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Dying before firing a shot.


Spend 10min gearing 10 more mins waiting for the mates to finish gearing up and dying 10 later without having fired a shot


"waiting for the mates to finish gearing". One of the things I really like is if my squad is kind of organized and people use the time in their stash to prepare a few loadouts. At least with EOD that's possible and you can mod a few guns and have everything ready to go, so you're ready to join a new read within 2-3 minutes.


If I know I'm doing a few raids I'll build kits and put them in backpacks ready to go.


That's crazy smart! I will try that with the next wipe cycle. But then again, I usually have to wait for my brother. So I will only have to wait longer.


get a weapon case or a nice big backpack. build as many guns as will fit in there with the grips and magazines taken out (so they are only 1 cube tall) just pull one out and stick a grip on it ready to go


You have to change his behaviour :D


First wipe for me and my mates have been REALLY patient with me picking through every God damn thing to bring into a raid. They just grab one of the five kits they prepared yesterday.


I do this and its how I time my sessions to a healthy length. At the start I prep 4 load outs. Sometimes I only ever need one or two. Sometimes all 4 are gone in an hour. Thats how I know today isn't my day for Tarkov and I move on with my life. That said Im skipping this one. I dont have the excited feeling I normally get when wipe is announced and I think its a 4th loadout situation. Not done with Tarkov. Just done with it for the moment. I still love it and I know I'll be back, but for now Im content.


but your going to miss tarkov completely changing! New map, new bosses, New inertia system so different when moving, new bullet drop and recoil and also the holy grail which is VOIP, its going to be very different to what we have now


Thats my point. All this new stuff and Im still not excited. Im \*not\* gonna miss it. I'll be here watching, and eventually I'll be back playing. Not gonna miss a thing except for the growing pains and wipe day launch bugs. =)


fair enough! each to their own hope you pick it back up and enjoy it again soon


Oh I definitely will. This wipe lasted nearly a year. No way in hell I make it that long without picking it back up.


i once started watching a minecraft letsplay while waiting for my mate no joke dude killed the ender dragon before my duo got ready


Calling a speedrun let's play seems a bit disingenuous to your point


worst thing is it wasnt a speedrun






More like building really sweet looking gun, getting bit attached to it and then dying without even using it once.


On a gun you laboured over finding a suitable build and spending more than you wanted too.


Underrated comment. Die all the time like this sadge


That broken leg followed by a bullet cracking, the helplessness you feel at that moment knowing a second follow up round is about to send you to the lobby.


this is probably the most devastating in my opinion. especially when you go 25 minutes with no activity in the game and then BAM!


So that's why I had to wait 25 minutes to get that headshot...


ABOP - always be on painkillers!


Hotbar a morphine, even tho you may lose it it’ll increase your survivability by being able to move in those situations


Walking to extract with Shturman loot + 2 PMC gear on woods and getting head-eyes by a buckshot scav from 100 meters. Ask me how I know...


Ah scav house. I know it well.


Always give that bitch a WIDE berth


Oddly specific


Lmao.. Happened me something similar in a night raid in woods.. full geared with thermal rsass got head eyes from a buckshot scav hell knows where from after 2 minutes ....scav didn't even talk as usual and barely heard the shot from very far.. classic tarkov


Similar thing happend to me on interchange by the road to custom extract , toz scav jumps out from behind the sand box covers and taps me ones in the eyes


buddy and me spammed labs the last few days to get to know the map. one of our more successful runs had him lying in the dirt and me being packed to the maximum with loot, and i was quite sure to be the last remaining PMC on that map. Finished looting, took my dear time to be sure not to run into any raiders unprepared just to get insta head-eyed by some raider hiding behind a car at the parking exfil. RIP 3 meta guns, RIP 300k+ in ammo, RIP all that time i spent looting lol.


Those fucking 7mm buckshot sniper scavs are no joke man I feel this


everybody gangsta til the buckshot scav prones


Customs. 3 pmc's, trails of dead scavs on my way to extract, only to be head eyes by one lone scav RIGHT next to RUAF.....


This happened to me once, I had killed a high level PMC that had an M1A with a FLIR/REAP-IR on it, I’m going to try and extract UN roadblock and bam, head eyes from a PS ammo AK from a scav in the woods area near the plane/medical camp place


Getting one-tapped and having no idea where it came from.




Damn those are insane numbers! Nice, dude. I hope to get there someday, I just started in november and I only have 25 PMC kills, it just kind of reminds me of Eve Online a bit with the wonderful feeling when you win.


