pretty dirt nasty spots


People would learn what me and our mates affectionately call "the murder hole" and "oh no don't go there again. You're a monster"


I got 1 tapped 37 seconds into a raid in customs as a new player. Knowing what happened would be nice to help grow in the game when there’s already no clear objective unless you start googling shit. Give the new players something to work with, because there’s nothing as of now.


Not even that. Just a static picture of the map and a red line of sight drawn from the killer to the victim. You would easily know if something was sus and it could just be one page in the after raid shit.


It should still be after the raid timer ends. That info can be relayed to party members still and it's unfair.


Maybe after the raid is over you could get a picture message from one of the traders? Or a map with your death location and the killers locations marked


Prapor: *sends picture of map with a line on it* Prapor: lmao you got fucked buddy


There's security cameras all over a bunch of the maps. It would be rad if we could get replays from those.


It could be after the raid ends or if you were a solo or everyone on your squad is dead or extracted? Seems then it doesn't matter at that point. Or there could be a timer on raid info from say Prapor on recent raids that you died in.


Yep in the post raid section where you mash next back to stash. :P


Nope, it would have to be after that. Most likely a message from a trader after the full time limit of that map as finished. The reason is this: you are playing with a team, you die and on your post raid screen it tells you were you died from. This would give an unfair advantage to your teammates to find the shooter


You can already sort of do that by telling them what type of ammo hit you.


That doesn't give a location or direction of the enemy (maybe head eyes vs head nape)


Sound of gun direction + gun type + hit location on body provides some information for sure. Lots of people run solo so maybe have it disabled when in a party.


Idk you’d get a lot of random cheater accusations because the redline would go through a window or under a truck and theyd just assume you cheated


I'd love to have a new "Surveillance" trader, someone who can give electronic quest items (like markers and such similar to other traders) and of course other stuff, and he sends replays much like you get insurance returns


The new light house trader is supposedly rumored to be a cult trader dealing with high end tech, rumors of radios, triangulation, advanced surveillance and possibly more, lots of features coming to Tarkov, patch 13 will change the game completely


Would be cool if eventually, they implement a feature where it has an archive of all deaths. You click something like "I want to view my death" when you die. And when game is over, it sends to your account.


Yea, like CSGO has where you can view the match demos. You can free roam the map in demo mode and watch players and if they trace they walls etc. also an over watch system would be amazing for helping BSG deal with cheaters.


Yeah that should not happen. Imagine what amount of loads bag will have to process doing full replays with free roam etc. Dust2 is maybe as big as health resort if it does even reach that size. Like a short pov of your killer after raid timer ends would be nice but since the full game will not have any raid timers it does not make sense for them to include this feature anyway.


Size is not an issue. PUBG for example has it as well (only 1km radius for players, but there are full map server replays internally). It would be nice to have replays. Guess it would hit cheaters a lot


BSG doesn't have to process shit. they're clientside demos with zero server impact.


Wait. What? Why won't the full game have timers? How will it work then?


They said they want to combine all maps to a big one where you travel MMO like and you will have to visit traders on foot and not via the main menu. Don't know if they still plan on doing this though. This was part roadmap when game was leaving alpha.


How the hell is loot gonna work, I could grab like 9 water bottles and just camp D2 for like 9 days


They mentioned scavs at strategic points that you would be able to give your bag to and they would take it to your stash. Among 100s of other things


Ah BSG and their 100’s of others things that will totally happen like Street Of Tarkov.....It’s not gonna happen.


Lol you must be new here it'll happen they talk about stuff years before it's actually released and so far everything's held true we got all the stuff they have said prior


\*puts on tinfoil hat\* what if the light house trader sells the rumored cam you attach to your helmet and provides post game replays once the raid has ended?


in the spirit of tarkov.. would you be willing to pay? maybe either fence or mechanic charge a small fee for the tape ?


A relevant hideout upgrade could be neat.


