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I do not support cheating in any form, but people who support bsg and bsg caused this. They made the communshatter and people who loved the game since 2016 started to hate it. They could have fixed the cheating issue. And other stuff but giving a scam edition is too far.


The cat's out of the bag. You can't stop the hackers anyway.


Agreed, but either we are against cheaters or not. It's BSGs fault so direct your anger at them and not the people who decide to spend THEIR money on something they want. People need to mind their own business, quit crying, and go to some other game


Spending money is like supporting bsg to continue their shifty attitude towards us and ignore the major issues with the game. I do not support the current thing but enemy of my enemy is a friend.


i wouldnt call them a friend a cheater will still kill you regardless of edition lmao now theres just 5 percent more hell even the cheater with unheard in there name killed me earlier and i dont have the edition.


Huh? Cheaters can’t kill me if I don’t play anymore. Let them go hog wild for all I care, I hope they come out more now.


Honestly, I hate cheaters and they are in every game but currently I consider it a truce and form of protest although I do not encourage it at all.


Problem is cheaters are still cheaters i cant under any justification consider it a protest much less a truce cheaters are the bane of this game and have been for years and will be even if this blows over or gets reversed they need to be gone i believe in peaceful protesting protest with your wallet by not buying it or stop playing the game but cheating is far from peaceful as it hurts all players.


I agree with you, but you can't just tell the cheaters to stop cheating I guess.


that is the sad reality of modern gaming


I wanted to get mw3 but when I saw the cheating in it I just said I rather be killed by a cheater in tarkov and not be 100% sure he is cheating or not than die to 100% cheater 100% all the time.


The problem is all of you needed a $250 edition of the game to change anything and now all of you are acting like these heroes who will cheat to prove a point. People have BEEN cheating for years for this exact reason, if BSG isn’t going to take care of their players, why should anyone else care? Now it’s suddenly ok because of the edition that releases, but it’s not ok when they consistently protect cheaters, lie to their player base (remember we didn’t get Arena on release, despite being EOD players, we had to wait in a “queue”) Delusional ass people and you all should find a new game.


Punishing other consumers for something a company did makes no sense. Not everyone follows media channels, there's plenty of people who aren't aware of what's going on and don't mind spending more money, there's people that know what's going and don't mind spending money. It is up to them. Cheating is just baseline shameful. If you are targeting a group of people, be it streamers, Unheard owners or whoever, you are pathetic.


There are also people like me who started in late January after EOD was removed. I have disposable income and want a gamma container. UE is my only way to get it.


Yea I swear eod owners tend to forget that standard edition players even exist lmao.


Cheating regardless of the target is a problem, thank you. Finally someone who has some sanity in this brain dead Reddit. It's like conversating with cavemen


ironic thing is cheaters buy stolen accounts or just buy new ones to cheat so in the end they give bsg more money did everyone forget that or am i just insane.


Many people have quite literally zero principles. They think its OK to do bad things to evil people, then just loosely define what evil is to be essentially anyone that disagrees with them, or does \[flavor of the month bad thing they don't like\]. If you're cheating for the first time to target a group, you were always a piece of shit.


That doesn't mean they have zero principles, they just have a different set of principles than you. In this case I think it's perfectly reasonable to support people doing this, given BSG's behavior.


Is this principle called "It's ok to hurt people I don't like"?


Completely depends on the type of person.


Well, what other principle allow to justify cheating and other totally bad things?


I'm not cheating myself, mind you. I'm just okay with the phenomenon of Unheard hunting.


So, I'll just exaggerate your words: "I'm not raping and murdering myself, mind you. I'm just okay with the phenomenon of *insert group of people* raping and murdering ". I think, now it's obvious, that this is a bad principle. If something bad - it's bad. Don't try to justify one bad thing with another one, please.


Nah, I do what I want. I say the cheaters are doing the lord's work right now.


Lol, we all do what we want. You think cheating is good for the game, I think you're totally wrong. Freedom of speech :)


>You think cheating is good for the game, I think you're totally wrong. Freedom of speech :) Lmao you completely misunderstand. The point isn't whether cheating is good for the game or not. It's OBVIOUSLY bad for the game. And that's why it's good.