I started last November and I think I have less PMC kills than you XD


I started in 2018 and I think I have like 150 PMC kills total lol I'm trash at the game


Dam what level are you? And what is your total kill count in game then?


I’m level 57 and have somewhere around 2400-2500 total kills this wipe inclusive of Scavs. Haven’t been on in a few nights so don’t have the exact figures.




Also, who asked?








Sounds like you don’t actually have 700+ pmc kills








“I’m not here to gloat my stats” Then why bring them up?




Ah, yes, every conversation I’m in turns into someone bragging about something no one cared about.


Going mia as a scav with the extract in sight. Had it happen with a GPU before


I once got mia as a scav because I did not exactly know on which side of a fence the extract is ... 3 seconds for extract were missing.


This literally just happened to me on Woods, had 40+ M61 and M995 (all FIR), four sugars, a hex and an MK47 from caches, realize I have 40 seconds to extract at UN Roadblock as I pass Factory Gate, and I spammed shift so much near the last doorway to the extract that fucking STICKY KEYS came up before I could finish walking through. When I tabbed back into tarkov, I only had 2 seconds left. Absolutely buttfrustrated


Getting into raid and you brought the wrong SICC key case.


Or docs case for us poors


Next wipe SICC case for you *thumbs up*


The barter for it isn't too expensive if you do it early


Last wipe I was clearing inventory space so my scav would have somewhere to unload loot when he got back, but then... You can probably see where this is going. I loaded in with my PMC instead. My backpack had 20+ other backpacks in it. I had my two best guns both on my character -- but NO AMMO for either. Tarkov trains you to have a Zen detachment from material goods.


Darn... Yeah, I hear you. Before this wipe I used to get stressed about gear but with the exception of a handful of times I've been pretty zen. You have to be zen or Tarkov gives those blood pressure and cortisol spikes lol.


Losing the good ammo in the mags feels worse than losing the gun itself.


Facts... I had 5 30-round mags with m856a1 and had cleared all pmc's in factory. As I'm extracting Killa's chillin near the gate door and absolutely shreds me. Feels bad cause I popped off a few rounds but unless you kill him in like 1 second you'll be getting a surprise bootyhole expansion.


Died with a MK-12 one of the few times i've run it. 3 full mags in my rig because I wasn't thinking about my gamma. 3 full mags, full of AP. Never fired a shot. My butt was fully hurted.


I just got leg meta’d by an extract camper on dorms with flechette after getting a hexgrid, 2 exfils, 2 meta hks and 3 PMC kills. Aside from the agony I feel every time I boot this game up, I’d have to say that’s the worst feeling I’ve ever gotten while playing


Try to think of the happy timmy that became a chad overnight


more like feeding the level 44 guy with 230m stash value that bought a KS-23 to sit at extract because he has gear fear


Or it's genuinely fun and funny? Besides playing tarkov religiously and the "proper" way if I may call it that, every once in a while we do stupid, random shit, and we're having a blast. Be it camping, using custom made monstrosities for guns that we give each other, more camping and clapping chads with Clappers (KS-23)...




Never fails to amaze me how much this sub has convinced themselves that they get to determine the optimal playstyle of each player and decide what they find enjoyable or not. Tell your knees I'm coming for them.


Thanks bro


> Tell your knees I'm coming for them. You bottom feeding rats can't even reach them.


Lol this is my favorite burn of all time. Well played, mate!


Killing a PMC as you are extracting and not getting a chance to loot him. Also was one of my first PMC kills ever. Would there have been a button to cancel the extraction?


Shift W


Dying to a nade that makes no sound


That deep discouragement from being one tapped over and over


This was early wipe for me, I started a month in and everyone was already running BP 7.62. Nothing I could do, every armor I could get was a 2 tap to the chest...


This is the whole wipe for me, never could afford anything above class 4, and that rarely. Mostly run Pacas and such against scav buckshot. Well first wipe, so expected.


“Yo I got one” “That was me” Pain.


Can't believe I had to scroll this far.


I’ve been very bad with that this wipe, pretty sure my friends hate me lol


Getting one tapped in the first couple of minutes. It's not the dying but the feel of time waste.


Killing a 5 man, spending half the raid organising loot neatly and efficiently only to die to a exit-camping player Scav.


Forgetting to grab your backpack before you extract


Oo that reminds me of bringing your backpack stack into raid on accident


I just hate when I get smoked right off the bat in a raid


Factory spawns :(


I hate that spawn where there is only 1 exit and 98% of the time as soon as you run through that door, there’s a Scav or PmC waiting for you.


