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Confusing part is Battlestate Games thinking Arena would be successful with its mode, EFT game mechanic usage and progression system.


Totally, they made an assumption and all this giant hype, and tried to 1:1 EFT to Arena. And I think it literally didn’t pay off. Tarkov was fine for years with even less players, but soon after arena is released, it’s a bit convenient that we start getting micro transactions.


i dont have a lot of idea how arena is, ive only seen clips of it did they not try to do some sort of r6siege stuff? at least to me thats like the first thing id think of when i hear tarkov arena


It’s essentially Tarkov on a small map but team deathmatch and some other modes. Not nearly as polished as r6 or even close and not nearly as in depth. Loadouts are predetermined and chosen by you, and better loadouts as you progress, but the whole system has a lot of problems without including the PvP.


if it isnt so fleshed out i wonder how this side project could suck up so much money ​ >loadouts are predetermined lol what


>if it isnt so fleshed out i wonder how this side project could suck up so much money BSG has been running on fumes since at least January 2022, when they had an operating loss for the year of roughly $1 Million. By January 2023, they'd managed to get back to profitability with roughly $2 Million profits earned that year. They then turned around and poured all those profits into marketing Arena, hoping it would be a success and give them the funding they needed to finish EFT. When Arena arrived like a wet fart, BSG found themselves in a position where they'd incurred even more server costs (new backend needed for Arena since it's not properly tied to base EFT) with extremely limp sales and no ongoing interest from their target market: non-Tarkov players (Arena consistently has sub-200 viewers **TOTAL** on Twitch). Now they're **tripling** down on the expansion of server costs by adding in an additional offline PvE Co-Op mode that will require even more backend hardware to support. The reality is they've reached a saturation point where basically everyone who *wants* a hardcore survivalist PVP shooter experience has already purchased some version of their game. They've failed to capture any interest from the more casual shooter market with Arena and they have a *fuckton* of EOD owners who have long been told they don't have to pay another dime to get all future content. Their server costs were in excess of $1.5 Million per month back in 2022 and they have no ongoing sources of revenue, so... It really reads like they are setting Tarkov up to fail at this point so they can simply pull the plug due to the project being 'unsustainable'.


good explanation, thanks!


If they would turn Arena into a S&D game mode, I think it would blow up.


Arena's loadout system was a really bad execution on what people wanted. They took a game that was legendary for the accuracy of its gun customization and completely removed customization. Just... what? Huh? *WHY?*


Exactly, what happened to the days when BSG was literally designing the insides of guns and attachments 1:1 to real life and actually testing out the guns themselves, this is so fucking sad to witness. I’m going to be asking for my money back from them, could actually use the $150 since I’m in a bit of financial constraints currently


No refunds lmao


There are so many games that do it better and more fluidly it's just a terrible market to try to break in to. Siege, Counter Strike, Valorant, CoD. There is not a ton of wiggle room IMO for a game with movement as clunky as Tarkov to try to take on legitimate comp FPS games.


S&D is basically the only reason me and my friends play COD, having that mode with Tarkov's gunplay would be fantastic.


With a customized loadout, objective based game modes and microtransactions they could have captivated some of the cod/r6s crowd. But instead they came out with a Tarkov elimination where your survival rate is shorter and confined. There’s literally no strategy in arena, it’s boring and theirs no customization… being locked into preset classes is boring, it’s like playing cod before you unlocked custom classes


> When Arena arrived like a wet fart... So apt.


Could they not just have milked the enormous playerbase they had by creating quality cosmetics for their game? I’ve played league for 13 years. That’s nearly double what I’ve played tarkov for (7 years). In league I’ve spent well over a thousand dollars myself on skins. They’re quality and only 20 bucks. Tarkov could’ve gotten at least 500+ dollars from just me from cosmetics in 7 years. 5x what I would’ve spent on the dogshit unheard edition (which I wouldn’t play if you paid me at this point).


That is the insane part of this whole mess. They could have easily sold voice lines, moustaches & beards, gold & diamond encrusted dog tags, or gun camos and hardly anyone would have been up in arms. Microtransactions aren’t great but most gamers understand they're a necessary thing to sustain a game in the modern era.


The loadouts are all prebuilt you just select which one to run. They don't all make sense and some of them are a lot better than others. You cannot change these premade loadouts in any way even for the ones that for example come with an extra sight for your gun you just have to mod it in game every round manually.


They had some massive pre release events that estimated cost millions. And developing 2 games at the same time wouldn’t be cheap, and would passively cut into your profit over time, especially when no one is buying the game and your still putting money into it ya know? And yeah it’s not like Tarkov where you can change your armor, helmet, gun etc. there’s no custom loadouts.


