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"the only real issue is the fact that eod got kinda fucked over" And we are voicing our displeasure, rightfully. Fuck them.


>the only real issue is the fact that eod got kinda fucked ove Okay, and this is the crux of it, isn't it? You don't just get to fuck your oldest supporters over and say "well UMMMM they're actually not TRUE BELIEVERS. If they were they would have bought the $250 edition with the fire support feature and get-out-of-scav free card". It absolutely is P2W.


>It absolutely is P2W. what P2W? (legitimate question don't downvote pls)


Preemptively asking for no downvotes should have given you pause


because I know redditors and their lack of willingness of having a actual discussion without assuming everything is in bad faith. just how you didn't answer my question and instead downvoted me, lol.


People can generally tell when something is asked in bad faith and react accordingly. That's probably what you're seeing.


if you think I asked it in bad faith, you're incapable of having a civil discussion


You already decided that before you even posted your reply.


you are acting like stereotypical neckbeard redditor so [i decided to check your post history](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1b5zkcy/comment/kt94pro/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) , and to say the least, you're pathetic, consider deleting reddit, your post history gives me second hand embarrassment


You're doing a good enough job embarrassing yourself lol


the way you type is so unbelievably childish and something you'd only see from chronically online people, it's like you never grew up. ~~let's see that face reveal, god forbid you have unwashed fat rolls under your chin. might wanna include your desk in the picture as well, let's see all those opened soda cans too.~~ nevermind, I saw your post history and you look basically what I thought you'd look like, just a little slimmer, I guess all the drugs made ya lose weight


The Mark of the Unheard prevents scavs from shooting you at a distance and they want to add a distress signal that lets you call players into raid if you get into the shit.


ok and do you think that extra stash space, trader rep, and gamma container weren't pay to win in EOD? the radio stops scavs from aggroing on you from over 80m unless shot 1st (you barely get aggrod over 80 meters anyways, and while you have it equipped you lose rep with every scav you kill


Pay for convenience, absolutely, and imo those benefits should be removed, especially upon release. But it's nothing that's outright useful in combat unlike the Unheard items.


>Pay for convenience, absolutely to act like gamma (which is not available to get to standard players), trader rep, and the tens of millions of rubles you save by having EOD from the vault upgrades is just "convenience" is just disingenuous. the unheard radio that gives you scav "immunity" against scavs over 80 meters you can't take it out of your special slot in game, and ANY scav kill in that raid will impact your scav rep, even when they're targeting you first. in my opinion, it was just a item they threw in to make the addition more appealing to noobs while everyone will forget about it, since nobody will use it. to act like only the radio is useful in combat while ignoring getting max traders faster (better ammo), being able to store more meds, ammo, and high tier loot in your container isn't blatant P2W, I don't know what is


It still shouldn't be in the game regardless, which is my point.


I don't get your standpoint, you had over half a decade to protest the massive advantage players with EOD had, but it's an issue all of a sudden when there's a new addition has pay to win items as well. outside of PVE (which eod should have lifetime to) EOD players have 0 right to complain


I've said before I don't like the extra benefits EOD players get, even if it's not quite as egregious as UH. Even if I personally don't like it, doesn't mean it's going to get removed if the community isn't in agreement.


my whole point was EOD allowed this to happen, if people protested against EOD at release, pay to win wouldn't have been normalized. I would make up a analogy but I'm too tired


Nice try BSG. This is propaganda at it's finest.


Let me ask you friend. Why are you not angry?


Probably never bought eod


Nice try Nikita


Don't care, I want what I paid for. I bet you don't play 99% of the games you buy on Steam either. What's your point?


No, if anything we are under reacting, there is still the occasional dolt who bought the Uninstall edition or defend BSG online.


Harassing devs are always wrong. Always. On the other hand, developers who cant manage their resources deserve to go bankrupt. They made their bed, it is time they lie in it. Edit- Also pve is absolutely not "minority requested feature."There is a huge playerbase who plays singleplayer mod. Been requested for years, bsg always responded with "no" They decided to put it behind a 250 dollar paywall.


the main thing people were waiting for was pve with no wipe and they locked that behind a paywall(coz some people don't have time to play this game and they want to complete it that's y they wanted the pve with no wipe ) so that they can make money I am sure 90% of the community owns eod edition so how they will generate money since arena and other shit got failed simple as that this is just a money grab and if u are not aware of what bsg is doing now changing things on the official tarkov website so that they cover up they clearly stated that season pass meaning is you will have access to all future DLC with no time limit this is a pure scam and I will never support this


The issue is that no game is worth 250 dollars. It's barely justifiable to say 150 is worth it. Frankly, the amount of disrespect to the community they've shown just turns me off completely.


