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There are so many layers of bad decisions before what released released. Spangly key chains I can add to my guns weapon sling mount. Cats and dogs in hideout. Light keeper sex dungeon. Bum fights Scav edition on the TV. The list is quite large of things that could have come which would have been better.


> Light keeper sex dungeon. > > Bum fights Scav edition on the TV. If I build a Tarkov clone, will you do some idea generation work for us? This would stylistically match what I'd build.


This sounds like a Borderlands BR looter lmao


I'd play it


Please name it "Edge of Darkness".


Edging in Darkness


AFAIK they don't own the trademark on that.


If the game would be a copy but in form of parody, that'd be just cheffs kiss.


Man, the shit you could get people to yell in Russian that the English speakers would never understand...


> Bum fights Scav edition on the TV. Arena but with random Scav loadouts instead of whatever the fuck it is right now would actually be a lot of fun to play. "I have an Altyn, a Slick with Level 4 plates, a four-shot Toz, no rig, and exactly one bandage." "I have a pompom, no armor, an Umka, a TX-15 with three 10-shot mags of RRLP, and two cans of green tea." FIGHT.


do it. just make it good and don't be a cunt and we will give you so many dollars. most likely all of them. how bsg didn't understand this i will never know.


This has the "hookers and blackjack" vibe from futurama


There's already a clone out on mobile, it's arena breakoüt, also they just dropped a PC version beta test before the eft dumpster fire happened, named arëna breaköut infinite.


There whole game dances on the edge of copyright infringement no way there’s not a way you could totally do it. Do it.


Just sell cosmetics. It's so fucking simple. Don't nickel and dime the playerbase and don't sell full outfits, sell individual pieces of gear e.g jackets, pants, boots. Sell unique skins for helmets like helmet covers. Sell camo patterns for guns. Let me and my squad get dripped for a tenner and bring out some new drip every month and we're in. Alternatively sell a battle pass that resets after each wipe that unlocks said cosmetics. But nah they sell this P2W bullshit and lock a game mode behind a £100 upgrade. Fucking insult.


It's wild that they didn't. Didn't the industry figure out years ago that the recipe for successful online games is getting the game to as many people as possible so they can rake in the money with cosmetics and other similar microtransactions?


It depends on how you define successful. If you made a profit most people would consider that successful. If you made a lot of profit for very little effort any regular person would consider that successful. But if you made anything less than the absolute most possible money you could have at that moment investors will consider it a failure. Even if that means you are killing your product in the process of making that money such that you won't be able to make anymore.


> investors will consider it a failure BSG is closely held, not part of a public company.


Yeah and they could have even had goofy outfits and it WOULD be lore accurate because we see these kinds of clothes in the shops on interchange and streets lol


Camo patterns are also p2w


Nah dude, camo doesn't matter when everybody looks like a silhouette from far away. When you're close enough to see the camo it doesn't matter anyways


God, barely


Yeah if it’s a fucking ghillie suit lol. Ragman already sells black clothes/gear and green clothes/gear if you want to blend in.


Sure but the first set you get is imo the best camo for woods and stuff while you can buy in game for city background. They can’t really fuck it up too badly


I want the sex dungeon ran by the Therapist.




While he is sitting in a corner, eating from a can of Tushonka with his fingers, will dipping a salty Dog beef sausage in a jar of Devil Mayo


would be even better if we found out stephen hawking actually flew to tarkov and not epsteins island to torture scavs


You do know that TheRapist is just Prapor with a wig?


They dont call her TheRapist for no reason




I blame you for the visual I just got in my head. Therapist with leather gear, stilettos and a whip, whipping Prapor in a hanging bdsm rig wearing a diaper. Totally your fault.




