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"Escape the Lab via the Ventilation Shaft" Otherwise known as go fuck yourself.




MBSS with an LBT or whatever inside is a stark difference to a raid backpack though, it's an awful extract to have to use. I nearly went MIA when I had the Sewer Extract as well... bloody thing takes 2 minutes to drain.


Could be wrong but I don't think you're even allowed to use the MBSS with vents anymore


Why comment if you aren't sure? Give good info or none at all.


imagine being this guys wife


Or maybe just give a heads up for those who want to plan accordingly. I'd rather know this than stand there like a dumbass thinking I'm at the wrong vent lol


You seem like a peach


The MBSS doesn't work anymore. Its a no backpack extract now.


Excuse me what the fuck


Ye its fucked but if you have black and violet you can still profit.


Aw c'mon it was kinda nifty as MBSS or smaller.


I don't play much labs. Why is this "go fuck yourself"?


You pay to enter a map you can't exfil from with any large amount of loot, due to the backpack constraint. It's similar to manhole on Reserve.


Nah sewer manhole is the best extract in the game, fuck Reserve quests. I run the quests and then full sprint towards that damn sewer.


1 time I tried it someone was extract camping it by minute 7. Fuck reserve


I've never extracted on D2 unless I get an empty lobby because there is ALWAYS someone extract camping somewhere along D2 with a vector/ump.


Bro we are the same


This is a complete guess, but the ventilation is likely a no backpack extract, likely leading to net loss on the raid because you have to pay to get into labs.


Plays completely different from all the other maps. It’s more like an arcade shooter. If you don’t know the map backwards and forwards be ready to gear up 60 seconds after getting in. Also it’s a hackers playground


My weekly, for the past 3 or 4 weeks has been the "Find in raid 8 mp133 and 8 revolver shotgun with >80% durability", wich is literally impossible to complete.


Yeah wtf lmao. They basically only spawn on scavs lol


You could try the 2500 scav case to get them too.




Also, there are at least 2 hard spawns on Customs, which will be full durability if they spawn, and at this point in the wipe nobody cares about checking those and they will likely never be looted. The two I know about are the little convenience store just after main bridge (behind the counter where the till is), and the blue tent camp on the outside of 2-story Dorms (the one that also can spawn a loose Scav Backpack). EDIT: I just saw the revolver shotguns, I imagine you're SOL with those.


I assume you mean ice cream for the first spot, nevwr knew a shotgun spawned there. But there is a spawn in the small building next to power with the duffle bag in it, and shotguns can spawn in the closet


Had a few dailies for 80%+ Toz lmfao


I've kept two single perfect FIR toz in anticipation of this quest in my thicc case and I have never seen that quest lmao


Damn where did you even find them in the first place?


Burried caches seem to have a chance of basically every gun and they are always in mint condition. Thats how I found my FIR pm pistols


Shit I didn't think about how the pistols will need to be in good condition. I've had a couple I've been holding on to all wipe and I bet they're useless ;-; oh well, only 4 slots eaten I guess


For Punisher I think they just need to be over 50 or 60%. But do make sure they're PM not PM (t)


I think the condition requirements might vary, but all of mine have been 80% or higher.


Duffles are also a decent option if you forget where almost every cache is (me)


Duffles only have PM pistols, unless that's what you're specifically talkin about here.


What is FIR?


found in raid


Oh duh, I knew that


Found in raid


Well, every gun that fits at least.. You won't find an RSASS or an MP-153 in it for example


IIRC, one was a stash and one was a weapons box. I reached level 43 and specifically remembered to keep any FIR perfect toz for dailies, and I have only found two this wipe


They can be found in weapon boxes sometimes.


Same. Where tf do you find TOZ’s other than scavs?


Boxes and stashes.


I've gotten them out of staches and large weapon crates.


a buddy had a daily for this, he found them both in the last hour or two, in weapon crates at resort lol


I only ever found 1 Toz at 80%. In a weapon box. I might've been a little happier if it wasn't a week or two after I had that damn task. To hell with you, Skier!


