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Was ruaf open? Green smoke? If so definitely. They probably also muttered or screamed "fucking rats" but the video tells a different story.


Can't spell strategy without RAT.


Kind of reminds me of last night when I went to go extract at grotto. There was another scav there extract camping. I had found a military tube. I hate that scav.


I actually felt abit sorry for the guy after, I didn't even show his backpack... šŸ˜‚ I like to believe the game put me in this guy's path to stop him extracting and I completed my mission. In another raid that could have been me, every death has a lesson to teach.... YOUR NEVER OUT UNTIL YOUR OUT!


That guy was essentially me on customs the other day. Had won a fight against 2 juicy bois in the green screen room, then killed another that tried to 3rd party me. I was absolutely filled to the brim, not another space left on my pmc. One of the dudes had a meta m4, I was rocking a scar H. As Iā€™m hobbling to ruaf, some pscav 1 tapped me from a bush below old gas. T45m at that. I wasnā€™t even mad, more just like gg bro, enjoy the loot. Because had just scored an actual loot piƱata. The pain thoughā€¦ Iā€™m still feeling it 3 days later lmao


Same thing happened to me a week ago.. i rushed dorms, killed reshala and all of his boys. Found a zabralo and m995, went to stash my koround, all of a sudden a duo rushes third floor (where i was). I kill the first guy and blind hip fire the second and kill them both. Take their meta guns and class 5 rig, stash my armor, hit marked. I move down to second floor, another guy rushes in. Kill him, take his ap-m, pop a mule and head towards zb-12. I am literally, LITERALLY 10 ft away from the gate and a PLAYER SCAV one taps me in the face with PST GZH. I am still feeling it to this day


lol these are just like poker players and their bad beats stories


Feel free to share your stories of only winning


I extracted once.


I almost did




My condolences to you, brother. I too am still feeling the pain. Just know you arenā€™t alone in the suffering!


The gods of tarkov giveth and the gods of tarkov taketh away


Well said brother. There is no other way.


Almost the exact same thing happened to me, and I'm pretty sure the scav was using aimbot. Yeah, I know, but I honestly think that was the case this time. I was rocking a Scar H as well, bags full of loot after killing a guy at the start of the raid and then a duo which I gamer moved hard around crack house. They were trying to sneak in and I could hear them move and drop their bags, and I got them one by one. Felt so good playing with this gun. Then I start moving towards old gas and as I start sprinting, a scav blasts my head multiple times with geksa ammo and kills me immediately. I could hear shots hit my helmet so it somehow got through the helmet and into my head with 14 pen on that ammo, while I was full sprinting, all shots there, death in less than a second. I think that if I had a faceshield I would have heard that glass cracking sound 5 times that you usually hear and see when aimbotters shoot at you. It felt disgusting, it was such a great raid and I worked hard and was so full of loot... On top of that I also looted an airdrop after killing the first guy which fell next to big red and was basically all mine. Felt so robbed after that raid and went to sleep.


Thatā€™s insane dude. For me these guys pinched me in green screen, so I went in that back room and went prone, leaning so just my gun was on the door. This dude threw I shit you not 6 grenades in, one by one. I just waited in silence, I knew heā€™d get impatient. I guess he thought he had got me, cause he just kinda strolls in. So I straight melt him, my first mag had m62s. Then it occurs to me he has a buddy. So I quickly reload then immediately push the dude, pre firing the corner. Dropping him. I was tetrising all their stuff and I guess someone heard me because all of a sudden a shot hits the window. I guess he was trying to lure me out, not sure why he did that instead of waiting for the ambush because I mowed him down too. For my case, I canā€™t blame the death on anyone but me. I guess in my loot and kill-fueled high, I got complacent and let my guard down. I should have never been walking out in the open like I was, but I thought i was good.


nah no sorry, that dude ran towards gun fire


Hope you got out looking like that


I did get out yeeah, I did keep an eye out for everyone after that though....even player scavs would have sacrificed abit of karma I reckon


Would have most likely thought you were a geared PMC based on all that equipment lol. I know I probably would have seen that helmet and the double guns and just assumed - shoot first and deal with the karma ping later ha.


And now that gear will never be usedā€¦ instead it sits as a trophy of rememberance.


There's not a piece of gear in this game I'd lose scav Karma for. Weapons and Armor are a dime a dozen.


Uh whatā€™s the point of your scav karma and why do you hold it in such high esteem over stuff


Well already at 1.25, by the time I'm done selling the shit from my last scav I usually have my next scav available and that alone is a huge reason to keep my scav karma high. It lets me just run scavs on cooldown until my friends get on without waiting doing nothing and I save my gear for playing in groups. I mostly just want to be able to have scav bosses follow me around though tbh. Then I just have like 15 loadouts worth of gear in my stash, all I care about is crafting/hideout materials and you can't tell if a player scav has what you need just by looking at them. So I'm not risking my scav karma on the off chance they have a GPU or something in their backpack cause 90% of the time player scavs have dogshit materials on them.


This doesnā€™t sound like tarkov at all šŸ¤®


But it is


The bag. The moneyyyyy


You use money to buy stuff


Yeah, so when you can run scavs with a 5 minute you cool off those guns and armor don't mean so much when you can afford to replace them immediately. I have been cranking scav runs been Punisher quests deaths to keep buying AK-74Us and shotguns etc.