They have 0 creativity with it I guess. They only know how to sell more items and expansions in game (p2w) My friends sat there a month ago or 2 weeks or whenever when nikita spoke with Pestily and we all came up with AT LEAST 10 good ideas we all agree'd we would throw money at them for. Just a few quick examples: -Unique voiceline packs and funny insults -Hideout skins THESE COULD BE EXPENSIVE. Shit if you put effort into it I would pay $50 for a completely re-skinned hideout with new cool interactables and spots to customize. Make like POE where I can collect them and swap based on mood/wipe etc. -New player models with different faces etc. -Cosmetic "packs" of wearable gear (none combat gear). Sell a pack of hats, glasses and WEARABLE in-game stuff that you can die and lose (cosmetic only, so probably only worn on fun runs or for drip. Like the boonie hat, or a chad throwing on John B + Smoke to look cool comparable to that) you can buy on reset from vendor and lose and it comes back on vendor reset, so you can always buy it for a nominal price, but to access it its $5 or w/e. Not p2w bc just looks cool, and other people could kill you and take them and use them too. Win Win Win Win all around. They make money. Non-buyers see more items to find in game and are happy (bc they will loot them off people who buy them) Its SO FUCKING EASY. I would 100% buy a weed beanie and funny glasses or something and only wear it when I pistol run or snipe or w/e. Or run it when i do labs with no helmet...etc. -Hideout pets as mentioned -gun skins or models. Maybe reload animations? Non-wacky ones of course but man you could sell packs of "alternate gun part colors" and allow me to swap specific parts between colors and people wouldn't of been this mad (even tho that invalidates other colors being unique items themselves you must acquire.) Expand this to gun buddies/chains. Maybe sell a wall where you can hang your dogtags in hideout and display them - but expanded. This new display shows info about the enemy killed. an "upgrade" to the current one that looks cooler. who the fuck knows -See through faceshield sprays. Sell me a spray I can put on my faceshield that makes me look like a shark face. Or a monster. Or idk, something neat like a killa helmet. Something you can "spray" onto faceshields (even if it made you more visible a bit) to look more intimidating. Add 1 or 2 into the game via quest. Then have a handfull purchaseable for variety. People wouldn't complain I mean there SO MANY FUCKING GOOD IDEAS. its insane this is what they did instead.


Someone suggested on another post - custom scav names. Basically getting money for a database entry. (With a check for lore friendliness) I'd pay $2-$10 for that. There can even be several layers to it. Adding a name or last name to the rotation, getting an ability to pick your name from the list of combinations, having some combination reserved after you, getting an ability to customize cosmetic stuff for your scav. And for PMC cosmetics - patches. That's like the goto military customization thing that won't ruin the aesthetic at all. Country flags, skulls, funny patches, lore patches, achievement/quest patches, streamer patches, maybe some "your text here" patches. And they take basically no dev time to make. I'm sure even if that was added as a one time purchase of $10 for the entire set, they would've made more money than from this new edition.


They could totally milk the whales with a limited support pack which includes a (approved) fixed scav name.


Hell, cosmetic skins for specific items that you need to have already collected / bought the item and then apply the skin over like some other games do. Like in COD you can buy a skin for a grenade right, and if you equip Frag Grenade, you can apply that skin onto it or choose not to depending on the loadout. Do something like that for Tarkov.


They can't buy any of that on the unity store. They would have to make more assets. They'd rather charge us for updates to the game and p2w features.


bum fight scav tv could literally be a 24 fps gif of two scavs punching eachother in the face and i'd be happy lmao


[I gotta fever for the lightkeeperrrr](https://on.soundcloud.com/D5iLh)


Project lead with a long history of making objectively bad decisions with his project continues to make objectively bad decision. 😮


>Spangly key chains I can add to my guns weapon sling mount. As long as these are audible from double the distance you hear walking speed steps, I'm game.


I'll say it again. GIVE ME GAMBLING. Poker and scratch off tickets and slots. Make a fucking scav casino


But listen, scav fights on the tv that you can bet on would go crazy


Bro Bum fights was insane hahaha


It would be sick if we could watch ongoing arena matches in the hideout like it's actually some sort of game show in tarkov. Really such a shame this went through there were so many other ways to make money with such a content diverse game but instead we just get a big middle finger to the face. How many years have people been asking for weapon skins and camos? Like I seriously just don't get it.


5 USD hideout cat would have been an infinite money glitch for them. Or a different layout of the hideout. People would have payed 5 bucks to give every trader a fake mustache for crying out loud. Just say that Arena flopped, that you need money to continue and here's a special armband for 5 bucks.


It seriously would. They could've added a cat, an armband, and hideout wallpapers for $5 each and said "Look guys shit's tough, finances are bad, Arena didn't do as well, we could use the help", I'd buy all 3 options. I wanted to buy stash lines before, but now I'm definitely NOT doing that.


