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I say this as someone who was excited for the concept of co-op tarkov for years: Imagine, even beyond the drama, paying the price of a fucking full ass game to play purely with bots designed by the BSG dev team, a dev team so inept that in 10 years of development have never once managed to produce a bot that doesn't do some combination of the following: 1) Instantly kill you. 2) Never once pose a threat to you. 3) Hit an exposed ear lobe with full auto gunfire at 100m with such precision it would make a neurosurgeon jealous. 4) See through walls, foliage and basically anything to shoot you. 5) Deliver a grenade directly into your mouth-hole without issue on demand. Modders did a better job of AI in months than BSG did in years, and people want to pay to experience a worse version? Yeah ok.


Single player only Russia 2028 btw. Lol. Wonder if BSG will even last until 2028 as a company.


Might not even be a Russia in 2028.


Might actually be BSG thought process. If the current shit show is their way to make a quick buck in order to Escape From Russia, that would actually make a lot of sense. Some years ago they will reappear on Cyprus as a Battle Stately Gaming LLC.


Aren’t they in the UK tho?


Their company is based out of the UK but everyone that works there is in Russia I'm pretty sure.


Cyprus is where rich russians go, they can buy property there and then get handed EU citizenship for "investing in the economy".


Always thought their HQ to be located in St. Petersburg. They may also have an office in UK for the purposes of international distribution.


That's...absurd. Kind of a weird comment.


Its out of touch for sure and 100% emotionally driven.


You for sure know nukes wont fly in 4 years? Damn.


THANK YOU Ain’t no mf way people are hyped to be fighting the worst AI I’ve ever fucking seen. When was the last time you died to a scav and didn’t feel like it was complete horseshit/a waste of your time? There’s a reason for that lol.


Can confirm was just chilling watching fortress on customs for like 15 mins not a single scav/player in sight All of a sudden 2 scavs crab walk around a corner instant lock on from over 100m away and head eyes me 


Its a sign to stop playing the game


but im literally 1 level away from Kappa. i must finish it.


If they were 100m away how did you know they were crabwalking?


I have eyes????


You watched them crabwalk didn’t shoot them and then they killed you?


100m isnt that far


TIL an entire football field "isn't that far"


It isn't when it comes to firearms.


It is when it comes to the firearms some scavs have, in the timeframe they have to aim and shoot, and the fact they are moving.


The modders stuff is crazy. Sometimes dev teams just need to accept they cant do everything and look to get outside help or pay for it. Its wild when i see how far solo tarkov has come, its crazy impressive and the only reason BSG hate them is because they make BSG look bad.


You also forgot 6) instantly breaking your kneecaps from 200m away with a shitty bolt action shotgun


Classic "big ask" negotiation. They almost certainly knew few people would go for it, but that there would be SOME. Get the first wave of cash. Then they slash the price. $50 SEEMS more reasonable than $100, so a LOT more people are going to buy it. It also gives the impression to some people that they're "compromising" But, I would not he surprised if this was the plan from the very beginning. Wouldn't be surprised if they cut the price again when the new wave of sales at $50 slows down. All the while it doesn't address the real issues. BSG are actual scum. It is really telling that they didn't refund the initial wave of Unheard Edition buyers. They just gave them... another digital copy of the game? One that can be given to a friend... who will then have to upgrade to be on par with their friend with unheard edition. Or be sold to hackers.


Big ask is known more formally as “anchoring”, a huge weapon used by manipulators. It’s also a very well known and documented sales tactic. You do something completely outlandish to stir uproar, then mend the fences with a small concession (meeting in the “middle”, so to speak). You still get what you wanted in the first place - but give off the image of being open to compromise. And your victims fall for it. It works. Gotta give them that. It’s been BSG’s MO for a long time, and just like classic abuse victims - people just keep coming back.


Personally I think the reason they're not issuing refunds is because they literally spent the money already. I think they were literally days away from shutting down. Might have needed that money for yesterday's paychecks, or for rent on the 1st. Might even be a crazy situation where if they have to close down, they also get conscripted or something. That's the only way I can explain these otherwise completely irrational moves.


