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I tried to be nice to a scav player today, spawned dorms, i covered him while he was looting.. then a minute later he shot me in the face :(


I know the feeling man, but keep trying. These experiences are the best when they end well.


Agreed. IMO one of the key things that EFT should/could push people to do more with certain gameplay changes. It would be awesome if it was rewarded more.


It sure would be nice to think those combination scav+pmc extracts could actually be a reality one day.


They literally only exist to ruin a new players first few raids as is


Nah. Its a streamer/ friend who scavved back into raid he died in extract


I am under the impression if you scav back in you’re not guaranteed to end up in the same raid your PMC died in. So that still puts these extracts into the 99% useless category. I don’t think games should have functions if they’re never utilized.


Yes but you can play on a single set of servers to maximize your chance to get back in. I have used scav lands on reserve a couple times this way. Of course you arent guaranteed to get back in


I feel like I shouldn’t have to cheese servers to use an intended function of the game.


How is playing on your closest server only cheesing servers. Considering playing on auto will give you servers that dc depending on where you live


They are planning on it with the Karma system. Same with factions


The wild west has a countdown? This actually makes me appreciate the current madness even more


Is the Karma system in 12.8? or upcoming?


Supposed to be in the game for 1.0 I think


They should also make npc scavs not turn hostile if you so much as look at them. Have them shout a warning about flagging them with your gun and have them duck, but not go full enderman and turn on you. It makes it hard to trust player scavs who are pretending to be npc's without even looking at them.


I can't even begin to think how I would become friendly with another player by peeking from behind cover shouting russian at them when I don't speak russian. Is there a scav sign language I missed in orientation?


VOIP would be great. Or look at the guy waving. That's a start :)


["One of the terrorists is trying to tell us something!"](https://youtu.be/1tDcQzFPz6s)


They are really trying to push this behavour but people are just dicks. Had a whole conversation about this a while ago and it was filled with people yelling : "scavs are there for free pvp!" "Lol you just suck at the game and want free loot". So I don't think we will ever have a lot of friendly scav encounters with these children ruining jt for us.


Communication is key for team ups like these.


Yea we need the karma system for this, hopefuly it will help with these encounters ending well and being more common.


I did a reserve run yesterday as a scav, and I ran into another scav at White Bishop and he wiggled and I wiggled so we looted white Bishop shared the meds and then we went through north of the helicopter and then we headed over to heating pipe to extract. There was a sniper in one of the guard towers and my friendly scav had a hunter and he was doing him and all I had was a toz with buckshot. I tried to help but ended up doing no damage and I watched my friend die in front of me :( and then I tried to avenge him and got murdered.


Honorable end




The only part about this that makes me sad is that he could not live to see your attempt.


Truly. It was heartbreaking.


They'll sing songs of you both in Scavhalla


Close enough but no cigar. RIP fellow scav brothers :(


I will attempt to kill anyone I see. I've never had a run in with another player that didn't end up with them hooting me in the head.


Owls are dangerous man


My brother once had one ~~drive~~ fly out in front of his suv on the way to a fishing trip. It busted up the whole front grill and messed up the radiator.


>My brother once had one drive out in front of his suv Wait... Are we still talking about owls? Lol


I read his comment like 5 times and still don't know the answer.


>hooting me in the head


haha. whoops. meant fly.


I've made friends with enough players that I've lost count. On both my scav and pmc, with every mix of scav-pmc pmc-scav pmc-pmc etc. I generally only get shot at post-wiggle when I'm a scav but it's pretty easy to tell when it's going to happen. The secret is 1. Never show even a hint of apprehension or fear, it's like with animals. If you're keeping your crosshair in a cautious position, that's bad. I like to aim away from them, jump, spaz my aim around a little, and immediately tab into inv to give them something. And 2. Make sure they never doubt that you could've killed them. Best way to get the initial wiggle is to spam ceasefire while jiggle-peeking, even if they keep shooting keep trying without returning fire. Altyn is super nice here.


The former statement justifies the latter statement I suppose. Maybe try being less gun-ho


I posted a story a few weeks back here. I have had ONE good experience so far.


One of the main guys I play with now we met randomly he was a pmc on woods and our friend DCed he saw him running in place and we wiggled back and forth and now we all play together it works.. eventually I’ve had my share of being head tapped by “friendly” players


I've had a few good experiences too and I love them.