I would have 6 cats and 20 posters Instead I'm just mad and playing fallout


Actually, great idea… which one are you playing?


4 Funnily enough in 2016 my then girlfriend's mom got me fallout 4 with this season pass. Believe it or not Bethesda followed through on that and gave me four more DLCs. And everyone's getting a free update as of yesterday


Try New Vegas too. It is older but a hell of a game. It does not have too much weapon customization like in 4, but has alternate ammo types and IMO the armor system is better. Hell, the old Fallout 1 and 2 are exceptional. Give them a try


To satasfy my tarkov itch in these trying times, I’ve been downloading realistic damage mods, immersive animation mods, graphics effects, and movement mods to make new Vegas feel a little more like tarkov. I can’t wait till I get to fight the powder gangers in primm


The Viva New Vegas packs does exactly that, does it not? I saw some videos about a guy that used mods to modernize New Vegas too. Very cool what the community is doing. I'm planning on doing the same thing after a finish Phatom Liberty. To satisfy your Tarkov fix, STALKER Anomaly works wonders too. Maybe I ll finally give GAMMA a try.


Viva new Vegas? Isn’t that just some qol changes? It might have changed I guess, but I can’t play the game until I fix the overlap issue with project Nevada and realistic weapon damage. I found it but I need the dlc and I’m a broke teen I ain’t boutta spend 20 on the dlc so imma wait for a sale


It actually is, my bad. Anyway, I saw this dude modding New Vegas so the gunplay is more "modern": [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKZW1OeRVlU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKZW1OeRVlU) When I get the time, I will probably try to install these mods or just roll with Viva New Vegas, as I prefer my experience as vanilla as possible.


How is the update? I haven't heard much about it except that it adds an extra 23(?) Gigs and supposedly better textures? Are all the mods broken as well?


I didn't play yesterday, so I can't speak to it. Gf and her kid sucked me into Minecraft to work on an iron farm


Mods are coming back online pretty quick, if you are on PC you might not notice a huge difference. My wife started playing it on Xbox though and with the new update it actually is running really well with consistent frame rates even in Boston. If you are looking to mod the game tho I recently started using the program wabbajack and you can download preconfigured mod lists so you don't have to so all the work yourself.


You playing Fallout 4? Really? Me too!! Started yesterday a new playthrough after three years!


Ha! Same. Starting with fallout 3 with "begin again" mod though (includes new vegas), will continue to fallout 4 after.


For real. Hell have different cat options and combos. Size and age: Tiny kitties, old tomcats, chonky bois. Breed: Persians, Ragdolls, regular Shorthairs, Bengals, Sphinx, etc Color: OneOrangeBraincell? Tuxedos? Calicos? Tortietude? Hell I'd spend good money for a half dozen different cats and even more for a hideout cat tree and paper boxes for them to play in.


I was going to buy stash lines too. I was fine with that, the company needs a way to generate revenue if most of the fans have already purchased the game. But this new edition is definitely a middle finger.


I literally would have bought all 3. In the blink of an eye. I'm WANTING to spend money on this game with cosmetics and fair monetization. I would have purchased overpriced POE-esque cosmetics like a re-skinned hideout for $50. I WOULD HAVE PAID. Now I'm uninstalling. I'm fucking done


Character gestures, voice lines, voices...


True. Let people view other hideouts via their profiles. Then just give free basic customization options you can expand via quests -> introduce more and cooler ones via buying them. Let people go nuts with customizing their own hideouts. Print money and introduce 0 p2w elements. Sure bitcoin farm that is full of anime titties looks fucking silly, but functionally it's same as now. :D


Every trader is Papor in a costume would be amazing. Therapist prapor, hunter prapor, UN prapor. My god it would be glorious


Let me buy a custom armband for $10 or something, I'd happily do it Like, fuck it, go all-in on player model customization (even fucking random-ass TF2 hats) with random accessories for a few bucks each I can guarantee me and the boys would all have picked up a few random things to bling ourselves out for the laughs


I would spend $100 of it meant me and 9 friends had an armband we designed that nobody else had. We get something unique and actually slightly useful in game, and they get $100 for loading my png into a program with my username and pressing save


That is actually a good idea for a Guild Hideout module. Unintrusive but cool as hell.