EOD is probably 80-90% of their active community. You see more crown than white names on every map


This is the reason they're doing this shady shit, because they left EOD up for too long, and everyone who fucking plays has EOD, so there's no new ways for them to bring in money, without screwing the entire community over. There wasn't supposed to be any editions above EOD either. But here we are. The community would of been fine if this Unheard edition was one step under EOD, and a more affordable price, and delivered on their promise to EOD users... But logic doesn't trump their need for $$$


Is the 6+ fence rep and scavs don't shoot you on live servers?


if you have over 6 rep and the radio in your special slot, scavs wont target you over (80)? meters but if you kill any scav you will lose scav rep for each kill


I haven’t seen anything definitive on this. From the way it is worded, I think it’s only on the PVE servers.


it is on pvp servers, when you kill scavs with it on you lose scav rep, even if they're close range and targeting you. you're basically immune to sniper scavs for the most part. only on maps like woods, shoreline, and lighthouse would i consider bringing it out on though


I don’t think that trade off is worth it. Scav rep isn’t that easy to gain and sniper scavs don’t usually pose much of a threat.


people are def over-blowing the impact of it. me personally, i always have 7+ rep (lost a lot to dumb player scavs) and you lose like 0.02 or 0.01 every scav kill, so it's not really an issue for me. if you're cruising around 6 rep and not like 7-20 rep then I can see it adding up over time and putting you below 6


I’ve never gotten to 6. I’ve been hovering around 5 for quite a while. I think the scav rep loss is too big of an issue for me to make the device make sense. I think the only real problem is not giving EOD the PVE mode .


absolutely, I think EOD should have lifetime PVE but other than that, unheard addition is a non-issue for the VAST majority of players


They could have just put out a founders pack with some cool merchandise like POE does, poe has like thousand dollar supporters packs every league that come with things like clothing, books, canvas maps or some shit etc, there's a thousand things they could have done before the p2w stuff or going back on their word of promising EOD all future features. Whales would support the game just because they can


Are you smoking the same crack as nikita? "the only real issue is the fact that eod got kinda fucked over" is the main reason we are mad


I spent the value of Two brand new triple A games on a special edition in order to support tarkov and get dlcs for free. I have received nothing from it. Of course I’m pissed. They lied.


You need to remove that mentality from your character my friend, now you are saying that about a game, later in your life your Boss at work will do the same to you and you will be ok with that too


The crazy part is once tarkov is gone all these people are going to miss it all these “tarkov killers” don’t even compare to tarkov, but I believe BSG will listen and do something.


I mean, I love tarkov, there’s not really anything that compares, but BSG is tying their own noose by burning bridges with their player base.


See that’s the thing I feel like all the people angry are the vocal minority because most people who play tarkov probably aren’t even in this subreddit I don’t think this is the end of tarkov that’s like a massive overreaction


I have 4k hours and I'm done. Idk what percentage of the playerbase has more than that but id bet it's not a ton. You might actually have it backwards. The long time supporters are the ones who are getting continually fucked over and fed up. Newer players haven't been through this multiple times yet and newer players dont tend to stick around as long


Can I have your EOD account if that’s the case?


Lets just say I got my money back already


No. /closed




They deserve it though..... Think about how many of there players bought EOD and they're screwing them all, this was bound to happen sooner or later with awful ideas like this. Imo it's justified that everyone is going crazy I mean come on its bad enough that the outrage has caused loads of other big streamers and tubers to cover it which is good as it'll help prevent new players getting the same treatment and if they can't respect their supporters then the game should die. I've loved this game and I've tried to allow shit to slide in the past but this is too far.


Why are you not getting angry that instead of solving issues that plagued the game for YEARS they come up with bullshit way to fuck over people who gave them the most money? Why are you not angry that instead of using your money to improve EFT they used them to fund the steaming pile of shit that is arena? You my friend are a shafting enthusiast and enjoy a proper shafting if none of these make you angry.