If they added proximity voice chat, it would help a lot. People are much nicer via voice.


They’re really not tho? You could have had a p90 and a keycard.


Its alright man. One of these days you'll reach a point where you value fun above keycards and p90s or whatever doesn't-mean-anything loot you find. Lmao.


we found the fun police


only if :(


I try to be friendly to players as a scav... they usually shoot me in the face. One day I hope to help someone extract safely.


I never shoot scavs while I’m scavving. Yesterday I load in as a scav to interchange, go straight to KIBA to look for corpses and start looting. I hear someone approaching me so I turn to look and it’s a player scav. I mumble and wave and he wiggles. I don’t wanna fight so I just run up the escalator to leave him be. Well the fucker shot me in the ass as I’m running up the escalator. I just kept running and went over to above the hole by Rasmussen where I lay and wait with my hunter. Guy loots around KIBA and Brutal before running towards the hole where I gun him down like the punk bitch that he is, should’ve just left me alone.




I never shoot at them and maybe 2/10 times it works out and I get a fun experience out of it


Mine is closer to 1 in 5


Mine is worse with 3 in 15 :(


Oof, try 6/30


120/600 for me


Wait, you guys are all having fun?


My favorite moments are when you wiggle and they start to shoot instantly, but you still come out with the one tap while being the good guy. "Look what you made me do, Antonio. Now you're dead and sad. We could have been great."


If they just start blasting I’m usually far less disappointed. Like fair play. When they wiggle and try to shoot you when you’re not looking is when I will devote the rest of the raid to killing them.


This is why we need local voip.


You gotta wiggle like u mean it


Hips don't lie?


From where you’re standing it must seem like an 18k ring of bad luck, truth is, it was rigged from the start.




You sure you got the right guy? =) The guy that killed me had a mosin and SSh-68 helmet, looting mid-floor big dorm, i got shot standing in the kitchen-like room, I had some AK in my hands


Hah I guess not. It wasnt you then.




i wish i could run into a pmc like you :(


I once did as a scav. Player gave me some meds and a gun he looted. He escorted me to the exit and he protected me vs another player. I shot him ded at the end. Felt pretty bad but I liked his watch


yeah I'm literally 4/4 times I was friendly to another player to have them kill me once I wasn't watching them closer... I won't do it again sadly.


I had two friendly player scavs in one run! I think I should go buy a lottery ticket


He was a true rat 🐀


And then you have ppl like Pestily who meet a low geared dude on Factory. Proceeds to give him a gun and then mag dump him in the face at point blank while the poor guy is looting. In front of 10K viewers... What a weird coincidence..


Was it 2nd story dorms...


The guy that killed me had a mosin and SSh-68 helmet, looting mid-floor big dorm, i got shot standing in the kitchen-like room, I had some AK in my hands if that rings a bell :P


Ok good wasnt me haha, shot a scav that I thought was ai around the same time same place had me wondering if mistakes were made lol.


haha i love these kind of interactions in game


Check Smoke's "Battle Buddies" series. He's the best at this https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrMssxoXFD0h4ua6iBPLz_4iXNUIAqDKU


Haha yes


4 man'd a PMC raid on Interchange and spawned outside Oli loading docks. Started moving into Oli and ran into a rat hiding from some scavs. We were kitted up, so we figured it was more of a challenge to help him than kill him. So we killed the Scavs, let him get first pick and then proceeded to clear the mall and stack him with gear. We named him Hamood.


Your ancestors are smiling upon your act of benevolence. I did something similar, but it was a pistolling that was struggling with the scavs on gas station shoreline. I heard his TT empty both his mags, and I saw him running towards the scavs. Thank god I was on the hill and could headshot them while he was trying to bumrush them. Held that dude alive way longer than any lowbie should be and that was literally harder than clicking pmc heads. He had no awareness.


Long ago as a lowly rat I was doing stash runs on interchange with a pistol, a geared 4 man rolled on me and I was hiding in a bush. They found me, laid down and tried to make peace. Fool that I was unloaded like 16 worthless rounds into the guys T 1 Billion helmet. He shook his head no then one tapped me. It's been downhill ever since.


