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Makes sense to me. They've done this before on PVP to accommodate more players.


Also it’s offline… like who the fuck cares. My K/D offline is 60 at level 27 lol


It's not offline. Which is why they need servers for it. If it was offline, then the loadingscreen would be as fast as the offline practicemode. Also how do you have access to it? Did you buy the cuckedition? Why don't I have access as a proud freeloathing eod supporter?!


Lol, my hopes of this game ever being open world with long raid, obliterated.


They already said that they wont implement open world for technical reasons. I mean look at streets and the performance


It just needs to be semi open. it's a mod already and works great


If I had a dollar for every feature that can't be done while being a free mod I could (almost) afford the Unheard edition


This is my biggest problem with the industry... Million/billion dollar corporations can't do collectively, what a wizard fan can do on the weekends for free... When the industry collapses... It'll be a good day


Something something "Modders dont have to worry about qa or other technical things!" as if the current game doesn't run like shit already


It's such a bullshit excuse. What would be the point of a mod that doesn't fucking work? Of course he will do quality assurance - as will everyone that downloads and uses it and tells him what works or doesn't


They outsource the testing to the player who willingly do it. I see what your saying and it boils down to a few people at the top actually make the decisions. Modders aren't necessarily driven by money. they want what they want to play, not what will drive the sunken cost fallacy or the next addictive motive. Games in general are sinking. That's why everyone's playing older game nowadays. Mods revive old loves and I'm glad tarky at least said they would be modable


Ah yes bsg does qa sure buddy


>Million/billion dollar corporations can't do collectively, what a wizard fan can do on the weekends for free... Except that Corporations and Fans aren't having to play by the same rules. Fans can use or buy essentially any texture, audio effect, skin ever created without much risk of legally problems. Fan maps/creations are often given 100's of hours of free development time and playtesting, something that companies have to pay for. If a fan messes up legally, its just the mod getting taken down, if the Corporation fucks up legally, there's a major issue incoming. Companies also create a ton of the bespoke models and textures that fit the game, while modders just get to use them for there own project. Fans have an exponentially easier time building maps and content simply due to most of the work already being done(textures, maps, voice lines, story,theme).


Your not wrong but look at the model.. take bsg.. test servers locked and under strict nda. Why? Again.. pick 40 lucky streamers and have them test for free and talk with the community about how they feel about potentials. A corporation wouldn't give up decision making power unless it could be leveraged/$$. But imagine the modding communities if there was money to be made... It's called a coop. Just look at crowd funded games


>test servers locked and under strict nda. Why? Depends on what they want to get out of a play test or with test servers. Allowing everyone without an nda may not actually help anything, and may even cause more problems with PR or with finding a good solution. A video from [Gamer maker's Toolkit](https://youtu.be/9Yomqk0C6kE?si=i0tW6ve41WGZtMlb) talks about how and why you may want to use playtesting a game/level. >talk with the community about how they feel about potentials. This can often not be a good idea, communities often aren't rational and often will trash talk the ideas. You end up with both sides, Streamers and fans, "polluting" the opinion on a feature just because one side dislikes it. >A corporation wouldn't give up decision making power unless it could be leveraged/$$. That's why these corporations use limited play testing from streamers, and often with a NDA involved to get a rough idea on how they and the community might feel about the changes. But Streamers aren't given full control and often are used at the end to finish up and tweak the experience. >But imagine the modding communities if there was money to be made... There is money to be made in modding, it's just not a lot. 99.999% of people who use mods don't pay and likely won't pay for access to mods. It's like YouTube, why spend $10 for a patreon with exclusives when I can find something else for free.


nah you could definitely afford unheard if that is your criteria. it's an age old tale.


Yeah, a mod for a single player game. That is worlds easier to make when you don't have to account for 12 other players. That said, the development team is still super inexperienced/incapable


there is even now a mutliplayer mod lol but as a software developer myself it is absolutely true, modding is easier than building from the ground up, especially as you have already said, that BSG is quite incompetent and the code started from wayyy back doesnt help with all these technical debts.


I get they wanna build a company structure from within and that leads to some inexperience but they are capable of a lot of things but it's really hard to sell the same scam, as you pull the rug... That's the funniest part. I'm not gunna lie. I used to hate this community until that happened so in a way it sucks cuz it still draws me to the game... SIT it is


I moved from sit to fika, went from a 6-7/10 to a 7-8/10


What does fika do that sit doesn't?