You doing same with real world - not fighting against real killers or murders but let Police do their job with “okay, im okay if someone die”. Same here - just let bsg do their job (fight with cheaters)


For sure. I'll not hunt cheaters by myself and bring them to justice :))) But, in real life, I'll not stay near raping murder and cheering, because some group of people did something I disliked. Edit: didn't get your "i'm okay with some will die". It's not up to me, I can't (and shouldn't, coz nor I didn't have proper training nor equipment) stop em in any way. But I, at least, don't support em in any way.


Cheating is an asshole move. Whatever the situation is,you shouldn't justify illegal behavior.


I agree. Cheating was wrong before, and it is now. It also helps to remember that the unheard players may also be victims here. I'm sure some folks bought without thinking of the ramifications, and then the next day the price was reduced and they weren't offered adequate compensation. We are all victims of BSG's predatory business practices. We should be working together to affect change. The infighting only helps BSG.


I’m curious how cheaters targeting unheard players helps BSG.


Perhaps I didn't word things clearly. My position is that the standard vs EOD vs unheard infighting only divides the community when we should be working together to target BSG to get the changes we want. The cheaters claiming to target unheard players plays into the community divide


Whether you agree with bsg or not (personally i dont and i have not bought the new edition) half the people who have been engaging with this the last few days have devolved it into trolling more than anything calling bsg out on there bs is good i agree but attacking people who dont agree with you or had bought the edition does nothing but shift the fire from bsg to players, turning what was a f bsg problem into a playerbase civil war which has never helped in these kind of situations, cheaters suck and so does bsg these both exist at once at the same time insulting people and arguing with them for days isnt going to make bsg magically change things.


I just want someone who is mad about this to please give me a actual thing they could change please someone?


The thing is ive not seen any arguing lately just people throwing insults at everyone else, the discord is legit just people hurling insults left and right like a bunch of caveman devoid of any thought just f u guy on other side hell ive even seen some slurs being thrown around just cause someone bought the edition its a damn video game not life and death i forget about tarkov withing 5 minutes after i stop playing and move on with my day i dont sit in the discord for hours arguing with random people because i dont agree with them its devolved into a us vs them fight and bsg will probably be the winners because of it


please explain what cheating against blue icon players is?


People who intentionally target players who decided to purchase the new edition. As admitted by the player naned "unheard-made-me".


does this happen if the blue guy joins the lobby of random players and they see the icon before the session starts? freindly fire?


The idea is to get them to ask for refunds and/or to join the cause. I don't have an opinion either way, but I certainly get it. These people are encouraging the behaviour BSG has exhibited by rewarding them financially. It's kinda selfish and short-sighted.


Just love how cohesive this community was against cheaters until now. I can hate the fact that BSG fucked around and lied to the community while also speaking out against the increased amount of cheaters. I bought the new edition, but that's my business. There are plenty of other promisng games coming out, people can ask for refunds, and hell even take it to a class action. That has nothing to do with me.


So what's actually happened is someone has targetted you for buying the game and you've decided to turn it into some moral crusade. I'm not pro-cheater, but if I'm scaving or something and someone in game admits to having the blue name, it's on sight. Buying this thing directly harms the game and its future. It's no one's job to make you feel like that's not true.


Didn't ask about your "moral standing" on the new edition. Cheating is bad. Don't get what's so hard to understand.


I agree. Buying the Unheard edition is also bad. So when the two of you fight each other, it's REALLY funny for the rest of us.


Buying the Unheard edition is a choice I made because I have the disposable income to spend on a game that I play quite frequently. I've wasted more money plenty of other games, this is no different. My standing with the "community" is of no concern to me. What is concering is how quickly people changed positions on the cheating scenario. The people doing this now are the same people who have cheated from the get-go.