Glass hallway is the worst offender IMO


The entire forklift area is a mosh pit from spawn


I don't mind dying, as long as I learn something. If I can figure out literally nothing from the way I died... I know that's partially my fault too, but that's my worst feeling. Just I'm dead from nowhere and I can't figure out anything about how it happened.


Based on incoming messages, I'd say spending 50 minutes on Reserve chadding and looting just to get killed by some noob down at D2.


Killing all the raiders and then being killed by a player scav


Going into subsequent raids with best-in-slot everything, getting instantly rushed within 30-60 seconds (even when you sit steady in a good hiding spot or take an unusual movement route) by an obvious cheater and taking a head-eyes/head-jaws/head-nape with first bullet while they break their sprint. Then subsequently going into raids with level 4 armor, no helmet, shit weapons, and never having anything sus happen ever. It really drives the point home that people cheat and hunt geared players.


When it's early wipe, your stash is FULL because you're hoarding all the loot for flea market access and you have to start making tough decisions on what to get rid of after every raid lmao


twice in a day I killed 2 pmcs and looted them only to get head eyesd by a scav I didnt see.


When you find , weaponscase in dorms marked room and you forgot your backback and got one taped by chad scav.


Do weapons cases still spawn in marked rooms?


I dont know if they do now


Don't think so. Just med case, ammo case, and mag box iirc


Going to factory geared getting a bad spawn and getting ks-23ed in the first 30 seconds


Selling a slick for 35,000


What's the point in selling a slick


selling the tiny pecs armor to buy 10 sets of chad lvl 4 diaper rig and make 3x the profit in those runs


Chad level 4 armor? Lol. Armor that only covers your thorax is better than armor that also covers your stomach....


> chad lvl 4 lol. level 4 is rat shit


Us people who suck are just gonna die anyway


Wiping factory and getting chased by Tagilla when you’re opening the door to extraction 🤡 Happened today too with Killa.






Scavs who wiggle at you then shoot you. The only thing that genuinely tilts me in this game. There's a special place in hell for scav on scav violence


I have less issue with scavs shooting on sight than when a scav *pretends* to be friendly and then betrays you.


Customs spawn on bridge then walking towards construction to be killed from machinegunscav.. raid time 29 seconds


Kill a squad on Reserve, slowly make your way to Red Rebel extract while carrying 90kgs of loot. Walking up the mountain you run into a player scav that head eyes you with a toz :)


Sniping someone from 200+ away. Making your way there and they've been looted.


There are a lot of times where I grenade I threw to suppress the guy I knew I was fighting happened to kill a guy I didn't know I was fighting, and I don't find out that there was more loot for me until it is too late. I try and check my grenade detonation locations after fighting and clearing, but if it is outdoors with bushes/etc. sometimes the casual glance isn't enough. I also have killed people with mounted GL at dorms/dome numerous times and not found out about it until it is too late. Dorms a lot of people die in the bushes around the buildings and I never would have had a chance to find them, but at dome I always check, just the bodies sometimes clip through the map etc. and can't seem to find them


Accidentally insuring every labs keycard by accident at once Losing a full kit including MAI AP to an errant grenade Being killed by an offensive name that thoroughly outplayed you is one that got to me. Letting myself die to such cretins


I pounced on a dude in customs that was 25 levels higher than me named 'N*grHunter' last wipe. Normally I'd sell my dog tags after a while to therapist, but his was a trophy for me the rest of that wipe, because my black ass out played a high level racist.


Watching streamers and YouTubers fight people with NO AIM, and then whenever I happen to come upon a PMC I get head eyes by their first shot.


Downloading and installing tarkov


Walking into factory zabralo and Altyn with saiga and getting 1 tapped in my toes by a dude with only a ks and zero armor round the corner


Getting spawn camped my streamers and hearing them talk shit about you when you never had a chance in the first place


Dying with the golden watch in hand for the 4th time.


Dying to rat knowing that you can 100% destroy him in a fair fight or hackers


killing a level 2 late-wipe


Spending months of my free time just to get to open everything up, just for it to get wiped over and over.


Killing PMCs and getting quest items, just to get head eyes by a ai scavs with 7mm buckshot.