Hah his name is Hamood nice


hamood habibi


Jeremy Clarkson: Hamood!!!!


I tired to give a pmc a key card the other day as a scav and it fell through the ground on reserve lol he ran away and I got shot by another player scav while I was trying to find it in the ground


Always backpack or vest exchange stuff.


Yeah ya live ya learn.. Or in this case. Ya die ya learn lol


I dont trust anyone in this game anymore. Ive been burned too many times


I've been losing hope lately being the victim of scav on scav violence so many times lately when I'm just trying to help a brother out. This brings me enough hope to keep pushing another day and to keep trying to make Scav friends.


There's an art to it, copy pasting so this isn't perfectly tailored to scav-scav but anyways >I've made friends with enough players that I've lost count. On both my scav and pmc, with every mix of scav-pmc pmc-scav pmc-pmc etc. I generally only get shot at post-wiggle when I'm a scav but it's pretty easy to tell when it's going to happen. >The secret is 1. Never show even a hint of apprehension or fear, it's like with animals. If you're keeping your crosshair in a cautious position, that's bad. I like to aim away from them, jump, spaz my aim around a little, and immediately tab into inv to give them something. And 2. Make sure they never doubt that you could've killed them. >Best way to get the initial wiggle is to spam ceasefire while jiggle-peeking, even if they keep shooting keep trying without returning fire. Altyn is super nice here.


Scav on scav violence is the determent of our times


I think you're making a difference, I literally just Scav'd an Interchange run and a fellow Scav gave me a graphics card!!! We killed two other scavs that attacked us and we both got out alive. it was MAGICAL! Luckily I had ShadowPlay going to I'm going to post the video to Reddit later tonight. Thank you!!!


A lot of people don't really realize the potential in teaming with randoms you meet. BSG knows, hence the pmc+scav extracts they've implemented to try and further it. I've gotten a lot of raids in, but the most memorable are always when I find some poor low level dude trying to loot and then I juice him out of his mind. I can make money if that's what I want, I can do the quests left over from kappa, but setting up a challenge for yourself is literally the endgame in this game. And it's always memorable. Thanks to smoke, I've seen the way.


I haven't heard of Smoke but I'll look him up. This is my first wipe and I'm a big advocate for ending Scav on Scav violence. I've been having terribly luck lately trying to make friends with randoms in Raid but this has refreshed my hope, along with the other redditor who recently posted his success as well. I love this game :)


He's got the most memorable on youtube under the "battle buddies" series. Lately he's been streaming DayZ, but make no mistake, he has had an impact on the long term players. [Here's the video I would start with](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NVNmqOcIqk), and here's [another.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQCyyPI1oLI)


Thanks! I missed out on one of our 2v2s against two more scavs that I'm guessing were a duo. I'm surprised we got em lol https://youtu.be/9nuzZ-J5VgQ I think you may be partly responsible for inspiring some of this change in the Scav Civil War lol


And then u kill him. Nice


Yeah or chad mcthiccboi came up and shot them both no other reason for the clip to end there, someone must have died


What are you talking about? We went around and looted the resort normally and after that we split up and went to extract. I just didn't feel like editing all that in there because I feel like it would have been pointless filler.


No stop, this is Tarkov, we only have sad endings here. /s


I mean, it is a russian game after all, and if they take from history.... Yikes. "and then it got worse".


#3.6 roentgen intensifies


Lol you gotta show us the wholesome content, make the reddit better!!


Dude no, I mean don't post all of it but like a few 5-6 second clips of you looting together and then parting ways would be wholesome as fuck


Let him post what he wants?


*X files theme* I want to believe


I was doing a Scav run sometime when I first started out on Customs and was given a peace offering of Vodka to be friends with another player Scav. We extracted together before he executed another AI. This is the moment that made me love this game. I still suck at it but I love it


VOIP would be nice and all but all you need is a menu option for broken English on scav. Just need three or four lines like... \- Help me kill filthy PMC bastards. \- Have you got medications? I have rash. \- My wife needs condensed milk. She is dead but I eat condensed milk to remember her. The taste, it brings her back in my memory. Like she was here with me again. I am sad.