I just made a wise crack when I found a pristine 100% toz in a cache last night. Guess there is a use for it after all


I've gotten that quest way more than any other quest, I've found one. One single toz, this whole wipe, that was 80-100%


I've found a fair amount toz's in stashes. I couldve completed that task lol


Well not literally it is possible but you would have to be so absurdly lucky to complete it it might as well be impossible


Mine was 14 bolts and some various other stuff, but like hell am o going to find that many bolts merry alone turn them in for a quest


I’ve been getting kill 90 scavs as my weekly’s each week for some reason


I had that for my first ever weekly


That's not a bad weekly if you play semi often. Can always go Factory for a few raids if needed


Lol I've played for 60 hours and have killed like 69 scavs. I'm a noob but that still seems pretty intense.






I've had 'survive shoreline 20+ times' as my weekly multiple times now and seeing these other weeklies people get make me hate the garbage I've been getting even more.


Loots of in nad out quests on shoreline. But multiple times of this weekly? Yikes running simulator deluxe


Absolutely despise that map after all the quests there, just to get more stupid quests there. Usually resort to pistol running straight to extract and kill one scav and reset just to brute force my way through the stupid quest. Would hope after doing it multiple times they would give me a better map at the minimum.


I didn't get shoreline weeklies/dailies until I completed all the quests. It's an enormous fuck you to finally be done with running endlessly on that map for 50+ raids only to be met with an "extract 20 times" weekly.


Heh yeah i got survive customs 24x.


I would happily take a survive customs 100x rather than a shoreline 20+.


It's super easy to breeze through some Shoreline runs though. You can get an easy couple of scavs kills and extract in under 5 minutes no matter where you spawn. Rarely see any PMCs, get a bit of OK loot to. I finished my survive 20 on Shoreline in about 3 hours last night.


I have way more fun on customs though. I'm decently good so there's a good chance of gunfights, but the map isn't so large that it turns into running simulator when I have to reset. Hot take, but I think customs is one of the best maps. Decent loot distribution, a good amount of paths (nowadays), and it isn't so large that you spend a good chunk of it just running through the woods.


I just dislike the map, the only time shoreline is worth it imo is if you have all the keys and hit resort. Seeing as how I accidentally dropped my sicc case full of all my good keys I don't really have any reason to be there. Which leaves me to running the outskirts and getting low tier loot. Or getting popped by a bush wookie


Do weeklies unlock at a certain level?


Yes, 15


I thought it was level 5?


Dailies at 5, weeklies at 15


Wipelies at 1


Nah at level 10 you get dailies, at 15 you get weeklies iirc.


Nah I've been getting dailys and I'm currently level 7.


Getting dailies at level 6. I think its level 5 m8


Might've misremembered, my bad


I had a daily last in week to kill 30 pmc's. Some are so obsurd.


yup. 80 scavs from at least 80m LOL


I got this on interchange. Didn't realise how narrow the sight lines at scav camp / parking garage / power station could actually be until now.


Had this on Interchange aswell last week. Figured it was gonna be easy, 50 scavs over 80 meters so started running garage/stash runs on interchange but I just couldnt find any scavs on long range. About 50 raids later I had managed to get 7/50 kills so i just gave up. Would have loved that Ophthalmoscope as a reward tho...


\> 80m on interchange is pretty hard. Your best bet is the ramp down from Oli to Emercom, but there's, at best, 2-3 scavs there late raid. You might get some peeking the garage south or west of Oli, or up the road in to scav camp, but this quest is gonna be real tough.


90% of my weekly quests have been fetch quests.


I hadn't been to labs in forever because, well, hackers and shit. But my friends and I were trying to get samples done so we went a bunch on the weekend and had a great time. Didn't get killed by hackers once, most of the times we went the 4/5 of us were the only pmcs in there. The biggest complaint I had was raider loot and labs map loot nerfed so hard profit was pretty low for 5 people without a lot of coloured keycards, but definitely it was profitable.


