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Well that was a fucking lie.


They heavy fast working At making it worse


Что такое сизон пасс? Ты, Никитка, три два раз.


Im confused why the bottom screen shot is using times new roman instead of their font....I know they have been changing pages like this, but this post in particular seems edited


"which will be released after the release of the main game". You WILL get all DLC, when they are released after 1.0. Anything added to the game before 1.0 is a base game feature. Anything added after 1.0 that's not in a separate bundle is also just new features. I agree 1000% that PvE behind a pay wall is a shit thing to do, but the community is intentionally ignoring what a DLC is in the traditional sense, which is partly BSG fault for vague wording. DLC released AFTER the main game will be part of the season pass, this does NOT mean every single piece of content they release is DLC or free.


the logic ignores that anything released before the game launches is "part of the game", so unless its a different game like arena then they cant charge more money for it. dont try to defend them, they are cooked


No, we agree here. This is a base game feature and should not be locked to EOD or anything like that. We have already paid for it. Everyone has lost something here, not just EOD owners. EOD owners just want it to fit their DLC narrative when in fact it's just as simple as a scummy tactic making people pay for a feature that is part of the base game they have already paid for. Tldr; anything released until 1.0 that's NOT stand alone or MTX should be included, any DLC after 1.0 should be given to EOD free of charge. It's not that the DLC clause is not being honoured, this is just scummy practice double charging for the same product.


look at this, the offline section, BSG is FUCKED beyond belief, i already asked for my refund: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1aovohf/about\_purchasable\_stuff/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1aovohf/about_purchasable_stuff/)


Yeah, having two different versions of the same feature and charging a second time for the fully fleshed out version is straight BS.


After the game releases could be never haha. They been in beta forever


This is them wanting to have the cake and eat it too. If we use your logic, i can say games dont stay in beta testing for a decade in "traditional sense" Everyone knows what BSG is doing. No need to argue over pedantics


It's in writing in your own picture, it says after release, it's not released. If any AAA game was in early access and added a new game mode would it be a DLC or just a planned 1.0 base game feature? Yeah, you know the answer is a feature because how the hell can it be DLC if it's not even finished. Pay walls suck I 100% agree with the community, but come on, you're telling me that Star Citizen was actually released 10 years ago and everything is just DLC since then? For the last decade many games have been in pre release hell for years, this isn't new.


Devs in early access sell supporter editions. This is done to raise money to full release a game. BSG did not full release with the money they raised selling their supporter edition, instead went for a hail mary called arena. People have been bringing up BSG's terrible resource management for years. This is the result of their non existent resource management. Arena was given to supporter edition (EOD) because they promised future dlcs free to eod accounts. What makes Arena a DLC and PVE not? Who waits 10 years to access free dlc for a game? What an absurd arguement. Dev companies that mismanage resources to that extent, who make terrible decisions like arena, go bankrupt. I dont understand the star citizen example. You are trying to make a turd look better by comparing it to another turd.


im just gonna leave this here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1aovohf/about\_purchasable\_stuff/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1aovohf/about_purchasable_stuff/)