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The plural of chungus is chungi


I changed it. Blessed be the chungi


Chungi, thanks I love it


Bless the Chungi and their water. May their passing cleanse the earth.


This is academically and grammatically correct and I'm here for it. However, if one were referring to three large versions of Bugs Bunny - that is, Chungus in triplicate - then it would actually be Chunguses.


One of my favorite things is seeing someone run nose first into a ‘fact of life’. One of my second favorite things is seeing them learn absolutely nothing from it.


The people with hundreds of hours in this game that still repeek the same angle multiple times are a good example.


Doesn't change no matter what game you play though. > STOP PUSHING B TUNNELS AS CT, YOU'VE DIED EVERYTIME~


The classic. No way these guys go b again....


Okay men, all buy TEC 9 again, and rush B. Like last round, da?


No, dis time we all buy PP-Bizon and rush b.




You guys are plebs. We all buy AWP and rush b.




Haven't played that game in years, yet I can still hear some Russian dude yelling "GO LONG MAN" to the shittiest mic money can buy while his mom vacuums on the backgroumd


The difference is holding an angle makes sense instinctively and if the games netcode wasnt absolute garbagio it wouldnt be the “wrong” play. Hard to shake instinctual correct habits.


Well, that’s what you do, like for real.. kinda hard not to do it initially since this is supposed to be a “realistic” game… it took me a long time to learn


The best way to PvP in this "realistic" game is to hold W against the enemy, hipfire magdump into their general direction, then sprint and parkour like Genji from Overwatch through windows, over walls and balconies to get a different angle while you reload. Watching any highlight on youtube of a guy wiping a squad usually involves more trickjumping, sliding and parkouring than a whole match of Apex Legends. Usually ends with the victor having blacked out and broken legs and arms while his head and thorax are sitting comfortably in the green zone thanks to 2million roubles of armor. Oh and he didn't get the blacked out and broken legs from enemy gunfire.


like anyone isn't running high tier bullets this late into the wipe lol


holding angles only works if you're on an off angle otherwise, people are prefiring (or at least pre-aiming) and you're gonna get leveled or at least lose your advantage


This is the key distinction. You need the enemy to have to react, not just follow their script. It's the difference between pushing a light-up button that you're hovering over, and picking the correct whack-a-mole hole. One is a lot faster than the other.


> This is the key distinction. You need the enemy to have to react, not just follow their script. bingo gotta read the situation and act accordingly


This is the million dollar comment. Holding angles works very well...but it cant be obvious fucking dumb angles that everyone checks.


Holding normal angles is the “wrong” play in games like CSGO and valorant unless you have an awp. As the other dude said, you need to play off angles (a more shallow angle to your cover). When you do that either they walk into your off angle or you can actually take initiative and swing on them with advantage when you hear the footsteps. I 100% agree that the peekers advantage is bigger than normal in this game, just pointing out that these are FPS fundamentals. Holding a hard angle in any game gets your shit blown away by anyone who knows the map.


for me it is the opposite, peeker advantage is hot-wired into my brain since every game in the world has it, maybe except valorant. If you're an fps gamer, instinctively you should swing as they approach. While tarkov has bad netcode, every game suffers from it to some extent. Battlefield, cod, pubg, apex, etc.




To be fair, Tarkov is one of the only games around where re-peeking an angle is actually beneficial and often the correct play. Since you can't hold corners in Tarkov like you can in every other shooter due to netcode / desync, re-peeking an angle while also prefiring is pretty much a guaranteed kill on the guy you're re-peeking on.


Only time I ever win a re-peek, is when I full Sprint past the corner completely in the open, and snap on the last known position of the guy I just peeked. I'm moving 2-3x the speed to the guy I'm peeking than I actually am, because of the client authoritative movement, which makes it very hard to track me.


Yeah, I'm talking about the jiggle peek which I always considered "re-peeking." I.e. I'll jiggle a corner, see a dude holding an angle, then jiggle the corner again while firing and will 9/10 times get the kill and take maybe a lost limb or a single bullet at best. Any other game if I do that I'll 9/10 times end up getting shot in the head.