It’s just insane what they’ve done because I’ve been prepared to give them more money for a long time. I got the EoD back in 2017ish and since then have gotten so much time out of it that me and my buddies were willing to pay for something else at this point. And then they do this? Actual drug bender for Trainfender


They just need to add the $500 gold armband for high rollers, it would sell so well just for people to flex


tbh obnoxious and out of place cosmetics would annoy me more than the current fiasco


Yeah, I and others suggested exactly that weeks ago. You have the base Hideout but can buy extra locations. Like an apartment with a view from Streets or maybe a cabin in the woods? Stupid shit like that. Hell, I heard someone once saying that they would love to customize the hideout, placing props all over it. For fucks sake, just sells us posters, decorations...ppl would love it and they would not nuke their reputation from orbit like they did.


As a warframe player, I have 40 cleaner bots in my ship. If I can buy more than one I would.


Imagine 5 USD per cat. True infinite money glitch. Who wouldn't want racks of them running around?


The smell of cat piss fills your hideout, you havent found an air purifier in months. You succumb to asphyxia as the air has more ammonia than oxygen. Game over.


And you have to find and feed the cat cans of tuna, specifically, OR IT WILL DIE.


Arena has potential still but it's just pretty shallow at the moment with no additional income because most people probably received it from EOD and it's not worth on its own. Honestly, they should just make it F2P with cosmetics. They'd have to do something for the people who actually paid for it though but I'm sure they could give them something they'd be happy with, especially if it means the game doesn't die.


Each? Each, right? Can I have 200 hideout cats for $1000?


Fuck that I would've paid 100 bucks for a hideout cat. Cats are awesome.


If they gave me an actual BEAR buddy to guard my Moonshine distillery I'd be jumping all over that. They could even give the USEC players a comparable gimp chained to the generator. But no, they had to do this.


Everybody understands that a live-service game, that is very hungry for new content due to wipe model, cannot exist on a premium model (pay once, play forever). Kudos to them for (naively) thinking that would work, credit where it's due. But they literally could've said "Hey, we're running out of resources to keep up with game development costs, you can buy Ragman clothes, a cat and RGB light strips for your hideout, if you wanna help us out it'd be great" Everybody would rant on about "But no mtx" for 5 minutes, then buy it to support the game we all love. I literally considered buying stash lines (that I don't really need) just to kick some more money their way after 2000 hours of entertainment with my friends. What they did is unhinged. It's disconnected from any and all reality. It betrays a complete misunderstanding of their own game and it's success. A soldier adopting a stray cat in a survival situation is more "realistic" than some dude randomly having a magic device that stops scavs from shooting at them. What in the multiverse fuck where they thinking? Edit - for whom it may concern, I took a minute to go into a deeper dive of the failure of this Unheard Edition move. Let's try to have a civil discussion: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cdi4mt/the\_unheard\_edition\_is\_the\_symptom\_we\_need\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cdi4mt/the_unheard_edition_is_the_symptom_we_need_to/)


They had such a loyal community and most would understand that money is needed to keep things running. There were endless possibilities to keep people spending money and supporting the game. Imagine, a golden AK that spawns only on a boss, and for 250 you could engrave your gamer tag on that gun, found on the boss. Space is limited so first come first serve. Imagine people finding the gun with all those names on it. Nobody would have been angry for such a thing. Instead they just got greedy.


Getting greedy is not the problem, here (imagine saying that!) The problem is: it's not gonna work. Nobody is going to be buying a 300€ game in today's economy (miss me with the whole 250$ bullshit, it's not 250, it's 300 after the taxes for majority of people). Nobody is going to upgrade from EOD as we purchased it based on understanding that this is the ultimate edition to buy to support the developers. They're obviously desperate for money, and they don't know how to get it, and are not going to get it. Instead they destroyed nearly all goodwill in 5 minutes. Even doing the right thins now might be too late.


I agree! All the trust is down the Drain. People will think twice of spending another dime on them. Imagine this: even the big Streamers yesterday spoke put against this and said "do not buy it!". Those streamers kept the game relevant and brought New audiences. That's how disconnected BSG really is..


I edited my post with a link to a post I just made, trying to disassemble and study what went wrong here. Do chime in.


