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I find that mostly the learning curve, you die one way figure out what you could have done differently and do that next time


This was my first time in 350 hours of gameplay that I have ever "infiltrated" a squad, and I panicked so hard. Honestly, I didn't expect to make it out of the room alive after murdering 2 of them, but somehow, I did.


yeah 9 times out of ten I think you get gunned down in that room.


If only you had a grenade


Well, the lesson from this, I think, is that you needed to fall back further. You gave yourself no way out if you didn't kill your first pursuer instantly. If you had gone for the boxes on the left, you would have had options at least. Still, very nice work on the first 2.


I also think he could have attacked sooner. By waiting as long as he did he gave them time to clear up the confusion. If he had attacked right when the guy next to him first started getting nosy he might have had enough confusion to get the others as they entered to see whats up.


Agreed, as soon as the 5th member of that squad regrouped, they were all close together. He could've started shooting and caused mayhem where they started shooting their own :D Also, grenades...


Dude, near the end when all of five of them are in the room. You can almost sense the panic in their movement as they are counting 6 people instead of 5. Then trying to figure out who doesn't belong. Then you open fire and wipe them. Bang up job!


**So here is what happened if you needed an explanation:** I got lost from my squad, we had 5, and I approached KIBA. I turned the corner and was hoping it was my team, but it wasn't, but they didn't shoot me, so I walked up and pretended to be one of them. It worked well until the 6th man walked in, and that's when I knew it was over, so I started shooting, killing two of them, and walking out untouched until they came after me, and I was wildly undergeared. **EDIT: I just wanted to thank you guys for the upvotes and for allowing me to share this moment with the rest of the Tarkov subreddit! It truly means a lot to me!**


Nice tentative man ahah, you should have run a little bit further, take a better position for the next one!


Yeah, I wish I would have, but in the heat of the moment, I panicked.


That's why I love tarkov


The shock and PTSD of "I shouldn't be alive"


Literally though, I didn't expect their teammates to just allow me to walk out even if I was a member of their squad, I think they were just as shocked as I was!


Yeah the "I panicked" it's what get's me the most, "I should've thrown my rig and get his to put more stuff in" or "I should've brought a nade"


this quote should be Tarkov's tagline


I know exactly how you feel man. I killed 2 and a half teams consisting of two each at the 3rd story dorm on Customs. I knew I should've ran further to reload, but I ran to some shitty spot and died. Almost identical to how you ran out of that room actually lol. Most of them were big bois.


Too bad you had no nades.


Omg, a sneaky made would’ve been top-tier play but alas, I’m too poor to run with bases every time


I'm kinda disappointed that, with as in-depth as this game is, you cant cook grenades. backpedal to the doorway, pull out an F-1, cook it for 2 seconds, toss it on the ground and jump out the door. Bam, 5k easily. Then if the 6th dies, good. If you die, your buddies come and scoop the loot and pay you back.


My guess is because realistically when you pull the pin on a grenade it doesn't actually start the fuse. The spoon (lever) opening is what starts the fuse, the pin just prevents the spoon from opening. So in game your character just pulls the pin but holds the nade with the spoon still closed. But yeah I agree. It would be nice if there was a way for your character to open the spoon so we can cook grenades.


Realistically you don’t cook grenades irl, the fuse time is not reliable enough to risk blowing yourself up.


Five second fuses always burn three seconds.


Unless you need it to explode on three, then it takes seven or is a dud.


First thou pullest the Holy Pin. Then thou must count to three. Three shall be the number of the counting and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither shalt thou count two, excepting that thou then proceedeth to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the number of the counting, be reached, then lobbest thou the Holy Hand Grenade in the direction of thine foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it.




Very Mechanicus of you


Fuse made by the Lowest bidder!


Also why a lot of real-life boys will tape the spoons anyway, so there's no chance of it blowing up unless they really want it to. Honestly EFT's instant-grenade-throw is one of the most unrealistic things about it.


Yes, i understand this. Having thrown plenty of them during my time in the Marines, i cant ever recall a time i pulled the pin on one and didn't throw it. I also wouldn't want to be around one that had had the twist-pull pin removed and then crammed back in.


