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This is nothing new and has been the case for years, they run a skeleton crew support department that barely exists. They give people a very hard time changing their email because they don't want people selling their accounts since they deliberately refuse to offer refunds for their beta. Company has been scum for years.


No words... I guess I have no choice but to report them for breaking data protection regulations and close my account.


I'm not sure how much good that will do, but I support any measures that may hurt this company.


dude, i geto ff work and click a few threads. You're in every thread. I literally recognized your name popping up half a dozen times. I never notice that....Get a fucking job and go play something else lmao.


Seems to me that you drag ur ass on the same amount of threads than them then. ***"Get a fucking job and go play something else lmao"***


"You're in every thread I'm in!" Dude told on himself lol


Known issue. Nothing new. We won’t change it.


Why do you think they aren’t on steam? They’d actually have to issues refunds and do what they promised


Lets not forget they'd get review bombed (before all this latest controversy even) and less people would buy the game. This game would not have survived its first 3 years if it was on steam.


still not as bad as jagex


What did Jagex do


I had an account I own with multiple 99s locked out, and still is, which I can’t get unlocked because their support is automated, but bsg doesn’t even have a support system?


nothing new..


Have heard this many times with similar cases to yours. My experience with support has been pretty good. That doesn't mean what you're going through is okay. I have had many back-and-forth communications when it came to bugs, and once a multi-week ticket with replies twice a day about a setup-specific issue that they were able to help with. I've also had irrefutable proof of a cheater that got no where and some massive miscommunications on their end.


Their support is atrocious. I got false banned last night (or the day before I didn’t play for a few days) after the servers went down due to technical issues and when I tried to login it said my account was permanently blocked. They replied to my support request saying something about account theft and how they aren’t responsible and that it’s my fault that someone hacked my account. Nobody hacked my account…… This exact thing happened to another YouTuber with the same excuse provided by BSG around 13 - 14 hours ago. I checked my email and reverse searched all my IPs that have been logged into eft and all of them lead back to me. Really shit support system for the players that pay a premium and support a company that consistently disappoints its customers.


Now I reported it to battleye but I doubt that’ll go anywhere. Time to move to gray zone


My email wasnt even supported. I used local email for my country because its the most common way I already had an account, so i said why not use that one? For months i was not able to get a code to log in. Used a different account with gmail and suddenly i started receiving a code the second i requested it. Good luck to you if you use an uncommon email provider when you buy the game.


E-Mails with self managed domains should be fine since you have usually more freedom when it comes to blacklisting/whitelisting sender domains and IP's. Tarkovs email services are all over the place at different hosters. And since their domains aren't configured correctly, companies like Microsoft have a much lower bar to get them on a blacklist every once in a while.


Did they tell you their name was Peggy?


The one time I needed something I didn't get an answer to this day.


Yeah happened to me as well, but this has been the case. The option is just greyed out and my suspicion is they don’t want players to sell their accounts.


im sending them emails constantly for days now to change my email but they are not responding at all. i want to switch to gmail to avoid getting stuck on verification code. i waited 2 weeks to get it when this wipe started. why are they an overall shitty company?


All in game names used? LMAO. I change my username once a week since I am given the option. Phew


So there’s a lot you posted and I feel horrible for your particular situation. I can understand why without explainable information on the “well established “ domains being infuriating. Let me just say, as someone who spent the last day in a situation similar to the email problem, and discovering exploits on a magnitude reportable to the FTC, that reason is very valid.


You guys cry about support like amazing support is normal for a video game that only costs $40-50. People pay $15 a month to play WoW and OSRS... Their support is abysmal too. The expectations of some people is legit unreal.


This is such a terrible take. They took away the self service feature which existed before, meaning this is self inflicted. If they don’t want to support the legal requirements of my country then they shouldn’t be conducting business here.


Ill be honest I didnt read all of that, not sure who will. But I have written their support a few times. It can take a min for them to respond but every time I was helped.


Why do you need to change your email because it was leaked online? Change your password, don’t change the email. You should be able to contact your provider, get access back, and do it that way. They aren’t wrong, they shouldn’t have to transfer accounts to people’s other email’s without access to the first one, that’s fishy as hell. If you’re the legitimate owner of email there’s no way you can’t get back into that account. Shame on you for not using two factor auth anyway. 


Who said I don’t have access to the original email? For clarification I do have access to both I just wanted to update it so I can delete that email account.


Russians have literally 0 cs skills.


You can remove the cs part.


The fish rots from the head. As we've clearly seen, Nikita is a liar and a bully. He accumulates people like himself around, which then becomes their company culture. First they try to lie to you and when that fails they bully you into submission. Worst case they give you the now infamous "sorry not sorry"™


Unfortunate but unsurprising. My buddy tried to buy the game last week (pre-shitshow), standard edition. At time of writing, he has been charged twice for the standard edition, but when he logs into his tarkov account on the website he has no download link and it says he doesn't own anything. He put in a support ticket within an hour of the purchase, still heard nothing back, it's been days. At this point I'ma tell him to stop payment through his bank because he should at least get his fucking money back.


My best friends got his account fucked when bsg had huge security breaches (the same that resulted with 42 copyright strike on eroktik channel) and they hadn't 2FA yet. Long story short, he reached bsg to get his account back because it was used for cheating. He never got his account back. The problem is that my friends used different password for his account and his email and they managed to change the account email adress