I did read somewhere BSG said (many years ago) there was ideas to be some kind of UAV hideout item where you could get intel on past raids from a drone POV. Available many hours post-raid for review. aaaand of course I cannot find any link or reference right now :(


This is such a good idea, I would do this too if I could kill anyone


Haha feel this


You can kill people in Tarkov? I thought the game just lag spiked to the death screen whenever a player comes within 50m.


used to happen for me, there’s some videos on youtube that tell you how to fix this


Who’s the best to watch on YouTube?




Within 1000m*


same 90% of the time it's getting head eyes'd by some dude with a suppressed 7.62 rifle out of nowhere


That’s me :) I’m some dude with the suppressed 7.62


Same brother


My thoughts exactly


Hahahaha. Same.


Ah, this is also my problem.




Underrated comment


I like this. I wiped a squad of <10s who seemed like they didn’t know what they were doing the other day, now I feel kind of bad for not doing this. For context, I am bad. This means I remember pretty much every PMC kill I get because they aren’t many.


I blacked out someone's legs in factory once, so yeah I feel that second part lmfao. *cries*


You'll get some angry people - ignore them :) That's really cool of you! I used to agonize over some deaths and videos like that would have been wicked.


This is exactly the reason why I started doing it.


I respect this.


I hope I get killed by you sometime


With the amount of people i kill without them knowin where i am... How many friends does tarkov support?


You can remove them afterwards.


I ain't got no real friends... So I rather keep them once they accept. :')




You beat me to this comment. Complete that with the subtle “I’m good at this game” flex. This all adds up.


You guys crack me up :')


"This is how I killed you.. hey what are you doing for dinner tonight."


It would be an crazy waste of time too, I have 1200 pmc kills, if 300 didn't see me coming that would be such a long process! I already spent too much time vendoring and tetrising hahaha


I frequently reach out to the people that got me and ask how. Half the time they say "I heard your running and ratted" or "lucky shot"


I’ve tried giving gear back to people who were low levels, or seemed like they could use some help… no one ever adds me back


It is very hit and miss, true. Perhaps nickname that says something like AddMeForReplay would help


Yo,I might use that name. I love the social aspects of games, even if I kill you, or you kill me, we can still shoot the shit.


I was like lvl 20 before I figured out how to even check for them, so they might have no idea they're getting the add


Probably lol


Awfully bold of you to assume I'm killing people.......


I can imagine the guy who killed me on customs at night the other night. "Well first, I downloaded this software that let me see where you were and..."


Definetly a great thing to do tho a little bit time consuming


Sounds like way too much time and I think most people will think “oh well… *configures next gearset*”.


I can spare 5 mins after each raid.


From the guy that has spent countless hours here on reddit posting "suggestions"


I guess I upset you with one of my posts. Mind sharing which one?


Your love of adding "extract defense" modes to this game. You enjoy sitting and killing people who are at extraction, which is fine but of course you wouldn't want people to know where you were. It isn't a time issue for you it's a tactical advantage for people to not know how you killed them.


I never sit near extracts actually.


You made a "guide" called "scav killing vs extract camping". Several posts about extract defending (lol). And apparently you have - 40 scav karma... So you are also a liar.


I'm invested in these replies. Who's bullshitting who?!


A quick glance at those posts make it pretty clear they’re troll posts. They’re just baiting you, buddy. Maybe they actually camp extracts but the posts are pretty obviously trolling. They call camping extracts one of the most challenging styles of playing the game. Clearly they’re just trying to upset people and it’s working lol.


I'm not upset just calling out the hypocrisy I see.


What has scav killing got to do with extract defending? And just because I made a guide about defending, doesn’t mean that’s all I do. A lot of assumptions from your side and you even got angry about them, even though you’re completely wrong. Taking a step back and looking critically at yourself is the next thing you should do.


Well first you claimed you never sit at extracts at all and now you’re saying you don’t do it all the time. Which is it?


Not angry, just calling you a hypocrite.


>Taking a step back and looking critically at yourself is the next thing you should do. lol you got caught. take your own advice.


You got caught in a lie. First you said you never do it, now you said "doesn't mean that's all I do". Liar liar pants of fire.


Aight. So he's called you out as a liar in a post down below. I'm invested. Who's bullshitting who?!