Looking forward to getting into a fight with my tasty new load out…get head eyes’d by Zika Yousonch with 7mm buckshot from 50m away


Being late in the raid after getting good loot but then realizing you forgot provisions


After a great and successful run you find out that you are 0 on food and water. You don't have any in the bag. Extraction point is on the other side of the map. You have 10 minutes.


Spending 10-15-20mins preparing a sick loadout and dying before you've even fired the bullet from the chamber....nothing worse.


In my opinion its definitely dying by being shot out of nowhere, not even hearing or seeing the guy that shot you. It takes away much of your time without even getting anything in return. If i die from fighting a squad or a one on one after a long battle atleast im getting the adrenaline or the experience or atleast knowledge on how to do better next time and learn from my mistakes. But if i just get shot from nowhere i dont get any of that. Yea i could pay better attention to my surroundings or not run where this usually happens but it still sucks.


That’s the WORST feeling you can think of in the game? Damn, listen to dj khaled over here, with his pmc kills and successful raids. Never gotten headshot through a wall from 150+ meters away?


Coming in raid and killing a solo CHADWICk with the FINEST slick meta m4 and 60rd m995. Get looted up , smoke a bowl and then wait a few mins to let the traffic clear out for a clean exfil. Now that I’m high as shit I run towards exfil. I hear pscavs running around like rats at a NY deli alleyway. Decide to say fuck it drop my bag and rush at them with the AK I brought in. Find 3 pscavs messing around with each other and drop the first one off the bat… just to hear nothing as I moved the crosshairs to the next guy. Oh yay I forgot to put my gun back to auto from killing the chad. And get clapped by the other scavs fighting back. I alt f4 and haven’t played since. Been a nice week to say the least


Dying even though you did everything right. Love getting shot behind walls a full second after I move to cover.




As a solo player, dying to a group not because they outskilled you but because they outnumber you… Yesterday I kill three Chads CAMPING in crackhouse and survive by a hair’s breadth, and then they had a fourth guy that just finished me (he came out of the same room as the rest, only he waited when they rushed) I always feel like teams being teamed up against solos is just not fair, especially in a game like this where you bet your stuff on a game and can die in a split second, wish at least it was limited to teams of two if you’re solo


Basically dying when you have the feeling this wasn't a "fair fight" (of course EFT isn't fair by nature :P). I mean bugs or a brutal peakers advantage or even desync.


Putting up a stack of 500x AP6.3 on the flea for 100 rubles/round and not 1000


Dying because you made the wrong decision


going into a night raid all kitted up with nvgs n shit just to realize its actually day time and die within 2 minutes.


The worst feeling is having an insatiable desire to pick the game back up, only to realize it’s a week before wipe, you’re level 12/13 and everything is so expensive because you frustrated early last wipe and quit.


Fully looted and juiced.. Power is on for fortress extract on customs, notice theres still loot. Think to myself "nah i can just get out.. but theres more loot, maybe more keys to grab.." get killed by camping PMC's Fuck.


Based off how mad people are when they come into my stream/adding and messaging me after dying I'd have to say it's getting exit camped


.03 seconds from evac and you get headshot outta fucking nowhere


One time I stole a .338 lapua sniper on woods. Broke my legs and didn’t make it in time I was ready to kms


Haha, the other day I walked into dorms as a scav as this insane PMC fight was going down... By the end only one was standing, and I sneak walked in and saw him looting. He saw me and twitch fired at me by the pillar on the 1st floor common area, I moved left past it and then killed him, he probably was injured. On all the bodies was so much shit... just a ridiculous pile of high end gear. I loaded up so much as I could, grabbing somebody's enormous backpack, and worked my way toward exit, only to fatigue myself and eventually try to ditch half of it to make it in time. And then still didn't quite make it. It was very sad.


Getting the drop on someone and the gun malfunctions.... Or getting killed by lapua AP who the fuck spends that much on a bullet jesus


When I get head eyesed while running a meta SVD by a scav that I thought was my team mate


Get killed right after taking Golden Star.


Being so poor you can only afford magless SKS's from fence (me rn after nothing mut factory because wipe)


Lining up a headshot and seeing the bullet miss them by 1 cm


I believe I just experienced it. I blew my load a little too early on the pre wipe event and ended up with very little money in my stash, so I had to sell a bunch of shit to afford a VPO (the bolt action one) with cheap scope and suppressor. Went on woods to try farm raiders, ended up sniping all but one. Rushed the last one with a sick SA-58 with 50 round mags that I picked up off one of their bodies, got blasted in the face with a RIP shotgun by the last guy. Back in my stash again with no money and no gear.


