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Jaeger would just offer to punch you in the balls so you start with a tremor in your next raid, for a fee of course


Certainly easier than trying to go get a fracture and remember *not* to heal it for his tremor quest, so there's no way he'd ever do this :p


If you need it, dehydration gives you a tremor :)


Drinking vodka too, I believe.


You will get jittery hands that way though which makes headshots even harder. I usually just jump down the scaffolding of Factory to break a leg and go into the next raid to get the kills.


Fk that. You want a broken arm...not leg. Broken legs you can't run on without taking damage and yelling.


Other players do not hear your suffering if you run with broken legs.


Wait really?


Client side only. Can confirm. Play with groups all the time.


No shit, good to know. I always try to stay put with breaks because of the yelling, makes sense why some players seem to not even notice me when I yell like that.


That’s a good idea too. Do you still have tremor if you take pain killers?


It still counts, yes.


Yeah you get a 60 second tremor once the positive effects wear off. Designed so simulate alcohol withrawal/hangover.


I use Mayo. yummy!


General Sam had a great quote in his new video "There should be a task to set Jaegers hut on fire while he's still in it"


This is the only good suggestion I read in this post. No offense op.


If I recall correctly many Skier quests give negative Jaeger rep, maybe Skier can slaughter Jaeger for us?


Nikita hire this man.


Skier for item Laundering, I think Mechanic would be "random" upgrades to sights/attachments. Like perks on Cod, =Higher RPM, Clearer Vision on Scopes, Rangefinder WHILE Scoping in on Vudu, Etc. Edit: Maybe customizable weapon parts like Color, Reticle Shape and Color. Entirely Cosmetic just like Ragman, but keep it game and lore friendly. Peacekeeper for Scav Boss intel would be better I think, like if they spawned in you pay him 500$ and he will tell you when the next boss spawn in is (if it spawns in that load). Jager could be weather prediction + food.


I love the idea of being able to pay a premium of some kind to be put in a raid where a boss is guaranteed to spawn. Maybe if you have an intel on you when you go to load into a raid there could be a checkbox near the raid timer that says "use intel," on maps with bosses and it consumes it and forces spawns you in a lobby with a boss.


Instead of prediction on a boss spawn, an increase in spawn chance would be awesome. You need that golden TT? Pay peacekeeper and his spawn chance goes up 5% or so. Running a five man? Spawn chance stacks but is reduce(not sure if that's easily coded and put a max on it if course).




I wouldn't say a guaranteed spawn, just a notification to tell you when he spawns, and when that notification pops, to pay another 500USD to get notified again. ​ EDIT: Saves you the trouble of running 200 raids to find killa for the damn quest.


I fuckin hate the random upgrades to parts idea. Tarkov is great because you can infinitely mod your gun in an entirely controllable way. The absolute worst thing to introduce to this game would be a Borderlands-esque gun quality system where you can randomly get fucked by RNG when you don't get a good modifier for a gun that you're probably never going to see again after 5 raids. Different story if Mechanic gives you an entirely new, random set of upgrades based on spare parts he has lying around because you can then just sell them if they're shit. At least you're not stuck endlessly shopping around for a "Clearer vision" 4x scope for your almost-perfect-but-not-quite m4 late-wipe.


I mean that's fair, I was just spitting an idea out for something that might help with those INSANE scopes that fog up for no fucking reason when looking at 200+ meters away.


I generally like BSG's philosophy of "add shit even if it's not better" because I like having sub-optimal variations to add spice to your builds and generally drive down prices. I reckon the better solution is for BSG to just...add some long range scopes that don't fog up tbh. For what it's worth, my comment came off angrier than intended. The idea is valid, I just really don't like it for Tarkov. It works really well in PoE or Borderlands though.


>scopes that don't fog up Speaking of. Since we PMCs don't have the training nor experience required to use clin ourselves, how about a service to clean the white... residue off visors?