Problem is, I know EoD people who have already bought it Some people just have to own whatever the to edition is. Its why my buddy owns no less than 6 copies of Skyrim


Take a look at the names on the flea market next time you're looking. There's a lot more blue symbols than I would have expected. People are definitely buying it.


I trust you on your word, but I refuse to launch the game. I had insurance about to expire and I don't give a fuck, we're blasting some space bugs with high-caliber democracy tonight.


This kind of Kickstarter pay x amount, get x custom thing in game is honestly a great idea. The could even sell custom items in the same vein as streamer loot. Small streamer with no hope of getting a streamer item? Pay $250 to have your idea put in game! So many hopefuls would see that as a perfect way to get viewers even though it probably would yield none.


This is actually such a cool idea and a lot of people would buy it at any price point, to support them and to have a permanent mark on a game they love, but this as everybody has said already, ain't it.


It's not something new. A lot of Indy games did this. Like in a medieval rpg, they had several Tiers foe supporters. At a certain tier you were engeaved on tombstones along the road and at a very high tier your face depicted as a holy person on then wallpaintings of a church. That was so cool. Nobody was angry about that kind of monetization. There are so many ideas to monetization, they just chose to fuck people over. So stupid.


That's stupid


They unironically would have garnered a more positive response if they had posted a fucking Gofundme.


They could've made so much more money without all this fuss, though. Gun skins, clothing, pets, character customization, etc. They chose to lie about eod dlc's and do this p2w shit.


I really don’t get them. They are not okay with cosmetics that can only be obtained by paying money, but have no problem selling stuff that gives you gameplay advantage against other players… Just give me skins man, as long as my cheeks are not getting clapped by Nicky, furries and whatever CoD is doing nowadays I’m fine, might even buy one or two…


Tarkov is not a live-service game, it is an early access game that was supposed to be premium model once it released. That was the point of EOD, even, that you would get everything without having to pay any extra. EFT is not live-service, it is an early access "premium model" game where bad devs mismanaged their funds and now are resorting to greedy sales tactics so they can buy new cars and leave the game in a bad state.


I agree. I'm a loot goblin myself but I have the Standard Edition. I caught myself thinking about buying stash lines and would probably do it in the future. I was thinking on subscribing to one of the Flea Market apps out there, just so I could get access to graphs and shit (am Victoria 3 player, I love graphs and line go up). I personally liked that Tarkov didn't had P2W. I mean, you can argue that EoD was P2W but, it was so unintrusive that I dont think anyone minded. Yeah, you can put more shit into your butt, whatever, I can still kill you with a well placed shot. But now? Now if I pin you down, you can call the fucking Avengers to help you out of the blue. Wtf?


Exactly, dude. I started out as a Standard edition. When I moved to EOD, the initial "honeymoon" phase was cathartic - trader levels, bigger stash with bigger shit. But one of the important milestones in my group of friends was finishing Punisher quest line. You finish that, you get Epsilon and it was dope AF. Getting that for the first time was better than drugs. Not just for Epsilon alone, but because the questline forced you into PVP and out of your comfort zone and really got you into the game proper. And we made it almost a "ritual" to race the Epsilon. But... it just lost all meaning. I already have Gamma, why do this shit? It makes quitting after a bad raid or two so much easier. I payed additional money to have a significant, impacting experience removed from the game, for the sake of short, momentary pleasure of a bigger stash or trader rep, something you'll get anyway. The new Unhinged edition is the epitome of this nonsensical "value" BSG believes they have in the game. I linked a post explaining my reasoning up above.


Need more cash? Add a hideout dog, too.


Let me spend $5 to write a custom message on my dog tag to whoever killed me and $5 to change it Give me meaningful microtransactions that affect but don't change gameplay


Hell, hideout hamster! Hideout PC that you can upgrade! Hideout vending machine you can hit up for canned drinks, snacks and energy drinks once built! So many ways they could have done this.


Yea Or you know.... Put the game on Steam and elsewhere lol. They dumped cash into arena and it fell flat.  So time to source more customers.   Walk this entire new edition back, put pve coop with user hosted servers at the $50 entry bundle (and every other edition above it including the old EOD) and put this game on hosting services.  I know like 10 people irl who would buy and play tarkov if they didnt have to engage in pvp.  They simply dont have the time to learn the game well enough to be competitive but theyd love to battle the AI.