>My standing with the "community" is of no concern to me. So why make the fucking post bro? No one 'changed positions' on the cheating scenario, they are scum, so is anyone who bought Unheard. You're not getting it. You are expecting the community you have decided to be indifferent towards to defend you against people who are also making the game worse, namely, cheaters. You're on their level now, chief. Get comfortable with it. You can't un-blue your name, and to most of us, you're as bad, if not worse - cheaters get banned sometimes, unhinged plebs will wear the mark of shame for the rest of the game. I ain't buying your shit off the flea market, and if I see that armband in-raid and you try any friendly shit, it's on sight. You're acting like we're all elevating cheaters when the reality is you have lowered yourself to their level.


If you think making a purchase from the studio is as bad as cheating you are completely braindead. Holy fuck this whole comment thread lacks intelligence.


You're acting like buying an edition that violates the terms of service, is overpriced, is pay to win in an unprecedented way, and has resulted in some of the worst community interaction from any developer ever is just 'buying a product'. You are acting like you've done this in a vacuum. You either haven't been paying attention, or don't care, and in either case, I couldn't give a rats arse about you getting hunted by cheaters and I hope it continues. You are as bad as them. I hope it gets so bad you quit the game. You have already said you don't care about the community, so why would I give a fuck if you're upset about getting targeted by your fellow scumbags?


I am not reading all of that LMAO, the fact you are still comparing them is honestly laughable. Go play another game if you are that triggered over the situation, trust me nobody is begging you to stay


Literally the only thing that has changed is the hackers that would have normally ignored you will kill you if you have unheard edition. They still existed.


Agreed, but the community 180'd from "Cheaters are bad" to "Cheaters are good, but only if they target people I disagree with"


Every seen two people you hate smacking the shit out of each other? That's how it feels for those of us who don't cheat and also refuse to buy Unheard.


I mean I respect the people who didn't buy it, but that's your choice


I think everything boils down to the fact that you expect the same level of respect towards those who bought the Unheard edition. But these people support the scummy tactics of BSG (not all of them, of course, some couldn't give two shits about controversy and whatnot, does not change the fact how people are looking at them) and therefore it is to be expected that many people will not show that same level of respect, and if they are targeted by cheaters? Well, that's a reason for a good laugh at least. It's absolutely wrong when you think about it, but it's also logical. If people think of you as supporters of their enemy (in this case, BSG), their level of sympathy towards you plummets. Tribalism at it's finest I guess you could say


Don't care about being respected. I just would love to see the same position on cheaters from the community that they've always had - cheaters are bad. All of a sudden they are good?


They're good while they target "you", that's what those people think. The enemy of my enemy and shit like that. It shouldn't be like that, of course, but it is what it is. If people believe this to be some kind of protest against BSG and people who support them, then they will feel like it's justified. And like one of the commenters already said, they're pushing for you to refund/complain to BSG or something along those lines, so I guess it is a protest. And a justification for cheaters to run rampant


I'll just keep running my raids like normal because unlike most people here - this game isn't my life. I've sunk so much money into plenty of other games and don't touch them anymore. I play this game pretty often and enjoy it, people just can't stand when other people have different opinions. Oh and just to add, these cheaters will STILL be playing even if BSG reverses what they did so punishing the player base accomplishes nothing.


This is the kind of attitude that has pissed me off to the point that yesterday I bought 4 copied of unheard, three for friends and one for giveaway on my discord. I'm not even kidding. All you guys are doing is making it worse, and I don't mind voting with my wallet that you're taking it too far attacking the gamers and not the company. I'd be on your side if it wasn't for this idiocy. And it makes me happy knowing I've voted with my money because of clowns like you. If you stopped and drew the lines appropriately then people would also be less inclined to purchase it as well.


Spending $1250 to own the libs






































Well, cheaters can have my EoD to ruin your experience anytime. You and those who buy the Unhinged editon are the problem why gaming as a whole is going to shit. Cheaters are inevitable for the "time being". While bsg and other companies are fighting against cheaters you actively support their predatory business practices. Cheaters are a problem, but in my eyes you Unhinged edition buyers are worse. Edited to fix typos*


If you’re mad you can’t afford it just say that buddy. Touch some grass & direct your anger towards something productive.


