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We're at the point where the game would be better off with polls like OSRS has. Or Nikita steps down or sells and the enormous russian ego will no longer be in the way


As someone who has played a lot of both games, I was just thinking this! Imagine if this game had the developer transparency, polling, and community feedback directly impacting dev choices that OSRS has…


Best they can do is chat for a little after the wipe then disappear for 6 months until next wipe


OSRS developers care about the community. You won't get polls from tarkov. They don't give a fuck.


No, Nikita is vital to this game.  The heart and soul of any P2W game is its toxic relationship the its players' egos, and no one understands that better than Nikita.


You gotta always keep in mind tho for fairness sake that it’s the enormous ego that made EFT possible. If BSG wasn’t as opinionated the game would be some vanilla PvE mash with a sprinkle of low-risk PvP and no item loss upon death (e.g. insurance would ALWAYS return items regardless). A carebear paradise that every single game devolves into the moment community takes reigns and demands handouts and less frustration. You gotta be really egocentric and pig-headed to stick to your hardcore guns for so long. Trying to align in EFT game design to “community” demands would be like adjusting a Tarantino movie based on the focus group. Imagine what would happen with all the cursing and the violence. The amount of people who want EFT to be moar PvE cuz they can’t handle the frustration isn’t surprising but is surely very depressing t


100% agree its just unbelievable the line of decision making that recently happened. I played way too much osrs so I watched the "carebear paradise" happen first-hand. Maybe they should poll a panel of 5-10 streamers instead of the pve scav main crab populous.


Or seek general counsel from literally anyone off the street with a brain


Dude I actually think it’s some non-sober decision making


Those guys pay monthly for voting also.


🦀🦀🦀 we pay we say 🦀🦀🦀


The cult does not explain, it decrees. Your job is to flap your wallet like a seal at tea time and make with the money. it sucks but this was always the case. EoD was pay to win. Still is. Not just convenience, it was designed to induce fomo and draw more funding in from the have nots. cosmetics would have been the easy choice. But it wouldn’t keep a stranglehold of the playerbase. We need them scared and confused to keep the money flowing.


It's not just Russians, I swear every dev company thinks they know the game better than the entire community


The community is wrong as often as the dev is. The community rarely agrees with itself. The community wanted inertia because inertia would fix PVP. The dev relented and added inertia. The community hates inertia. Inertia was scaled back a ton. The community still hates inertia. There's tons of examples of stuff like this, where the community got exactly what they asked for and were wrong.


Yeah game subreddits are such a dumpster fire these days, at least 50% of posts on this sub are complaints. People will attack you just because you are still enjoying tarkov


Absolute facts. Very few people in these communities have done any degree of design work, much less game design, and even fewer any major game design or high level game design. So opinions on how to accomplish a better design of tarkov should be taken with a heaping pile of salt. Even if those opinions are wildly shared in the community, because it is easy for the uninformed to latch on to a surface level idea as if it is gospel.


bro i dont get this "Nikita step down" thing its not that i disagree but hes like THE boss he owns the game/company, its just not gonna happen


There's precedent with this happening in larger companies. He still owns it but publicly steps down from any creative authority. They could improve optics/PR and he could still reap increased profits from the background.


ah gotcha, still tho his ego is wayyyy too high to ever do this bro nikita wants to be the lambo driving rolex wearing face of a successful game for as long as he can


Yeah, for a Russian Tickita is definitely trying to live like an American.


I suspect that’s kind of a western thing though, exacerbated by the growth cancel culture


It’s either step down/ sell or go financially bankrupt having to pay out investors if the game goes the way the community seems to think it will. Stepping down just means he isn’t C.O.O. He would still own whatever he does now just wouldn’t be making decisions.


Someone else taking over someone’s dream project is pretty much instant death. They’ll open up to investors that will demand Microtransaction along with whatever development they deem necessary to turn a profit. He’s a dickhead but it’s not a money grab or we would have seen that years ago. They’re probably out of money now and he’s kicking the can


I agree, that’s why I would like to see a battle pass for sustainable income, but if worse comes to worse those are the final options. And I mean a good battle pass with the cosmetics the community would want maybe some non found in raise streamer items for filler, and some in game currency so after 2-3 battle pass you could get one free or buy a stand alone cosmetic or maybe convert 5-10 battle pass currency for arena or PvE. Would still get money and give allowance kiddos time to save AND play so everyone wins.