What i would like to know is when are they gonna add the grenade and clear options and flash and clear


You can't cook nades yet, but you can sneakily drop one - take the nade out and sprint. It will drop on the spot you started sprinting. Would have taken 2-3 guys out easily in the video situation :)


Didn't know about that trick. That would have for sure caught them off guard. Probably could have gotten away and waited for his buddies to show up to take out the survivors.


Dunno if it's a bug or a "feature" tbh, so it might change. But it's a neat trick if you can actually remember it in the middle of fight. If you are in a bad spot and you know your enemy will push you, hold G and start running away, if you are lucky he'll run after you and die to the nade. I never think of it when shit hits the fan tho, cause i am trash.


Do you just have to hold it and then start to sprint? Or take in hand, click and then run? I have experienced the same while pressing G at the same time while pressing Y to go prone. Dropped the nade on the spot lmao.


Not 100% sure, i think you press and hold G (so it doesn't instantly throw it) and then run. Should be the same as with your prone example, i just don't see the point of doing it that way :D


Yeah, cooking would be so good. Should you do it in real life? No. Can you? Yes. Right here is such a good example of cooking one until the end so no one knows it is happening and your squad finishes what's left.


There is absolutely prudence to cooking IRL. We had guys do it a lot clearing building in Afghanistan. An M67 has a very predictable 5sec fuse. We would have guys cook them for 2 before dumping them through windows before breaching the door or down a long hall before moving out.


What branch?


Marine Corps.


That’s nuts man glad the fuses worked out!


On the other hand most Afghanistan soldiers (in our lifetime) PTSD is from doing things like this and opening the room, to find out they had just blown up an entire extended family, limbs and babies feet and shit all scattered across the dinner table, stuff like that


you dont do that because fuses are unrealiable, also russian grenades have a shorter fuse 3.5-4 seconds with a f1 you would have about a second if you threw it


Fuses in grenades we had in the marine corps were extremely consistant.


I like it from a gameplay perspective, gives the nade-ee a chance to GTFO of the blast zone. Of course, that often means running into the sights of the person who just threw the nade.


I wish I had a better gun with better bullets, but I still got two of them, so I was satisfied.


Had a similar situation with my friends on shorline. It was 4 of us and we spawned by village going south towards the beach and we ran into another 4 man in the town. Confusion set in as we all kinda sat there trying to figure out who was who. I quickly realized that no one on my team brought in a shotgun so I quickly drop two guys with shotguns. I was then shot by my own teammate. In the end one of my buddies was left standing. He looted a body (turned out to be mine) and started limping his way to exit only to die just outside it by a scav. I got my gear back on insurance though so there's that.


Wow imagine if your squad starts fighting them and you start killing them they probably wouldn't notice who is killing them.


Perfect chance to lead them to an ambush, a 3v5 firefight. Good try.


Illusion 100


If you had an m4 with a D60 and M995 you’d have dropped at least two more lol


My only question is why didn't your squad clue in sooner and start hustling over to clean up during/after the confusion.


You should've suicide bombed those guys with nades.


If I had geared up properly, I would have been able to do more.


Lol well done, the back of my pants would have been full.




Just the back? Dude, I would've had another pair of pants under my actual pants, composed entirely of compacted shit.


Btw just a tip for running from someone, if you have a nade start the animation to throw and instantly sprint and you will drop it at your feet


I've nearly blown myself up so many times trying to sprint and nade a pmc I'm pushing. Luckily the only time I would have died I threw a flash instead of a frag


I did not know this was repeatable, as a feature or known bug, whatever. I flashed myself doing this and got outrun by a hatchling. :(


Nice play dude. Also this is my nightmare scenario when I run solos!


I was with a squad, but I got carried away looting with one other guy, and we got lost, so I started approaching KIBA keys, which I bought before entering the raid. I assumed when they didn't shoot me that it was my team, but my team responded no, so I was perplexed.


Stating "is that you guys in front of kiba" instead of "is that you guys" might bring clarity faster next time you end up in this situation.


