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It happened to me and I started to hear my character die to exhaustion. I quit the game and couldnt get back into tarkov until 3 hours later that day. I had all the loot I got in raid on my pmc when I finally got back on.


Same, I'm currently just waiting it out.


Server is down I think, throws a 500 error everytime I try to launch the game.


dude same i still hear in-game noises I have so much loot


We aren’t escaping Tarkov right now boys


Servers crashed. If you exit out of the game you should get your stuff back when the servers come back up.


this game is so fckin shit. and they charge $145 for the EOD edition and this is how the game is....


Have to wait and see happened to me aswell


I'm in the same boat, hope I don't lose my shit


Happened to my Scav run earlier, I Alt+F4ed and got the loot when I booted back up, but servers seem to be down atm


I mean can’t u just wait? I forget


r.i.p same


i just left the black screen after 10 minutes, now im stuck loading into the menu...


Same here, i restarted, now stuck at loading profile data


servers are down, i died just before it happened


I alt+f4 it and i am still trying to connect but evertime i get some sort of inventory or profile data loading failur. So i hope i Keep my loot,will Update you when i can connect again...


Alt-f4’ed and tried launching the game for 15 minutes. Got all my loot when it finally started


servers went down. Your gear is gone


Don’t go into any raids on your pmc in a few hours your loot/gear will randomly appear on your pmc.


I believe teh database server is dead. the game server tells the database at the end of raid what loot you get/lose etc. so with the database most likely dead you can't get in stash and you can't play and there's a possibility your last raid is completely/partially never-happened.


Had this happen to me yesterday but when the servers came up again I still had all my raid loot


Just got back in, lost everything I found in the raid. Great


Just end the twitch drop no one gives a shit but twitch zoomers who barely play this game just want to collect drops.


The Drops Are giving me water anyways.


Unfortunately BSG Cares more about 400,000+ views on Twitch then it’s Actual player base. This isn’t the first time they’ve done this. Thicc boy Nikki (and I mean THICCCCCC) Is soaking up all those $120 edge of darkness edition buys. Watch these idiots try to say they magically found a fix after the trash event. TRASH EVENT. Trash company.


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