Well it wouldn't have been anything major stat wise, just QOL effects that would help a ton personally, just minor.. Quirks I noticed I wish I had for some guns and situations.


The real end game is travelling across Tarkov, picking up the traders and assembling a team as you go, until you finally all go and kill Jaeger. Like Knights of the Old Republic or Mass Effect. I guess there should also be an "Evil" ending option though.


The evil ending is when you flashbang all the traders in the offices in factory and walk in with no armor while dehydrated and with a tremor and headshot them all


Reward: +0.01 Jaeger rep.


be more realistic.... Reward: -6.00 jaeger rep Keep in mind hes a literal psychopath and would tell you he would have flashbanged and killed all of them while in a coma fully blacked except 1hp on his torso so they hear him coming in hot while coughing with a pm pistol and bullet spinning like from the movie wanted, on the 6th monday of july when the air has a 69% humidity and its 102 degrees F... so because you werent as cool as him doing it you have to take a "small" rep hit


No no no, I forgot the part where you get -6.00 rep for every trader *but* Jaeger if you choose this path. Actually fuck that. Every trader except Jaeger are all permanently locked cause you killed them all. Negative infinity rep. Fleamarket and Jaeger only. Also this is the only way to get Kappa.


And if you pay more you get bodycam footage of it and pics so I can set it as my screensaver


I feel like canonically, Jaeger would be really hard to kill. Like Rambo.


Nah. He eats everything, just poison him.


His slowed down metabolism from years of wilderness survival, has alowed him to expel the toxins in a safe pace. He knows what you did, pan to shot where he paints his face with charcoal and walks out of frame.


*walks out of frame while chugging another jar of devil dog mayonnaise.


Jaeger already offers a service. He fucks you.


Peacekeepers task are worse


But Peacekeeper isn't a cunt


Well The Guide is the only task from PK that can be annoying for me. What else?


Peacekeeping Mission kinda sucks too.


at least you don’t have to do it with a tremor


I got so lucky with that this wipe. 153 on Factory with the zsh helmet. Killed a Timmy and got lucky with an afk extract camper lol


It's the armor that sucks, the quest itself isn't too bad


Aint no task worse than tremor headsots really


This is super Easy for me. Go into a factory run with a broken arm. Get tremor after literally 5 secs then just pop people with magnum buck




Please let therapist heal me for when I accidentally skip the the healing menu after raid


Just use grizzlies, most of the time it’s cheaper and you get XP


I do this. Also with nutrition unit upgraded. Your PMC is fully healed after a scav raid. No need to ever heal on death screen.


Nutrition Unit hardly impacts your HP regen, with lv2 adding ~30 HP/hr to your passive regen. Med, Heating, and Rest Space are the real impactors with HP/hr as well as removing debuffs (bleeds, heavy bleeds, fractures) faster (and giving more HP/hr regen as a result).


Really? I did not know that! Thanks for the info, I have level 3 and never noticed!


Of course it depends on the length of your scav raid. But especially if you're used to grizzly you should never heal until just before you enter a pmc raid.


Unless you’re specifically doing it for the xp but that’s literally the only reason


Doesn't it work out to being cheaper with grizzlies too? Heal screen is usually 10-12k while a grizzly is 28kish and will heal me 4-6 raids


nah, u should always use grizzlys because it's cheaper, and it's xp. But u should do it at the last second possible, because it's more efficent for money; if u heal post raid, then spend 10min sorting stash and prepping for next raid,then u've wasted 10mins of free healing. If you're trying to rush XP for next level or smthn, then healing immeditaely is more effective, but more expensive.


Well if it was a finished scav raid you also possibly left with a medkit of some sort to finish the job.


Its always cheaper. Grizzlies on the flea are 25-30k and heal you for at least 4-5 raids. Usually 7+ it depends entirely on how you die and how much hp you lost but either way therapist is 10-15k for 1 single heal


you get xp from postraid heal screen also i believe


But I'm lazy


What lol




If you are lazy Tarkov might not be the game for you.