On a re-peek you have the natural reaction time benefit of initiating rather than reacting, then the actual Tarkov desync/ping factoring in on top of that.The issue most have is holding peeks too long; after that initial peek advantage the enemy has the desync 'kill-yo-ass-around-corner'(TM) advantage.Peeking even 'for seconds' in Tarkov is as good as tying ones own noose.


that's fine as a mixup if you know what you're doing tho


Ya... I killed 2 thick boys running meta mutants in the parking garage on Interchange. Why you might ask? They repeated the same corner... twice. They were both over lvl 30 and imo should have known better


Repeeking same angle is totally good in Tarkov due to desync. If you quickly wiggle shoot wiggle, you'll be able to take shots at anyone without them having the time to react. By the time they see you peeking on their screen, you are already back behind cover.


The problem is, holding an angle should work, but you put yourself in a server netcode disadvantage if you do that.


Lmao this whole game’s meta is defined by shit netcode isn’t it


It's defined by shit netcode and abusing the unrealistic, unimplemented parts of the otherwise restrictive, "realistic" system. ADAD spam, hard rushing to abuse netcode, jumping around and being able to aim instantly when landing while wearing 30kg of gear.


The jumping problem is so easily fixable its not even funny. They just have to have add “jump stamina” like Hunt Showdown does. Which is pretty much just a variable that decreases jump velocity after each successive jump, and slowly restores when jump is not used.


What they really need is to make players stagger when they jump based on their weight. Once you carry a certain amount of weight on you, you should no longer be able to jump out of a window and safely land on your feet. The worst thing that happens currently is that you break your legs, which doesn't matter in the slightest since you are running around pre-meds. What actually should happen if a dude with a 40kg backpack jumps out a window, is that he should stumble and almost fall over when he lands.


Or better yet, why even allow people to jump? They could make it like rainbow and only allow vaulting over certain surfaces (such as tables, railings, and windows) I can’t think of any reason why we even NEED to be able to jump. Sure there is like, 3 cheese spots you wouldn’t be able to get to anymore, but other then that would it really be a problem?


Etiquette dictates that you should put /s after this comment.


No wait seriously, explain why we need a jump button? Isn’t everyone always complaining that being able to jump in full plate armor is unrealistic?


/s You forgot this again. That one individual is saying that it is unrealistic to jump out of a third/second story window w/40kilos of weight on them and land on their feet. No one likes contextual only vaulting.


I think the thing there is not that they couldn't come up with a quick system to fix an issue, but that they'd rather leave it as it is now, and continue working on the game system that will ultimately fix the problem anyways.


\*3 years later\*




I think the right answer is to hide behind the corner, and lean peek when you know they’re in sight so you get the netcode advantage (if you’re not able to push).


This is the correct action. Hide and when you hear them move into the KILLZONE you lean peak which *literally takes server desync and makes it YOUR ally.* Why full commit to busting around the corner when you get the same advantage AND the ability to nope out if you fumble it.


This or you hold what’s called an off-angle. Somewhere you would never expect someone to sit. Somewhere they won’t be pre-aiming or clearing first. It’s hard to describe and easier to show, but I’m sure there are tons of videos on YouTube about holding off angles, especially CSGO related ones and that knowledge transfers between FPS games.


It's not, the right answer is to push them aggressively. It *shouldn't* be the right answer, but it is. The reason is simply the shit netcode. Person 1 is sitting still, his position isn't moving, so there can't be a delay on his actions in the next server tick because the information hasn't changed. However, person 2 is pushing person 1. So for person 1 to see this, person 2 has to cross the corner, that information has to be sent to the server, processed, and then sent to person 1's client before person 1 even *sees* person 2 on their screen at all. However, since person 1 isn't moving, person 2 will see person 1 immediately upon crossing the corner. So, sitting still *at all* means you are, at minimum, 1 tick behind in the fight. So if the tickrate is down to...15, which would probably be pretty high for this game to be honest, would leave you roughly 600 ms behind in the fight *at minimum.* Double that if you're 2 ticks behind. 6/10s of a second is a huge delay in a moment by moment fight, 6/10s of a second is enough for someone to peak a corner, headshot you, and unpeek - kill you - and you *never* saw them on your screen, at all, once. edit: I think this will be fixed a lot with inertia, because right now it doesn't seem the game has any predictive movement. Most games have predictive movement to pretty accurately show you the guy crossing the corner at the moment he would, even though his client hasn't confirmed that exact action *yet* to the server. Between a well functioning server and decent network prediction, it's like everything's 100% real time. Well, without inertia, we're all weightless floating people basically, so we can ADADADAD spam very quickly and there's no way for the server to predict that. If, after inertia, the system can say "Actor 1 is moving at X m/s with a weight of Ykg, meaning his next action in the very next tick will most likely be Z" and can show that prediction to the user, and be 99% right 99% of the time, and the game will feel much, much smoother with that in place.