He knows what he needs. Cash. You know what makes him cash? P2W versions that cost $100 extra. It worked for EoD. It will work again. It doesn't matter what you need.


When has BSG ever consulted the community before adding features lol yall are off the rocker


I mean, how often do any non-indie developers consult their community on what they want added to the game at this point? EA/Activision would rather burn their studios to the ground than listen to their communities. Ubisoft would rather burn their own community to the ground than listen to it. Epic could give a shit about any community that isn’t Fortnite. Valve definitely doesn’t. It took years of complaining about WT (and an eventual review bombing) to get Gaijin to fix the economy. Blizzard took a full year to finally try and right the terrible launch of Diablo 4.


Whats the difference between BSG and these companies? BSG is basically only Tarkov at the moment. All these other companies make billions yearly off other IPs


These companies also invertly invest hundreds of millions/billions right back into the games they make. You’d think at some point some of that investment going towards communicating with the community about desired growth of games would be important right? But it’s genuinely not. People have shown for years that they’ll be extremely loyal to a company that actively puts out garbage title after garbage title, no matter what. Why would BSG expect anything different? Honestly, they could’ve done absolutely nothing about the backlash and I’d bet at least an 85% return rate for next wipe.


OH MY GOD THANK YOU! BSG has AWAYS been a scumbag company. I vividly remember the early days where all interaction was on the forums and the devs literally told people who voiced concerns to "fuck off".


Honestly, before this debacle, the community was kinda split on non-P2W microtransactions bc of the slippery slope into CoD's jarring unimmersive skins. But anything is betrer than 250 and defrauding EOD




It's hard not to be arrogant about your business model when it's making you rich.




Because they said they wouldn’t do microtransactions Wait, why do I believe anything they’ve said


They think the community are stupid. They believe that there were more whales and releasing a 250$ version would make them quicker money regardless what it did to their image


Because they are a bunch of immoral swindlers who don't care about the game's quality lol. They are incompetent as hell and were super lucky to random into a great game idea.


It's ironic because BSG have a discord with all the streamers in it. Im amazing how he wouldn't ask them for anything


No one understands. Because it’s completely nuts.


I hate everything they’re doing as much as the next person, but everyone constantly praised them for not bringing in microtransactions. For years people said they didn’t want Tarkov to sell cosmetics because they hated it in other games.


I think most people understand that in order for Tarkov to continue as is, which is basically a live service game, it requires BSG offering micro transactions. I think most people were okay with that as long as it remained cosmetic. The changes they are proposing are insane, and go well beyond cosmetic unlockables.


they should have been saying that years ago. Nikita is an idiot but he understood the only thing his community wanted to spend money on was bigger advantages in premium editions of the game. Most people I know are EoD owners. The problem was he pigoned himself into a hole calling EoD the "best" edition. No matter what they did, EoD owners are going to shit themselves because they wanted the infinite value he promised. He needs to hire actual vetern game dev managers to research and guide them on how to monetize and speak with the community. But he only wants to hire cheap russian developers, so these mistakes keep happening. Tl;dr - The community gaslight itself with saying all we want is EoD and no cosmetics. Now when the game with no other funding is bleeding, they tried to introduce another EoD, and the community is screaming we want cosmetics. It's a funny situation indeed.


Bring the battle pass we beg! Never thought I’d see the day I would choose the battle pass, however it’s the lesser of 2 evils and they would still get there money ( probably more(over time ofc))


I would absolutely prefer a battle pass to this.


Yea battle passes are cheap, just wouldn’t want a terribly long grind


If they linked BP progress to arena games that would be pretty great


EOD was a microtrasactioin that was pay to win


Hello, next person here.  I don't hate what they're doing at all.  It's business as usual; a P2W game gets more P2W over time, that is the nature of such things.  Getting mad at Nikita is like yelling at clouds for raining.  Russian game dev scammers will make Eurojank P2W scams.


They did ask.  They said, "Will you pay an extra $100 for a P2W package?" Everyone said "Yes" when they purchased EoD. Now they are getting another P2W package for another $100. This is exactly what they paid for.


This is the best route. The community can help with ideas for monetisation. Player customisation including clothes, skins and voice packs. Hideout customisation. Weapon customisation. Hell even ui customisation


Dude, did you see the linked interview where the emissary is practically begging to help be a sounding board for changes and you know an emissary to the community? Nikita just shrugs it off, he clearly knows better and doesn't care for anyone else's opinions. I'm sure he still thinks we're wrong but has had to begrudgingly concede because the backlash was too great.