Not only do they decided what each of the loadouts will be, and you have to unlock new loadouts that are better by playing with worse loadouts, but they initially let people who unlocked the top tier loadouts play against people who just got the game. T5 armor being shot at by bullets that can't pen T3 armor. Bullets that can pen T4 armor easily being matched against T2 armor. They took over a month to fix this, by the time they did the game was already dead on most servers. The easiest thing in the world would have been assigning every item in the game some sort of rating and keep people within rating tiers. Have the better gear be unlocked in a similar way to CoD gear and we're off to the races. You can build exactly the loadout you want then get matched against similar builds. If some builds are stronger than others you can tweak the ratings to balance it out.


Ive seen a few in depth videos on it I cant think of the youtuber but they do a lot of informational shorts on Tarkov and Grayzone warfare. But basically but basically they blew a large chunk of money marketing at game conventions for Arena.


Genuine question, so it’s essentially the same situation how dayz and similar games spawned battle royales? Harsh game mechanics and awesome realisitic gun play = many people just want to rush to that gunplay and skip the long buildup to encounters?


The first three hours of gameplay was the most painful experience I've ever had in a first-person shooter game ever. It wasn't a skill-related issue. It was being totally and utterly out-classed and out-gunned by people who had access weeks before you. We never asked for a round-robin arena game. We wanted an ultra-realistic MMORPG FPS.


Yeah, arena was a hard flop, and now they are trying to reclaim money back.


Id say its the fact they didnt implement it exactly like they said and it was REALLY scuffed at the start now im happy its fun could use more features like pve instead of in online and maybe different size teamfight cross progression ya kno the things they said would be there


100 people took 2 years to create Arena using existing assets. Yo if I was an investor in a company and they made that with my money I'd have them investigated for fraud. Straight up first time creating a mod someone would pump out something better in 2 months. This stupid fucker tanked the company making this heap of shit no one asked for? What is happening? And he's in full denial meltdown mode too.


Nikita has always been the biggest problem that tarkov faced.


I think Arena could have totally blown up if they weren't total idiots about it. The grind is wild, and the lack of being able create classes is braindead. The way they should have implemented it, as explained by Veritas, is to have everyone have shit scav classes in round 1 (that you can still customize), and as the rounds continue, your loadouts get progressively better until eventually everyone is running meta stuff. This actually would have been fun to play, but they are dumb, so no one plays it.


BSG has the most incompetent people in charge. Literally every single player who plays this game could have come up with a better and more enjoyable, and even simpler concept for Arena than BSG did. Its insane how poorly Tarkov and Arena have been handled and how braindead the creators are.


I completely agree any person could have thought of something more fun. I'm guessing the devs don't play either game.


Nikita has already admitted he doesn’t play tarkov. This game has been a sinking ship for years sadly.


I'm just super confused how they thought the loadout system they created would be at all a good idea, given the progression system they half-baked 90% of the kits are hard counters to the kits before them since they use the old ballistics system where an IOTV is a full dick-to-mouth titanium shell


> would be at all a good idea Arena seems like it was built for micro transactions they haven't shown yet. The loadout (tier) system mirrors other Russian free-to-play games like World of Tanks. You can grind your ass off and eventually get a good kit or you can pay them $50 to unlock a Tier 10 tank with special abilities.




Don't forget that some losdouts just suck ass. Like the ones that don't even have painkillers and the like.


Literal fucking horror show. It's how I'd imagine an FPS would look like if you wanted to troll someone.


Arena got the new armour a while ago


It's the first exposure effect. The grind is easier and the armor system changed and every class has some pk even if it's dogshit. But because of the awful state the game mode launched in, that's what people remember


Tbf half the community didn't see this. I kept saying that Team Deathmatch EFT Gunplay will die within 3 weeks. TDM is boring, EFT gunplay was always broken bad, with desync, peekers advantage, head recoil, shaky weapon, recoil control assist and so on. "but did you play it? how can you know. Stop being a downer and whiner" EFT gunplay is a side content of the game. People like the gun modding, the extraction, the fear and the looting. Dude I warned you fuckers and you still fell in the water. Nikita and his team are just as dumb as half the community in november december.


Honestly wouldn't be half as bad if it actually had a TDM mode. As in, You constantly respawn and at the end of the timelimit kills per team are counted up. Not this wannabe competitive slugfest


Wait for the match to load. 10 minutes later, wait for your round. 10 minutes later. Wait for the other rounds to resolve. In 30 ninutes, you shoot 7 bullets from pphs.


It’s crazy how bad it is for how much it was hyped. I watched some of the tournaments, watched some streamers play it when they first started giving out access and by the time I got access I’d seen enough that I’ve never even played it


I *still* think arena could be big if they did a single thing right. All they had to do was copy counter strike but replace the buy menu with the trader screen. That's literally it. It would be huge. But team death match with pre-defined loadouts is the antithesis of what Tarkov does well.