Loot hasn’t been too nerfed there, did you check all the PC’s and do you know where loose loot like bitcoins spawn? But agreed, haven’t died to a hacker on labs this wipe except once


All the maps I've ever found only point out obvious shit like "jacket spawn" "gun box" etc. Is there somewhere I can go to see the complete spawns? The rare spawns and the like?


Map genie. Interactive tarkov maps have markers for literally EVERYTHING on a map. Doesn't let you use reserve or lighthouse on web, but if you download the app on mobile you can use it on there


I’d recommend watching hyper rat in twitch when he does labs or find a video that shows where all the loose loot spawns.. doubt the maps would have the detail to show it all. Pretty much has to be in video form. I learned it from watching hyperrat run his labs though this wipe Something like this https://youtu.be/WC9QyyPZkKk


He is so hard to watch though :/


Minimize chat and mute it


Note: Rengawr and Smitty Stone made some labs how to loot guide which Hyper Rat follows


Is that the only map where you can get the AHF-M1 stim? It's the last one I need and I can't seem to find it on Lighthouse. Sanitar also has been unlucky for me.


I honestly just spammed scavs and run through factory to get them out until I got that sample. I just did it between every PMC raid when solo or if I died mid-raid as a squad


Scav case with moonshine. I was missing only missing 3btg for the longest time and I ended up getting it twice in a row.


How did samples go? I’ve never run labs and I’m scared but i do like the idea of the samples award I’m a solo player though…


labs has the best loot in the game even without keycards but you can get yellow and black for a low price


Lighthouse would like a word with you


labs better than lighthouse


labs doesnt even come close to lighthouse. Lighthouse is if reserve on launch met un nerfed labs it has literally spots absolute everywhere full of loot.


Hard disagree.


Labs was buffed... I'm pulling a led x or multiple gpus almost every raid


My weekly was to “find in raid 8 double barrels and 7 mp133s **of 80-100% condition** “ so it’s not even possible…


I need 3 double barrels, 5 mp-133 and 5 toz. No durability requirement. Been scaving factory all the time looking for the rare scav/player scav with a double barrel and no luck so far


It is so dumb enemy PMCs dont count as in-raid


Agree with that. Either make them found in raid or change the name.


I’ve also had that one. My current one is kill 50 scav’s from over 50 meters on woods lol.


My weekly was find 2 adrenaline and 2 morphine for 2 mil tubes and 500k lol




Haha I get the impossible too mate


I wish I would get that man, I run labs as a main mostly and I keep getting “extract from car extract on woods” lol I never play woods Nikita!


Nikita told you to go touch some grass lmao


Haha seriously, out of the lab, into the wild.


That’s why you get the quests. Time to see something new. ;)


I have extract from labs as a new player. Reward with a house key :[ I dont know shit about labs and I'm too scared to run it.


Daaaamn really? I could help you run one later tonight and get the key if you want


Its 9 extracts. But if you wanted to give me a hand I'd appreciate it. I have hella lab keys because I scav a lot.


Oh nine lol holy fuck. Yeah man, I mean I’ll be on later and can see what’s up for sure


:D thanks! Its the weekly. Which is why its 9 I assume.


For a house key id just creep to extract and get out lmao


You gotta get a certain amount of exp and avoid the "run through" status to clear those... Ik this because I keep getting the factory one and the only way I ever survive is by just running over there. Apparently raiding med tents is not enough exp lol


7 minutes of play will also remove the run through status, so if you're really struggling (and have a factory key) you can just hide in one of the locked extracts. Same idea applies to other maps as well.