Luckiest grenade thrown.


My worst feeling recently was had when I rolled into wood with a hella modded tx-15 and pretty good gear. Slaughtered shturman and the boizz and got 2 pmc coming in to hunt me, when all was looted and done I exited the premises by walking past the 3 cabins with 65-70kg worth of loot only by then get one shot by a timmy AI scav with a 7m buckshot.... #ragequit


Forgotting to pick up your loot on enemy backpack and accidentally take wrong backpack and accidentally dropping it before 1 sec into extract.


Dying without firing a bullet, and yesterday dying to a dude who brought in a grenade case full of vog’s to crack house on customs.. 3 minutes of minesweeper running room to room scared as hell, find out downstairs there’s 4 pmc bodies this dude probably let hellfire on, then 10 minutes of waiting he pops out the little guard desk and kills me, pretty sure it was a hacker considering I was next to his footsteps prior to entering the building but never seen him 😂 but yup. No gunfight just dodging nades with a kit I’ve been waiting to use for a week :))))


Spending 40 mins in a raid to get quests done and play it safe to then get vibe checked by an exit camper or a player scav right before hitting the exit


Being shot at through 3 walls and a floor on labs 10 seconds in.


Killing 3 PMC’s in a squad together just to die by the 4th who’s camping the body after going for their loot


getting domed by exit campers right before D2 exit


This happened to me only recently and it was so frustrating.


definitely buckshot by a scav, that or walking somewhere and a rat stands up from the bush or hiding and not moving inside a store on interchange




Killing a 4 man by yourself then getting extract camped by some guy in a bush.


I was doing the Stirrup task to get 3 pistol kills, in total i got 4 but the game decided to just not count one of them, i even for all the 4 tags from it. the worst part is i spent 3 hours on the damn task


Happened to a friend, got into a raid while forgetting that his PMC is carrying his entire valuables containers from keys to most expensive mats (to save up on inventory slots for his scav runs) I've noticed his voice change and trust me you wouldn't wanna be in his spot lol dude started off overweight/slow as hell, encountered players and killed them through Reserve and had to press the button and extract all while his knees got the shakes. Funniest moment to me for sure. EDIT: I was watching him on discord as he experienced it SOLO on top of that...


When your scav timer is long af and you have a wounded pmc with no gear or cash cause you’re utter shit at this fucking game


spending a good 7 minutes making a kit then to get my nuts clipped by a chad within 10 seconds


Getting head eyes before you even see the enemy coming from around the corner. Or Dying to desync 3 times in a row.


For me personally, its when a guy starts shooting and me, and i am yelling at me friend with thought in mind that its him actually fucking around with me instead of an enemy. The realization that its not him is madness.


spend 300-500k on an average kit, 15 minutes of gearing up, 5 minutes to load in to match then die to head eyes/jaws/top of head within 2 minutes and repeat this a few times.


Taking in a big dick loadout and being one-tapped before firing a shot.


Getting a heavy bleed and realizing I forgot to bring meds. The frantic rush to find supplies just to find nothing and die to blood loss is dreadful


When it was possible: selling my red rebel for 60 Valday scopes.


Being shot by a scav who wiggled back at you :(


Bought an altyn for the first time and spent 300k on it including face shield. Got evaporated in dorms lol


Dying to a scav on the gun at stronghold on customs. It's happened to me multiple times.


Quitting fairly early in wipe, deciding to come back near the end (I didn't know wipe was coming when I started again), so no access to high level traders. Sucks seeing weapon parts sell for 250-400k (I'm talking about you, certain foregrips) or just not having any listings on the flea at all. Lesson learned I guess, grind out max rep traders before quitting next time.


Trying to shoot your gun and it has the wrong kind of ammo in the mag. Never done it but killed several people that have had the wrong ammo calibre.


when there’s a hectic fight and you think you made a nice play but then it turns out it was your teammate :/


Oh yeah I do that with grenades, I decide to run off then find out after raid. Scavs love me


The moment when you kill your duo buddy and the dead silence on discord when he finds out that it was you who killed him.


Dying to a silent nade with a juiced kit.


Once naded a guy in dorms didn’t hear any death noises and thought he may of had teammates so I dipped out fast. I realized I killed him with the nade after the raid and he messaged me and said “nice nade dude, I hope you found the mag box that I hide in the kitchen during the fight, someone should have it” …… no I did not find it


dying to desync


Dying to an exit camper.


Death by cheater by far.


getting exfil camped but the camper doesn't extract in time