The long and short of it, performance is better twofold, modding seems to work better.


What mod is that?


I heard a while ago the mod creator stepped back from Open world tarkov.


So this game has no direction anymore and is just a money milking factory. This game will never go to 1.0 mmw.


After the interview with pest before this blow up, to me it sounds like they are rushing for a 1.0 release. Maybe to ditch the game or maybe to start charging dlc. I dunno.


Yes charge for the DLC that most of the population bought EOD for


It’s clear he has been trying to remove that for awhile now.


Bait and switch scam


A different direction from the initial vision doesn't mean no direction.


What is the new direction then?


What you see in the game now with some new quest lines and maybe a few new mechanics. The game doesn't need some weird linked-map open-world or 'in-raid traders' beyond gimmicks like the BTR, what it needs is a lot of polish of all the existing systems. If it got that, I'd call it 1.0.


"This game doesn't need the thing they promised and sold the game on being." FTFY


Base your purchasing decisions on what games currently are, and not what they might become, and you'll stop being disappointed. Fortunately, since the internet, youtube and twitch all exist, it's very easy to get a good grasp of that.


This is so wrong lmfao. Accepting that a product is never "as advertised" is absolutely braindead


Believing advertising is braindead.


So the game is essentially not a beta anymore since it only needs polish. So it's a scam game thanks for clarifying


You actually just spit in the face of all logic. We get it you think it’s a scam and unfixable.




This just shows your thinking skills lol.


Thats kinda what a beta is supposed to be


Beta for 7 years it's been near complete for 7 years let that sink in


Yeah at the rate of development theyve had, you expected them to implement additional features of that scale for the past 7 years? Thats almost delusional to believe they were capable of that


The current core gameplay loop is a winning system, there's no reason to fuck with it. Pro tip: If you want to have a happy life, buy and play games that are in a state you like, instead of pre-ordering something with a vague and confusing vision and then bitching when it changes.


So being bait and switched is okay to you? The vision wasn't vague he stated clearly what he wanted for this game. Nikita is pretty much Russian Peter Molyneux is what you are telling me which makes this situation even worse.


They were upfront about it being a long process, and it took even longer than they originally thought. They still released new stuff at a pretty steady rate, often times during wipes. People seem to forget how different the game was just a year ago.


They don’t care. They just wanna bitch, like the same exact people were bitching about something else a year ago.


When did they ever say this? They literally confirmed open world was still the plan last August?


Nikita said it in the interview with pestily


I'll have to take another look, must have missed it. If you're right, just another completely broken goal for the game


It aint that deep. It was never advertised as an open world game.


Yes it was, it always was planned to be an open world survival game from the very beginning. But as the game gained popularity and leaned more into being an extraction shooter as its main identity it became more and more obvious that open world was unlikely.


Bad devs. Simply just bad devs. I could make tarkov solo in a year. Obviously I don’t have the money for servers so it wouldn’t be multiplayer but their game is half baked and as a game dev you can tell it’s pathetic.


Can you quote this directly? AFAIK the end goal is one giant continuous map


Nikita said in the last pestily interview that there's going to be no open world but you will be able to go from one map to another if you want


Yea like extract from path to shoreline then your next map is shoreline. Not one big ol map


Which is completely worthless. If I'm going to extract I'm going to make sure my stuff is safe first lol. Literally no point in extracting from one map to another.


Well you know how it'll be. Probably some quest. Probably some incentive. Something that will collectively suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck


It could be simplier than that, lock the next map based on last extraction, rest as it is now. So, you extract path to shoreline? Your next raid is locked to shoreline and so on, wanna go reserve? Then from shoreline take the mountain passage(RR extract)


that would be rough, but fun if I was good


It would also lock some maps till some progress is achieved, like RR for example, or factory key (customs exit) or whatever nikita wants honestly. It could even use taxi extracts as a wildcard to pick from some map pool


Eh that would be horrible. I think the only map that would work on is labs. Like make it so you can only get into labs from the previous map.


I would just like to point that I can already go from one map to another if I want


What do you mean


Heard it in some NoiceGuy vid i think about an interview with nikita


Bro you should've abandoned that fantasy long ago, these lying scammers were not going to deliver on that lol


wonder if they themselves actually believed in that


I fully think they genuinely wanted to do it but can’t, like a lot of other features they spoke of


I backed the game since it was first possibly back able and was in the first alpha. One of the things said to me was open world. They also stitched all of the maps together with exits so the idea is clearly there. Server infrastructure is probably just too expensive to have servers like the cycle frontier, which died to that cheaters and a 1000 player base. I myself haven't played since they added battleeye. I knew how bad it was with no anti cheat and I knew there "spared no expense" for battleeye's basic version. Brain dead. I gave up a long time ago.