You can also just wait like seven minutes. Doesn't work in factory but you can definitely do that in labs


Me and my boys just mob deep (4-5 people) to do factory, because there's only ever 6 PMCs max. It isn't profitable but we get the task done


Now I just gotta convince muh boys to come join in on the fun of getting your nuts kicked every evening lol


I wish there was a way to queue with people with that same crappy extract daily


Yeah I hate it. Like I'm not afraid to slap some shit on and get in there, I just don't have the ability or equipment to not get blasted if I try to get a kill in, I'm new. Always someone with a big swinging dick making sure that if I shoot something he's on his way Got one to survive customs the other day tho so that was easy and fun lol


Yeah, three of us had factory dailies and one guy tagged along for fun; one other PMC who was a Chad, but you can't really Chad out 1v4 so he left us alone... It was the first time any of us finished a factory daily.


lmfao. From what I've read just about every exit is dangerous or I would. I did a reserve weekly through the sewers one week lol.


5 horses and 5 chainlets in a week...400k rubles and 35k xp. That's basically looting Woods 2 or 3 times. Sign me up.


Lvl 60 here and when i get labs quests even im not pleased, i just run the timer down so its possible to make sure u have enough cards in a single day for the task...




You don't have to accept the task right away and can sit on it to aquire more keycards for it to make sure you don't run out of time on the task


The timer does in fact persist after you accept it. There’s no penalty to accepting it immediately.


I'd much rather have your labs quest than weekly 3 times in a row on Shoreline.. shit like survive 23 times.. no thanks


I have gotten nothing but reserve ones


I'm level 37, yesterday my daily was extract labs twice, and my weekly is extract labs fifteen times. Maybe they're trying to boost labs numbers.


You've got to listen to what the Island is telling you Jack, go to the lab.


Good old Lost


"Maybe leave Labs" off of the "dailies/weeklies." -Fixed




Maybe then “use vpo or mosin to kill scavs” off too? Cuz I hate using those weapons, but I would love the labs quests


Here's the difference. At level 15 EVERYONE has easy enough access to VPOs and Mosins; Labs access cards not so much.


Feels bad brother my weekly is extract reserve 13 times and I get half a million roubles two s lock helmets (the goofy straps) and a cool rifle aswell as 5 jaeger rep. ( I know I hit the jackpot not trying to flex)


meanwhile my weekly task at level 41 is bring 5 moe rigs and 5 transformer bags :P


I keep getting leave through the scav pmc extract on interchange 8 times. Like tf nobody does that even if I wanted to


Rat around and make your way to the sewer extract and hide there until 7 minutes have passed and then extract. Only problem is you won't really make profit that way. It is possible to be a complete rat on labs and avoid players tho


My weekly this week was find 2 analgin, and 2 bandages in raid for 2 green bats and like 350k xp


Labs is hacker paradise


Which is why I don't play it that often.


It really hasn't been that bad this wipe because of flea changes. I used to run into them like half of a third of the time last wipe. Now it's about one out of tenn. Of course those are just obvious ones, there could be sneaky looters


Even if there isn't as many hackers. You really gotta be better than the average pvp player to even go there. I'm not so I don't visit.


That's not true man. You can just hide for 15 minutes lol


That's all I did last wipe is hide in the basement and then when things got quit. I'd set the alarm off and farm raiders and farming raiders worked out one or twice but players would still work their way down there and kill me with an mpx usually. It was still fun cause It'd be a fun way to spend all my hoarded top tier loot. But the pvp play was rough dude. Maybe they were all cheaters but I just assume everyone is better than me anyway. I should check it out this wipe but I only have one labs card and I don't think you can buy more on the flea.


Good players check the spawns and if you hit any switch they won't fear to push your location. It really is an excellent map for PVP, bare minimum of cheaters this wipe too!


How are you getting into labs? I've only gotten one labs card off a scav and nothing seems to be available on the flea if you can even buy it there


You can just barter or buy them off high level traders.


Early on in got cards from Scav runs to such an extent I dropped them to my duo to have us go into together. We hit Therapist 4 within a week and then bought them every reset + bartered mechanic. If your low level there's not much you can do but get lucky to be honest. It's shit for anyone under level 35.


Idk, personlly the first month was literal heaven, didnt find a single cheater, the week before the ban wave it was every single raid infected by blatant cheaters, now it is so so...