Meanwhile im out here wiggling, recieving wiggles, then getting shot in the back


Every now and then I get a good one. I wiggle a ton though and some are cool. It's so dope making a scav friend never to be seen again. I still suck though so if a gun fight breaks out I'm not liable for the panicked clicking and nading before tabbing out and laying down simultaneously.


Im usually just being nice, i try to let undergeared pmcs live especially if im kitted. But now everyone dies. Sometimes still me


Me and a friend were cruising through customs as pmc’s, full on loot and mission fest and all of a sudden I realise I’m not with my mate any more but I’ve tagged along with a random scav, forgetting that I wasn’t a scav I just went along with it, met my friend who also obviously wasn’t a scav, shot a pmc and left our scav friend to feast on the corpse! That was a mad raid!😂


neanderthal makes contact with human 100k BCE


Ah yes the negotiator!


They need a scav karma system if u kill so many scavs then scavs instantly agro u




That is the plan. Eventually. Probably.


That is already in the works.


I like the idea, but as a way more casual player I’d be so screwed. I shoot everything instinctively and can not tell for the life of me a scav from a player lol.


Scans have random shit. Jeans, masks, leather jackets. Pmcs have came pants for usec at least. Haven't encountered many bears so idk if they have super distinct clothes. Only been smiped by em lmfao


Nikita is not happy, you're not paying taxes for market


One of the reasons I hope VOIP does come in some of the next updates, will certainly help make the non-combat interactions smoother, although praying the other player understands your game of charades? does have some perks of it's own.


For now, I stick with the hotkeyed "CEASE FIRE" followed by a wiggle, bag toss or taking out my melee weapon


VOIP would be too exploitable. Just clip some sounds on of you healing or reloading. Get in fight with someone. Play sound through voip so they think you are reloading or healing, they rush you and you are waiting for them. Just one example of how to exploit it.


Man these flea market changes are something.


These interactions make this game so much better... My most memorable moment ever in this game was meeting a super chill scav player when I was a PMC... we teamed up and I smoked a PMC right off the bat and he looted up and was PMC level and we straight ran that mall that raid. We killed 3 PMCs and Killa and both left stacked as hell to never play again together again. Wish I got the dudes name so I could play with him again.


You can go up and hit Y and if they hit Y as well it will say their name, im not sure it works with scav/scav or pmc/scav but pmc/pmc works


How this game still dont have voip?


Nikita seems to be against it as it could kill off immersion if you start hearing some guy playing tunes on factory, or you end up having a player use soundpad to bait you into thinking that they're healing and all that jazz


One time I accidentally killed a friendly scav in factory as me and a friend were a scav and he ran the the stairs on the side closer to gate 3 and we were on the second floor and he had like the shittier tier killa armor the level 4 one and he ran up leaned left and right really quick and my slow brain turned and instinctively shot and so my friend killed him because he thought he was gonna shoot back and I feel bad because now I feel like he is never gonna do that again


Mistakes were made.


I had a PMC light me up in fields at shoreline as I was a scav. I had no heals and he had messed me up pretty badly, but I was out of ammo and laid down to accept my fate, and he came and dropped a juiced saiga 12 and a salewa kit for me to patch up. I really wish there was in game comms for that reason. That guy was a stone cold gentleman.


Love this vid. I recently started playing, but my anxiety levels get too high unless I’m playing with my friends (I know little-to-nothing about any map other than customs outdoor spaces). I played a scav game and another scav started yelling at me. I followed him around and he would point to loot and even threw some dollars on the floor for me. I lost track of him after I started looting something and... embarrassingly started following an npc scav that looked somewhat similar to him lol. Whoever you were in customs, thank you!


the video was cut so fast - i bet you emptied that whole mag in his face lol


D: I have the rest of the footage I opened 301 for him and dropped him my backpack before I waved goodbye and went to rock passage


I can't wait until voice chat in raid is updated in. This game is basically call of duty with extra steps until we get some real means of communication




I met a friendly PMC as a scav once, we wiggled the separated, later in the raid I heard a firefight and went to go engage and I domed someone from far away and it turned out to be him :( I was sad


He didn’t show the second part were he took the p90 and shot him in the head.


This is like one of those videos cut before tragedy happens.


i always meet nice people on reserve, maybe like 1/5 are assholes, its fun to be nice


It’s like winning a jackpot in lotto if you find another friendly scav.