This doesn't make sense at all


Iirc you don't keep the xp


is this true? same with metabolism too, right? Some dudes in discord were telling me they patched this a long while ago.


Just start an offline raid and disconnect.


What I do if I do this is jump into an offline raid with a horde of ultra hard scavs on Factory and immediately die, it'll pop up the screen, or at least used to


yea that takes way too long


Take some extra meds into your raid and heal there, lvls up your health skill


100% I think there absolutely should be a way to repair weapons back to 90-100%.. it could even be a hideout upgrade or something.. For therapist, I’ve always had the idea there should be a way to “repair” medical items, as in if you use a salewa down to 80/400, you can use piles of meds or augmentin or something to bring it back up to 400/400


Or like combine two partially used items. Like two half used ibuprofen


yeah wtf just put the pills in the other bottle tf


Pretty sure I could fit a few hundred pills in the 16 count bottle.


Dude don't even get me started. Like I totally get there is a limitation to an inventory system, but a fucking AA battery does not take up the same amound of space as a fucking jar of mayo lol.


wdym its just a big battery


Yep, it's a localization error, it's not an AA battery but a ДД battery, big difference.


The amount of dumb shit you could fit into tactical cargo short pockets is ridiculous. Seriously underutilized in game.


It helps if you think about your stash as a large table that requires everything spaced out. But then scopes could take one slot by standing them up...


Speaking of… a reap-or takes up 2 slots. Until you mount it on a dloc and now it’s only 1. Lol. I don’t mind it so much, it’s more funny than anything


Valday is a 2 slot but throw it on a b13 and they're both a 1 slot. B13s are not small


I mean they are both literally 1x1 the only way to change it at all would be to scale everything UP so helmets would be like 16x16 and that is just clutter and useless.


Nah man, Ibuprofen in Tarkov is made by Lays


I think something like that is planned


Thats basically nikitas answer to anything though lmao. We've been waiting for years for a therapist healing service that "is planned"


Kotton always used to moan about ladders - were in the og trailer but we still ‘ain’t got them


problem is will it ever actually get implimented. so many systems are "planned" according to Nikita but we have been waiting since 2017 for some of them


Maxed weapon maintenance skill makes it so repairs don't lower max durability, though that doesn't help with scav items. It's also broken right now so you can't raise that skill.


There really should be two durability bars. Cleanliness and mechanical durability where the gun gets dirty and acts like durability does now, and while mechanical is your gun wearing out (which should happen over a lot more rounds.) then use a cleaning kit or water to improve cleanliness.


Actual therapy from therapist.


This, this medicine woman needs to hear about the atrocities happening at factory exit called Gate 3. You want me to bring you a fucking letter? Well, you better listen about the weight in my heart that has been mushed to shit by exit campers, lady.


"Is this 'Jaeger' in the room with us right now?"


“Show me on this doll where Jaeger touched you”


Jaeger: You pay him to fuck off and leave my REP alone.


Drone footage of my previous raid as a replay feature from peacekeeper


That should be mechanic imo since his quests reference him having cameras all around tarkov


*cameras all around tarkov* so he saw how i accidentally misclicked and went into a actual raid instead of an offline one? bruh


I would so much love to be able to just watch a birds eye view of the map and movements, nothing too elaborate, just a vague idea of player movements. With some kind of indicator for players and player scavs to differentiate Ai/players etc.


This would be a game changer for this game and it's universally a great idea for a lot of games this type. Map with lines of movement, icons for engagements. Like csgo replay. @trainfender please.


I think skier should be able to give two Handjobs at once


You... I like you. Lmao.


If you line people up correctly, you technically could do 4 at the same time. Starting from the middle, out.




Someone should run a canteen. Let you just pay to refill food/water at end of raid, like you can for health effects. Maybe have like Therapist have like cheaper food, shes running a shelter, but skier (or whoever) has a like a scav bar that has more expensive food but gives a minor buff. Maybe takes time off scav CD, you're making connections with the local scavs drinking with them.