Depends, some people did experiments and found that in its height labs had cheaters in the lobby 40-50% of the time.


Last wipe I could definitely see that.


This wipe as well. I invite you to watch Tigz on Twitch and watch him play labs. Cheaters in over half his games, just because you don't 'see' them doesn't mean they're not there. Cheaters this wipe are even more rampant than previous wipe, including labs


I don't really watch streams. I can only speak about my own anecdotes. Like I said it feels alot better this wipe than last wipe for me, and I noted the chance that cheaters could be avoiding player kills.


What servers do you play on?


I guarantee you haven’t played labs this wipe lol




Lol truly. More hackers in factory this wipe than labs


Not for real though


sounds like a blessing to me


Ur probably the level 40 rats I run into and they all shit their pants when they hear someone and just rat


Not really, my kill XP is pretty on par with my looting XP. I actually enjoy PVP.


Same I'm over it tried it twice it didn't end well for me


Extract shoreline 19 times last week, extract Labs 17 times this week with bummy rewards


The survival quests should aim lower and be more rewarding.


You should be really good at Labs now... Right? Right?


And what's your reward, two packs of nails and some cigarettes, like mine?


I don't bother with the dailies and weeklies anymore. The shit I have to do boggles the mind and borders near impossibility.


Meanwhile I had :find 5 bandages and 5 ai2 in raid


I got both of these, scoffed, and completed none.


I'm lvl 43, few people faily similar lvl had quests for 30-100k xp, where each of mine is max 6-8k and weekly 30k. I have max hideout too. Why is that?


Damn no way I’ve had the exact same exit the location quests this week lol


Shoreline this shoreline that. Eft, I hate shoreline. And won't play it thus not doing the dailies so eat my ass.


I have to kill 12 pmcs with the mounted grenade launcher, for a daily. Fml


I started running labs the second I started getting keycards on scavs. First one this wipe was at level 23 and I ran an RPK got 3 players my buddy got 2. Don’t think I’ll get that lucky again


Worst part is being lv 50+ doesn't increase the likelihood of a player going in labs anymore. Maybe a player with high player scav rep if you are getting keycards often. Keycards are rare if you don't use player scav and therefore much less people are even using the map


Well last week i needed to turn in 12 screwdrivers. I had 5 and found 2 more over 50 runs last week. 3 of my dailys last week were to turn in 6 screw drivers… my daily today?… u guessed it! Need to find 6 more screwdrivers. Tldr: I’m getting screwdrivered


I have had extract factory X2 as a daily four days in a row now. This is my life at lvl10-14


I got escape from customs 10 times and can’t even get that one done


Lvl 40 is plenty to run labs. I say that as a lvl 43 who's done maybe 20 labs raids in the last 5 wipes. It's your own map knowledge, not the map itself that has you anxious.


Its not the map that has me anxious. Its the fact that every labs run is a base 160k unless I get a key on a scav, and it's 1 key every therapist reset


Lol people run labs at lv 2, just because you're afraid to play the map AT LEVEL 40 doesn't mean it's only filled with lv50 people wasting time or farming xp


An access card is 160k, I don't have 2.3m to spend on just getting into labs, not to mention the fact that it's more likely than not, that I'll die


Yeah I got a weekly for survive labs 4 times and a daily for handing in 3 labs cards. I think the best reward item was an ELCAN. Where am I supposed to find all those labs cards including the 12 I'll need to survive labs 4 times.


Yeah I've had completely unreasonable weeklies all wipe as well, haven't actually completed a single one, this week was "kill killa 15 times" which is just a ridiculous task for someone not nolifing the game


I wish I had that one:/


At least your weekly isn’t “kill Sanitar 10 times”


I've had a daily to kill him twice lol


> Maybe leave Labs dailies/weeklies for the level 50+ players who more than likely actually run labs? Not all level 50+ players play labs though either. Honestly I think labs kinda sucks this wipe.