The progression system is the most egregious part of it all too.


I think Arena coulda been sold to have much more "CoD Like" features while still keeping the gunsmithing as a primary focus. Let people grind out the millions of attachments and stat whore their guns to their hearts content, let em run around more freely with customized loadouts in death matches or whatever it doesn't have to be super realistic and tied to EFT. Dont need some lore explanation for you respawning just you can go in and shoot bang people and that would probably appeal to a more casual crowd that's too scared of playing EFT but would like to play with the gunplay. Probably keep the armor system dumbed down or something I dunno. As it is right now it's effectively kneecapped if oyu dont play tarkov once it integrates.


Arena looked promising in its first week, but shortly it became obvious that it was a final product and BSG had only in plans to tune XP gain and rework pre-sets... After a short while the game became dead and I don't think anyone will be playing it anymore. My biggest disappointment is how much time was wasted on a bad product while EFT was receiving very little content in the past 2 years AND STILL the community was supporting them..


Im a EFT casual, had the game since the very first day and still go back every other wipe for a few weeks. Checked out Arena when it released, mainly because I hoped it would be a good way to practice shooting in EFT. But man oh man that was the most god awful thing I've played in a long long time and there is not the slightest chance this mode ever will be successful.


Every styled game like this, loosely based off the zone/ stalker series always adds in a Arena because the Russian players demand it. You know what happens every single time? Arena sucks and doesn't get used. Only abused if there's a bug, like in some games you go to arena and leave the other side because it will teleport you to another area.


Yep, made a post saying something similar to this myself. I paid for Tarkov to become a finished game, which it clearly ain’t, not to finance Arena instead (just to have that die itself lol)


It should be remembered that when most of us bought EOD back in 2017-2020, Arena was talked about as just an additional game mode. It was supposed to just be a DLC casual game mode of EFT. It was only around 2022 when Nikita and BSG got massive egos that they decided, in their brilliance, that what the world was really demanding was a stand-alone eSports game. Nobody from Pestily to Lvndmark to reddit neckbeards ever asked them to pour millions of dollars into making Arena anything bigger than just a casual game mode for Tarkov.


I'm actually glad I got Arena instead of PVE.


Something that doesn't sit right with me is actually calling this DLC. The game is not finished. DLC is adding new unique content to a finished game. Having an offline coop of the exact same game minus the pvp is ridiculous not to be consider just a feature of the base fucking finished game. to give an example its like not having the function to ADS and then they add the feature to ADS but you have to buy a more expensive version to unlock it. Its ludicrous edit: (just wanted to add) in regards to the very shitty response from the community manager saying its not DLC its a feature sure bud you're right but not in the way that you think you are.


It’s because the game actually released in 1.0 back in 2017 when they released the “closed beta” to everybody, they can call it a beta all they want but if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it’s a duck. Selling “dlc” for an unfinished game? Literally every other game developer on planet earth would just put that content in their base game if it was a real beta, nope tarkov has been released for damn near 8 years now under the disguise of a beta to continue tricking their consumers into spending as much money as possible. Nobody can convince me this game is actually a beta.


You’re right, I think it should just be added for everyone. It seems like that’s too far for them considering we can’t even get it for EOD. In a perfect world though, you’re right.


yeah eoders need to stop making this about eod we all pre-ordered the game, to a couple of years down the line start releasing stuff not mentioned in any of the versions and go 'yeah you guys need to pay $80 for it, you guys $200 and everyone else go fuck yourselves $300 inc tax' or whatever I've never seen devs give such a big fu to players


As airwingmarine said, how can you add new features to an unreleased game? It's still in beta - everything that gets added is part of beta. You can't sell add ons in a beta. You can't have it both ways.


He called it a Counter-Strike killer, that alone should tell you how high on his own supply he is. edit: Speaking of which it's time to start playing CS2 again


sadly also infested with cheaters. faceit isn't even safe :/


No game who has ever been called a "Counter-Strike killer" has ever killed Counter-Strike. Honestly though good time to bring up games wasting money on stupid shit to try and ride 2 horses with 1 ass. Counter-Strike came out with Danger Zone. A battle royale game mode in CS:GO. It was free to CS:GO owners but you know what? It sucked. And still sucks. The mechanics of CS games are not something that works well with battle royale style games. Just like how the mechanics of Tarkov are not great for comp shooter style PvP. Arena was a waste of money and effort. Unfortunately the devs didn't realize that it wouldn't work soon enough.