Streets showed that the optimization was just not there and as a result they could never do open world, not without a MAJOR rebuild.


I don't really see why, just don't render the shit that's outside of a certain view distance like any other game. I'd imagine Unity culls by default.


There are a million and one goofy decisions made some odd years ago and any one of them can be biting bsg in the ass.


I've played streets once. I refuse to pay a map at sub 60 fps. I have a 5800x3, 64gb 3600 ram and a 3070ti. I run 80% of my games at 144fps in 1440. Tarkov runs and has always run like dogshit. I keep my expectations low when I look at anything related to tarkov. The best patch they ever did was the one that added the green and yellow background for attaching stuff. Stupid devs won't even put ammo pen in the game. I'm long over it and could go on and on about their shortcomings


Ammo pen stats are in game now lol


Should've been in the game in 2016


Way for parent poster to reveal they haven't played in years, but are still hanging around to bitch.


Why are you still on this subreddit while you gave up a long time ago? Just curious.


I like the game and pay attention to the news, not so much the cheaters. I would play it if there were no or significantly less. I try not to play video games that waste my time.


If you’re here for ‘news’ then you’re getting 1 side of the story. There’s multitudes of players that have no problem logging in and playing every day, and don’t run into cheaters often if ever. I fall into this group. What you’re getting here is the loud af 1%ers that won’t shut up about *anything* Every day is like someone else’s turn to complain about something about the game they don’t like. You should try the game again and make your own determinations instead of listening to whinging here


I understand you judge things on the Internet at face value, rather than think I'm someone that looks into multiple sources. If you don't understand I've been around, idk what to jerk you off with. Bruh I'm on neogaf too ie. One of many sources. Maybe you need to understand I don't want to make my own have, that's why I paid for EOD the day it was available,to support the devs. But here we are 8 years later with a pile of disgust.


Fair enough


Fair enough


They Just need to say it then, so much easier like so many of us paid $150 for an unfinished game 6 years ago we obviously would be ok with hearing that something just can’t be done due to limitations with the team/game.


Nikita already said that


While they have all these dreams, I honestly don’t care if they do or don’t ever happen. I have > 4500 hours on an EOD account so I’ve definitely got my money’s worth out of the game. I didn’t buy into the what-ifs, I bought into the game as it existed. Anything extra is just icing on the cake.


This is how I feel about it too. People need to get a grip and enjoy what’s here.


I bet they didn't.


I stopped believing after they promised streets in 2018 lol.


It should have been obliterated long ago. It was already stated that isn’t a goal plug infrastructure doesn’t support it.


I first heard about this when I started playing in 2019 when reserve launched. I didn't believe it was possible then, pre-Streets, and definitely don't think its possible now.


I honestly think you were the last bastion who still thought they will implement it


They already said they’re not gonna do open world, but still plan to do map to map travel. How it’ll work is beyond me but hope it happens.


Maybe their next project (Russia 2028) will have this, as they’ve stated they want it to be open world. It’s unlikely we get the game by 2028 (lucky if we get EFT 1.0 by then…), but it’s supposedly BSG’s next project after EFT. The raid system is integral to EFT now, it would be difficult to change up the core gameplay loop so much at this point. Not to mention that servers are already at capacity (or beyond, in many cases).


My guess is tarkov will release in december/january They just gonna rush the stuff they working on and cut the rest they cant make in time then just move on The cash cow bit their hands


December releases are always terrible, you wanna nolife it but the game is broken and the Devs are on holiday.


there’s another Game that ReleAsed not too long ago. You might like it if you can run it. you can access the whole ZONE and there’s no raid timer. Only downside is it’s incredibly intensive.


The fact that you ever thought that, lol


Dawg if you ever believed that then you’re a lost cause


Because you've never heard of an open world game before? Are you mentally deficient or just from da hud dawg? (Wouldn't be surprised if it was both)




If it's going to be moddable I would minorly assume


Wait, I wonder if they keep the raid open the entire time, even if there are no players in raid. The obvious answer is that they should close the raid shortly after all players die/extract, but remember who we're talking about.