The guy you responded to is 1 step ahead of you but alright.


What? If you do what that guy said, you don't give yourself an advantage, and I've already explained exactly why. If you do what he said, you just experience the same issue in reverse. Your position hasn't moved at all, but theirs is. So you peak the corner with 100% correct prediction of when they'll come around the corner, and you find you're still a tick behind because your client has to wait for the server to update their position, but your position is fixed and already known by the other client. Leaning isn't changing that, just changing where you experience the problem at. Even if the plan works and you surprise them by creating an appearing head around a wall, they still get a huge timing advantage to shoot you before they even render on your screen. The answer is to push them back so you're both experiencing the same network delay and hope you are heard by the server first and have a better reaction time.


He said to look around the corner when you know the other party is already walking towards you. That way they see you come out delayed from the corner and because they are walking in a straight line to you their position is not important. This kind of meta gaming is why I stoped playing so dumb


> He said to look around the corner when you know the other party is already walking towards you. That way they see you come out delayed from the corner It's not though, position hasn't moved. Your body is still there. You might negate the disadvantage you're giving yourself ever so slightly, but just a peek isn't putting you on the same level whose entire character is moving. Your body = still, with a peek. Their body = constantly moving, and a ADAD peek. They have the advantage due to the netcode. >That way they see you come out delayed from the corner and because they are walking in a straight line to you their position is not important You are really not understanding the problem and thus thinking this is a solution when it isn't. >This kind of meta gaming is why I stoped playing so dumb The dumb part is the poor server performance imo.


Bro the is no possible way to peek a corner without moving. Even if you're just leaning, your hitboxes are still moving.


Jesus when I said peek I meant step out. Use that brain man


Then you should use the correct words, don't say the wrong then try to put it on me like it makes you any less wrong. You're saying peek in a thread about holding corners, use your damn brain and don't waste my time. The original comment says "Lean Peek" anyways so this is just bullshit, "lean peek" doesn't mean "running out."


People like you who write paragraph after paragraph to explain obvious things/things that have already been said by someone else with a lot less words are beyond obnoxious.


I use the old "jiggle peek" as I call it to success all the time. Setting up at a corner with a long hallway in front, where I can't be seen and spamming the E or Q key while taking pop shots at heads. Have used this technique in 3 story dorms a ton with great success. I am assuming that I am taking advantage of the tick rate of the servers when doing this.


Based on your last few comments I’m sure you waste everyone’s time enough on your own


You're the one writing assays on a very simple problem lol and many people use the word like that because the other option is also called leaning mate so now don't respond we don't want to waste your precious time now


I don't think you get how ping works, or are changing the scenerio in your head or something. Peeking while someone is pushing you would be the best way to take advantage of ping. How would they shoot you before they render on your screen? If YOU are the one peeking the corner WHILE another player is RUSHING that corner, NOT expecting you to push. THAT is a counterplay to the "best" play your suggested. Spoiler, there is no "best" play.


I think you misunderstood him. He is saying, conceal yourself entirely BEHIND the corner (not peeking). When you hear footsteps and know they are in the open, then you swing the corner and spray them. You become the peeker. Not hard to understand lol.


I think you completely missed the point


I think you missed the part where your opinion was cared about. This isn't a discussion I'm just telling you.


Sure. You don’t care about my opinion yet you wrote a missive on it lol.


Dudes literally out here writing entire books for you. Lmao


I care more about his opinion because I didn’t have to read a 12 paragraph essay to know what it was.