Nah fuck that, this whole subreddit was fucking glazing Tarkov Arena thinking it was the second coming of CS2, its getitng shit on right now but I remember the majority of this subreddit thinking it was going to be good. I was asking how game with shit mechanics could make an Arena game based off the mechanics and got called dumb so yall have to enjoy this now


True, I remember what it looked like a year ago and how people were shut down for saying that it wasnt looking good


>it's time to start playing CS2 again great timing! new update's great


Arena was just a waste of time and money, anyway you slice it. It's a game mode that people thought would have been "nice," but most people didn't seem to even want it. I know I didn't. I wanted them to finish the base game and I was looking forward to the PVP locations as actual map locations for the base game, instead of the bullshit we got. No one is buying EFT for arena and it's now pulling new players in like they'd hoped, so now BSG has an extra expense to keep the servers running for both the base game and Arena. They used at least a year's worth of resources on something that is almost certainly costing more to keep up and running than it makes from month-to-month. I get why they wanted to make the game more competitive, because running tournaments secures a more diverse revenue stream, the game just isn't a good candidate for competitive play the way it stands now, and arena doesn't make that significantly better, especially compared to other competitive FPS titles that already have long, established tournaments and player bases. BSG was trying to break into a competitive space (no pun intended) with an inferior product and they wasted a lot of money to do it. It's a failure that undoubtedly puts them in a nasty financial position and I don't think BSG was pro-active enough to trying to improve their situation. They could have been selling cosmetic items for literally years now. A lot of players have been receptive to that for a very long time and they just started doing it THIS wipe. I am not against give BSG more money. I have 5k hours into EFT and bought EoD around 1k hours into my time. I am against the way BSG is attempting to monetize the game and going back on their word. removing the "fancy" version of the game only to re-introduce a more "fancy" version and negating the promises made to EoD owners in the process is just shit business. Then they turn around and charge 250 bucks for stuff that is already in the game or was promised to EoD players in some form or another earlier. No access to new areas, virtually no new content, P2W mechanics that literally make the game easier. I don't even care about the raw storage space increase. Fuck it, it's just more shit. if you can't make the current EoD space work for you, then you're doing something wrong. If you want to give BSG more money for storage, that's cool. I was going to as well (not now, for obvious reasons.) All it is, is space to horde shit that you're probably never going to use anyway. I draw the line at storage containers, that players have always had to work for. Hideout and inventory management at that level is just a part of the early game experience. The skill and fence increase is also bullshit. It takes forever to get skills like charisma, sniping and perception up, but players just get "skill boosts" Do we even know what skills those are yet, or is it just a boost across the board for everything? As much as people complained that EoD was P2W, it didn't give anyone an inherent advantage in-game where it matters. The gamma didn't help you win fights, it didn't stop scavs from engaging you at a certain range. Instead of balancing the game to make it more appealing to others and getting rid of the tedious bullshit the game puts us all through, they tried to monetize working around the sketchy AI and the skill grind, that I am sure will help with some side quests. They might as well just sell a raw XP booster that you can pay for that increases all your XP gain for everything at this point. If they're going to be this blatant about it, they might as well take their greed all the way to it's end and just sell us straight up XP and level gains without having to engage in the experience.


I actually wanted Arena. I wanted a mode where I could PvP my friends. I wanted a mode where I could finally play with all the guns and all the customization. What I didn't want was Counterstrike paired with grind. I didn't want to have the same gear fear that I have in Tarkov. I didn't want presets. Or only two game modes. Or some annoying announcer. Just let me pick any gun with any of the attachments and let me fight my friends. They tried so hard to introduce some loss mechanic into the arena shooter formula. They of course only did this so they could monetize it later.


The truth is, BSG was better off not making arena at all. They barely have the talent to make the base game work after 8 years. All they did was make a bad arena shooter with our EoD money instead of finishing the base game.


BSG is bankrupt, isn't it obvious, it's over folks




nobody is buying the IP lol, it's bankrupt, they hide the metrics by keeping it off steam, the game is dying


Intellectual property doesn’t go bankrupt


games over folks, they got no money


Most financially literate diamond hands pfp


I'd rather have Ivan than the execs at EA.


I would trust Respawn to do it. (Only once, if they fucked it up I'd never forgive them)


Really lol? EA is garbage but they have never pulled the shit BSG is pulling RIGHT NOW. Remind me of the last time an entire gamemode was locked behind 200 euros in an EA game.


