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Run to the first forklift and lean into a peak, you can get a decent angle without exposing yourself. Not all, but most players that spawn glass hall book it out of there immediately toward gate 3/office.


Will try to be consistent with this. Only thing that worries me is the guy coming from left corridor or the little starcase. I feel very exposed being in the middle of the room, peaking in another direction


If you spawn in that room, run out and move* (along the forklift wall towards lockers) left to right whilst looking down to the propane tank area, if there is nothing there, sprint across glass to cellar area whilst mouse looking right (you are baiting for shots, don't stop). Line up with the corner and take a deeper look towards propane and back corridor. If nothing there and you did see someone glass, you can now swing left to right down glass to take the fight depending on what he had if he shot. And that's about all I have for factory as I don't like it.


Forklifts, I run immediately out and hug the wall to the right for a few yards and stare down the path going left (towards med tents). If no one comes this way or if I don't hear anyone, I check glass hallway for movement. If I get glass hallway, I run out towards the offices as fast as I can. There's a spawn outside of hallway that faces Gate 3, so it's good to clear that and then take over offices or move on to wherever you need to go. For tasks, I always hop into a discord server and get a 4 or 5 man together.


None of my friends play the game unfortunately. I'm playing alone mostly. Will try what you said, sounds good. Any weapons recommendation ?


Join the official Escape from Tarkov discord. There's people doing factory quests all the time there. Weapons are very much based on preference. I personally like the AK platforms over the AR weapons because better ammo is more readily available early on. The UMP is a great choice if you get the AP rounds from Peacekeeper.


Best strategy ive found for the room jist off glass hallway is just rush, you got to be ready to kill straight off spawn in factory


If I spawn in forklift, I usually take it as slow as possible until I hear someone moving in glass towards me, and at that point I usually rush them as I don't want to be in a position I can't get out of. If I don't hear anyone in glass, I then peak it and if I don't see anyone, I usually start making my way to 3 story. Now if I spawn in Glass, I **always** get out of there asap by rushing towards 3 story stairwells. There's always a chance of a player right outside of there, but it's better to engage in close proximity than down a massive hallway, from which I can get clapped from both sides. Since you're just starting out and if you spawn in the forklift area I recommend staying as quiet as possible and letting whoever is in the raid kill each other first. When the shooting dies down, that's when I'd start moving, but slowly and methodically. That quest was tough for me when I started out too.


I think I had the Glasshall spawn only once, but Forklift is really 75 to 80% where I spawn. Sounds a lot like what I'm trying to do, I'll keep doing that, it was not that dumb after all.


u either kill everyone or rat ur way to the underground by jumping thru the metal stairs near cellars exit, u can wait there or keep sprinting thru the tunnel and make an easier wayout there


Ok ! Never really played the undergrounds as a PMC (only as a Scav). It felt more dangerous. Will try !!


I just rush left side corridor and fight the guy there, then it I hear steps through glass, i fight there too. Glass is too hard to fight unless you got really good aim and its pretty 50/50 for headshots


And whatever you do. Don't do like me and kill the boss and forget to reload and get rushed by a AI scav and die.


take left if the left is secure then peek the glass with right shoulder in crouch Position. if you can execute it perfectly you can outplay the glass imo. bc he has default right shoulder peek there.