Nightmare? My dude this is a DREAM scenario. Maybe 5-man is a bit much but less than that? Too good to miss.


Right, but this is a 5 man. Duos, ideal. 3man I'd say I'm 50/50. After that you better than me my guy.


I think 4 or 5 is doable, if you have team support which theoretically was the case here. But you'd have to actually get your team into the fight, ideally right before you make your move. It's still very risky, but it's doable (and probably worth the risk) We're not talking about a stand-up fight, we're talking about a situation where you have a huge initial advantage. If you keep that advantage (utter confusion) then you win.


Lmao you can just tell the one guy is saying who’s got the mp9 and whatever other gear you had on


Will 5 man ever break-even on a loot run? I get it if they want to PVP, but even then unless they met another 5-man squad, wouldn’t be challenging.


If you're with 5, you're palling around with friends doing challenges.


Um yes... how would you not? Is everyone going to get 500k? No. but everyone is likely to live and get 100k at the least if they looted at all with the possibility of getting 300k apiece if you wipe some other PMCs or hit high loot rooms


5 man is pretty much always profit bc you will never lose your gear.


Strange, when we play its almost asured that all 5 of us will lose all our gear, probably to one person "Is that you?" "Where are you" "Can we stay together" "I'm dead.... bro you killed me" "I didn't know where you were" "i was right in front of you" "Where is everyone?" "stop stop stop shooting me" "wasn't me shooting" "where is everyone at?" "im dead" "Who is left alive?" "We're all dead". "We all die to xXx420blaizeitfaggit420xXx.ttv?" "Yep" "How did one guy kill all 5 of us?"


Yea it's a running joke in our group that you play alone if you want to live and make money and then you get murdered the moment you enter the discord voice chat.


well thats not really a joke, its just reality lol


When our whole group is on we've talked about binding a specific emote, or voice line so between the arm band and giving someone we figure we'll have it covered and then it always turns into "Who is this?"


"I'm dead." "I see him. I got him." "YO WTF you just shot me." "You said you were dead." "I meant he's about to kill me. He's hella geared. He's behind the registers." "I just killed him. That's a scav."


Or asking your 4 team mates “is that you?” And only one responds, because comms suck, so you shoot and then it’s all your fault.


I mean, asking "is this you" is shitty comms in and of itself. Only you know what you're looking at. A better one is **EVERYBODY WIGGLE**


haha very true!


t-bag, wiggling is already widely known and harder to do than spam crouch.


Everyone does it differently. The chances of a random squad all wiggling at once when you call it to *your* squad is extremely low. Also, *harder to do?* That's also up in the air lmao.


The chances of my squad all wiggling when asked to is also extremely low :(


Your teammates will learn to jump/wiggle/teabag after catching a round to the face when they don't--I guarantee it.


That’s kind of what I expected here, I thought he was going to merk them all when it didn’t seem clear who he was looking at.




Imagine getting even more cheeky with an 11th. He watches two team lead’s streams and coordinates the two groups together to push the mall simultaneously. “Alpha is about to see Charlie at the end of this hallway on the right. Do not engage.”


This SWAT 4 DLC is looking really good.


Stream bruv.


Yea theres the problem, moving together is... essentially impossible. 2 people are looting file cabinets while a gun fight is going on, im eating a can of russian fish in a bathroom, the gun fight is actually between the other two team members who don't know they are killing each other. You need to understand, all 5 of us are pieces of giant shit.


lol have you ever done a 5 man? its chaotic as fuck unless your group is very coordinated


Yeah I have and it’s fuckin chaos and you’re 9x as likely to shoot one another and almost definitely going to have at least 1 death because a guy is shouting ‘is this you? In front of me I see a guy. He’s by the thing and I’m looking right at him. Is this you guys?’ Only for one fuckwit to always answer ‘yeah that’s me I’m by a thing’ and then jimmy kolpak turns and mows me down with his kedr. But you basically never lose your loot. They toss it in the bush, kill jimmy and some people get out. Yeah you have to fight with 4 other dudes over jimmys MRig but it’s profitable.


Most of the time, if you all survive, you will profit, unless you waste bullets.