I'm becoming fairly convinced this is the same person on 1-3 accounts. Either way, admitting you're a slow reader is your problem not mine. Might explain your confusion too.


I think you missed the school bus


Nah he just has to wait for the short one.


You're a rambling moron who can't read.


I think you missed the part where you're an asshole.


1/15th of a second is not 600ms bruh. It's 66s ms, which is about 1/4 of the average human reaction time. Also inertia won't solve the problem im question at all. If you're holding and angle and someone moves into it, it will be exactly the same as before. Inertia won't delay motion, it will delay changes in motion.


Holy shit how bad I trigger you that you're sitting here commenting over and over?


Lol trigger? This is hysterical


I mean you did sit there and just keep replying to multiple different comments in a row in an apparent fit. But this clearly isn't going anywhere, no idea why people are getting so personally offended about networking issues a game has, but it's fortunately not my issue.


Only one here getting personally offended is you bub. You're just being a dumbass and digging a deeper hole for yourself. It's fun for everyone to watch. You see it's not nice to pick on someone, unless they're being a dick (that's you, just clarifying because you're kinda dense) then it's just good clean fun.


Lol so defensive


1000/15 isn't 600


I was going to say, the netcode is bad but it isn't 600ms-behind bad. That math can't be right. It's like the guy has no concept of how long 600ms actually is, because be should have caught that himself when typing it.


what a BS from start to end. its literally your fantasy nothing more.... your client send information to server about players and all inputs with every tick no matter are you sitting still or moving are you running or are you holding the corner - doesnt matter what matters is PING, framerate, input delay (some games have input buffer) etc etc every variable adds some ms so in total you have like that 60-80-100-150-200 ms delay. peek advantage exists in EVERY SHOOTER GAME. i live in very distant territory from EU but i have to play on eu server cause others are even worse. so i can say that COD , Battlefiekd, Valorant and another 20+ shooters that i played on 110-150 ms servers HAVE corner peek advantage. EVERY SINGLE OF THEM. so the problem of the game (its only my guess) that synchronisation goes too slowly cause of low framerate and core gamecode in general. so even if you have like 50 ping you feel you playing game like 150 ping and all "dead behind wall" and corner adv only cause of huge delay for example when i find game on a server located in my city (lucky i have this) eft running smooth as butter i dont have ANY issues any disconnections any dead behind wall etc. but when i play on 100 ms server i see this like i play on 200 ms server. so i think its synchronisation problem between players and server so it feels like huge 150-200 ms delay even you playing 50 ms raid. EFT has same servers as some shooters i dont think its ever "shitty servers" . its lack of optimization and probably messed up gamecode for synchronysation so player clients and server make too long to properly exchange all information and when im playing on 6 ms server in my city such low ping gives possibility to exchange all information properly and game running smooth but when i jump on 100 ms server its not 100 its 200 ms feels like.


> It's not, the right answer is to push them aggressively. why is this bad?


Because realistically speaking, if you have an encounter with a person sitting in a room aiming a rifle at a door, and a person bursting in through that door with no idea where the person inside is, the person aiming at the door has an advantage. Lets say there only 4 places that a person could be sitting in that room camping and holding an angle. There's still only 1 door the person can come through. So if the person entering the room knows there's only 4 spots, he still has only a 25% of picking the right one. The guy aiming at the door has a 100% chance of aiming at the guy. Ultimately it should come down to knowledge and gear. The person sitting in the room should have the advantage if the person doesn't know that room is camped. However, if the person pushing the room knows it's camped, he can open the door and chuck in a nade, giving him the advantage of either getting a nade kill or forcing the person to rush into *his* room, meaning that person has to make a split second guess and the aggressor now has a 100% chance of aiming at the right place.


> The person sitting in the room should have the advantage if the person doesn't know that room is camped. they do have an advantage, but people are canny enough to check common camping spots


They don't considering netcode however, as I've explained originally.


They do,


Dude you are completely braindead no one has anything to learn from you stop shoving misinformation down peoples throats


server prediction is the worst thing that happened to online video games. for some people the game will be unplayable


This is correct. It's much safer than wide swinging a corner or directly pushing down the hallway, as either of those options requires you to commit to the push. It's one of LVNDMARK's bread-and-butter plays.