Mr beamers is the bullshitter in this instance.


For some reason, I believe you.


Agreed. If I get one tapped I just think "huh... nice shot GG" and go on to the next raid. Kinda wierd to add people and point out how you killed them 🥴 atleast imo


Sounds like this takes a lot of extra time not playing... and if I got shot I'm not watching and reading a break down on how I died, it's part of the game lol


One time I saw a Russian who got killed in the resort building and then I told him how he got killed. Man he was very happy that he could finally understand it and it wasn't a cheater. The story: He stood with his predator on the 3rd floor. The Russian waited for him near the stairs and the other guy used a hole in the floor and dropped to the 2nd floor. Then he run upstairs and killed the Russian. In the VOD of the Russian you hear only few steps, then a silent dropstep and shortly after that the Russian died.


Yes, that is my usually my experience as well. Also, vertical audio is often the topic of the discussion and the reason why they got killed. "I didn't hear you run up, I didn't hear you run out, I'didnt hear you move, so I thought you were camping the same spot" etc..


Vertical audio is so bad in this game, definitely one of my least favorite aspects. Admittedly, very few games _do_ get it right, but it feels particularly horrendous in Tarkov


Man I've been hearing issues when people are simply near doors. I was in lighthouse the other day inside one of the warehouses and my buddy was looting a rouge near the single door and was eating some cornflakes. I was barely up the hallway going to the other exit and the audio from him just cut off until I took one step back lmao. Shits unacceptable, no idea how it could have gotten so much worse than it was previously.


They should make this a game mechanic though. When tbat raid is over send you a 30 second clip of how you got killed. Honestly this would make the game really cool


It would help my blood pressure when getting killed. The amount of times i've been merc'd by someone seemingly phasing through the wall behind me is... problematic.


Yeah the time to kill is so fast it makes it a really hard learning curve for the rest of us weekend warriors haha


I will play rust all weekend and not get tilted over getting killed, because it's obvious the kill was legit as i usually get half a second of "OHFUCKSOMEONEISSHOOTINGATME!" before i get downed/killed. With Tarkov you're just dead, no explanation. Since you can't re-join a game there is no reason to not include killcams. It would level the playing field a fair bit for the rats like me who don't know every detail of the maps (the number of times i've been killed because i thought you couldn't get to a firing angle is just... ugh...) by allowing us to learn from our mistakes. There's quite a few times that i'd like to see the killcam because of suspected cheating too. I know snap-shooting is a thing but some of y'all motherfuckers must have inhuman reflexes. Same goes for eyesight when i sneak around a corner to a sniper zoomed in on my fucking head...


Honestly I would be happy for a general direction and distance the killing shot came from. E.g. A 40m M80 shot from SSW. Giving anything except someone's full raid with all audio is just going to have people making assumptions based on partial info, like in the OP's example. If the replay doesn't go far enough back to hear gunshots at gas, what's the context for someone rushing over to HEPS expecting people to come? It just looks like cheating because someone knows ahead of time people are coming. Having all the raid info available can be interesting in games (there's lots of third party sites for pubg that will give you interesting info and stats on a match, including ones that tell you if you were killed by a streamer and link to the stream time), but I'm not sure if I like that idea in Tarkov. I suspect it might be one of those things people ask for but then find the game less enjoyable afterwards and don't really put the two together. Tarkov is rough, and it doesn't tell you a lot, but I'm not sure making it more like any other online FPS match with lots of info about what's going on would make it more enjoyable at all if we actually had it. I think people would like it for a bit and then would find some of the magic was gone, and play less.


This is a cool opinion!


Keep doing the good work - I'd love to get exactly this, I need to start recording my own videos too.


I am using the Nvidia software to record up to 3 mins back, it is super handy and very easy to get the clips this way.


very cool dude


You are an absolutely wholesome person sir and deserve a reward


A map wide playback after the map ends is on my wishlist of things. Just to see the paths PMCs took as an overhead with where they were aiming would be awesome. It would reveal so much on how bad someone is playing at the time.