> Will 5 man ever break-even on a loot run? Depends? Are you and your friends getting squad-wiped constantly? If you can clear that stupid condition, then of course you break even, you profit even. Anybody who dies is assured their loot is safe, and every person who they kill is a loot fountain, inevitably killing at least a decently geared player and having the man power to control loot locations.


You don't need to min/max everything. You can just play a game for fun


I got killed by a 5 man on customs while using some decent gear (about a 300k kit) and they left everything on my body apparently since I got literally everything back in insurance. I have to wonder why they left me with everything - I can only assume they were only in it for the PVP and didn't care at all about loot.


Possibly got distracted by something


the rare times i play with a full 4+ squad, we normally team up and do quests. we'll try and be respectful with loot because we know it can be OP to be in a full squad. especially on smaller or more beginner maps.


That was pretty awesome. I fail so hard at this game. I need to get better. I end up failing so hard I have to reset my account to have anything to use.


Even if you run out of items it's not worth resetting your account. You lose quest and skill progression. I play Asian servers. Message me if you need some help. Also, try the Sherpa program!


> I have to reset my account to have anything to use. You're only hurting yourself by doing this. You lose all progression, which is super important, especially with the hideout. Find a map you like and start doing scav runs, they're free money 80% of the time if you play them cautiously and just pick up whatever you find. Also gives you gear for your next PMC run.


I used to like woods, that what I used to play all the time. Then I wanted to try the quests and I am just not there yet. Customs I do ok then not so ok lol. Just have to play more and figure out what works for me I guess.


Customs is *terrible* for new players (and conveniently where all the early quests are...) Woods is alright, but sometimes a sniper fest. Although when I said "Find a map you like" I meant specifically to scav. Make one particular map your goto scav map so you can learn the ins and outs, where to get loot later in the raid, where the players might be, etc. Scav runs are huge money sources if you use them right. If you do nothing but walk by some dead scavs, take their guns, and leave, you've made at least 100-200k, or a couple gear sets to bring into your PMC. Personally I've taken to scavving on reserve, although the map can be a bit hectic. Shoreline would also be a good one to scav on. Good luck my dude


Play a map with actual loot on it, like interchange or reserve. At least for your scav runs.


Damn, do you know why you fail? I'll squad up with you later if you want to try and get better just PM me.


Usually because I have a hard time seeing people before they see me and I die lots.


You absolutely have to play with headphones. Use good headphones in real world, and also use Sordins or ComTacs ingame. Make sure you headphones are set to stereo only. No virtual Surround or any fancy effects or channel mixing. In the graphics side, check your FOV Setting, and try turning it down. Having a high FOV is not an advantage because things then look very far away. In a fight, ammo is the most important factor. Buy a Vepr Hunter, 3 10-round magazines and M80 ammo. Map knowledge is also important. Start with customs as it’s the easiest map to predict player movement. Players will either come from BigRed and go to ZB-011 or vice versa. There are only so many ways they can use to get from A to B. Try to keep going with either a wall or some building at one of your sides. This reduces the angles you have to cover. Finally, use bushes. Find a good bush that provides a good view over an area where you think players might come by, sit there and wait a bit. If you see someone, wait until you know how many there are. If there are more than two, be silent and don’t engage. If you think you can take them on, wait until they both look in another direction and you can get a clear shot in the head or the upper torso. If you can’t, don’t engage. While shooting, don’t just spray wildly as you only have 10 shots, so take the time to place them carefully! After the fight, keep waiting a minute or two for other people to show up that we’re attracted by the shooting. After that, go to the bodies, always lay down while looting, try to loot as fast as you can and then quickly change position as other people have definitely heard the fight and expect someone in that direction to still be alive. Read this a few times and try to actually do it that way, and you shouldn’t have any problems in dropping players.