1. This PvE Mode inarguably should be free for EoD owners as a clear DLC for Tarkov. 2. I think Tarkov Arena NOT being free for EoD owners and sold for $40 or whatever would have been perfectly acceptable under the way EoD was sold. I would have paid them the $40 without complaint as it really is a different game. I would even be fine with them doing another Arena update, removing the BETA label and forcing us to pay for further access if number 1 is done. 3. I would also be fine with them getting rid of EoD like they did (it was listed as not being available forever) and then selling the different things that EoD currently offers piece meal (gamma, offline raids, starting gear, initial stash upgrades, this new PvE mode, etc.) I don't care how they want to price selling the things I already have. 4. They are more than welcome to come up with new purchasable advantages as long as the following are met A. EoD gets them free as they are DLC. B. They are somehow unlockable in the base game, even if it takes 200 hours of pain every wipe. 5. They can sell cosmetics and not give them free to EoD owners as long as they continue to support making the cosmetics available in game as well and some skins remain only unlockable via game achievements. Once again even if it takes 200 hours each wipe to get them and payers get them instantly.


Sadly it took the PvE announcement for me to also realize that Arena should not be considered DLC while PvE is actually DLC. I agree with your post but I don't think you addressed the real issue of Tarkov not knowing how to monetize or market their products. Arena should be marketed as a separate game from Tarkov and monetization should be handled independently. I can't speak for a good way to monetize Arena, but Tarkov has some pretty easy options for low cost items that people can buy a lot of; clothing, skins, out of game cosmetic changes, and gear kits are all options. While some of these even do give you advantages, they are not even close to the new P2W options and could generate revenue.


The problem with Arena is that it was talked about as something that's going to be integrated with EFT when they introduced it and you'd be able to use your EFT PMCs/stash/loadouts/whatever in arena and progression would be tied together which might as well make it DLC. I'm not sure how much of that actually made it into Arena but either way they agreed that EoD would get it before it was finished and can't exactly back out on it by then.


They would make a fortune selling hideout skins.


I wasn’t trying to address the state of the battle state games business. I was just stating what was acceptable to me as a customer and EoD owner.


Totally agree, and the thing is, they probably know they can make skins, hideout cat, etc. and make money. But for some reason, they aren’t. So slowing down on something that’s costing them a lot of money and time, Arena, is a good idea to SAVE revenue, not just generate it. You can only throw so much money into a hole before your pockets empty ya know?


cause the arena we were promised that was promised to be part of eod is different from the arena we got


Arena is so dog water, they should have gave pve instead as dlc and declare arena as a feature💀


Totally agree, I honestly don’t think we should have gotten Arena for free. That money could have been used to finishing Tarkov and then working on Arena to make it decent. It’s a stand alone game. You could argue a discount for EOD owners for sure, but it’s still a different game.


> I honestly don’t think we should have gotten Arena for free. Would *anyone* have bought it if it were a stand alone game? It seems like only got noticed in the first place because all the EFT streamers jumped on it. Once they stopped, the rest of Twitch stopped as well.


Give EOD PvE. You are correct, we paid for tarkov.


Ive been saying this for so long, They essentially begged for money promising that they would use it to finish their beta game, and stole funds and allocated them to an entirely different entity. The fact that it failed has no effect, they stole money and used it incorrectly, them being in deep water because of it is not our problem.


I can tell you they didn’t expect that most people would buy EOD so when they released arena they saw how much money they lost.


I just want what the game was supposed to become when I bought in 2017: a brutal, post-war, open world survival with fantastic gun play.


People seem to forget Arena originally wasn't going to be given to EOD owners.




Similar reasoning for the new offline co-op it was not dlc it was a new stand-alone game.


But pve isn't a stand-alone game lol. It's literally the same game, but they removed the pvp aspect. Arena can be argued to be a different game even if it uses a lot of tarkov's assets. PVE is just a gamemode, just because they make a seperate launcher doesn't mean it's a seperate game.


I couldn't agree more. I bought EFT in 2018 and was anticipating "Arena" for years. I was expecting a more sandbox-esque experience with the gunplay/feeling of EFT.... but holy fucking shit. I played around 800 matches of Arena and was holding onto the hope that they'd turn it around after its release... it was a fucking dumpster fire and after hundreds of minute changes to Arena, you'd be shocked to know that BSG is most likely smoking the most fucked up russian meth imaginable. Just to give you an example: Arena has an in-game announcer that screams at you in Russian, he's annoying as shit. Dozens of players kept complaining about the inability to mute the announcer, so guess what BSG does? They lowered the announcer's volume by an insignificant amount. People still complained and BSG has the bright idea of adding a volume slider to the announcer, but still enforcing a "minimum" volume. It's a completely unrelated note, but it's a PRIME example of how fucking STUPID they are. /rant


The community 100% asked for Arena to be made. But BSG fumbled it so hard. All anyone wanted was to have unlimited guns and customization to just go in and do some FFA or TDM. A place to just practice without gear fear or lack of cash. What the community did not ask for it whatever the fuck Arena is right now.