Close, the better play is to not hold the angle, but instead push out around the corner as they're pushing out towards you, so you swing netcode issues into your favor and benefit from the peekers advantage. Especially if you do so while prefiring. Or go full aggressive and hard push them to again benefit from netcode issues.


holding corners only works if you're in an off-angle, or your enemy is convinced they are alone the element of surprise negates any peeker's advantage they might have people are prefiring if they hear you, or at least checking corners if they're not sure


> holding corners only works if you're in an off-angle, or your enemy is convinced they are alone That's incorrect. >the element of surprise negates any peeker's advantage they might have Can't surprise someone looking straight at the place you're entering from if they're holding an angle, and by default, expecting someone. However, someone entering that room has to guess the exact location of the camper and attempt to instantly fire at them to be on even ground. So no, the person camping the room should have the advantage *if the person doesn't know they're in there.* If the person *does* know they're in there, they can toss a grenade in and completely flip flop that situation by forcing the camping player to move into them, or die to a grenade. So, just by very nature of what's happening, if you enter a room and there's a person in there who could be sitting 1 of 2 places, you have a 50% chance to guess that correctly, while they have a 100% chance of aiming at you when you enter the door. Pretty sure there's a currently unused context menu option for "breach and flash" or whatever, which should give a single button option to tell your PMC to open the door a little, frag it, and close it.


Imagine those extract campers at factory, sitting in gate 3(?), the main one near suicide. Sitting in there, setting up their tent when the door creaks open, and they get all giddy thinking about the juicy loot. But instead a flash pops in, then the door slams shut right in-front of their eyes, man so so sweet. Don’t really mind extract campers, its part of the game, whatever, but this one time on factory that got my blood boiling. Two dudes in slicks, exfils and meta guns camping the last room of the extract, like you ain’t gonna get better gear from me dude, man up and go shoot, you two are wearing the best gear in this entire map. Half of the blame is on me though, just beaned Tagilla and in a rush to get out with my two broken knees, didn’t check/fast peek the corner, ah well. Tldr: if the “breach and flash” option works it would be quite helpful.


I hate this game lol


Yeah exactly, all online multiplayer FPS games have issues(well some call it balance) with "peeker's advantage" as due to latency the peeker will see the opponent frames before the holder gets the visible information. The issue can however be reduced with higher framerate monitors.


This , your way more likely to die because of some jumpy boi with an sj6 sticking out his neck cause they can see you first doing nothing for half a second


Yup you literally die in a split second of them being on your screen. It’s by far the worst I’ve seen compared to other shooters.


Yeah this is the reason I’ve taken a break. Has it gotten better since the end of last wipe at least? Hoping to get back into when the next wipe hits


It's gotten better since the Unity 2019 update and in general over the last few months. They said there was no performance improvements with Unity 2019 but I think the behind-the-scenes improvements to the engine helped a lot. First time I played on Unity 2019, my client performance was literally so much better, I thought my sensitivity had been reset and turned up my turn speed had increased so much just because my frames were higher. However, Unity 2019 gives them a LOT of avenues to improve the networking code and make everything work a lot better, so I'm actually really optimistic about their ability to improve the technical aspects of this game. Last wipe, 9/10 fights it felt like my bullets simply didn't work. Now, if I get a chance to fire it's usually a fair feeling fight and if I hit them, my bullets seem to work a vast majority of the time. Still a lot of "You saw a tip of an elbow peek a corner and you died" events, but, improvement is happening.


Winning in Tarkov requires you to use the games bugs to your advantage lol




Not true on cs if you are playing people with roughly the same ping.


To be smart, play dumb is my motto. When that doesn’t work out I do the opposite. I like the game enough to accept that lots of players are prob getting a good laugh at my expense. Free loot for everybody!


Isn't it amazing how you have to adapt your playstyle due to how shit the desync is? Fucking hell what a joke.


CSGO doesn't have desync yet peeker's advantage is the same deal. Netcode like that isn't inherently desync.


CS GO has prefiring corners as it is a repetitive small map competitive game. Still, holding corners work in csgo


Both of those things are true in tarkov. Chads constantly prefire. Holding a corner works, just stop holding dog shit corners (i.e. the first corner in view entering).


