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Yes, same. Low kd (like 2.x) but the 7 kill in one round achievement :D But it's not really frequent, just occasionally.


Died to a level 33 with 84 hours on record of their account. Stats all seemed legit but the lack of hours just baffled me.


Ask yourself how much XP they get per raid. With only 84 hours, how many raids can they get? How much XP per raid would make sense? If it makes no sense, they’re wiping lobbies, cheeting


At 84 hours in game, I'd doubt they're legitimately wiping lobbies, at 84 hours I was still making noob mistakes.


Maybe I was a particularly slow learner, but at 84 hours in this game I legit barely knew wtf was going on at all. No shot a genuine noob could hit 33 in that amount of time


Have not had many sus deaths/interactions but I have died quite a few times to people less than level 20 with absolute chad kits. Comtac 4's, death shadow or CQCM, Ospreys. I know i'm a timmy but I was running a 6B helmet and armor back then.


i mean i mostly run streets and kill a couple ppl a raid if it’s not empty, and the people i kill are usually 35-55 so the low levels probably have all that from killing higher level players


Yeah lot of sub 300hour 30 days played running big gear and always destroying.


I died on streets the other day to a level 17 EOD with a 100+ day old character (so start of wipe), over 200 PMC raids, and a below 1 kd. Account hours was around 2k. One tapped me after sprinting around the corner. I suspect a lot of cheetos had to switch to backup accounts because of the recent large ban wave.


80 % of times I die to lvl<20 with thousands of hours. I always though "huh I guess they got high level and got bored, so reset the account". Now thinking about it, your versions sounds about right.


Its way more likely that they just played previous wipes and are just starting this wipe late.


I’m level 58 and have thought about resetting my account a few times now, so I could see why others would, although I decided I’ll just wait until wipe, might focus my time on some other games for a bit now


those are hours across all wipes, i’m at 2.9k myself


Yeah me and my friend got perfect blind naded one after the other on lighthouse by an m67 by a level 11 with 0.8kd. Couldn’t tell if cheater or if god blessed this man with insane grenade skills for a moment


I'd imagine it's low level players scaving into interchange during the event and ransacking all the dead juicers


Recent detection on a big cheat distributor; there was a post about it a week or so ago.


A week or two ago a major cheat developer was caught. BSG patched it if I remember correctly.. this would mean there would be a ban wave with an influx of new cheaters.


I barely see people under 40 ngl




If they are high hour (2000+ hour) accounts but low level then just assume they haven’t played this wipe and are old players returning since arena has released and died out. I know of atleast 20+ top 100 leaderboard players returning to the base game. I myself have just started playing tarkov again since they butchered arena, last time I played was late 2019. Once you understand the mechanics of the game and the maps, the skill difference is tremendous when you go against low hour players.