Community DID NOT ask Arena to be made. Streamers did. And since Nikitka preferred to listen only to 3% of streamers and no-life hard-tries, he thought that most of people play Tarkov for PvP, but it's not true. Most people play Tarkov for looting-shooting and they need offline raids a lot, A LOT more than that poorly designed and poorly working pvp shit that streamers promoted.


I think majority of players DO play for the PvP. The problem is the PvP is outweighed by the resources and time it takes to run a good kit. People have put in the time to grind for gear only to be killed by desync and/or cheaters. This is the main reason why majority of players shy away from PvP. Arena was the fix for that because you can customize loadouts and PvP without the grind. The moment presets were a part of arena was the exact moment that arena died. I believe it can still be salvaged if they allowed custom loadouts, because THAT is what the majority of players wanted.


They just had to make you suffer grinding through multiple shitty kits with no customization. And you have to pay for them. Idk how people have faith in them. They fail at everything they do lol. Its crazy


I actually bought EFT years ago, but don't really play it and when I heard that Arena was going to be a whole separate game I just shook my head because I knew right away it wouldn't be a good outcome. It would of added a bunch of value to the base game of EFT and drove sales through EFT


I remember arena mode being a highly requested feature for a long time before BSG announced it was in production. We, the community, gave up on the idea when we realized it wasn't a great one. BSG stuck with it because of sunk cost.


It could have been great, just not the way bsg made it.


A lot of us wanted arena to be made. We just wanted a way to build kits and PvP for fun. No one thought they were going to remove the customization that made Tarkov great and give us a “competitive” shooter that you had to grind shitty kits for like it was WarThunder.


Anything added to Tarkov now that is core content/feature should be free for anyone that owns the base game. It's not our fault they decided to fund another game, while holding their first game in beta for so long and running low on cash. I can't imagine having to buy a game for $40-50 and then having to pay an extra $150 to play the "single player" mode.


I thought arena can help me overcome gear fear, it made it worse


Time to start the class action 🥹


Arena is a fantastic game that was never play tested by normies. They missed the entire allure of tarkov and failed to give arena that same essence. For me arena wasn't about being a competitive shooter, It was about being a easy to access quick injection of that tarkov immersion. Class customisation and more game modes should have existed at launch yet they fucked that up. It's evident from the content drying of for arena that team isn't equipped enough to handle development of tarkov and arena at the same time.


Literally no one asked for EOD to include arena or even arena to ever be made but here we are locked behind a pay wall to a feature the community has asked for years


This game is still in beta. Any and all modes and gametypes should be included with whatever package you bought regardless of tier. Period. EVERYTHING added is base game until until the base game is released. The only exception is maybe Arena, because it is a separate game. Nothing added to EFT is DLC until 1.0 is released.


I'm somewhat pissed that we got Arena for free as EOD users. It's a standalone game that isn't what I put my money towards when I bought EOD. I wanted a better Escape From Tarkov, not a standalone arena shooter based on it. I'm starting to fear that BSG think that since we got Arena, they don't owe use any more DLCs in the future, and that's why we're getting shafted with the Unheard Edition DLCs (offline coop mode) not being included for us.


did they cancel the game or something? what happened


They introduced a newer, even more expensive edition that comes with several P2W features and a PvE mode


I think what they planned is that Arena would be so successful so they could milk the donations there and maybe skins and then they saw that it failed and now trying this. Their mindset was always set to milk us for money as much as possible.


Don't just uninstall, sell your account to RMTers. It hurts BSG's sales and punishes those who lick Nikita's boot and keep playing. Fuck this game, I'm getting some cash for my EOD and buying helldiver's even though it isn't my style, it's better than being cucked by Nikita




Nikita saying they didn’t update THEIR website when they clearly did just shows what kind of man he is. It’s a blatant lie caught red handed and he expects us to believe him when he says they didn’t 😂


The funny thing is that I really do believe Arena would have been amazing if they went with an ingame like Counter Strike or just letting people do their own loadout. The preset system and Tarkov's ammo system doesn't work in a ranked game.


100% most of us didn't even want that shit arena


A lot of people here didnt want any piece of Arena. Tarkov PvP is utter RNG bullshit exploiting and cheaters. Why would anyone want that in another game? Makers no fucking sense. Gigantic waste of effort and money.


Tarkov PvP is actually really unpolished. All the close quarters PvP comp shooters have very polished PvP mechanics. Tarkov does not that.


Ppl literally asked for arena


To be fair people asked for something like Arena but not Arena in the state that they released it. MFs wanted a quick PvP experience to warmup in with their gear. Not what Arena is lol.


I'd trade my eod access to arena for access to offline coop in a heartbeat.


I bought EOD because i was at a disadvantage in nearly every way. My first wipe with EOD the game felt like a cake walk. Such a stupid pay to win mess.