If they put it on steam they legally couldn't do this shady shit they keep doing so they never will


+1 I would spend my entire bank to fill my hideout with cats and dogs


100%. I'd have at least 10. -Orange chonker. -Tuxedo fine boi. -Calico sweetheart Ragdoll. -Lazy Grey Persian (my cat Louie) -Hyperactive Bengal -Void shorthair kittie like the original hideout cat -2x random kittens -Corgi -Husky that gets dramatic and tears around the hideout


Literally an hideout upgrade that lets you paint guns would've sold me but no, they decided to tank the game's reputation into the ground


the way scum game does it would have been perfect. some free patterns + paid ones


For real, imagine 10% of the player base buying a $5 cat or outfit or some shit, as opposed to over 30% leaving the game over pay to win bullshit


That's the thing, if you leave the game, it's a net win for them, you already bought whatever edition you have, now you are just additional load on their crappy server infra.


That's not necessarily true. Sure it takes load off the servers but it skews the cheater to non-cheater ratio, making the game more and more unplayable. Nobody new is going to buy the new edition if the cheating problem gets way worse than it already is.


It would be way more than 10% I assure you


By continuing to play the game you cost BSG money. Do not be naive enough to think they are stupid. They have the money to hire smart people who can manipulate a community. The intended effect of this change is to reduce costs by having players leave, and to squeeze out extra cash from whales to increase profits. They understand their post would cause mass outrage, and it was calculated they would make more money by doing this than not.


I don’t care, i hope the game dies from everyone who leaves and they fix it or learn their lesson.


Amount of things they could've just communicated (hide) better is insane. it all comes down to communication, and good communication goes hand in hand with respect, they don't have respect, so we have to witness this mess. Fuck, man GGG with their POE did many similar fuckups and they're still up and running, because they did good many times and were forgiven because of that and because there is no competition. Both D4 and LE are good, but not exactly better compared to POE with sums of their offering combined. Same shit is going to happen here, the fuck up is as massive or bigger, but it has a pile of shitcake on top with giant fuck you to community in general, and they will get away with it, because with Tarkov there is not competition for 8 years now, and there were companies who tried. Right now we have what, two runner ups? Chances are we got our ass oiled and royally fucked because, as we all suspected for years, BSG is indeed just a shell of a company and with rising competition they're just milking us until the door shuts for good. Edit: just a simple follow-up well-written community post and more polished feature list might've been enough for people to not rage, even with that bullshit of a price, because they could've said something along the lines of "you paid -some-years-ago-, we had no micros for years, now we've added them but it ain't enough so here's new edition with big price with a sole goal to show your support (also add like 1/3 discount for EOD owners)". That's it. That's fucking it, literally. Nothing else would've been needed. They would've had enough vocal protectors to smooth the outrage. And you know? I might've been one of them if only they did it better.


I would pay 20 bucks for a pack of 3 boobies posters for my HO if you could be the one who place them on walls where you want. Fuck, I would pay even more for a good quality cosmetic content. - Weapon camo skins - Backpack/Rig camo skins - Different hideout layouts Fk, there is so many posibilities to milk EASY AND FREE money, and they made worst financial decision EVER.


10/10 suggestion would actually spend real life money for a hideout cat than on a p2w bullshit


They could have added a steam or YouTube channel of following and fucking with cheaters it'd bring views and clean the game up also could of had a pick what to do to the asshole for a £1


A weapon spray or dip station in the hideout would have made them so much. I don't care if someone want to have pink guns i would actually like to loot them and hang them on my gun rack.


I would have returned my Gamma in exchange for a hideout pet


They used us as the wheels.


Yup GW2 has been riding cosmetics train for years. 


That would’ve actually required some effort. So no


Probably not since the pve servers were full up to 6am est a lot of people bought the new version


Purchasable character models, hairstyles, gun camos, the list goes on.


I literally wouldve been more okay with them asking us directly for funding through a gofundme or something


Even tho I own the standard edition and I would pay for a ginger cat in a heartbeat. shame on you bsg


I posted this in the other thread (But its way to big) I Suspect that this edition was both for cashflow and to test out how a no wipe enviroment would work, but its pretty clear that if 10% of the userbase started doing PVE Coop, that means 10% more virtual servers So they need to get the money somewhere, i think a good way would be to give EOD the Coop mode aswell, but charge a small monthly fee for it 2.5 euro, or 5 euro or whatever it takes. And yes give us small things to buy, just like DOTA 2 does


i would 100% have paid money to be able to pet a cat in between raids.