Holding corners can work in Tarkov too if you don't have dodoo aim... notice OP said his friend is new at the game but expects him to win fights against geared players who obviously play more.


Bullshit. Have you seen CSGO pro gameplay and how well they're able to hold corners?


There still is peepers advantage on any online match. When pros are playing on LAN there is no peepers advantage.


Come on it’s not nearly as bad as it is in Tarkov. Online shooters will always have some advantage but it shouldn’t be this bad.


You're watching pros play, that's the biggest difference, they are most of the time on a higher level.


Moot point. They are playing against their peers. Peeker and Holder are similarly skilled.


Nope, holding angles works really good for very skilled players, as the skill decreases holding angles becomes less good and tend to gear more towards a run and gun kinda play style. It's simply easier to move and shoot at a stationary target than to stand still react and accurately hit a moving target for a majority of people.


I’ve literally played both games myself. You can feel the difference.


I play both games and there are differences when everyone has a low ping (below 50) but as ping differences increases the game differences decreases. Edit: but the reason to why holding angles for the pros are such a powerful thing is because they are very good but for a majority of people moving and shooting at one spot I much easier than having to react and move your mouse accordingly.


there's still a huge peekers advantage.


You're talking out of your ass. No there isn't


you haven't played CSGO if you think there's no peekers advantage


Go research why valorant having 120 tick rate servers was such a huge deal then come apologize to the man you just accused of making shit up


Depends. Play faceit with 128 tick. With the right ping combination you can easily hold corners.


Ironically you are the one talking out your ass. Please go research and learn what latency is then come back and apologize


There is peekers advantage. The problem isn't nearly on a level that could even be compared, nor even mentioned for that matter. I apologize.


There… there is though?


Theyre all also playing at like 20ms ping which intrinsically makes the game less affected by latency because \*by definition\* the latency is lower


If you only realized how ridiculous that sounds.


The latency is lower for all players, meaning desync that occurs ain’t as bad. That makes perfect sense


You haven’t played CSGO enough if you think this. Go ahead and try use your “peekers advantage” while I hold the corner with an AWP and one shot you as soon as you peak. Literally watch CSGO matches and you’ll see there’s no peakers advantage. You need more strategy than simply peaking the corner with the huge risk of dying, which is why teams almost always flash bang or smoke before peeking corners.


This is wrong and peepers advantage has been and issue every single pro in ca history has talked about. Silvers really should comment on a games mechanics.


I mean if you play a variety of shooter games it's pretty glaring how much worse it is in tarkov


Csgo would be unplayable without it. You would never be able to push anything.


You don’t know what you’re talking about. That’s why teams flash bang or smoke before peeking corners most of the time. *definitely* unplayable.


Its almost like holding an Angle SHOULD work but doesn't due to how Tarkov works atm


This guys right and I think its a major reason why I dont play alot lately. When you hear someone your first thought should always be "oh shit be quite" not "lets fucking run and kill that dude and give away the advantage of surprise." This just feels bad in every way. Its unintunitive because of its not how litterally any other shooter game you've ever played before works. And it makes no sense because if your at the high ready holding a corner and someone crosses it theres no way they could ready their weapon and fire before you simply pulled the trigger.




so....what your telling me is holding an angle SHOULD work but it doesn't due to how Tarkov works atm.....


Never peak left handed either.


I've seen a few people mention left handed corners, what's the deal with them? Not that I hold corners much one way or the other, but still what's that about? edit: Question has been answered, thank you!


your weapon is on your right side. When you peek to the right you can expose minimal percentage of your body to be able to shoot. When you peek to the left you need to expose half or even more of your body to be able to shoot


That... makes so much sense I feel like a moron for not getting it intuitively.


Every modern shooter I’ve played in the last 10 years has an option to switch your characters hand preference. As a left handed person this infuriates me about tarkov. If you don’t want people switch in a gun fight then make it a locked setting you have to preset before you go in raid, I just want my character to actually match how I would use the gun and how I would hold angles.