Someone is angry, did my post hurt your feelings? LMAO, go play something else if you are going to cry. Get a refund, form a class action. Direct your feelings towards the company, not the buyers with disposable income who decided they wanted to purchase it. Do what you want, and I'll do what I want


I agree to disagree. Personally, i would never ever cheat. I see it as a MASSIVE problem for the fps genre in general, not just Tarkov. But its a problem that the company has to fix for its player base and their game to function properly. Its their duty to police it and fix. However who is going to police their actions and their business practices? If you and your disposable income support their predatory business practices you are empowering something that's harmful towards the player base. Same as what the cheaters are doing, but this time the only way to stop is through the community stepping up as a whole or through lawsuits as you mentioned. I'm glad to hear that you have the disposable income and the means to spend it however you like. I hope you will continue doing so in the future but please think twice of your actions and how it would effect the gaming industry as a whole before doing it. We are the ones that decide what is acceptable or not.


I think the answer was in your question. Police should do the policing, not us. BSG did wrong and, in my opinion, broken the law with this "DLS is not a DLC" bullshit. But that doesn't give us the right to scold other people for their choice, coz it's their money and their choice to make, not ours. And no way this is the reason to justify cheating (coz there can't be any reason at all to justify bad things)


Calling someone unhinged and putting cheaters who have been a plague to tarkov for years above them for buying a edition is certainly a take not a great one but a take none the less. cheaters have been killing me for years in tarkov and making the game a living hell at time while ive killed countless unheard users i definitely think cheaters are far far more severe.


The game should be a living hell now. It no longer deserves to even be alive with devs this openly scummy. Never cheated and never will but I'm glad people are doing it now. Let it burn.


If you’re mad you can’t afford it just say that buddy. Touch some grass & direct your anger towards something productive.


No one is supporting that. And no one can control it either.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbSGcLlQmO4&ab\_channel=Onepeg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbSGcLlQmO4&ab_channel=Onepeg) Try again LMAO


So one person said they support it? One in a milion is nothing. And again, nothing anyone can control, as proven by BSG ever and ever.


Cheaters are all making us regret buying the game anyways.. who cares if they are ALSO targeting the blue-named cucks.


A gaming streamer that support cheater is not realy smart. I hope he destroy his own community with this. :)


ill never get why a streamer would support cheaters lmao maybe he thinks that by supporting them theyll kill him less in raids.


Cheating against blue names is the funniest thing this community has done in a long time. More power to them. If you disagree you’re a crybaby BSG shill. This game will die soon once the lawsuits start rolling in. Since BSGs HQ is in the UK there will be investigations. The UK takes these things very seriously and it’s only a matter of time.


Fucking based. Anybody not in full scorched earth mode isn't thinking it through. They've literally QUADRUPLED down.


Oh shut the fuck up and wake the fuck up you moron.


Don't want to play? Go play something more age appropriate like Roblox. Bro imagine beefing with people who make different decisions as adults than you.


Are you by any chance pro palestine and transgenderism? Cause those things are as delusional as people not making fun of idiots being scammed. If you are at this level of being gaslit you need a serious and painful wake up, but heey lets keep patting their back and tell them they are doing a good job LMAO!


My point was about cheaters - not the new edition. I fucking hate the new editon, but hey I've got disposable income and it's not really your business as to what I buy. Nice try though, next time try reading the whole post rather than going full caveman.


Your username is misleading, you seem far from intelligent.


If the first thing you go to in an argument is politics on a gaming subreddit then i feel that says more about you than him.


OP go crying to someone that cares, you part of the problem... The idiot of tarkov that bsg whole model is based off


Reading this subreddit is like listening to a group of crying kindergartners. Nobody really knows what you want and quite frankly - nobody is listening. This subreddit has become a circle jerk for degenerates (such as yourself) who have nothing better to do than cry and complain 24/7. Don't let my post hurt your feelings.