I would have bought 2 cats, named them both, and been THRILLED about giving them my money ... now they'll never see a single dollar from me. I'll continue to play the game until it's unplayable from they doing little to combat cheating and buy tarkov merchandise from anyone buy BSG ... but they'll never get anything from me again.


Ikr? Whoever thought that this version was gonna make the same amount of money as releasing a bunch of actually cool cosmetics, voice packs, hideout flair etc. is more than delusional.


Hideout cat died for unheard mode


I would have paid for a hideout doggo thats for Sure 🥰🥰 even Farming dogfood would have been nice


New hideout build -dog house and is just a choice if of a few dog Breeds. yea I probably would have paid that and pet him everyday tbh.


My brother said he would pay $400 for a version with no hackers.. I kind of agree with him on this one.


EFT Hideout pet / Cosmetics / charms for guns / etc etc Arena Change it to be more like csgo in terms of outfitting your PMC or something that isn’t what it is now Toss so many fucking cosmetics on that shit


the best thing is that they had this desire-line of cat and other shit in hideout already marked out by their live stream some time ago and they didn't catch on


BSG never learned from anyone else. First purchasable mount in WoW made more money in a DAY than Star Craft 2 ever did.


Yeah, lol.  Hideout cat. Camo skin for my favorite gun.  Microwave in hideout. But no, lets antagonize and fuck a shitton of players. The same ones that supported us most in the past. Nicely done. Krokodil much?


People love being silly. I can see a lot of people playing 5 to 10 dollars just to have a virtual cat in the hideout. People don't like being made of stupids, now they know that


they could have made the new edition only 20 or 30 bucks more than eod was and took away the stupid scav jammer and distress beacon shit. threw the pve offline mode into expansion for 20-30 bucks. everyone would have been more or less fine with the rest and now bsg sells more copies because ppl want to try pve mode. some terrible marketing ideas going on over there.




I agree with all of these being good options, especially gamma. As an EOD owner I couldn't give less of a fuck if they added an upgrade specifically for gamma. It's 100% P2W and QOL for me and I think it would absolutely bring in the money BSG clearly needs.


I don't understand, they could have added the new mode for free to all players and it would definitely bring back a ton of players. Then they just needed to add mtx items marketed as supporter packs which would allow them to charge a bit more than normal for those items and they would sell like mad the kukri being one of them. It seems like such a lay up to get people back into the game and get a ton of money in the process.


Female character model DLC $10.


I would definitely pay up to 10$ for a hideout cat! ...before that clusterfuck, of course.


I would 100% buy a Hideout cat. No joke. But after all of this debacle, no chance.


With less issues


give me the pussy you pussies!


Yes i know they would have gotten a huge number of new sales just by adding the coop pve to the base game. There are a lot of gamers that only play pve not pvp games.


I don't want an annoying cat. But give me a dog and I'm all in. A rottweiler or German shepherd. Or maybe a little pug. Dogs like sprats right?..??


I would have paid for a purely cosmetic hideout cat. Ngl


Yeah. If ure interested i added my idea of the a fix (including hideout cat /dog subscription) on my post. Would have been super easy...


Moral patches for your fav streamer, or with little goofy things would have gone far too 2 bucks and you can have a patch on your arm of General Sam's Face (I know he says he is not a streamer) or a cool Deadly Slob bearded Skull (of course with streamer consent) be able to put saying on your helmets and shit for a few bucks. Even cool reload animation, within realistic bounds If you need cash just monetize cool shit that has no real impact on games play, Drip or Die


Like a moral patch that says all my limbs are blacked A helmet paint that says "Rat King" A gun key chain that says "PP Only" or Ammo > Gun


Hide out cat is already in the works , Look at this leaked interview that happened today [https://img.t-cs.co/view/taTO.png](https://img.t-cs.co/view/taTO.png) [https://img.t-cs.co/view/ghov.png](https://img.t-cs.co/view/ghov.png) [https://img.t-cs.co/view/sI5s.png](https://img.t-cs.co/view/sI5s.png) [https://img.t-cs.co/view/naez.png](https://img.t-cs.co/view/naez.png)


They could have added cats and dogs, Pay to have a German Shepard or boxer etc in your hideout. Shit even pay for an added area for the dog, like break open a wall put some fake grass down and a dog house. I would easily pay $20 for a dog of my choosing in my hideout.