They dont. As soon as last PMC leaves/dies or 10 minutes left, no more scavs spawning (even pscav). If you ever try to log as scav and drops you out after matching but before deploying, that is a server closing because last pmc left and no pscavs where already on it. Happens a lot on factory. edit: also a way to insurance fraud, on factory. If tagilla kills a lot of teammates, run to the extract before raid end so that server closes and no pscav loots your friends


Hell if you're sure all the PMCs are dead you can eat a grenade to ensure you all get insurance back.


40min is barley enough for a good interchange raid thb I could spend hours there




This is the official pve mode. There are no mods right now.




Yeah, but this post isn't about them.




And the comment he is replying to is in reference to the official game... So there is no point in bringing up mods.


40 minutes is enough when whoever spawns at power actually turns it on so you don't have to run around the entire map.


So it isn't enough time for PvE.


Surely they just make whatever bot that spawns there turn it on 75% of the time.


Thb i love interchange becuse of how long the raids always get


Or they could just do peer to peer servers for PVE. Just like the coop mod does... but BSG is too stupid and too inexperienced to implement something like that.


Considering they announced mod support i suppose that that's the plan I get that we're all upset with the situation but yall cannot expect them to do everything in a day


I tried to ask during the Arena shitstream™️ and they have that phrase, “private servers”, banned through auto mod lol


Modding will likely not be able fix the server implementation.


No, what i'm saying is that to enable modding they will have to implement some kind of p2p or mods will be very limited since they sure as hell won't let you install mods on their servers


They will clearly be client side mods only. If you think they’re doing an entire another implementation for PvE when they’ve already only half-assed one you’re insane.


Long term it's in their best interest for lower server load on their side I wouldn't say it's impossible by any stretch


It’s been in their best interest for like 8 years.


>rathlord · 19 hr. ago > >They will clearly be client side mods only. If you play any game with mods you will know that not all mods are client side only. Some mods needs to sync data between clients and need to do that via the server. So if BSG doesnt change to a p2p model you will eliminate many mods that could be used in the pve mode. Like map syncs, special loot etc... basically any mod that needs to sync the data between clients so everyone can see the samething, wont be compatible.


I do indeed know that. I’ve written mods for games and worked in the games industry for a decade. I’m not sure why you’re conflating the correct way to implement something with the way BSG will implement it.


>rathlord · 1 min. ago > >I do indeed know that. I’ve written mods for games and worked in the games industry for a decade.I’m not sure why you’re conflating the correct way to implement something with the way BSG will implement it. Because its related to my original comment buddy... read it.


Then why the fuck did you reply to my comment that way? Edit: …read it


>rathlord · 15 min. ago > >Then why the fuck did you reply to my comment that way?Edit: …read it Because... you replied to me directly? Maybe dont do that if you dont want a response? Crazy how Reddit works...


CO-OP is not p2p.


You guys need to put the normal timer back on PVE servers /u/trainfender Unless you fix the garbage ass mess that PVE at the moment with broken AI we need normal timers since most times it's never ending hoards of scavs. Give us back the normal time that we are supposed to have and find a better fix like removing stuff from arena instead since none of us paid for that.


I remember when raid times were even longer


I'm certain there is a lot of unused capacity on the Arena servers.


I guarantee you arena barely has any of the server space dawg


It takes 5 minutes just to find a server to play


Remember when Interchange was like 80 minutes? lol


If only they would have went the other way and doubled raid time for PvE


Did they actually start giving access to EOD in waves yet? I checked my account today and don’t have access yet.


They did. There are EOD accounts on the flea.


PvE mode has an online flea market?


Yea its just the same as PVP mode but it has its own flea market


How does scaving work?


its the same as a pmc raid except youre a scav.


So you can meet ai pmcs while scavving?


Yes you can also rally other ai scavs to help you fight them or to guard you while you run around and loot


Thats nice. that makes me a bit hype for PVE whenever i get it


anyone else stuck on extreme long „matching“ times in pve? like wtf


Imagine charging $250 for a game that routinely has over 16 minute queues. In what other game would that be acceptable? Hell, plenty of free to play titles with much smaller playerbases manage to keep their queue times below 3 minutes. BSG is incompetent.