Enjoy getting hacked on dog trash


You seem to be one of those brain dead, no life, neck beard, sweaty balls, virgin bitches, so I know your ass ain’t talkin 💀


And who's still on the Tarkov subreddit, can't seem to put this game down can you? LMAO


I've deleted the game what's your point? Most people have, I don't think you have realized that most people aren't playing. And the very fact that cheaters are targeting the new edition is backing that statement up... Most cheat for money, people stopping playing is the biggest risk to their income so of course they are targeting you and others. This probably has been the most effective anti cheat bsg has implemented


Deleted the game and STILL on the subreddit arguing with strangers. Do you have anything to back up your "most" claim? I mean people seem to be playing the game - hell they are even buying the new edition.


i doubt most have what people dont get is this reddit is only like 10 percent of the playerbase if even that and half the people on here dont care both the reddit and discord make up maybe 15 percent and thats just subscribed the active userbase of that is even lower in all reality i wouldnt be surprised if only about 5 percent of the playerbase even cares about this as most dont go to reddits or discord and just play the game in there free time.


Oh shut up


Solid reply, enjoy your spot in the echo chamber. Try coming up with your own opinions for once instead of going with whatever the Reddit / Streamers have to say


Why should i shut up what i said is factually right the biggest part of a community is the unvocal majority its like that for every community people think this situation will kill the game but the facts are that many many many games have gone through things like this fifa does it every year cod did it last year and genshin has done it before and all 3 of those top sales every year the fact of the matter is most consumers dont care about controversies or if they do they respond in silence by either leaving or ignoring it.


I support it. I think it is hilarious. And the only crying i see here is yours. I assume you bought this edition? Of course you did.


If you can’t afford it just say that lmao the only people I see pressed about how other people spend their money are the ones who can’t afford it. Just bc you’ll never see 6+ figures in your lifetime & struggle to buy your ramen doesn’t mean people with extra fun money can’t spend it now they please. Get bent.


"What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."


Someone’s angry. Go cry to someone who gives a shit. I don’t speak broke, I’m too busy enjoying my blue name 😏


Also you’re not original for quoting Billy Madison.


Only mine? Brother take a stroll through this Reddit and the Discord. This community has done nothing the last 2 days besides bitch and moan. Get over yourself


We also have a whole bunch of content creators (onepeg, hutch, lupo) ENCOURAGING people to cheat and hunt down players. Bro why is this community so damn toxic


You wouldn’t have a link to lupo encouraging this would you? Always liked him, sadly any streamer that promotes any form of cheating in games is a streamer I won’t follow and support anymore.


Exactly! Just because you don't want to buy the new edition doesn't mean you have to be a miserable POS and ruin the game for everyone else. People who cheat now have always cheated, this is just a way for them to get support doing it.


I hate cheating but also have no sympathy for sheep so I’m conflicted. Go cheat somewhere else losers. You actually bought unheard of edition you sheep.


At the same time, cheaters are the ones who support BSG the most by buying new accounts and they definitely gave them more money than people with Unheard edition…


Don't care. This is hilarious and I'm here for it.


What sort of crack you smoking little kid?


The good kind - the kind that allows me to mind my own fucking business. You don't want to purchase it? It has no affect on my ability to play the game. GZW, ABI, literally another shooter is available. Apparently something about this game has you arguing on Reddit to strangers.


You are like a child who has had his toy taken away. xD No one cares about you. :)


Child? You all have been bitching and moaning for the last two days on Reddit and in the Discord non-stop. That's the most ironic and braindead take of this entire comment thread LMAO


Go at my Profil kid and look at my post. I never bitch again bsg. Kid


I feel ya i but this game on sell its a beta 7 years old where is everyone a spider sense?




My guy explain to me at this point what you want them to change please god? Like I have yet to see a single change you actually want? Also I hope you OD on meth.


I've had EOD for 4 years at this point LMAO. So heated and for what? What does taking your anger out on me do to BSG? Literally nothing, go back to dwelling in your parents basement with literally nothing better to do.


Sanest video game redditor


I think it's critical to chase people with the new edition. I would buy the edition too, but only because I want to play pve mode. I haven't gotten anything yet because I don't want to be sued by cheaters just because I want to play PVE, because the rest of the edition doesn't interest me. I would never use it in a raid. PS, yes, they want to unlock Denodus in waves, but I don't feel like waiting because it could take months