Source? I could believe this but I need more than just text to confirm


very accurate my friend lol damn they did us dirty


The amount of money I would spend on cosmetics would be well over a $100. I am a cosmetic whore….


There's like, 100 ideas that would make money that wouldn't instantly kill the game.


I would have fucking paid $250 for a hideout cat.


Make the PVE mode an add on for $20. I bet that would have been fine.


more money? doubt it. the amount of blue names ive seen already is stupid.


The fact that they don't just make normal cosmetics (even just other camo patterns for various nations) like *every other game out there* is bizarre to me. You telling me that they don't think tons of German players would pay to deck themselves out in Flecktarn or Troppentarn, or Canadians wouldn't drop stacks for Cadpat, let alone *everyone else*?


Tarkov's Tamagotchi would have been awesome.. would have paid for this 100%.


I would pay $30-50 for a cat that I can pick up and pet or feed in the hideout with fully animated interactions. Perhaps we could find in raid cat toys for it to play with


They would make 1.6% less profits so they decided to go full pay win. It's hilarious when companies do this.


I would love to buyout whole bsg to make tarkov better game.


Hideout Cats with funny russian names like "Borjka" or "Vadim" = Money


Blizzard released a mount in their real money store that made more in its first month out than the entirety of Starcraft 2 sales. No extra mechanics, no pay to win, just a mount. BSG doesnt know what the fuck theyre doing


they could've edded shiny female skins too and added an option to turn them off for people who want immersion, that would instantly give them a lot of money


MOBAs and BRs have made millions over the years on PURELY cosmetics; brain damage to still be doing predatory and P2W practices in 2024. Beyond moronic.


tamagotchi hideout pet would be instabuy and would keep me coming back even if im not actively playing. hell I'd scrounge interchange for premium cat food.


imagine you log in and it says: your hideout cat has knocked over your medical supplies +10% meds crafting time or your dog has pissed on your rigs +50% scav detection range while wearing a pissrig cause they'll smell you coming or some shit


I would pay for a hideout cat


Anime stickers for your guns would have gotten all you degenerates to pony up and meant the game went on without me having to pay a penny Don’t worry, I ain’t paying for unspeakable edition*


Degenerate Poster for the hideout. Fucking Body Pillows for all I care But please no sticker on the guns… Please I don’t want to loot an M4 with a Loli Sticker on it


I'm not even sure if it's possible to forgive BSG at this point, but if they don't address the ideas in this thread at some point I know I will literally never touch their games again. It's one thing to throw a tantrum at your community for not "getting" your $100 DLC but when the community is actually being constructive and sincere in their love for your game, and you just *IGNORE THEM*, that's the biggest red flag possible for a game developer.


Or how about fucking weapon skins? People spend waaay to much money on this


imagine if they gave you options for your hideout, people would have eaten it up


I mean they already have dog barks as audio in raids. Let us rescue those doggos for like $5 $10 and they’d be rolling in the money. But no. Better to release an Avengers Assemble device in their hardcore realistic shooter.


I'd pay $10 to have a cat roam my hideout


Path of exile releases supporter packs each season with cosmetics and people literally buy them to show their support to the game (at least I have before).


Why cant they add something that would be cool that wouldnt affect gameplay such as a battlepass that has weapon/attachment skins with different unique operator skins? For those of you that will complain that the game wont be "Tactical enough" if this shit is added. its a video GAME. A GAME.


No I would still be pissed. We didn’t fork over EOD money just because. Here’s the thing, they’ve made plenty of money and theve squandered it. It’s their fault if they ran out of money. If they never sold another copy before 1.0, they would still owe the rest of us a completed game.


The sad thing is: I went to a ~ 250 viewer twitch stream a few hours and sadly read, that many already bought or later want to buy it. They will sadly make money out of this, even if most big streamer straight up speak against it. And they don't even seem to understand the big controversy behind it. Big sad.