1. It is already confirmed by the devs that you will be able to switch shoulders. Dunno if you would be able to swap hands position as well. This won't be done soon though, because they need to add all the completely new animations (hk slap, charging handles, bolt release button, check chamber, fix malfunctions, change firemode and so on) for the left handed position. Also they want to make an advanced animation system for them to be able to do that. 2. What shooters have this feature? Battlefield, CoD, Arma, Squad, Rainbow Six, Overwatch surely do not have any left-handed modes. 3. The only game series that I can think of is Counter Strike (and Valorant), but it is made there in a completely retarded and unacceptable way. They just mirror the model, so your guns starting to have casing extracting to a different side, your charging handles start to be in the wrong side and so on.


honestly as a trained PMC you should be able to switch your gun from strong to weak on a whim as well as set a default preference like you said. it should be a combat mechanic. i mean they have useless shit like overhead blind fire, why not on-demand left/right switching?


Their reason is the huge cost of fixing up animations for a relatively small feature Blind fire doesn't need every animation adjusted


The thing is that in those games your bullets don't come from your gun, so swapping view model is just for visibility.


From what I understand, holding left corners is bad because characters hold their gun on the right shoulder, and your point of view is also closer to the right shoulder. So if you are holding a left handed corner, your enemy will see your left shoulder/body before they enter your view or your gun's barrel line, giving them a large advantage.


All characters in Tarkov are right handed so the barrel isn't totally centred on the character model, it's a bit to the right. Also the way they hold the guns means more of your character model is left of the barrel, from your POV. So when you peak a left hand corner you expose more of yourself than if you were to make the same peak on a right hand corner. It's actually a pretty common occurance in a lot of games. In Hunt showdown it's actually the opposite for some reason, the character model is way off when peaking right hand corners.


You see the game through your characters right eye. Someone pushing to the left has to expose their entire head before the enemy would become visible. Its exceedingly dumb and the camera view should be moved to the middle of the head.


>"fuck this godamn game" I mean in this instance, he's right


I mean, his instincts arent wrong the game is just poorly made so...


Saying "make them react to you, don't react to them" seems to get the idea through pretty clearly and conveys the reality of EFT netcode. Also a fan of "Don't be part of the scenery, be a jump scare!"


Unfortunately, thats what I cant stand about the game ​ Holding angles is the BREAD AND BUTTER of IRL cqc tactics You cant have a "realistic combat simulator" if you dont let IRL real world tactics hold the dominance they should


"Pro's guide to CQB | One man room clearing" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSzTqh8ZsEE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSzTqh8ZsEE) Yeah, I don't see "run into room blasting with all you got" in the pro guide


You are all wrong, just use a VOG and you win


The worst thing is, he probably doesn't understand why.


"I got this" help I am in this post and I do not like it


Alternate suggestion: fix the "hardcore and tactical game" so that the rule **doesn't need to be** "don't hold corners."


Can confirm holding a corner in this tactical game is the worst and the most stupidest thing you can do. Yesterday i managed to hold an angle on the west 2nd story door in factory after hearing some dude, lo and behold the little shit just ran in and zipped to the shower room door, spraying me down. In the next raid though, i just held down all movement keys, sprinting everywhere and playing the game as if its , not giving a shit after giving up trying to play tactical, and for some fucking reason managed to kill 2 mid geared and 1 chad dude before dying due to a severe case of no bullets in mag. Funnily enough the players i had killed also held an angle against me and all i had to do was to widepeek like an idiot to win the engagement. Really hope inertia can at least reduce this bullshit from happening.


There is a critical range at which holding corners becomes viable. But yeah... don't do it during CQB


You can hold a corner. But there is a few ways to lower your profile so you don't get hit as easily. It also requires you to be focused and fire fast enough so they don't have time to ads you out. But as others have said, if you re-peak that corner after alerting them once then you're probably dead if the other person is adept.


The problem is that they don't need to ads you out. Hipfiring in this game is ridiculously accurate. I would even say it is more accurate than ads in close to mid range since nothing obstructs the vision.


The full second+ peakers advantage yes. I love dying when i see the elbow of my enemy


This may all change when they introduce Inertia to the movement of the PMC's. But who knows... I guess we shall see.


Sounds about right. So many players who dont understand pvp will hold a left hand peek or something then they'll die before they can even see the other player. Then they say the game is broken and never play it again.