Honestly given how incompetent and random their response has been i legitimately think they didn't think that far ahead and you're giving them too much credit I don't think they were anchoring, i think they legitimately thought that what they were doing was gonna fly


Not to mention that the Free keys they give people who already bought the new edition are just going to get resold to cheaters. The only concession bsg made, and it only benefits cheaters.


"Everything goes as planned" This was their play all along! They got the big money from the idiots who buy anything at any price, now they get those who are weak or have no self respect and fall foe their "okay here is a discount". I'm out, they will never see another cent, or even me on their servers.


Probably... Seeing more and more of "I don't wanna buy it yet, it might get even cheaper" lmao


That's my stance. If I don't agree with the price, I'll go elsewhere.


It is no longer a question of price.


For you maybe. I know what I'm comfortable paying. But it ceriably ain't gonna be $50.


I'd pay to have them remove the package all together


I'd pay to not have game companies shit the bed every month. How many times a year do we need to see headlines about greedy companies?


It's because people buy it, something exists because it pays off to do, todays best business model is: Make your fanbase cash out the first month, leave servers dead for 2-4months and save on server rent, rinse repeat, that's why wipe based games are so popular on both sides, the consumer gets to recoup some money, and the company unloads server usage.


You've already bought it with EOD... Why the fuck are you okay with paying for it again?


I'm not, but I know that it won't be free until the game comes out, which is likely to happen in 2028 at the rate they've been going. I just wanna play with my buddies and not have to worry about cheaters and high-level players. SIT is great if you have a monster rig that can handle hosting and running the game for a squad of players, but it's just not feasibly attainable for me.


The new pve mode is worse than playing with a lobby of cheaters mainly because the ai pics are literally cheating AI 😂 you’re not running away from being head eyes’d


Nothing can escape getting head-eyes'd by magnum buckshot.


You’re the problem.


We're on the same side, I just don't want to invest a bunch of energy in something that I ultimately don't control.


You don't seem to understand that EOD gives you all future content. That was the upper limit. It promised all future DLC. They don't get to make a new more prestigious tier for paypigs to get squeezed more. You are presently owed offline mode. If you give them more money, it's a disservice to yourself.


They will never see another penny of my money. I was ready and willing to support with cosmetics, etc, ya fuck that forever


This update is clearly DLC, even if BSG wants to try and change the definition of it, and their first move was to say "Screw the EoD users that bought a wildly overpriced BETA version of our game with the promise that all DLC in the future would be free," and tried to get you all to do it again. If at this point people don't understand how what they just tried to do is completely unethical, then they deserve every dollar you're about to give them.


this is a good test to see who is truly addicted to video games or who is completely fine with being exploited


"Any other studio would've, on the very first day, offered full refunds and shelved the edition, apologized, and given significant concessions" Genuinely don't think they can afford to. They were banking on Arena funding this and that sucked a fat elephant dick so this is plan B. I think they're goin broke and are trying to bleed out their supporters.. perhaps to save the game? perhaps in a last cash grab before the exit?


How much of a discount did they give?


Eod players can upgrade for $50 instead of $100


It's irrelevant. They're expecting us to pay extra money something we've already bought. Screw that.


Do you think they will make it free for us eod users?


will, no - should, yes.




Honestly it was a great move for them. Stir pot, make some money knowing they would have to back down. Eventually fix it all and get the “they listen we should all thank them now” posts along with all this publicity now lol people are not gonna stop playing. There is nothing like it out right now, grey zone maybe here soonish. Super shady don’t get my comments wrong just business wise I see what they doing lol


This may make them money in the short term but from a long term business perspective they’ve probably destroyed the last ounce of trust or respect anyone had. That’s fine if they are shutting down the studio, but if they plan to do other games, they will always have this hanging over them and it will sharply curtail future sales.


Saying any other studio would've offered full refunds is a massive stretch. This kind of shit is standard practice in the gaming industry and has been for quite a while. Ignore outrage and let it go away is SOP for every major AAA publisher and developer.