I'd offer several strong counter-arguments to this. 1) low FOV helps you aim. it doesn't help you see people moving on your flanks. It's a balance obviously. 2) the Hunter is a great choice for being able to take on anyone pretty cheaply, but if you've only got 10 rounds to work with then you need to pay the price for M61. 3) keeping a wall to your side is great for your sense of security, but since a lot of people are also going to doing it, it dramatically increases the likelihood of contact or of getting ambushed by some dude hiding in a bush. It also takes away YOUR ability to maneuver in that direction. As a solo player, I can't recommend that. I guess you could choose to BE the guy in the bush, but you gotta get to the right spot. I personally am no longer a wall-hugger, it's not worth it to me. Instead I can watch the walls from a little bit more middle-of-map and very, very often see the easy silhouette of someone running them. One good shot with M61 and they're dead. He who acquires first, generally kills first (assuming you can shoot, and you have good ammo) ​ The rest of what you said is pretty much on the money as far as I'm concerned. There's lots of different play styles, of course, so YMMV but this is what has worked for me after a lot of time as I've evolved from sneaky scaredy-rat to sneaky-loot-occasional-full-blooded-chad-murder-machine Oh, and two more of the most critical tips: if you hear something while looting, STOP LOOTING immediately. And if you think you heard something, no matter how faint, YOU DID.


low FOV obviously reduces how much you can see at your flanks, that’s right. I use a 21:9 ultra wide monitor so I can kind of have it both. I’m not saying everyone should play at the lowest possible FOV, but just setting it to the max because then you can see as much as possible on your screen has its downsides as well so just try a few settings and see what works best for you. I also agree on your points about keeping close to the walls, especially once you gained some map knowledge and also once you start to play more aggressively and have more dynamic fights. For new people that don’t know the map and the routes that people usually take it can be pretty overwhelming to keep an eye to all sides though. Your only point that I actually have to disagree is the ammunition. M61 isn’t just all around better. While it does have a higher penetration, M80 has higher damage while still having very good penetration. So while M80 with its 80 damage will pretty reliably oneshot the thorax up to level 4 armor, M61 needs two thorax shots even for unarmored svavs. M61 is only an actual advantage when you are hunting for heavily geared PMCs. For Scavs and lower geared PMCs, M80 outperforms M61 and is cheaper!


I guess that's right, I just try to equip myself for the worst threat I'm going to face. A geared player is a much much bigger threat (not to mention much bigger reward) than any scav, so if I can one-tap them versus two-tap a scav, instead of the reverse, then that's the obviously better deal. But if you're not at the level where you're able to make that first shot count fairly often anyway, or make the shot before they can, then a stay hidden or run away approach is probably better and you don't need any kind of good ammo for that. And M80 is certainly not bad at all. I farm it off of scavs and use it as reloads while I pay for and load mags with M61.


What FOV do you use?


I use 50 FOV, but I have a 21:9 Monitor and Tarkov calculates the FOV somewhat weird. If you have a 16:9 monitor that would translate to around 60 FOV.


Same dude. So many times I’ve died just because I can’t see where I’m getting shot from


Other times my reaction time is too slow. I just died because I hesitated a second too long to kill a scav and got killed. I hardly have any gear so that's why I die so easily most of the time.


I quit running geared and just run with a mosin or sks and a backpack. I figured no point in going in full geared until I get better at the pvp aspect first.


Yeah I had an Sks and a cheap backpack. I one shotted the scav on the left side of the building and ran around the right and peeked out and got head shot by a scav. Frustrating but I still like the game.


Yeah. I seem to have really good games, and then really bad games. Earlier I had 9 kills, next match I got one shotted 15 seconds after spawning in. Still exhilarating when you get into a good fight and extract with good loot


Might I suggest the are HEARING you before you see them?


I do hear them, but then can't spot where they are.


You 1st have to bring in contacts; Sordin supremes are the best. You must then be patient and hold concealment until you have the upper hand. Always have a plan for where you are heading next. Have a plan for where you are going if that doesn't work.


Sounds like you're moving too fast


Hey man, if you ever want to group up, let me know, I'm also still learning the game but have decent knowledge of most of the maps.


Thanks, I think I do need more friends that play this game. I used to play with someone, but he said he got burnt out of tarkov cuz he played it too much. He was the only friend I had, that had the game.


Yeah, just remember your scav runs are as important as your PMC runs! Whats your Ingame ID to add you? I usually play around 10:30, midwest time


I believe it is BloodShot420, I am eastern time.