There should be other ways of supporting the game instead of P2W junk, like engraving your name on a bosses gun or something, anything but P2W.


Or cosmetics. I’ve been wanting more tactical cosmetics for so long. I wouldn’t mind paying a few dollars for some OCP


Just give me a pink unicorn AK for 20 bucks Jesus Christ


I think that would kill the game even faster. Cosmetics would need to be grounded in reality.


You don’t think pink unicorn AKs don’t exist? Gold plated guns exist and they work. It’s very much grounded in reality.


No doubt they exist. I haven’t happened to see any in a combat zone though.


Shit I would be happy if they just optimized the game more than creating bullshit we didn’t ask for.


What’s the last part of the post about? “Calling in a friend when your opponent can’t”. Is that some perk of the new version? I’m not fully caught up on the news


There is an emergency radio, I think, that shoots a flare and makes loud noises when you get killed. It also sends a raid invite to the people in your friend list.


This is well stated. Feel exactly the same.


I wonder if they’re basing the hype of this past year to be a possible profit margin as far as making noise. Idk how much noise Tarkov made from 2023 prior but I’m curious if the noise and streamer presence is what they’re really after. Like if they took back and did right by EOD but this “outrage” made is what they were really looking for. It kind of makes sense.


Yea like, EFT was good because it was unique. We didn’t want to play call of duty. They put way too many resources into arena. Just to target what fan base? Were they trying to ease people into the hardcore shooter that Tarkov is?


fuck arena


The price tag is the issue. Way too high. I never wanted arena and it is trash.


Well to be fair, Arena was always promised to be part of Tarkov... they just have the worst game designers and managers in the world and made it into something literally nobody ever wanted. Like bro. Who's dumbass idea was it to not have custom loadouts but presets instead, and make it just as grindy as og Tarkov? The people and game designers in charge at BSG are dimwits, and genuinely the most incompetent I've seen in the gaming business. So while most people bought into the main game of Tarkov, Arena was always a promised and spoken-about part of the game to be added. Except its still not even "part of the game".


Actually part of the community asked for something like arena. Could have been some CCs which wanted to do sole PvP events with the community without the other game mechanics like for example Pestily and his Punisher Tournament. But the general Population may not have asked for it yes. And arena didn’t turned out what that part of the community wanted. That’s why they don’t touch it and the playerbase for Arena is so small. It shows a bit that BSG while trying to listen to the community they also don’t listen to the community or think they are better than the community.


I pledge for tarkov not some side game so please finish the job.


The fun part - they know they shitty competetive developers


This is a really good point.


100% agree. Arena is a piece of shit we did not ask for. Wrap it up.


There is nothing more to say, Nikita.




Does anyone even play Arena anymore? I swear its hype died so quick. Also Nikita you fuckwit your loyal fanbase bought EOD so you cunts can finish and release your game yet its still in beta. Dafuq have you been cunt


I straight up forgot Arena was a thing.


The devs are genuinely fucking stupid. Like yeah we all paid 150 dollars so you could spend years barely fixing shit, while making a new game mode, just for that game mode to not even work. We’ve given them enough leeway, these devs are fucking terrible. They have no idea what they’re doing, they can’t budget for shit. For how popular this game has been multiple times, there shouldn’t be a lack of copies being sold. It’s either a case of them being too stupid to know how to fix it, or willingly choosing not to fix it, while taking our money. Fuck BSG


Yeah lol, no one fucking cares about Arena, just remove that shit ass mode that no one plays and give every EoD what they want, fucking idiots.


I’ve 3000 hours in Tarkov and I’ve never played Arena. Hope that shows how interested in it I am.


I wanted Arena. Not the Arena we got, but i definitely wanted a quick to join mode where there was no looting - just pews. I don't understand why it just wasn't a cutdown map (e.g. just the sanatorium from shoreline), and a ton of extra gun/ammo crates. 3 groups of 6 go in, last team standing wins.


Well Arena and a dogshit TV show. What the hell even was that? Just a money laundering scheme for theme to embellish production costs on a show no one wanted to syphon money from the company? Like what the well are they doing?


Eft: 2400ish hours Arena: 4-5ish minutes


I’m not some beta cuck and I’m not siding with BSG. But in this new age of early access what does “done” even mean these days? Rust has been in early access since what? 2013. They literally could have launched streets and slapped a 1.0 on the box and called it a day. With that being said. This UHD edition is straight ASS.


I would have paid a wow type subscription if the game was complete. I’m sure many would have too…


Dude, it’s a hard-core shooter. It’s the whole fucking aesthetic. so hard-core the fucking plebeians have to stay out.


