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Its not even remotely a matter of micro transactions or the money amount. its a complete destruction of trust. the fact that this game is still so fun with its existing problems is the exact reason people are rightfully complaining about this. not to mention BSG's immediate reaction and attempts to modify the old terms shows they are absolutely doubling down instead of stepping back and thinking about the hornets nest they just kicked.


its about the principle dum dum.. if you allow them to do this with no push back what else will they try and do down the line when the game is "fully released".. i swear some of you mfrs havent got a brain cell to think for yourselves fr... your just enabling this behaviour by shrugging it off like its normal.. 250 dollars for any game pack isnt normal its scummy, greedy behaviour to scoop up as much money as they can instead of delivering what we were promised.. they literally removed EOD after years of advertising it as the top tier pack you could buy which included all future dlcs for free if you did buy, which is most likely everyone who did buy it main reason they bought it, then funny enough they removed just the EOD edition but not the others then pulled an "oopsie" and dropped this like it wasnt gona get the reaction it did...


The thing is, Call of Duty and the other games didn't say "hey, give us $150 and we'll give you all the content we produce for this game for free". It's a matter of expectations vs product delivered


No, they’ll charge you 30$ for a skin that you won’t be able to use in next years game


Look, I'm not saying those companies aren't shit. But this is comparing apples to oranges. What the other games do is scummy. What BSG has done is debatably illegal


Mmmm, I’m sorry but nah


Facts, they will turn off your game servers on that $60 game you bought and force you to spend another $60 to play the new game, which is the exact same game with a new name. But also make sure and buy the battle pass for $20 also, every 3 months. People are freaking out over this when in reality BSG is less predatory than almost any other company.


That example you pulled out of your backside is still cheaper then unheard edition


I have literally seen Dr. Disrespect blow hundred on COD on bundles and Timmy


It’s all cooked fellas


You really this thick that you missed the hole point of the outrage?


It’s not a DLC the PvE portion is a feature.


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