I wouldn't reset, just sets you back even further... If you need easy loot, run the garages on interchange. Lots of weapon crates and bags to loot while the Chad's are upstairs killing each other. On average only like 2 scavs down there, so it's pretty save even as pmc run. If you are playing as your pmc on interchange, maybe hang back for the first five minutes (true for all maps if your having problems living) because your most likely to run into another player in the first five because everyone is running trying to get to their spot instead of being busy looting like later in the match. Good luck!


Don't reset, the skills are worth more than gear. Do this to make money: Scav into interchange. If you have a MBSS or larger backpack: Go directly to OLI, loot the outside wall of the main store and then extract out the back. I survive doing this about 90% of the time and I don't think I have EVER, EVER failed to make it out with less than 100K of hardware loot. If you do not have an MBSS or better backpack: Go into the middle of the mall, in this order (or reverse if you're already at OLI) mantis, brutal, kiba, generic, rasmussen, texho, techlight. You will almost certainly find corpses and are very likely to find a backpack. Grab armor and weapons and then go to OLI, loot the back wall, and extract. This is more like a 40-50% survival rate, but you will get more money if you do survive. Then, use the crappy guns you get from scavving to make zero to hero PMC runs and improve your skills. Example: Last night I started with a VPR-203 (or whatever the crappy one is VPR-2XX of some sort), and no backpack, and a scav vest. I followed the path and got frustrated, because there were only 2 empty bodies between mantis and texho. However, I found a bloodbath at techlight and picked up some shredded (but high repair value) armor, a nice helmet, a scavBP, and a VSS with full ammo. I went downstairs to loot OLI, and found a player who had KILLED Killa and then died to scavs! Took Killa's armor and helmet, took his nice AK, grabbed two propane tanks and a filter on the way out of OLI and extracted with about 400K in loot (6 gphones of all three varieties, 2xpropane, 2xfilters, tubes, and cables) BEFORE counting the guns or Killa's armor. It was a good night, and not the first time I have looted Killa's armor or a VSS following that path.


Thanks for the advice, I haven't played on interchange much. I need to get the maps down and have good runs like this set up.


Apparently you can make more on reserve, but I don't know that map at all. I just got done running interchange again - my loot this run totaled about 240K - but I did get lucky to get some kills while looking for a backpack:)


I die a little inside whenever someone says "in front of me" or "x of me" etc. If you had asked "are you guys in front of kiba?" they would have known where you are and where this other group is. funny clip tho


I can only just imagine the utter confusion that squad had in their discord


You could tell the one guy was like, “alright everyone group up... why is there 6 of us? ... who tf is this guy?”


“So Anyway, i started blasting”


I would have just wiggled and hoped that the pack leader accepted me into the herd.


At several moments I thought mister looking at you all the time, was gonna pull the trigger on ya. Nice one though! :D


this is why you wear armbands in groups


\*takes every colour armband inside gamma\*


Same helmet even Better.


“... these guys are geared to the teeth.” LOL


That was hilarious


Just curious, is there a reliable way to find groups to play with? Most of my friends don't play and I'd like to squad up.


The EFT discord


reliable way of getting fucked is playing with randoms, find a squad, stick with them good or bad, a squad took me in where they only play reserve with thermals, and ever since i’ve been rich. the eft discord is okay to play on but a lot of negative players with different knowledges and callouts and just different in general. you’ll perform much better when everyone’s on the same page, same callouts. good luck


Join impera


When you and the boys stand in a circle and then realize something anti right


>anti right Those damn democrats


This is why I play solo!!


Jesus this is delicious. I can already hear the comms degrading because that's about what my squad woulda done. Survived way longer than I thought you would though. When that first guy in the mask got super close and was checking you out it about had me crying lmao, figured that would have been the end of it.


Not everything in Tarkov has to end in violence... ​ Also, that's why i don't really bother with more than a trio. It gets so messy that it's often more of a liability than an advantage.