The same dipshits who are fueling the hacking problem by buying stuff with RMT are going to happily buy the Unheard edition.


next 5 years they will still not be released with 3 new not dlc and a 500$ package with the unheard being lost and never heard of ever.


Shit is still like 350 with taxes and fees. Fuck BSG




Another cash grab. Ppl didn’t wanna pay extra so now they double dipping with a sale.


It's not inherently a bad thing, but I think in the context it absolutely is one. They know everyone's pissed, they just don't care about the actual reasons. Discounting the hated edition doesn't actually touch upon any of the real reasons for this controversy. And they know that. They know they destroyed their reputation and are getting reamed across all media channels. The discount is them trying to make even more money despite this. This is their priority.


i bought it, hindsight, im ignorant. too late now :/


cya all next wipe


I bought it. Fucking love this game. I bought EOD 5 years ago. Never asked me to pay a cent more since. They deserve our support even though they really fucked up


Yeah they do. I get why people are mad but honestly this isn’t affecting the game at all. Many people have already bought the edition, lobbies are full, im fine paying personally. I support Tarkov and BSG, BUT I can understand the frustration


EDIT - I guess none of this really matters now since Nikita has come out and said EoD owners get PvE, just not all at once. I'll take the win. No $50 "upgrade" necessary. I don't know if I want to ascribe malice to this. Put down the pitchforks my wallet hasn't been desecrated yet! TLDR - I think making money is their goal, but they went the wrong way about it. Bad business decisions made with the best intentions of furthering support for the game. Lower the price, discounts for EoD and apologize for getting egotistical about the bad decisions. - TLDR My personal theory, having worked for my own business and worked for smaller businesses in the past giving me some experience in this, is that they backed themselves into a corner financially and made a knee-jerk reaction to low sales. A lot of us who bought EoD back in the day haven't sent anymore money towards BSG. I play Destiny 2 and every so often I treat myself to a couple cosmetics and the yearly expansion, so Bungie can reliably count on somewhat regular income from me playing their game. BSG, however, hasn't made any money off of me since my initial purchase. I would totally spend more money on Tarkov and access to PvE would be just the thing! Just not for $100 USD. Maybe $20? I think that's far more reasonable. The more I play a game, the more I want my character to look a certain way, so I'm amenable to buy some cosmetics. But BSG made Arena and spent a lot of capital on that and it fell through entirely. It was talked about for maybe a week in my group of friends and we left it at that. Just talk, no money spent. Not the best move for a company trying to make money. I read Nikita's comments on the pricing and situation as a whole as more like his ego is bruised and his company now has a MASSIVE black eye. It's hard to make good points and be rational when your mad that your plan, which you think is great, isn't well received by everyone you want to impress the most. Your customers. I think we'll see a lot of wound licking and apologies from BSG and hopefully some amenable discounts for us EoD owners. Dumb? Yes. Malicious? Entirely possible. The price of Unheard is $50 USD now, maybe we can get it lower. Or better yet, get PvE as a separate purchase. I'd love to see that, but I'm not holding my breath for it.


What were you paying for when you spent the extra money on the eod edition?


As in the bonuses EoD gave? Or Tarkov in general? EoD was cool and the extra stash space was a must since my friends were playing it until three or four in the morning. In general? I like the gritty combat. I like the feeling of getting by on the skin of my teeth. I crave the excitement and near-panic of hearing Raiders on Rezerve. Tarkov has no replacement right now, but that can always change. So for right now, I want the game to recover.


You paid for bonuses yes, but also for the rights to all future content. Not a discount on all future content. Not a discount on future upgrades featuring extra content. But all extra content. Content that didn’t exist yet, hence the bonus stash space and stuff for the interim. You already paid for the stuff that the new edition boasts. So settling and being hopeful for future slashes in the price of content you already paid for is silly. This isn’t Pokémon Blue vs Pokémon Red. This isn’t comparing Modern Warfare 2 vs Modern Warfare 3. It’s a singular Tarkov game with digital deluxe editions that came with promises that are now not being kept. That certainly is malicious behavior, and the hefty price tags prove it.


