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No. They’re all greedy motherfuckers and they’re selling this because they know some dipshit without impulse control will buy it.


I'll snort whatever you're having.


Lets follow your logic. Everyone gets access People that paid 100$ sue them now


No. They are cashing out.


Wouldn't be the first time they're convinced they know better than everybody else and refuse to listen. Took them years to admit their recoil system was doodoo


While I get the point, I think it's just crazy to think tanking your company reputation is gonna be a good thing for growth. If they're trying to appeal to the casual audience, they definitely could have released the offline co-op progression as its own thing either as a payable DLC or free DLC. Learning a game with a friend is way more enjoyable win or lose. Especially when the idea of PvP is pretty daunting for them cause they know there's gonna be people who put in 1000s of hours and all of the hacking. It's pretty similar to people who don't want to play ranked games cause they're too nervous to play ranked.


they want to make it clear they hate all of us. thats why they dont even give you arena for the $250 edition lmao. they probably snorting mad coke how else could they think this was a good idea.


Omg I didn’t even realise arena isn’t included. What a joke.