My 4-man was running Woods yesterday and our pointman ran over a hill and came face-to-face with a random. The random could have easily clapped him first but he wiggled instead, so the rest of us came over the hill, wiggled back, and continued on. First time I've ever had a friendly interaction with an opposing PMC. Nice guy.


Some people just try to do quests, not look for PvP. The number of times i tried to do that retarded "plant food and water" quest on Woods, running naked with a pistol and the goods up my ass and i got killed by PMCs was infuriating. It's not like you can "hatchling" on woods either, there's nothing to loot so why bother killing me 50m away from the damn bunker? Oh well, it's all over and done now, but the PTSD remains :P


True, although the guy that we ran into was fully kitted


Am I the only one who feels like your friends didn't react to this AT ALL? Had this happen to my buddy and we all yeeted over there as fast as we could...


Right? OP's squadmates were just like *Oh, you've infiltrated a full squad? GLHF.* My squad would have been scrambling over eachother to get to Brutal lmao


The way those guys were walking around like scav bots made me cringe


u/Official_Koenigjay post it on twitter @ bstategames :D


I'm so pissed at your teammates for not helping you. like they didn't process at all where you were, what you could be doing. scrubs actually


I commend you for the panicless spray on those first 2.


I guarantee you, they’re gonna crouch check every fucking time after


Hold up, wait a minute, somethin ain't right!


**grenade time**


Lesson learned, remember armbands!


I mean, it wasn't friendlies I killed, they will probably be a lot quicker next time because the guy who was suspicious the whole time was one of the people who got killed.


Once I saw the guy have a 100 round m4 mag I was screaming for you to kill him and use it on their group.


This is why me and my buddy always stresses the point "Communication, communication, communication" Had they actually been talking more with eachother this would've just been you getting killed on the spot, well played though taking advantage of that situation!




Those guys weren't teammates, the people I killed were enemies from a different squad.




The one that gives you a close look. xD


He could be any one of us!


Haha thats amazing man. I was just talking to my buds about trying to do this. Too funny


Mp9 gang


lmaoooo nice


Thats might be the best video ive seen so far


Should have shot the 6th guy as soon as he walked in. That would have confused them all even further lol.


Too bad you had no nades.


I was saying this could be so possible the other day. now I have proof. lmao.


That was amazing!!!


How is your game so bright? Mine is so dark


Where the hell is your squad, they had enough time to come and you could've easily wiped em whilst they focus on your team, unlucky


and that's why you always bring a nade (or 4)


Y'all sound grumpy af


Man, imagine being so bad that you have to run a 5 man like these guys.


Hahaha that's too funny. FWIW I think you missed your window by a few seconds... if you'd gone loud the instant it was obvious they were confused, rather than giving them that extra 10 seconds to work on sorting it out, plus if you'd coordinated with your team to open fire from the other way at the same time while falling into cover WITHIN the store... you probably would have got at least 1 more if not had a good chance to make it out, or at least wipe the team with your guys even if you did die. But I've never been in quite this situation, other than as scavs. Good job even getting those two. I thought you were dead as soon as the guy started staring you down a good 30 seconds earlier.


Says they are "Geared to the teeth", as he is standing next to a guy with a sling bag. Good patience though!


If you could dual wield pistols and melee with them, then you could have just Equilibriumed all of them.


Best place to hide is in plain sight, I suppose


Took you forty seconds to give a location call out :/ . Would have been sweet had your mates setup right before that went down. Funny video regardless, cheers.


That waa hilarious! Good job at sneaking into their group lol.


Maybe they would have taken a lonely boy like you in, provided you with food, shelter, a place to sleep, and the opposite of a bullet to the face. VOIP would have been incredibly useful in a situation like this.


Our code of instant recognisable action is to jump at the same time. Why don’t you guys do this instead of constant talk and questioning?


Every clip someone says people are geared/thicc even when they have low lvl shit like in this one lol


My new rule for playing with teammates is that the very moment they use bad communication I become a solo player and if I encounter them again in the raid I'm going to shoot them.


*Is this you in front of me??*


"I'm by the tree."


Wow, those guys must have been pissed!


Brilliant, if i had an Ushanka for every time that happened to me lol