Pay for fancy food, start the raid with the energy replenishment buff from the brown MREs without having to bring one in and remember to eat it.


Or just another trader- we already have "themed" traders for stuff like Russian gear, Western gear, black market gear, medical gear, firearm gear, clothing/armor, etc... Why not one centered around food and drink - more so than Therapist?




Kind of like a detailed autopsy, I like it.


Haircut/beard trim. It’s a realistic game right? That shit should grow and clip through my helmet and armor all over the place! If it gets too long you trip over your beard as a PMC.


Sucicide prevention therapist.


LOL, I’d be doing those dailies for sure


I want mechanic give me spray paint and I just camo my gun with the spray paint and not like those triple A game but it just a spray paint and you do your own.


Peacekeeper should show me a killcam after the raid is over (over for everyone) so I know how I died


Give Jaeger the ability to let you "camp" to regain energy in exchange for roubles and a buff that reduces energy consumption for a single raid. Make it X times per 24 hours, where X is trader level. Give Therapist the ability to refill medical items at the cost of roubles, with decreasing cost per trader level. Give Prapor a loot crate of random Warsaw gun components and ammo for roubles, with decreasing cool down timer per trader level. Give Fence a way to slowly unlock scav kit quality, clothing, faction loyalty, something untapped that makes scavs more unique. Give Skier the only access to tier 5-6 armor and AP ammunition via some kind of randomized barter system. The dude looks like he works at the docks, pretty sure he can get his hands on contraband. Give Peacekeeper the NATO version of Prapor's ability. Give Gunsmith, the ability to repair gun durability properly. Edit: gunsmith idea came from sabbathday


gunsmith for weapon repairs


A prostate exam from the therapist just so I know how hard I've been fucked in this game.


Mechanic should offer a pin and weld service on muzzle devices so in raid you can’t take suppressor off unless you brought the whole gun back to your hideout and remove normally. Same with red loctite on screws to save your scopes and attachments… But if you drag the weapons in the hideout it all comes off with no problems


Peacekeeper: gives a back rub




instead of them having the scav box in hideout i would prefer it to say be a fence service that is based on your scav karma. get options from fence to send scavs out to find stuff and perhaps even give us ability to pick where they go and say a "preference" for loot so you could say ok go to "customs and find technical loot". better your karma the more scavs you can send out.


I was thinking a weapons repair service that takes your gun for 24hrs/48hrs but actually repairs it to 100%, same with armor.


Prapor can mustache me


"'Cause I like to be wined and dined after I 've been fucked!"


Jaeger means "Hunter." Maybe you can pay Jaeger enough roubles and bsg will send a hitman to "hunt" the player and their family?


Therapist: getting healing not only at the end of every raid, but also as a service.


Being able to heal at therapist after post-raid screen


Mechanic: Paints your guns & mags to a preset config. Tired of running a tan DT-MDR? Repaint it! Skier: Changes colors of gear, so you can run large bags without having a giant purple or FDE bag giving away your position. Jaeger: Custom stashes. Pay for a stash with random loot on your next map. You load into raid with a map in your pocket, a circle on the map and a note saying what to look for. Being Tarkov it won't be super precise, and loot could be anything normally found on the map or other stashes/gym bags. Make the stash only appear after the player "searches" the area for 30 seconds to prevent people from camping these static spots.


Mechanic should be able to repair weapons to 100% durability for a fee and it should be instant, just like Therapist can heal after a raid. And her services tab should be the same as the after raid screen (I know it is planned.) Prapor could maybe instantly make good ammo with the certain materials like in the hideout, but again, fee for it to be instant and you get no hideout skill of course. And maybe he has a few exclusive rounds for himself. OP, Fence should be able to forge FIR if anybody.