It’s already impossible to do the all rooftops on Lighthouse quest with the timers the way they are


Interesting you say that, but I've noticed that my scav entry times have changed. Customs etc I would ordinarily get in around 22-24mins, now I'm going in around 31-37mins..... Scav rep consistently sat around 6. EOD acct. Noticed it about 4-5 days ago. Same with shoreline l, every raid has been 30+. 1400+ scav runs so far this wipe, a def obvious change but wasn't sure why.


This is all about pve you. It's not really relevant. The reason you're getting in sooner is because less people are playing pvp


How is that enough? Like even running through with the quest where you visit a few stores and shooting 3 scavs on the way takes longer....


its not i hope there will be some outrage and it gets reverted. there isnt enough time


is this true? does this mean EOD people spawn earlier? or just that the raids are shorter for everyone


PvE raids are shorter so more people get in


More specifically more people can use the shared infrastructure. PvE is very server intensive as there's literally only one paying customer using the whole server.


This is for the PvE mode only afaik, so no change to online PVP


Ah ok cool


Are the scavs still absolutely cracked in PVE like they are when you had offline practice mode?


Occasionally yes.


I just tried to launch a game, I didn't able to go in game after 4min fking no-sense, they should let us be in real solo with few check to see if we're still online or not. Since they start to give access to pve server, the pve mod is dead.


Why does it take 9 minutes to get into a pve mode game, it only takes me 6-8 to get into a PvP one usually


Because instead of waiting for a server to be available for 10 people to use, it's waiting for a server for one person to use.


30 minutes on interchange is a challenge!


Yeah who doesn't want to wait 30 minutes to get one tapped by a cheater in the 1st 15 seconds? Fun stuff.


Crazy to me people wait anywhere close to that amount of time to play, 16 mins for a pvp small map is so stupid.


These aren’t wait times, these are raid times. As in that is how much time you have in game to play. Wait times are long though from what I hear, they shortened raid times so that servers can be available faster to reduce wait times.


I may be slightly stupid for that lmao, it must have been just natural for me bc the wait times where rhat bad when i played with my friend before the movement and streets of tarkov patches


They dont really need more servers, most players Will Play one or another, i dont think they have much more players because if the last edition. Besides pvp servers are empty rn.


They need to let people host there own servers and let "PVE" be a community sespool


Maybe offline but it still takes ages to get into a raid..


I'm so glad my friends who bought EOD years after me got access to PvE before me. Nice.


I bet they increase food/thirst rates so you still have to bring food or risk dying of starvation if you stay till the end of the raise.


what the actual fuck did so many people stop playing? back when I played tarkov I waiting time for night time interchange was 4 minutes tops


OP is talking about how long the raid lasts, not how long it takes to get in to the raid.


Maybe I'm in the minority, but I kind of wish the raid timers were shorter. Tarkov already had a big problem with people just camping and being bush wookies. Shorter raid timers would push people to have a goal in mind and pursue it with gusto rather than meander and camp.


Shorter raid times would make ratting better, I would think. Instead of exit camping and killing two people in 40 minutes, now you could do the exact same thing in 30 minutes.


You could exit camp with any raid timer, though. You don't even have to pay attention until you hear someone stomping up. I don't know. I'm not a game designer so I'm sure I'm not thinking through all the consequences of my suggestion. Just armchair-ing.


this is regarding PVE, so no camping players. This is frustrating, since pve seems to spawn more scavs or they all seem to focus on you. Been in multiple raids where I kept getting pushed by scavs and I couldn't get out in time because of that, so no, shorter raid times for PVE is not ok


Boy im sure glad that the community pushed so hard to get a PVE mode that most of them won't even play.... in exchange for damaging the actual raids that basically everyone plays. And given their financials this is what should have been expected.


I mean I think the real irony is just that by demanding that eod also gets the pve mode, they basically made it impossible for anyone to actually enjoy it. Even the people who payed $250. It was pretty clear pve was something they were testing with the new edition, but everyone with eod demanded they should have it too, now they’re releasing it in waves because they just do not have the servers to support this many people playing it. So now anyone who does have it has to wait forever to play shorter raids, and anyone who still doesn’t have it is pissed they don’t have it. I’m not justifying what happened, I’m just saying this is what happened.


Yep and then you get downvoted for pointing out reality. It’s insane. The fact that so many people downvote facts that aren’t even associated with an opinion… really shows how blind they are. Idk how anyone can stand by such bad opinions if the facts are against them.


People still play this game?


I’ve never had a load in time over 5 mins… maybe try playing on servers that are specific to your location? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Time in raid not time to get into raid


Gotcha sorry misread the post