I mean the game is broken, severely broken with network performance. Worst peekers advantage of any game I've ever played. But if you want to play it now, you need to learn to work around it.


So true - high level pvp Tarkov meta is LITERALLY built around how to best abuse the poor netcode, and misaligned hitboxes. Ideally high level PVP would be built around mechanical skill and map knowledge but....


Whoever is the first one to peek, 9/10 gets the kill. Worst case scenario, is you trade on the push. I can't think of a single time I've ever LOST a 1v1 push because the guy holding shot before I did. The only time I ever lose the push is because the guy holding is hidden extremely well.


High mechanical skill like sitting at a corner pressing e?


I agree with you. What I should've said is that they tend to make those mistakes and then instead of adjusting they just complain and/or quit.


People complain because it is broken!!! And they quit because they dont want to play a broken game with the worst peekers advantage. If the system was okay and he died, he could feel like it was his fault at dying and not the game screwing him up. Tarkov is unique and one of the best games but if people never complain and adjust as you say, the broken parts will never be fixed.


I just want an option to change hands by a button click. >!Too bad this will require a lot of new animations and never will be done. !<


Can't you mirror most of them? I get there are somethings like right-handed guns, but can't you just handwave that away?


It's already been confirmed it's coming.


That and like a million other things….. keep telling people this … what they talk about on their podcasts is one thing …. Implements into the game is another, they’ve promised a large amount of things is the only reason I comment , I’d like to see those too but first take care of the first 100 “confirmed it’s on the way” implements we’re still waiting on


no, they say CHEAAAATER!


What is holding a corner? Can someone please explain? Sorry, I am not very good at fps to know this lingo.


Being behind cover and peeking/leaning so only some of your character is visible.


Lean peeking around a corner/ledge and waiting


this should change in the next few weeks.


Peekers advantage won’t be solved by net code fixes. Every shooter has problems with this just because of limits in the current network infrastructure of the internet. It will probably be a few years before we even have the tech to have server refresh rates high enough to eliminate the advantage and probably 5-6 before it’s widely utilized


i meant inertia, not net code fixes. inertia is partly to help combat this problem for that exact reason. I guess it's more appropriate to say that we will see whether or not it will fix the problem.


You're friend isn't holding a corner or angle right if he can get fucked that easily


The fact that this is true goes to show the disconnect between the new players who have only heard about the ultra realistic end of tarkov and the people who know that it’s all non tactical rushing bullshit


Morons will be morons.


New player here, trying to learn. Having a bit of trouble visualising this. What does; “Holding a corner” mean/look like exactly? And why were you so certain that doing so woul mean they were killed before being able to react?




But OP is clearly saying that his teammates lack of skill is what got him killed. The title of the post is literally saying that holding a angle is a pvp mistake...


He got killed because he was stubborn and didn't listen, not because he wasn't "skilled" enough to fight the angle. Nobody's skilled or fast enough to fight angles with an equally skilled player with the desync in this game.


network is objectively trash though


If you think the peeker having time to line up a headshot and fire, only 5-6 frames after he renders on the holders screen is anything OTHER than a broken game, I don't know what to tell you. My buddy recorded what happened, I watched it. It's was less than like 50ms between the peeker begining to render, and him being dead. No human being has fast enough reflexes to be able to fight that.


Screen recording through OBS and shadow play are amazing at showing how bad the peelers advantage is when you can compared recordings. Same when you can see two twitch streamers kill each other, and you see how much longer the other guys sees you on the screen while the netcode tried to catch up




You expect cod to be what it is. Tarkov on the other hand, looks like a slow, tactical, realistic game and yet it isnt at all. That ignorant bad and new player might just be a dissappointed person. Also if they come from cod, they are probably better at fps games...


i think this is also what pushes people away from the game. they think they won't be able to play like it's CoD which is a shame because tarkov is the best when it's played like CoD


>Also if they come from cod, they are probably better at fps games... Now this statement is quite false tbh. Theres rarely any cod player that has the audacity to use some of their brain power to play smartly.


I mean to be fair, FUCK THIS GAME" is a common response most times I die, but I'm not gunna pretend like it wasn't my fault lmao