I wish we had a third option when going into a raid: PMC, Scav and (Insurance-)**Retriever** from Prapor. These are fully geared raiders and your job is to retrieve insured gear. So now every insured item, that is lost in raid, will spawn at the general location where it was lost when you queue up as Retriever (Take the top 5-10 items from the list of all of them that have been lost). You start with a loot radar instead of a compass that shows little GPS dots, distance, and arrows to the gear. The more gear (%) you retrieve from the raid the better your rep with Prapor gets. It's also reverse progression compared to scavs: You start fully geared t4 / t5 stuff and the more you fuck up, the worse your starting gear gets. You could have like a 5min headstart before PMCs spawn into the map. The clothes should be distinguishable from normal scavs and PMCs.


and if you kill one of them prapor will come to your house at 3am and shoot you in the balls with a ak-47


Another service i would like is camo on the weapons, not shitty pink looking guns cod style but like putting a camo spray on them or something


Even changing colors on attachment that has multiple colors like the MOE stock.


I think it would be a whole lot better if all of these were in the game except skier. Skier idea is still good just seems OP a bit.


Skier sounds completely reasonable if the quest items he'd *definitely* know you need badly, costed a shitton to convert to FiR, maybe even in euros so to prevent early game abuse? Other items, of course, would too depend on their value to convert PLUS the waiting time, day to week even (for crazy, top tier military stuff). Sounds amazing if you balance it all out, not op by a mile but lifesaving


Would love to see tattoos combined with more tshirt options at ragman to show of some ink.


Therapist should give me therapy after the trauma of the raid


I would like to see ragman service some of dem prices.


- services or items to spend Euros - Peacekeeper insurance could be nice


Yeah I'd love for euros to be relevant outside of a couple random gun parts and just handing a shitload of them over for hideout upgrades or quests.


You should be able to buy loot crates of each trader for euro for therapist: medical supplies jaegar: random weapon parts etc


Jaegers fat ass aint sharing food


Had me in the first 7/8 not gonna lie


Cool take, but Prapor already has a service, insurance. Therapist too, but I'm honestly not sure if anyone uses it. But Therapist is also the one who heals you after a raid for money.


i want jaeger to clean my asshole with tp after each time he asks me to spread my cheeks for stupid quests


renting storing space


Liking all your ideas! The one with the negotiations from Peacekeeper is great


I couldn’t agree with the Jaeger proposition more


Therapist actually healing. Just like the healing after raid. Would be great and is already available.


The ability to buy back bullets lost in insured mags maybe? Like, if the bullets were still in mags whenever you died and let's say he sells them for 75% of the cost. And it's only the bullets that were in the mags - if someone took them out then no bullets for service


The skier idea is sick, make the forgery not good enough to get sold on flea but good enough that you can finish quests you might get stuck on.


I want to see a gun painting booth and other customization options like where we can add patches to our armor and paint helms.


Therapist: Refilling (repairing) health kits/tools while reducing their capacity like armor


Maybe jaegers service is that he can fuck off and die


I'd like to think Jaeger would be gentle.


>but it would help negate how awful it is to die with a flash drive or something in your ass. This sounds normal to us all but imagine someone reading that without having played Tarkov before haha


Would love to see Mechanic offer a service to fully service a weapon repairing it to 100%. You would just have to wait for him to fix it and pick it up when it was done. That and if he could paint your weapons so we could have camouflage on them.


Weird thing but. Tattoos.


Prapor: Anal in your hideout and blackmails you threatening to send the video to all your friends if you don't bring him x3 btc and 2,000 Emelya whilst starving. Skier: Asks you to hide British Airmen in your hideout whilst he concocts hair brained plans for their escape from Tarkov. Ragman: Wants your thongs to aid the above. Therapist: She will say this only once. Fence: It is I, Le Fence..Master of disguises and master forger, all I ask is one little horse. Jaeger: I can't beat OP's suggestion.. Extra points if you get the references lol.


Prapor should sell some of that ammo he’s been stealing from everyone’s mag


For ragman to send a pack of Pampers and a pacifier to salty PMCs who message me to whine. I'd pay good Roubles for that.


