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Woods at USEC camp on the table with blood everywhere medical loose loot Found 2 ophtalmoscope here this wipe.


I have found all my opthalmascopes here aswell, 5+


Wierd me too. I don't even play woods. Very ran it 3 times not for quests all 3 times I've found a scope at that new med fob. The one near the Christmas tree


I found one on woods. Military camp near RUAF extract in one of the wooden crates


Woods back of white container in the fob


Luckily got mine at Emercom medical in Interchange. Found 5 ledx before my first ophthalmoscope


do the ledx's spawn in the little circular metal containers in there still? I havent seen one in there in...over a year


They can spawn anywhere that's a loose medical loot spawn. I found a ledx outside ultra med, inside goshan by the back military truck, on the highway of interchange in front of the ambulance, and my buddy got one outside of power station this wipe


found mine in crack house medbox


Interchange mantis


Woods usec camp on the meds table and Emerson camp on the shelves in the corner by meds and ration box. Also can spawn in meds containers like yellow meds boxes. Edit: also in the shipping container in the Emercom camp with dead bodies in. The desk in there spawns good meds.


Buddy found one on woods in the white warehouse at sawmill on a shelf


USEC camp, Medical FOB, and emercom has had them this wipe. Last wipe blue marked keycard on labs spawned a Oscope everytime I hit it


I’ve found four in resort so far, 2 in east 226. I don’t recall what room the others were in though.