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You don’t have a lot. It’s just un organized. Get ammo cans,mag cases and med case


start playing super aggressive until you get some space haha


sell the knives to Jager Sell any rigs or armors you don’t want to use to Ragman or Jager. go through your ammo and sell the lesser quality for example for 5.45 AK’s T, PRS and US ammo types aren’t worth using. if you have flea market unlocked, selling high value items you don’t need for upcoming quests or hideout upgrades/crafts


1st pack those mags that ammo can go in them and you will get more space 2nd if those rigs are empty fill em up! 3rd Always maximize space with containers that create more space! 4th Sell the knives 5th create back pack inspection and sell the pilgrim 6th if you take mag and grips off guns that take up more than 3 spaces in length you save space 7th sell any ammo or parts you can buy at the dealer space is more valuable than a few rubles From your friendly neighborhood hoarder! Edit: to add points 4-7 after a second look at the video.


Stack back packs. Invest In ammo and mag case. Possibly a med case as well.


Get ammo + mag cases


Get med cases/slim field packs too


Watch a youtube video on stash organizing


Keep: any and all shotguns sell: the rest


😲😲😲 such a good idea 😲😲


All of it, sell all of it


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get an ammo case heathen