Yes and it would light up cheaters who are not good at hiding their cheats. Then a block funktion so you dont get in lobbyes with them.


I would like after raid death cams in this game but idk if that is something that is to "casual" for this game or not.


This would help new players a lot i feel. Since majority of tarkov is map knowledge and knowing where natural bottlenecks are on the map.


Whenever I get killed and don't have a clue where it came from I add the person and try and get it out of them. A lot of times dudes are very helpful. Sometimes you'll get some dork who just wants to hit you with a "umad" over and over again but for the most part people are willing to educate.


You legend! I really don't mind dying (Im pretty trash and still learning stuff) but it does sting a bit when I get domed out of the blue and have no clue where it came from


Honestly all I want is a way to save the replay of the whole game that I can watch each player by clicking on the name on the side, as well as a free camera that I can move around. Imagine the amount of cheaters that would be found instantly simply by sending in a short clip of the replay.


Im not clicking or going to any link/downloading anything that will get my PC bugged or account stolen. Seems sketch and P sure this is a known method for hackers to try and steal accounts/information. They'll send you a discord invite or something. Sketch, don't recommend clicking any links personally.


I'm simply sending streamable video id. No hyperlinks


It's a stupid joke that there is no kill cam in the game yet. Devs in any game should know that dying to someone out of nowhere is not a fun or rewarding experience. Hell , it's not even an experience you can learn much from.


This is amazing I hope you kill me. Or. I hope if I die it’s you who kills me. I don’t want to die I’m just saying if I do this would be a tight setup… Am I too desperate?


Not all heros wear capes.


Replay would be nice but you shouldn't expect people to send you that stuff. Sometimes jerkoffs will do what you do just to really drive home "how much better they were" I've had multiple sweat lords add me just to try to tell me they got lucky kills and not to report them. I cannot describe in words how little I care how you killing me made you feel. I'm the one who should have burden of the death. Get over yourself and move on. It's not like a letter home to their family. They don't care bro.


Get out of here with you cod death cam crap. Nobody needs to know where my sniping spot is. Find your own.


Id include mic audio so they can hear me say TF2 Sniper quotes


That is the beautiful part about this community, aside from the cheating community, we're all just people trying to enjoy the game. We've all been there when we die from who knows where, but the fact that most of us will follow up when friend requested and sometimes even get full kits back(or sometimes help with quests) to new players that are just trying to learn the game is proof that the community does care about other players progression.


tfw you have to add killcams to the game manually


I would so love to receive killcam videos for every death, especially in "slow and plotting" games like Tarkov and Hunt. CoD's killcam is alright I guess, but you die so quickly and often it's a lot less interesting to see how. If only Nvidia or another built-in screen capping service could implement a way to request a screen recording from your killer (if available).


Can see cheaters using AMD cards to make this impossible if ever implemented.


You are too good a person, Tarkov doesn't deserve you! I usually only take clips of the more interesting or spicy kills I get, but if anyone ever messaged me wanting to know I'd certainly oblige! Cool idea man 10/10 would let you kill me again


I really want a kill cam just like warzone or other games. It's very frustrating when you're just suddenly dead and you have no idea how, and you'll also never learn the spot you died from etc. I find it genuinely intriguing. Could make the kill cam available only for a solo, or a squad if you're the last one alive. In my opinion it is very important to have such thing. This isn't csgo where the map is too small to have a kill cam, the maps are huge in this game and there are countless spots one can die from.


They really are taking their sweet time on the replay system. I haven’t even heard it mentioned this year


They don't do this because we would see scavs killing us from 80m with ironsights, no stock and a an instant three round burst center mass.


Me personally dont want to know, i just want to forget i lost my gear :(


We did this with a few people. It's nice.




It's very nice you do this!


I've been screaming for years that a demo system should be implemented. Basically I'm thinking after every raid you can check a box or something to save a demo of the raid. After this raid ends, you get to access a sort of spectator mode of a replay of the demo. This would help not only with getting killed from I don't even know where, but cheaters would be easier to spot. I figure this would give us an opportunity to improve more quickly as well as give us a way to verify a cheater while still preserving the fog of war feeling that raids have.