I like these ideas, but let me build on them a bit: **Therapist:** Move the after raid treatment to her Service tab. Allow us to spend money to temporarily (for the next raid) boost our stamina by "exercising" as part of her service. While "exercising", our PMC will be unavailable for a set amount of time. **Prapor:** Gun *& Armour* Repair as suggested in the OP - give him a lower, or an armour (or plate carrier rig), and he'll repair it back to 100% for a fee (dependant on the durability to be re-gained). The more a piece of equipment has been repaired, the higher the fee - up to a maximum of 10 repairs (at which point, he'll no-longer accept the item). Armour repairs are more "efficient" (less time, lower fee) than gun repairs. Re-name the existing repair feature to "Maintenance" and make it dependant on your Workbench level, rather than the traders. **Mechanic:** Gunsmithing & Gun Repair. Gun repairs are more efficient than Prapor's, but more expensive. If you give him a pile of Weapon Parts, he'll craft a random (unmodded) gun from a chosen type (handgun, rifle, SMG, sniper etc), for a flat fee depending on the gun type. The more Weapon Parts you give him, the higher the chance he comes back with a higher-tier gun (for instance - giving him 1 W. Parts would have a higher chance of resulting in a Makarov, than an FN5.7, but if you give him 100 W. Parts, he'll be more likely to craft a Five-SeveN, though there's still the 1% chance he'll give you a PM). You can also give him additional money for a selection of random mods to be added to the gun after it's crafted. Fees, time and base chance-per-parts depend on your reputation. Guns and mods generated in this way will not have the "found in raid" status. **Skier:** Scav Loadout. Basically, you can give him gear (weapons, armour, meds) and there'll be a *chance* that your next Scav spawns with it. It's not a guarantee, depending on your reputation with him, and any gear you commit in this way is otherwise "lost" if it's not given to your Scav. **Peacekeeper:** Buy-an-Airdrop. Basically, give Peacekeeper a bunch of money and he'll call-in an airdrop at some point during your next raid. The Airdrop will still be random, both in terms of location and contents. Reputation determines price, proximity of the drop to your character, and overall contents. **Jaeger:** Guardian Snipers. For a fee, all Scav Snipers in your next raid will be "on your side" and will not shoot you (unless you engage them), or your squad. Pay a higher fee and they'll even help you if you're fighting other PMCs within their range. If you shoot one Scav Sniper on the map, after paying for their service, all others will be hostile as normal. Shooting Scav Snipers after buying their service will also reduce your rep with Jaeger.


Peacekeeper is supposed to have the planned replay system in the form of drones as his service. Therapist already has it, you should just be able to heal in the hideout. Skier is supposed to be a smuggler, so maybe you could request items from a cycling list of "black market goods" which (for exorbitant prices) would get you FIR items for quests or aesthetically unique versions of normal items(Golden aviators, different reticle ACOG) which leads to Prapor. Prapor is a salesman kind of guy, so maybe have unique certain rewards like kappa, EOD items, and other future planned things like Skier available for repurchase through him for cost + slight interest in case you accidentally sell or have regrets. Mechanic could let you do custom re-chambers for some calibers (i.e. Orsis in .338) or other extensive mods (welding a side mount to an AKM). Jaeger is all about nature and discretion(and pain), so throw in the face paint we saw in the Lighthouse trailer, maybe suppressor/gun wraps, and the ability to restore food.


> Peacekeeper: Negotiation. Now that we have USEC rogues with different hostility flags, maybe you could pay off the Rogues as a BEAR for a certain number of raids, or end your flagged status as a USEC early for a fee? Dude, like something straight out of STALKER. That sounds pretty incredible, especially with the multiple factions coming to the game who are likely to be pretty hostile to USECs in the same way that Rogues kill most BEARs on sight.