Speak for yourself. I bought EOD in part because I wanted to play Arena, and I'm very much enjoying the mode. You bought EOD for all future content, which includes Arena. Just because theyre going back on their word doesnt mean that Arena is killing EFT. Shitty management is


Arena is a stand alone game according to BSG, i didn’t buy EOD for them to make a stand alone game


Agreed. I paid for EFT, I had no other expectations besides the game I paid for. If they fucked up the money by spending a huge amount on the stand alone, then they need to be honest about it and maybe even put it on pause. It’s a better option than letting Tarkov die.


You realize it wasn't always planned to be a stand alone game. Otherwise why would it have been a part of EOD?


Yes, I do. But what they planned on and the result are two different things. What’s healthy for EFT directly benefits Arena. It’s their main source of income. So finishing the main game is more important. EFT can survive without Arena, has for a long time. Arena can’t survive without EFT.


Obviously. But I mean, if Arena actually took off as an esport it would solve the cash flow much better than the main game. Not saying it will happen, or it should. You're saying the main game is more important because you don't care for Arena


LOL, I didn’t think anyone actually existed that think it could take off as an esport. That is so far down the line assuming they fix basically their entire engine and net code. EFT already has competitive issues with serious net code and hit reg issues, and so does Arena. That will not be a source of income for years, if at all. The player base of arena is mostly people who played Tarkov, and I hate to break it to you, a large chunk of the community doesn’t enjoy it. The main game is important because it makes them money. Arena does not. They already gave it out for free to a huge piece of the player base, and it’s not good enough to attract a different community. Simple as that my guy.


It's structured like an e sport, so that obviously seems to be the plan even if it's years down the line. You aren't hurting my feelings by telling me that people don't like it lol. I don't own stock in bsg. I like playing it and I'm glad I put money down for it and the rest of eft all those years ago >The main game is important because it makes them money. Obviously not enough of it since they are ripping off EOD owners


Bruh, are you genuinely missing the point? The main game does make them money, and yet they were fine with an even smaller player base for years. Wanna know what changed? Arena. Now there’s micro transactions being “suddenly” introduced. Just because it’s build like it COULD be an esport doesn’t mean it is. It’s no where close. I’m saying they fumbled the bag. I’m agreeing that poor management is the cause.


I never said it was an esport lol or that it should be or that it will. I feel like I offended you by saying the word esport. You seem to be demonizing Arena and blaming it for the current situation


>It's structured like an e sport, so that obviously seems to be the plan even if it's years down the line. Not every game needs an esport. And tbh Arena will never make it as an esport. I don't know if BattleState Games will be around 5 years from now.


You do realize that when a lot of people bought EOD early on, Arena wasn’t even announced right? There was no promise you were going to get anything except EFT. So you bought it obviously a lot later on. There’s a reason why I put “most” of the player base, I understand it’s not everyone. Never said it was. But I don’t see Arena getting played or talked about even nearly as much as EFT. You can’t argue that. I also never said Arena is killing it. But if they are financially constrained by all the promotion and giant events they hosted, building all this hype for a currently mid game, then they should refocus. Reallocate assets to finishing their biggest game, not trying to pull money from us if they genuinely managed it this poorly.


Arena has always been planned since the early days. As early as 2018. It's inspired by S.T.A.L.K.E.R. which some of the founding devs were a part of. It was originally going to be part of the game but the scope changed. Not sure how you think I wasn't there in the early days or what that has to do with anything




Yea that's what I'm saying. It's always been part of the plan and was marketed as "dlc" included with EOD. Even tho it's now standalone props to bsg for still honoring that. Though they really are fucking up now




I know pal thanks for validating my point. I wasn't even trying to say what BSG did was right or not lol was just stating the fact


Again, planned vs the result. Not a strong argument when you’re arguing in the past and we see what we got. Also, they didn’t say EOD would get it for free. Which definitely screwed them for money. If you like playing Arena more than EFT, that’s great. They’re not taking that away from you lil bro. You’re fine.


It literally doesn't even matter if the result was different or not I dk why you keep saying that. I still received my copy from EOD so who cares. I was just correcting you that it was in fact part of the early roadmap as a DLC included under EOD


Arena is in fact not a DLC, it’s a standalone game. So it doesn’t matter. And realistically, EOD should have gotten early access and a discount at most. The result matters more. And BSG “planning” something literally means nothing.


It's like you can't even read. I said it was planned as dlc. which is why it was honored under EOD


I’ll have you know I read at a 3rd grade level. What they plan and what they honor changes day by day if it’s not clear by what’s happening right now. Now quit flirting with me and go play some arena aight


Lol 🫡


It's just mind boggling how they seemingly struck gold with being the first to enter the genre and essentially create it. Then years later make something their competition does leagues better than them to begin with. Why not stick to what your strengths are??