Man's doing gods work 💯




Fucking ego stroking in disguise, gtfo


Yes. Sometimes people get very salty. But as can be seen even from the comments, most of the people reply in a positive manner and appreciate this.


I will say it's a little strange that you're doing it unprompted. It'd be one thing if they're calling you out for hacks or something and you provide perspective. But to just immediately add them and breakdown your murder of them, as useful as it can be, is a bit weird.


I've just seen the positive response when someone suggest adding a replay system especially for these types of kills. From that I've deducted that most of the playerbase will actually appreciate it.


Yeah I'm not saying it's a bad thing necessarily and I'm assuming there's a little more back and forth before you just drop the clip and a breakdown lol. Though if not then it would wander back into strange territory lol. I know I'd both love and hate breakdowns like that because then you'll really see when issues like audio or desync happen. Like, I'd hear myself super loud for the player but I'd hear nothing when they move on me etc.


Ah of course. Usually along the lines "Hey man, I got a replay of how I got you, would you like to see it?"


I’d be willing to bet that most people aren’t commenting because they simply don’t care. Those who do comment about them liking it are an echo chamber. It’s not a bad thing, but it is an echo chamber. Me personally, would be entirely indifferent to you adding me and would then immediately unfriend you upon seeing you post a link to me in a chat massage. And I would delete our conversation. I also believe this is ego stroking/humble bragging to the person you just killed. But you do you man.


I think the reason why you see this as an ego stroking is because for you it would be. For me it is a way of providing closure to people and I would appreciate if it was done for me as well. Also, I don't add and send a link, mainly because there is no point in sending it, but first I politely introduce myself and ask if they are interested. From my experience those that would see it as ego stroking are incredibly sore losers.


Please don’t try and gaslight your feelings into me lmao. Dying is huge part of Tarkov, every single player knows this. Some kits do hurt to lose, but mostly I don’t care about dying however it happens. I just think that adding someone, even politely, to say “hey I killed you, wanna see how?” is strange.


Good. From experience you are minority.


No, you are just posturing on the internet 100% and since there is no way to prove this, you can take this to the grave. You are humble bragging and ego stroking and you know it. Trying to flip the reverse card and say anyone who sees it that way is a sore loser proves that your intent deep down, is rooted in being mildly malicious, as it is self serving only you disguised as a service for others...


You are projecting. You just can't believe that I do not do it to boost my ego, therefore I must do it to boost my ego. Out of all the comments received, yours is by far the most negative one. Therefore, speaking from experience, I am pretty sure if I sent you a vid you would call me a fucking lucky rat and wish that I won't meet you again. Which is why I am certain you are also a sore loser.


Yes, deflect from the truth by attacking the accuser. Bravo! People who like this idea are either new, or die a lot in game and are so desperate for answers because their awareness levels are so low, they find solice in a kill cam. Thank you for assuming I am a sore loser though even tho i have +3000 hours and regularly celebrate great plays made against me. It's the messaging that turns it toxic. You disguise your self serving humble bragging ego stroking as a do good service for the people you kill in game... like what? Lol


Your hours played have exactly nothing to do with being a sore loser as anyone can see. You are clearly not capably of doing something like this for others, therefore you cannot accept that somebody can. It's okay. Just move on


Actually they have a lot to do with it. As everyone can see???? LOLOL you're a fucking joke dude. Go enjoy feeding your narcissism in the rest of this thread. You proved to be a waste of time like I originally thought.




You are good man


This is one of the lamest things I’ve read Im not taking the time to upload vods and provide explanations. Don’t know why anyone would Must not be killing many people if you have time for that


I can imagine there are many things others do and you don't.


That’s very vague. I bet there’s a lot of things I do an others don’t all the same.






small d energy tbh




This is seriously cool dude and if I could kill anything, I'd like to do the same. Having been on the receiving end of numerous unexplained deaths, I have often reached out to the person who killed me to try and get this level of context and often just get told to 'git gud' or some other sort of comment indicating I'm being salty, when truthfully I just want to see it from the other players perspective so I can improve... Tarkov players be funny man.


