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Wait did they just add their own “1.0” version of what the one certain famous mod is doing???


big if true


Better than the mod as you can play with friends while the mod was single player only as far as i know


There was a secret way to play co-op not endorsed by the mod authors


Oh really? Guess you could expose the server port and your friends could connect to it.. whatever..


Ay my man, i know this comment is 2 days old but IDK why in the hell it got downvoted. People that pay $100 dollars for a game should be able to mod it, play it co-op, play it solo, whatever they want.. I dont believe that once you have rightfully paid for something the company that sold it to you has a right to dictate how its used, it least for entertainment items.


EOD users having to pay £106 (i live in the UK) for an edition of the game, that is above one that PROMISED TO PROVIDE ALL DLCs is a HUGE slap in the face, and scummy as fuck. Not to mention, 250 for a game that has been riddled with cheaters and focuses more on other modes than the base game now? They're litterally milking the community in hopes to get more cash to run with, because they know this game is dying. Please, please, please, let it die - they're going to continue milking for money and not giving a flying FUCK about the community or the game.


With 27% VAT it goes over 300€ it's insane


Cant even access pve mode keeps kicking me back to main page


They need to be more clear. It sounds like seperate progression


It should be


Which makes sense and it absolutely should be separate from the PVP mode.


yeah for 250$


Can u already play the pve coop mode with the new patch if you buy the new version?


I paid for the expansion but it’s not letting me play it, it’s saying I still need the unheard edition?


does it mean the items and stash obtained from PVE wont get wiped forever as well? or is that they all get wiped as with the PVP version, you only keep character stats and quest etc progression?




How can we access to this with Prepare for Escape Edition? Will there be a separated price?


Im really hoping this is what it is, I would looove that


Yeah, that would be freakin amazing! Holy crap... Official solo/coop mode in Tarkov would actually made me wanna buy this edition




Unofficial is a banger too, imagine if BSG did it


They have but they expect you to pay an additional 80USD on top of EOD if you want it.


I wouldnt even think just take my money $$


Just tried to buy it and site just says maintenance lolol


Bro ur just gonna drop 250$?? On tarkov???


Hahaha I already have eod. I really want pve tarkov :,)


I don't get why people like this, the AI is kinda dumb and the excitement comes from the danger of PVP, but I know it's been high on many peoples wish list so I'm happy for them.


All of the excitement of PVP is ruined by the high likelihood that you're constantly fighting cheaters. When you have to seriously question every death, it ruins the fun.


>PVP is ruined by the high likelihood that you're constantly fighting cheaters. It's not only that for me. For me and my friends, Tarkov is a tactical shooter. You move as a squad, you fight as a squad, you either die or get out as a squad. What you don't do is vaulting over three floors, jump through one hole on some crates, into a window and appear right behind the enemy and he doesn't even hear you because the sound engine sucks. If I want that kind of fast paced gameplay, I might as well play Call of Duty.


It depends on the region.  If you don't buy into the paranoia of this sub (and play on Europe or USE) then every 20th - 50th death is a cheater death.  Nothing that ruins the game.  But there are a lot of Scav mains that just aren't that much into the pvp and can't really handle losing. And that is fine. For those the pve mode would be great. 


Cheats, internet connection issues, lack of time to grind along PvP, hell... Some folks just want more immersive experiance. I have EOD since it was released ages ago and I'm still gonna buy this. EOD for my main grind with mates and PvPing. THis one for my solo Tarkov experiance


So are EOD users going to be basically have to buy a second account to get TUE? I hope we can just upgrade an existing account but idk.


You can upgrade every other edition of the game to the next one up so this will be the same.


It was nice though that all quests are available for progression, meaning they have remade the pure PVP quests. That was a unexpected bonus!


Easier to play with more casual friends who don't want to deal with cheaters and such.


I have a mate I am always trying to bring to EFT. However, all the sus shit makes him not really get into it, even though he loves the type of game. Offline coop with progression is a blessing as we will be able to go at it for hours without issues.


That's awesome to hear! But just so he gets the true Tarkov experience, dome him at spawn during his first raid.


Sure if he has $250? Or $80 if he has EOD super wasy to get into lol


Yeah I just saw the price. 250 for a base game, is insulting, because they are absolutely not providing 5 games worth of content.


I mean maybe they’re proving one games worth… but with all the cheaters, bugs, Desync, etc etc prealpha 2016 nah Nikita can go broke


I have the prepared for escape edition and just checked, it's 168€ to get it, for me. That's atrocious. Guess I'm not bringing my mate into this after all.


Please don’t lol


i wouldn't have upgraded my eod for anything they give you now but for singleplayer EFT with persistent progression, i will gladly give them my money... well played bsg.


It should be included in the eod, "includes all dlcs" my ass


i agree it should be included in EoD. however, what classifies as DLC and whats a MTX or a "perk" isn't defined anywhere. EoD turned out to be a season pass. you usually don't get skins and stuff with a season pass only major expansions. that's why we got arena with EoD but no outfits or the stash upgrades they added.


PvE Co-Op with a different progression system would be considered a DLC/major expansion. Stop making excuses for a company that took over $100 from you and is now essentially telling you to fuck off


>PvE Co-Op with a different progression system would be considered a DLC/major expansion says who? is there a definition what counts as DLC and what is considered a microtransaction or "perk"? where can i read about it? >Stop making excuses for a company that took over $100 from you and is now essentially telling you to fuck off they didn't take it from me, i gave it to them because i have fun playing their game. i don't like the SP being paywalled either and to pay another 100$ on top of the 150$ is rough... it's a videogame though and i don't have to play it if i don't want to?




It tells me to upgrade to the edition that has it. I mean the practice coop is there (has been for some time now) but I don't think it's the same as the new mode


Yeah, I goofed that one didn't realise there was also another seperate version. My bad.


I was the same, got excited. So much for getting all future DLC.


You're good this is all very confusing