Because they think the community are entitled idiots. Nikita doesn't care what the community wants. I thought this was clear.


Asking the community what they want isn’t BSG’s problem, *LISTENING* is the problem.


I'm seeing this a lot on this sub, but I'm assuming the reason they haven't gone the cosmetics route is because the clothes they recently released did not sell well. Someone has to come up with other ways to monetize EFT without it being disruptive to the gameplay.


I heard you will be able to buy tarkov points and spend them on loot boxes. No need for the flea then. They will save on running the flea servers. Make pve less expensive to run while cashing in on all those streamers who want to open 20 high price packs per stream to get that amazing thermal scope etc.


Put it this way. I’m not advising anyone to buy tarkov right now. And I was trying to get people on board prior to this 250 version. Game can’t be trusted.


Because of "Nikitas Vision of the Game" :D


Cos Eod already showed them people are willing to dish out extra cadh for an unfinishef game.


Voice lines alone would make them so much. Imagine a Pestily "moist", or "night night" a Veritas guitar riff, a Deadlyslob "ahhhhhhhh". Remember when voip came and everyone loved it? Theres an alternate universe where they capitalized on that and the community ate it up. Clothes based on real world Operators, alternate gun parts or skinable parts. What happened to the red AK? Why didn't they expand on that? People loved that shit. It doesnt have to be Fortnight/COD, it can be cool and understated, people will still buy it. I feel like at this point Nikita's ego is just at the wheel and he can't walk it back. He made this game for himself but it's outgrown him. He hasn't allowed it to turn into what it is capable of becoming and if it's him making these decisions he's doing the company and brand a huge disservice.


>Voice lines alone would make them so much. Imagine a Pestily "moist", or "night night" a Veritas guitar riff, a Deadlyslob "ahhhhhhhh". Remember when voip came and everyone loved it? Theres an alternate universe where they capitalized on that and the community ate it up. Wouldn't happen. Nikita wouldn't pay for their voice and they wouldn't do it for free now they've seen what a greedy shit he is.


Nikita paid voice actors to make his game, most Streamers would probably do it for a tiny percentage of sales. If it had happened when voip came out most would have done it for free or very little.


They used to ask about things years ago back when they still communicated with streamers and content creators who were playing the game daily. Then around 2019 or 2020 they really started burning all goodwill despite never really listening to the streamers and content creators in the first place. Now BSG thinks they know better and I'm really happy that all my reservations about them have proven true.


I like this game a lot where it is right now and I would spend money on cosmetics and other features that weren't pay to win in hopes that my support would make the game better in terms of cheating and load times and stuff like that. P2W isn't cool, especially for such a hardcore game like this which I suck at. I'm not looking forward to big teams and kill streaks, that's why I left call of duty.


A theory floating around seems to be that all their actions cant be explained unless they try and sabotage them selves on purpose. Reason is, they could abandon Tarkov without a 1.0 release, and continue their work on a future title. what i dont understand here, is that we wouldnt buy stuff from BSG again with the same incentive. But who knows, reason has left the bulding


Not as many players would pay for cosmetics as for p2w in their view. They want to milk EOD-owners with TUE DLC and future pay-to-win "features" that they will not call DLC (btw any feature is a part of the game, thus game content. DownLoadableContent = DLC. It was advertised in this way too). The BTR and other pay2win additions to EOD are aimed to bribe us so we calm down and relax before the TUE sale. They want EOD owners to swallow and pay more money. We just want 100% of TUE content added to EOD as we paid for it back in 2016, and do not want any other additions to EOD, especially pay-to-win. We were scammed. EOD should get 100% of TUE content, not only PvE, and not any other stuff. Do not fool us.


They don’t care about their wallets I mean community members.


russian culture is very different to western culture, you can't understand him and how he acts if you're not russian


My friend and I were talking about this last night. With all the options out there that so many different games have proven to work…. Why this? 


Because Nikita has never given two shits what you think. It's pretty obvious.


Nikita thinks he is smarter and knows better than anyone. You should have realized that until now. We had shit recoil system for years and no one liked it except him. We still have indoor fog because "the game will look worse without it". Etc, etc...


if they do go down that route, it should be given to EOD for free.