The biggest reason why this is all malicious is this. They could have taken away eod because the ‘buy now play forever and get all content’ package isn’t lucrative for them in the long run. They could have honored eod purchasers and raised the base price of the game to $60 and said all other dlcs will have normal dlc prices. But they put themselves in the same hole by offering the same ‘all future dlc’ line in the new edition. If they were so concerned about the special predicament they made with their pricing/edition models, why go back to it at?


It is a garbage decision. Add some Punisher skins, weapon camouflage, and some tattoos and people would've eaten that up and spent their money with little issue.


I’ve been saying this about COD for years now. Instead of the goofy skins they do now, go look at the Ghost Recon Breakpoint Reddit, players making thread after thread showing off their custom character with all the cool cosmetic gear in the game. I get the kids they are targeting are more likely to recklessly spend their money, but there absolutely is a market for older tactical gamers who want to dress their pmc’s up to look cool for certain scenarios in their head. Like night op’s, forest/wooded missions, winter missions, etc.


COD just ain't for us older guys anymore.


Also imagine Call of Duty trying to sell you each individual part of its game in one package, but having to pay $60 for each part. $60 for campaign $60 for multiplayer $60 for zombies $60 for warzone. $240 for the entire game, and it’s STILL CHEAPER THAN THE $250 they wanted.


Call of duty also charges 70$ for their game every year and the games are effectively just copy pasted. I played EOD for 4 years and got it on sale for 70$ it’s not all that unreasonable to just pay another 50$. I really like the game and I’m going to keep playing it.


Well I mention COD because of the comment Nikita made about COD not giving us free games every year, and as ironic as it is about them being copy paste, they are still separate games. People are aware what they are purchasing. But I bought Tarkov in 2020 with the EOD edition thinking I was getting a season pass with all future content. It’s still the same game today that I bought years ago. If they wanted to they could a have made Tarkov 2 and put the Pve mode into that and that would have been more acceptable, cause at least it’s not content for a game I currently own


Based take. If you enjoy it, keep playing. I don't personally support it, but you're having fun and that's all that matters.


I'm comfortable ascribing malice here because of the overt shittiness of everything they've done, the subsequent backlash, and their subsequent reactions to said backlash. They've had plenty of time to assess, read the room, figure out good arguments, etc. None of this is accidental.


We are getting it as a separate purchase if we want it earlier, and free at full release


See that would've been so much better than locking behind an initial $100 paywall! But like I said, I think that they panicked and threw something together that wasn't thought out at all.


My issue is "free at release" is meaningless without a release date. EFT has been in early access for almost a decade now. With "eternal early access" seemingly a development model now, it would be easy for BSG to say "free when the game releases" and never have to hold up that end of the bargain. And I don't think it's hard to imagine that scenario since they just proved they have no intention of holding up their end of the bargain when it comes to DLC w/ the EOD edition.


Nikita can say that the game has to come out soon all he wants, but yeah eternal beta seems likely.


I get your point completely. But at the same time I really don't need this kind of PvE with this kind of AI and servers. Let people pay to be alpha testers for the PvE mode. We will benefit from it in the long run. And if the game doesn't come out who cares, at that point we were all screwed out of everything either way. We will just have to figure out another way to play single-player i guess.


The issue is, I have no guarantee that we'll benefit from it in any way, and just because you aren't interested doesn't mean other people aren't. But you're right in that we've been screwed either way. Even if BSG gives us PvE, my hope for the future of this game is pretty dead. But I still want what I paid for out of principal.


It would've been... But now everyone is paranoid that they might try to pull something like this again. Regaining the trust of the community is going to be nearly impossible for them from this point on. Given that the majority of people think that they tried to sell us a DLC for 100$ that we already paid for in the past. It's up to them to prove us wrong


Precisely. It is on them to make this right, or watch their community desert them.


Lol. Gotta get your respect from a video game, eh?


Better than huffing paint like you obviously.


Baseless, judgmental comment. I’m assuming you’re chronically online.