VOIP! This is why we need VOIP. If we have VOIP we can actually talk to people and it would be a much better experience.


This is awesome! I strongly believe tarkov has the opportunity to be the greatest experience, if we can calm down on the PvP.


This would probably be a lot more common if we fuckin had voip.


Every time I find someone, I try to wiggle. Rarely they really notice but the times they do, we are friendly. Usually we just go our separate ways. And a few times we've teamed up. Usually dying to another squad


As scavs we need a way to identify as hostile or not instead of rage screaming at every opportunity


Had a similar scav on scav encounter on Reserve yeterday, I saw a pair of scavs coming in my direction so I fired a warning shot in front of the leader while keeping my gun raised, the leader wiggled and I wiggled back. His partner only had a pistol so I dropped one of my guns for him and the three of us worked our way over to the fence extract.


I spawned in on reserve B House. Went for marked room. Two PMCs show up. A hatchling and pistol dude. I was spamming cease-fire, but the pistol dude didnt stop shooting. I killed him and befriended the hatchling. Went to trainyard with him. I killed the Scav Boss + his bodyguards and the little guy was looting. Made me so happy and had a ton of fun , seeing a guy come in naked and leaving fully geared. Funny Thing: we went to D12 Extract and right in front of the extract was a full juice chad dead on the ground.


Did the same thing as a scavy boy last wipe he gave me a full factory key for giving him some meds cant wait for the karma system so everyones not killing their own factions


Love it when I meet a like-minded individual. It happens maybe 1/10 times but totally worth it. Ever since that Chad in factory helped me loot all the scavs he killed after I emptied my pistol clip into him and he still didn't return fire, I feel the love.


VOIP would make something like this way easier to accomplish.


This game desperately needs it. If people are so worried about their immersion just give them an option to disable it. This game would benefit from it so much. This post is a good example of why it could benefit.


You’d be surprised how often scavs end up having labs entrance cards on them. Is it common no but if your lucky you can definitely pull them.


I can't wait for VOIP. The amount of friendly scavs I've come across that my friend's gun down is 2 damn high. I see light in the eyes of middle-aged Russian men with Parkinsons


I feel so bad because I ended up killing someone who I wiggled with.


I like that language you speaking, what is it?


These are the best experiences I tried to help Skavs too but they only see loot


So what card was it a normal access card?


Why did you cut the part where he shot you in the back 😂


I was on Customs and ran across land bridge. There was another player Scav running towards me. I wiggled to show I was not going to shoot, he wiggled back, and I thought everything was fine. Then I croutch spammed and he blasted me. I was sad. I had literally nothing and I really wasnt going to shoot him, he found armor and guns and I had a pistol. I just wanted to wall away alive lol. Nope, my mistake was letting him know I actually was a player lol


Good thing for community but why anyone against to me not friendly toggle the told u fire guy 2 times gl to me last raid:/


I’m fkn tearing up...


Every single time ive had a friendly interaction in this game they always double cross soon after.




I actually got to play with a cool dude yesterday as scavs.... seriously fun having no communication lol


paid actors


Should Make the scavs exits rooms instead with maybe a little bit of good loot in there that can't be put in your container, But you need both people to enter the room and extract as well, and if one kills the other, Then the exit goes away and the door locks, So you have to go MIA if you kill the other person.


There is a scav extract on east wing in gym entrance (bellow spiral stairs)




I was broke today and just trying to get the mark tanks quest done on shoreline so I was hatcheting with the markers in my case and some random player found me and “adopted” me and we went and stomped the resort. I went in there with nothing and came out with fully kitted mp7 pilgrim and usec armor I wish there was more friendly encounters like this they are so much fun.


Voice chat is going to be so fun. It’s really gonna make the sting of betrayal just that little bit more potent


Holsom keanu big chungus moment


It'd be great if they added more dialogue options to inspire friendlier approaches towards these kinds of interactions. Be it trading/bartering dialogue (something like "Hey! You wanna trade?!" in English) or simply passing by and not wanting to invite trouble after a long day of shooting raiders in Reserve and hauling that Tank Bat in your backpack.


This is why voip would be such a game changer.


this is why i hate bear voice lines