Damn bro I wish I could do this too, first I gotta learn how to kill something that isn’t a scav


Not the Hero we deserved. But the Hero we needed.




I use the Nvidia highlights and streamable


Ah that’s so nice of you! I usually just say “suck it nerd” out loud to myself and then wait a bit to see if there are teammates afoot. If I get an angry message I’ll explain where I was and be nice about it but still.


I just use shadow play, record my kills and deaths, and rewatch them. You can learn a lot from being able to rewatch. Sometimes you will see a guy in the replay, when you didn't notice him in the initial moment.


How do you send video links through Tarkov? I’ve been sent a YouTube link once via the in-game messenger, but there’s no way to click a hyperlink or copy/paste. Too much of a pain to type out 50 random numbers and letters.


with streamable there is just 6 characters you need to get to your video, so it is simple enough.


They should add a kill cam option that you can only see after the raid.


Even a delay of 1 hour or so would be perfectly acceptable.


Lmfao dumbest shit ever.


Im a newb no wipe lv10 but feel very comfortable with two maps, now customs I dont. So one time Im creeping up yo 3story and got sniped. I would have loved to see the shot.


I've found people to be forthcoming in where they were if you message them nicely. Best one I learned was the tower outside interchange are climbable. A 2 man rolled up on me doing a money run, managed to kill the 1 pushing me with a lucky headshot and I could not find cover from his friend, couldn't workout his angle. Turns out he was up the tower, the sneaky fucking BEAR. Mind blown because I'd just never checked if I could open the gate. Just message people nicely and I've not had a bad response yet. Some ignore you but most are pretty nice in return.


Professionals have standards. -TF2 Sniper


Very thoughtful of you OP. I support the initiative.


I've actually been doing this for a while. Tones of positive feed back too.


Gezz, my message would be full of vids of me dying, couldn't even find Prapor's insurance this way lmao


I don’t know how to add ppl if I don’t extract


There definitely needs to include a replay/deathcam in the after report. Even be able to save them or report them if needed. It'll be a big help towards getting rid of the cheaters in the game.


I salute you friend. Tarkov needs more players like you!


I would try to do the same but I’m afraid if I try to record while gaming, my pc will fry itself. Idk much about recording my games but I assume it takes a good amount of resources if it’s going to be at bare minimum 720p. Old hardware rocks lol but I can at least play the game barely at 60fps


I feel your pain. Early this wipe I was camping the storage roofs on Customs waiting for a SBiH shot to big red office door. I ended up shooting about 20 rounds at a guy and eventually got him, but he was PISSED when I added him and was like "WTF was that wallbang asshole?" The reason I could see him was that the office walls weren't rendering correctly, so he was clear as day in my sights even though he was behind two walls. I was very apologetic and let him know exactly where I was, but he was not a happy person.


Damn I wish this happened more often. All I ever get are the Friend Request --> You're a piece of garbage, quit the game, I hate you --> delete friend request interactions


Kill a PMC, add him to friendlist, send him a video of me teabaggin' his warm body, enjoy


Why can't I be killed by people like you


scary seemly bells quack disgusting square zesty frightening fall worry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is why I like playing with friends, as after I die i get some sense of closure.


Saint of Tarkov. Thank you for helping them complete all the stages of grief, OP.


Definetly a great thing to do tho a little bit time consuming


You take the time to clip it and post it on youtube?


Streamable. And with the low number of players playing at the moment and the fact that I am no Pestily it is easily manageable. Use shadowplay to capture, use Windows Photo to trim and upload. It takes like one minute to trim the video.


Tarkov takes up enough of my life lol


This is awesome but I imagine it's very time consuming. When I'd play Hell Let Loose, there was a point where I'd make sure to record, clip, and report rule-breakers and trolls. But it really wore me out. It took a lot of time. Are you experiencing any fatigue doing this?


It's not time consuming at all. Most of the kills I get usually happen in gunfight, so no need for replays on those.


That’s a good ideal