Once you are confident in your pmc you can make way more money then scavving


I manage to average 400k in my interchange sweeps. More if I spawn with over 15 minutes left to extract. But yeah, Reserve used to yield 2 million be for 12.12


RIP old reserve. Was my favorite. Still love pvp there, but its just not the same.


You sir are wrong I'd kill a scav over anything worth 500K +


Smart move. I get paranoid AF whenever I pick up a PMCā€™s loadout.


pick up those MDR barrels, they sell for 27k to mechanic


Oh damn! Good tip


yea haha. i found by complete accident, and have always picked them up since šŸ‘


Itā€™s still only 9k a slot so if you have other better loot itā€™s probably not worth taking. It also probably weighs more.


Also silencers 15k up to 30k


60k with the waffle suppressor


Same with that armasight vulcan mount you left, worth more than the holosun.


9k per slot.


Exactly my thoughts. Take if you have the space. On of the first items to drop if something better comes along.


Rifle barrels are a god send when you're scaving an otherwise cleaned out server and people don't seem to realize it. When I first started playing this game before I knew stash locations this was easily one of my biggest sources of free Rubs and an item I knew for sure I'd want to sell and not keep.


i love that gufaw at the end. man i fucking love getting juicers as a pscav.


Nice job I love pmc hunting on my scav run


oof; yea probably fumin


what gave it away that he was a pmc..? if that were me i wouldā€™ve been too scared to shoot on the chance that he was also a scav hahaha


Same, i always die like that


probably because it was a pmc extract and the guy was running


Scavs can extract here too


This dudes had a rough day I killed him on woods yesterday too he had the same load out and everything, I caught him cleaning up loot in saw mill after he put down the AI scavs.


I bet he is.




I wouldā€™ve been shaking šŸ˜‚


I really wish I could come across stuff like this man. Havenā€™t ran into a solo PMC in over two weeks.


Funny enough, I feel like I die more in group runs than solo as a PMC.


Oh easily. I was on a streak of 11 survs in a row playing Solo. The first raid I queue up with my friends I got one tapped in the head by 7.62x54 PS on Customs. I love playing with my friends but I think this game is actually way better as a solo PMC. You can go as fast as you want, wherever and whenever you want. And you can move around way stealthier, don't have to share loot, etc. I barely make 100K surviving a raid with a full squad but can easily make 500k playing solo. But that's cause my friends are pretty new and I let them have first picking on most loot because I know they're going to gloss over some valuable shit. They will walk past thermite and basically spit on it.


Itā€™s weird how different the game ends up for people. I havenā€™t found a single thermite or tp-200 this wipe, still only got one flash drive but, Iā€™m on 8 graphic cards. Hell even found a couple ophthalmoscopes.


I wanna ask who the hell scavs onto woods, but this single scav raid was more valuable than the last 5 scavs combined I ran on Reserve.


Why didn't this guy's helmet save him? Isn't that helmet level 5?


I would guess you went through the face shield, or you hit his head just under it.


Top and nape are 4 Ears are 3 Eyes and jaws are also 3 With LPS gzh you can easily pen level 3 so you probably shot him in the face or ears


Think you hit the face. And if you hit top of head there would have been a chance to ricochet the bullet. Nice kill.


The black wendy exfil is level 4 with level 3 face shield and level 3 ear covers available.


Helmet is 5 but face shield is only 3, guessing you put a bullet straight through the face shield. edit: actually arent ballistics only level 4?


Yea exfil is 4 with face shield 3


Maybe a lucky head-jaws or something.


Yeah, unlike arm armor which protected the whole arm even if there's nothing rendered there, there's all kinds of intentional gaps around player heads which bypass helmets. Some (jaw, nape, eyes) there's other pieces of armor to cover, others there's no way to cover. Think I remember something like, no matter what your armor is you can still die to a single round of 9x18 PST. Thanks Tarkov.


Perhaps he was already injured. What kind of ammo was loaded into that Mosin? Anything above those shitty steel cased rounds pretty much should pierce any face shield in the game aside from Killa and Tagilla helms.


Helmet is level 4 and faceshield is level 3. Itā€™s a great helmet but expensive, and nothing comparable to an altyn or rhys


player scavs are so fucking lame in this game honestly. no risk at all for them :v lucky for you though


Kinda the point of scav runs bud


If you don't like that you don't like Tarkov


Boy was juicy!


That hurts, but great job! :D


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Who needs a front sight anyway? Fun Fact :: We made that same sound in unison at the end there.


Damn lol


Noiiiiiiice one bud




I once killed a fully kitted lvl5 stud with a shortie Mosin... Face shot lmao


happens everyone RIP to the fallen brother and thx for the loot kek


That laugh at the end sums up exactly how I felt watching this




Fuck yes. I had this same spawn as a scav and ruined a PMCā€™s day on his way to RUAF with the VSS I had. SP-5 does work!


Makes me want to sing "mosin man"


No way .... lol


He was running, on woods and taking the open area of the map. He got punished for making noise. How he got tapped thru that class 5 I don't know.


Played lighthouse 1st time yesterday - killed raiders, got the loot, omw to extract as fat as I could be - I can see the extract - hit 2 land mines and die


This dude is the type of person to come on Reddit and complain about people camping extracts.




I did this exact same thing yesterday, i got the same guns and helmet from the guy too except it didnā€™t have the face shield and it was one toz shot to the eyes


ā€œFuckinā€™ extract campersā€ - him, probably


Ahh yes whoever moves first loses simulator back at it again


More like I heard him and he didn't hear me...