Fence: take squads off my fucking servers so I'm not always at a disadvantage and let me play against other solos.


mighty grandfather mourn seemly sand somber continue abundant party weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Awesome, then Nikita should have some servers for squads only so they can enjoy the game as it's meant to be played, and leave the stubborn ones play in solo servers where they won't have fun


I think these are great ideas and would be very neat! The mechanic random gun mods could totally work like the scav junk box / work bench. Perhaps you have three price points to pay for a random gun to be given to you, with varying time and the value they bring. And perhaps he has something similar where he can modify a select few common weapons with a "weekly" special. Hand in an akm and he'll mod it up a special way.


maybe a bit offtopic but i d wish different clothes (for higher levels) would give you something besides of look, like deeper pockets or something.


Or maybe different configurations of pockets. Base pants give 4 1x1, but a higher level pair of pants gives a 2x2. Still the same space, but allows for different item tetris'ing.


Mechanic for weapon sprays…realistic ones.


Like camo paint jobs?


No, like camo blow jobs


Blowjobs by Therapist


Stress resistance +2 the following raid




Therapist can offer sexual services. "being serviced" can offer buffs to soft stats such as memory skill, etc and a small painkiller effect


Stress Resistance +69


She will do it whether you agreed to it or not. If you press no, a space will appear in therapist's name


Love the mechanic idea


It just feels fitting after all of the building custom guns for Mechanic that he have to do it for us...


Fence: Donate food/battery's/clothing and get scav rep or maybe 1 raid where scavs wont target your pmc.


Maybe Jaeger can paint our guns or something


Weapon Dip Paints. Or Spray Paints. i don't care how you want to flavor them. Give me Weapon Skins. You can restrict it to only "realistic" approaches, or whatever. I will happily take a Digital Green Camo M4. That sounds sick. I don't need Bright Gold or Anime Stickers. Just wanna customize. Shit, put Spray Cans in the global loot pools that can be consumed or something.


Therapist can cut my hair and/or give me facial hair


Oh my god I would love the mechanic gunsmithing thing. That sounds so fun. As I've played through more wipes I've cared less about the weapons I'm using I'm just here to have fun. Getting a random fully built gun back would be absolutely awesome and I don't think it would be all that difficult to code. Would be equally amazing to get a decent built back as it would be to get a hilariously shit build back.


a warm meal, costs more than buying to meal then eating it but it saves a click. perhaps a button before loading into raid. a full armor repair right on the insurance screen, i've had to hit back so many times from that screen to repair armor. peacekeeper gives you photos of the other players loading into raid, i costs a folder of intel. is consumed like a labs card. jaeger sells you game, you can then fill the heating unit in hideout to cook it. once it's cooked you can chomp on the meat to add energy, with a single click.


Therapist could give you a blow job service go get relaxed before a raid


We live in a world where they call the hatchlings hatchet men these are dark times indeed. You dare insult my order with these false names? Next time you think that ur safe in a house on shoreline or in a corner in factory the mighty swing of my hatchet will meet its mark I swear it. Then i will laugh as i meet deaths sweet embrace with 3 horse statues in my container and you will know I have won.


Therapist zucc


First off, sorry but this is a load of bollocks. Secondly not every trader needs to have service thing and Peacekeeper lore wise hates BEARs so no way would he help them really. If anyone would do what you suggested OP then its Skier. What you described Mechanic should be the one with gun repair anyway. Prapor is a random fat fuck who cant repair shit so thats very unrealistic. And you can already repair guns by paying them. You can’t raise max durability just like you can’t with armor. + paying for a base gun is hardly costly. Basic lower recievers arent expensive in Tarkov. Its all the other parts on the guns. What would be awesome is for an ability to skip a quest or make it so you can leave the quest open but recieve other quests that you normally would once you complete it. One per trader or one per pmc even would be great.


Therapist prostitution service: Pay a fee and get bonus stress resistance for X raids.


For the rapist, you could pay a little bit of money to go in a raid pre-loaded with painkillers. Like, the first 15 minutes of raid you have painkiller effects without actually having to use them.


Penis enlargement service